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Patricks Days Activities

Below you can find some activities you can carry out in class with your students to
prepare them for the special week taking place from March 16 to 24 in the rooms at
Instituto de Lenguas Etran!eras" #elect the one or ones you consider relevant to your
own contet situation" $rior to this% it is recommenda&le to have your students search
the Internet and find information a&out #aint $atrick's (ay" )sk them to talk a&out what
they discover with their partner*s+,
1) Vocabulary
2) Writing
3) Listening
- http,..www"youtu&e"com.watch3v4I)-56789k0o *song+
Instructions !ell stu"ents t#at t#is is a listening e$ercise% an" t#ey &ill nee" to listen care'ully because t#ey #ave to ans&er
(uestions at t#e en".
:#aint $atrick is the patron saint of Ireland" ) patron saint takes special care of a country or group" #aint $atrick was a caring
person" ;e taught many of the people of Ireland to read and write" #aint $atrick was &orn in the year 2<= and died on March 19th
around the year 461% over 1%=11 years ago" 8ow% March 19th is the day #aint $atrick's (ay is cele&rated"
$eople march in parades and marching &ands play Irish songs" >orned &eef and ca&&age is a favorite meal on #aint $atrick's (ay"
Many people wear green on this day" 6reen is an Irish color for a few reasons" ?he first is &ecause the green shamrock leaf is a
sym&ol of #aint $atrick and Ireland" ?he Irish say a shamrock &rings good luck" ?he second reason is &ecause Ireland is called the
:Emerald Isle@ with lots of green pastures" ?he third reason is that the people of Ireland would &urn green leaves to spread over their
land to make their soil richer"
?here are legends that go along with #aint $atrick's (ay" ) popular legend is a&out the leprechaun" Leprechauns are tiny people
dressed in green and they collect pots of gold" ?he legend says that if you catch a leprechaun% he will lead you to his pot of gold"
#aint $atrick's (ay is now cele&rated all over the world" #ome people sing songs and dance to cele&rate" ?he Irish dance is called
the :!ig"@ ) popular song is :?he Aearin' of the 6reen"@ ?he Irish are very thankful on this day &ecause #aint $atrick taught them to
read and write" ?he Irish can read and write today &ecause generations passed their knowledge on to other generations"@
;ave students num&er papers from 1-11% and write an answer after each Buestion" ?hen self-correct the sheets% and go on to the art
1" ?rue or Calse, #t" $atrick lived a&out a hundred years ago" *Calse"+
2" ) patron saint takes special care of a what3 *>ountry or group+
2" Ahy do we cele&rate #t $atrick's (ay on March 19th3 *It was the day he died+
4" ?rue or Calse, ) favorite #t" $atrick's (ay meal is lasagna" *Calse+
=" I listed three reasons why green is an :Irish color"@ 8ame one" D*1+ ?he green shamrock leaf is a sym&ol of #aint $atrick and
Ireland *2+ Ireland is called the EEmerald IsleE *2+ Irish &urned green leaves to spread over their landF
6" ?rue or Calse, ?he Irish &elieve shamrocks &ring good luck" *?rue+
9" If you catch a leprechaun% what will he lead you to3 *;is pot of gold+
<" Ahat is an Irish dance called3 *) !ig+
G" ?he Irish are thankful for #t" $atrick &ecause he taught them to 0000" *Head and write+
11" Aas #t" $atrick a real person% or a legend3 *) real person+
)) *iscellaneous

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