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OTN Manual

OSAG (OTN Software Application Gateway)

Doc. No.: AG-M351-E-8

The present document and its contents remain the property of OTN Systems NV and shall not, without prior
written consent, be copied or transmitted or communicated to third parties, nor be used for any other pur-
pose than such as underlies their delivery to the addressee.

The present document and its contents may change in the course of time or may not be suitable in a specif-
ic situation. Consequently, they are recommended as suggested guideline only.
OTN Systems NV hereby disclaims any liability for any damages that may result from the use of the
present document unless it is used with respect to the operation and maintenance of equipment originally
manufactured by OTN Systems NV and covered by its standard warranty.
Open Transport Network OSAG (OTN Software Application Gateway)
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1. GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 4
2. OSAG INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................... 4
3. OVS ALARMS IN EXTERNAL VMS (E.G. VENUS) .................................................................... 4
3.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 OSAG Configuration ......................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Running OSAG ................................................................................................................. 5
4. OMS ALARMS IN OTN MESSENGER ....................................................................................... 6
4.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 OSAG Configuration ......................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Running OSAG ................................................................................................................. 6
5. OSAG REDUNDANCY, NO OMS/OVS REDUNDANCY............................................................. 7
5.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 7
5.2 OSAG.exe.config File on OSAG Server1 (e.g. Master) .................................................... 7
5.3 OSAG.exe.config File on OSAG Server2 (e.g. Slave) ...................................................... 8
5.4 OSAG Redundant Configuration OK ................................................................................ 8
6. OSAG REDUNDANCY WITH OVS/OMS REDUNDANCY .......................................................... 9
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 9
6.2 OVS Redundancy Configuration ..................................................................................... 10
6.3 OMS Redundancy Configuration .................................................................................... 10
6.3.1 OSAG.exe.config ............................................................................................................ 10
6.3.2 AlarmClient.exe.config .................................................................................................... 11
6.3.3 OMS.cfg .......................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.4 AutoStart in OMS Console .............................................................................................. 12
6.3.5 Both OMS Servers in Trouble ......................................................................................... 12
6.4 OSAG States .................................................................................................................. 16
7. ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 20

List of Figures
Figure 1 Visualize OVS Alarms Externally .............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2 OSAG.exe.config file. ................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 3 OSAG-Server ............................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 4 OSAG-Server Icon in Taskbar................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5 OMS-OSAG Interface ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6 OSAG.exe.config file. ................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 7 OSAG Redundant System ........................................................................................................ 7
Figure 8 Backup Gateway In OSAG Window .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 9 Example: Redundant OPC Clients via Redundant OVS and OSAG in OTN-Classic ................ 9
Figure 10 Example: Redundant OMS and OSAG in OTN-X3M ............................................................. 9
Figure 11 Local OMS Server Running, Remote in Standby (=NotRunning) .......................................... 12
Figure 12 Local OMS Server Running, Remote Unreachable ............................................................... 13
Figure 13 Local OMS Server Faulty, Remote Unreachable .................................................................. 13
Figure 14 Local OMS Server Faulty, Remote Unreachable .................................................................. 14
Figure 15 Local OMS Server Stopping, Remote Unreachable .............................................................. 14
Figure 16 Local OMS Server Stopped, Remote Unreachable ............................................................... 15
Figure 17 Local OMS Server Starting, Remote Unreachable ................................................................ 15
Figure 18 Local OMS Server Running, Remote Unreachable ............................................................... 16
Figure 19 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC ................................................................................... 17
Figure 20 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC ................................................................................... 18
Figure 21 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC ................................................................................... 18
Figure 22 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC ................................................................................... 19
Figure 23 Screen from the REDUNDANT OSAG PC ............................................................................ 19
Figure 24 Screen from the REDUNDANT OSAG PC ............................................................................ 20

List of Tables
Table 1 Reference Documents ................................................................................................................ 4
Table 2 OSAG Redundancy Policy ....................................................................................................... 16
Table 3 OVS/OMS-OSAG Redundancy States ..................................................................................... 17

OSAG (OTN Software Application Gateway) Open Transport Network
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OSAG is alarm handling software;
OSAG allows OVS and OMS to output alarms to external applications;
OSAG itself acts as a server and stores the possible alarms and their status;
External applications can be used to visualize the alarm info;
OSAG itself can be configured redundantly;
OSAG is also necessary if OVS/OMS redundancy is required (see chapter 6).

Table 1 Reference Documents
Ref. Number Title
[1] AG-M330-&-* OTN Management System (OMS), User Manual
[2] AH-M704-&-* OVS Configuration Manual
[3] AH-M340-&-* VENUS Manual
[4] AG-M356-&-* OTN Messenger with Pager
[5] AH-M360-&-* SQL Server Redundancy


As of OMS v7.4, OSAG is installed automatically together with the OMS installation. OSAG is installed into directory <OMS

3.1 General
The OSAG and the OVS can be set-up to output alarms to VENUS. The OVS will receive alarms from one of its interfaces
(UPH, OPC etc.) and sends these alarms, with their alarm state, to the OSAG server and vice versa.
Finally, these alarms can be visualized in a VMS (e.g. Venus).

