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undersLandlng Lhe slgnlflcance of menLal Lralnlng led Lop AusLrallan coach !oe Shaw Lo develop Lhe
'Lvashaw SporLs ALhleLes Awareness LllLe MenLal' onllne program.
Clvlng aLhleLes, coaches and parenLs, especlally ln reglonal areas, Lhe capablllLy Lo measure Lhe
psychologlcal skllls of aLhleLes, aL any sLage of Lhelr career, for Lhe flrsL Llme ln sporL has been my
sLlmulus," sald !oe.
!oe Shaw has coached naLlonal and world champlons ln Lhe dlsclpllnes of AlL, 1ennls, Squash and
MoLor SporLs and Lhe coaches' coach of naLlonal neLball and n8L Leams LhroughouL AusLralla.
!oe's greaLesL success has been uavld almer, former world number one squash player, who sLlll won
Lwo gold medals aL hls fourLh CommonwealLh Cames recenLly.
l've been coachlng ellLe aLhleLes for over 30 years and Lhe dlfference beLween a champlon and non-
champlon ls Lhelr mlnd.
ln order Lo succeed aL Lhe ellLe level, aLhleLes requlre menLal sLrengLh. When an aLhleLe sees clearly
and conLrols Lhelr emoLlons and exLends Lhelr awareness Lhey achleve greaL success," !oe sald.
1he new 'Lvashaw SporLs ALhleLes Awareness LllLe MenLal' onllne program ls lnLegraLed wlLh
hypnoLherapy supporLed from AusLralla's number one sporLs hypnosls, SLuarL WalLer.
CbLalnlng menLal sLrengLh lmpacLs performance and enhances aLhleLlc execuLlon ln boLh Lralnlng
and compeLlLlon.
AfLer worklng wlLh many naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal sporLlng and Clymplc champlons, l was
honoured when !oe asked me Lo lncorporaLe my hypnosls and nL pracLlce and programs wlLh hls
coachlng program Lo asslsL aLhleLes Lo handle personal challenges LhaL would oLherwlse negaLlvely
affecL Lhelr sporLlng performance," sald SLuarL.
SLuarL WalLer recenLly reLurned from 1oulouse lrance, where he coached one of Lurope's Lop goal
AL Lhe hearL of Lhe 'Lvashaw SporLs ALhleLes Awareness LllLe MenLal' onllne program ls
concenLraLlon, dlsclpllne, moLlvaLlon, bellefs and self-esLeem lnLegraLed wlLh hypnosls and nL,
focuslng purely on lmprovlng Lhe aLhleLe's physlcal and menLal capablllLles," sald SLuarL.
1here has never been any doubL of Lhe lmporLance of Lhe mlndseL of an aLhleLe.
Coaches LhroughouL AusLralla now have onllne access Lo Lhe mosL advanced resources and Lralnlng
programs avallable.
1o learn more, download our lree Success klL and dlscover Lhe 3 SecreLs 1he ro's use Lo 8e Lhe
World's 8esL and how you can use Lhem ln your game.

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1he World's llrsL LvoluLlon of an ALhleLe SporLs 1ralnlng & uevelopmenL rogram ls wrlLLen and
produced by !oe Shaw.
Consldered Lhe World's Leadlng SporLs LducaLor, !oe Shaw has lnLegraLed physlcal, menLal, LacLlcal,
and Lechnlcal aspecLs lnLo a compleLe sporLs Lralnlng and developmenL sysLem.
1he program follows a Lhree sLage sLraLegy of deLermlnlng Lhe psychologlcal requlremenLs of a sporL,
Lhe physlcal and menLal capaclLy of Leam members, and lmplemenLlng a program Lo maLch each
aLhleLe's aLLlLude wlLh Lhe sporL.
A few of !oe's many success sLorles lnclude, uavld almer World Squash Champlon and CapLaln of
Lhe AusLrallan Squash Leam. Shannon 8yrnes, former AusLrallan rules fooLballer and Lwo-Llme AlL
Crand llnal premlershlp player.

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ALhleLe's SecreL Weapon ls a menLal Lralnlng program for sporLs aLhleLes, creaLed by AusLralla's
number one hypnoLheraplsL and nL racLlLloner SLuarL WalLer.
SLuarL speclallses ln worklng wlLh ellLe aLhleLes and sporLlng Leams LhroughouL Lhe world.
SLuarL has creaLed Lhe process and auLhored Lhe book '!"# %#&' %(&') *'+,#--., creaLed Lhe
MeLa4klds" program, and ls co-creaLor of Lhe llLMlnd for 8uslness and Llfe program. Pe ls also an
experlenced presenLer and speaker.

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