Qa Papersave 2012

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Level Three

BBA Educational Resources 2012

Develop a critical
response to specifed
aspect(s) of written
text(s) using
supporting evidence.
Develop a convincing
critical response to
specifed aspect(s) of
written text(s) using
supporting evidence..
Develop an integrated
and perceptive
critical response to
specifed aspect(s) of
written text(s) using
Overall Level of Performance
Achievement Criteria
Respond critically to written text(s) studied.
Credits: Three
Suggested time: 45 minutes
Answer ONE of the questions in this booklet.
1. Novelists write about aspects of society we do not normally consider.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to one or more novels you have studied.
2. The endings of successful novels leave readers wondering.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to one or more novels you have studied.
3. Readers respond best to characters who challenge the status quo.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to one or more novels you have studied.
You are advised to spend 45 minutes answering ONE question in this booklet.
Respond to ONE of topics 1-24 by writing about one or more written texts that you have studied (note
that topics 22-24 require you to make specifc reference to MORE THAN ONE written text type):
You may write about:
short stories
non-Shakespearean drama
print media
intertextual studies
An answer dealing with short texts (eg: poetry, short story, print media) should discuss at least
TWO examples of the text type chosen.
At the beginning of your answer on page 5:
circle the text type
write the number of the question you have chosen
give the title(s) of the text(s)
name the author(s)
Choose ONE question for your chosen text type.
Write AT LEAST 400 words for your essay.
Your essay should develop a critical response based on close analysis of appropriate text(s).
You should support your ideas with relevant evidence.
You will be rewarded for perceptive understanding and sustained insight.
Your essay should include:
an introduction stating clearly the focus and scope of the argument
a range of appropriate points supported by accurate and relevant evidence
a reasoned conclusion
Your essay should show accurate use and control of writing conventions.
Read the whole question and make sure you understand it before you begin your answer.
4. Non-fction provides facts and statistics that are convincing; they are the source of its
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to one or more non-fction texts you have studied.
5. Creativity is still a feature of non-fction texts.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to one or more non-fction texts you have studied.
6. Real people in real settings these make non-fction compelling.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to one or more non-fction texts you have studied.
7. Short stories engage readers through the close examination of one situation.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to at least TWO short stories you have studied.
8. Short story writers show a character or characters gaining important insights.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to at least TWO short stories you have studied.
9. Essential to the effect of a successful short story is the writers careful choice of words.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to at least TWO short stories you have studied.
10. Poetry evicts readers from their intellectual comfort zone.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to at least TWO poems you have studied.
11. Poetry is effective because its language and structures are intricate.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to at least TWO poems you have studied.
12. Poetry allows readers the opportunity to refect on painful emotions.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Respond to this question with close reference to at least TWO poems you have studied.
13. Non-Shakespearean drama reveals the issues of characters caught in crises.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to one or more non-Shakespearean dramas.
14. Non-Shakespearean drama provokes us into thoughts that are unconventional and provocative.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to one or more non-Shakespearean dramas.
15. Non-Shakespearean drama uses spectacle and stage design to enthral its audiences.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to one or more non-Shakespearean dramas.
16. If print media is going to engage its readers it must take an unusual angle on its subject.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to at least TWO articles.
17. The most important reporting is political reporting.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to at least TWO articles.
18. The style of writing must be colloquial if the article is to be successful.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to at least TWO articles.
Discussion of one of the topics in this section should focus on at least ONE long hyperction text or
SEVERAL short hyperction texts.
19. Hyperfction is gimmicky and does not attempt moral scrutiny of our society.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to one or more hyperfction texts.
20. The advantage of hyperfction is that it allows participant creativity.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to one or more hyperfction texts.
21. Unpredictability, uncertainty, choice these are the attractions of hyperfction.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to one or more hyperfction texts.
Discussion of one of the topics in this section should refer to at least TWO different written text types
22. Texts use outsider characters to focus on the workings of society.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to at least TWO written texts of different genres.
23. The writers of modern texts like to position their readers to be able to make up their own minds
about ideas, not force them into one view.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to at least TWO written texts of different genres.
24. Successful texts inspire readers to be moral forces in their communities.
To what extent do you agree with this view?
Discuss this idea with close reference to at least TWO written texts of different genres.

BBA Educational Resources 2012

Continue your answer on the refll provided. Write your name and the topic/question number
clearly at the top of EACH PAGE you complete. Hand in ALL rell sheets WITH THIS BOOKLET
at the end of the examination to your supervisor.
Begin your answer here:
use only
Planning. (This planning section will NOT be assessed).
Use the box below to map or plan your ideas.
Question number: ____________
Title(s): ______________________________________________________________
Author(s): ____________________________________________________________
novel(s) non-ction short stories poetry
print media hyperction
Text type (circle one):

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