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English Version

Fight of Concepcion

((...fight with the Chileans) (July ninth, & ten, 1882))


The Peruvian Army was defeated in San Juan de Miraflores, January, 1881 nevertheless the
battles in the Andes went on in between the Peruvians and Chileans. A part of the Chilean
Army was in the vicinity and within the metropolis of Concepcion, for about 6 months, the
fight, and clashes in between equally armies had been on July 9 and the ten, 1882: the
metropolis of Comas joined in with the guerrillas of San Jeronimo, and other nearby towns to
combat the Chileans. On July 10, a lot more Peruvians reinforcements arrived, and this guide
to the defeat of the Chileans, leaving no survivors.

On hearth and sand and turf,
I see

in which smells of burning was on
each street, even close to the
churchyard square (and the dead lay
just about everywhere-everywhere in the Metropolis of

the Wanka Race, fought and broke the Chilean
shackles totally free, from their ankles...

they had fought struggle with the Chilean Military-
no imagined of fearful wills-whilst battling in the sierras
embrace: they experienced fought the Chilean Army-with
really like and courage, and left a printed trace

- such is adore and bravery
happy to be, - it was the last day of battle
for the Metropolis of Concepcion...! And no Chilean
would be spared or freed...

for, cruel and unbendablethoughts to acquire victory
experienced seeped deep into
the Chilean thoughts
as gloom rained down on their unhallowed fight-

(They resorted to waving white flags,
in pretence-asking for mercy in their deadly plight
then shooting and killing Peruvians
exhibiting dishonor and shame! ) (and as a result, no
Chilean would be spared or freed...))

You see, the place enjoy and bravery has
still left a printed trace-
they could not defeat, the partitions and
wills and surrounding hills
that circled the streets of Concepcion,
nor the Wanka Race...!

We should by no means fail to remember-
people Peruvian souls,
who fought the struggle of
this Pacific War so extended ago
in Concepcion
for they not only gained
but cherished
this sacred ground,
we now stand on-
a lot more so,
than their very own lives...!

"For what better reward can man give
than to lay down his life for yet another?"

Prepared at the Ask for of the Mayor of Concepcion..., "The Fight for Concepcion" (No:
2949/2950) which took area on July 9th, and July 10, 1882, was prepared during the thirty
day period of June, 2011, to be go through at the community square by the writer on July
nine & ten, 2011, the Anniversary of the city of Concepcion, commemoration of that battle.

Spanish Edition

La Batallade Concepcin

((...Batalla con los Chilenos) (nine de Julio de 1882))


Durante la Guerra del Pacfico, el Ejrcito Peruano haba sido derrotado por el Ejrcito Chileno
en Lima, en enero de 1881 con ello se supona que la guerra terminara. Sin embargo, el
Common Andrs Avelino Cceres planeaba el ataque por las Sierras. Una guarnicin chilena
estaba en Concepcin, entonces los peruanos, bajo el mando del Coronel Gast y el
Comandante Salazar, organizaron una guerrilla en Comas, quienes se unieron a las
guerrillas de San Jernimo y pueblos aledaos y con los pobladores de Concepcin rodearon al
Ejrcito Chileno por diferentes flancos, encerrndolos en un crculo de fuego. Battles of
Concepcion (in English and Spanish) data-ad-slot="4795413898" data-ad-
The results Colors of Maca had been intriguing:

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