Visualize alarms
from OSAG

Figure 1 Visualize OVS Alarms Externally

3.2 OSAG Configuration
The OSAG uses a TCP-IP port for communication with other programs (OVS and OMS). This TCP-IP port is the only thing that
might be configured. By default, this port is configured to 4000. Normally, this value is OK, but if any other application already
uses this port, it must be configured to another port number in the following file: <OMS installdir>\OSAG\OSAG.exe.config
(see figure below). Edit and save this file.

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Figure 2 OSAG.exe.config file.

3.3 Running OSAG

1. Start the OSAG server via Start Programs OTN OMS OSAG; The figure below pops up:

Figure 3 OSAG-Server

2. The OSAG-server icon is also visible in the MS Windows Taskbar.

Figure 4 OSAG-Server Icon in Taskbar

3. Make sure to configure an alarmclient in the OVS configuration tool, as described in Ref. [2] Table 1;

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4.1 General
The OSAG and the OMS can be set-up to export OMS alarms to external applications e.g. the OTN Messenger, see figure
below. The OMS and the OMS Alarm Handler Client can both be found on the OMS DVD.
For more information on the OTN Messenger, see Ref. [4] Table 1.

OSAG (server)


Alarm- MAIL
OMS Alarm
Handler Client

Alarm- SMS

Figure 5 OMS-OSAG Interface

4.2 OSAG Configuration
The OSAG uses a TCP-IP port for communication with other programs (OVS and OMS). This TCP-IP port is the only thing that
might be configured. By default, this port is configured to 4000. Normally, this value is OK, but if any other application already
uses this port, it must be configured to another port number in the following file: <OMS installdir>\OSAG\OSAG.exe.config
(see figure below). Edit and save this file.

Figure 6 OSAG.exe.config file.

4.3 Running OSAG
1. Start the OMS server via Start Programs OTN OMS OMS Console Start OMS Server;

2. In the OMS Console, start the OMS Gui via clicking Start OMS GUI;

3. Start the OSAG via Start Programs OTN OMS OSAG or via <OSAG installdir>/OSAG.exe;

4. Start the OMS Alarm Handler Client via Start Programs OTN OMS OMS Alarm Handler Client or via <OMS

5. Start your Alarm Client application e.g. the OTN Messenger via <OTN Messenger Installdir>/OTNMessenger.exe;
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5.1 General
The OSAG can be set-up redundantly, independent of OVS or OMS redundancy. Two different OSAGs can run on two
different PCs. Both redundant OSAGs will receive alarms, with their status, of the connected systems (OVS or OMS) and
send them to each other. Off course, both OSAGs have to be configured to make them communication possible. This configu-
ration is done on each OSAG server in the file: <OMS installdir>\OSAG\OSAG.exe.config in the section <appSettings>, see
5.2 and 5.3.

The settings in 5.2 and 5.3 are sufficient for OSAG redundancy. If you have additional OMS and/or OVS redundancy, some
extra settings must be done, for OVS see 6.2, for OMS see 6.3.

OSAG Server1



OSAG Server2


Figure 7 OSAG Redundant System

5.2 OSAG.exe.config File on OSAG Server1 (e.g. Master)
1. In the <appSettings> below, fill out a unique ServerId Master OSAG must have ServerId 0;
2. In the <appSettings> below, in the PeerURL field, fill out the <ip address:port> of the Slave OSAG redundant server;
3. Use/uncomment the <channel> line with the bindTo parameter and comment/delete the <channel> line without the
bindTo parameter. Fill out the IP-address of the NIC card (that does the OSAG communication) on the Master PC in the
bindTo parameter.

<add key="ServerId" value="0"/>

<!-- For redundante setup use: -->
<add key="PeerUrl" value="tcp://"/>

<add key="LeaseTime" value="600000"/>
<add key="NotifyTimeOut" value="10000"/>

<!-- For OVS redundancy use: -->
<!-- <add key="OVSUrl" value="C:\\Program Files\\OTN Systems\\OVS v5.4\\OVS.exe"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSParams" value="-name OVS"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSProcesses" value="OTNVideo,X3MVideo,OVSIPClient,OVS"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSPingInterval" value="10000"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSStartStopTimeOut" value="30000"/> -->

<!-- For OMS redundancy use: -->
<!-- <add key="OVSUrl" value="C:\\OMS\\OMS_V7.1\\bin\\OmsConsole.exe"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSParams" value=""/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSProcesses" value="OmsConsole,OKernel,OAlarmServer,OLogServer,omniNames,OAO_EventJournal,OAO_Journal"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSPingInterval" value="10000"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSStartStopTimeOut" value="30000"/> -->


<application name="Alarmmanager">
<wellknown mode="Singleton" type="Alarmmanager.Alarmmanager, AlarmmanagerLib" objectUri="AlarmmanagerURI" />
<!-- <channel ref="tcp" port="4000" timeout="-1"> -->
<!-- For multiple NICs use: -->
<channel ref="tcp" port="4000" bindTo="" timeout="-1">
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
<formatter ref="binary" />

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5.3 OSAG.exe.config File on OSAG Server2 (e.g. Slave)
1. In the <appSettings> below, fill out a unique ServerId Slave OSAG must have ServerId 1;
2. In the <appSettings> below, in the PeerURL field, fill out the <ip address:port> of the Master OSAG redundant server;
3. Use/uncomment the <channel> line with the bindTo parameter and comment/delete the <channel> line without the
bindTo parameter. Fill out the IP-address of the NIC card (that does the OSAG communication) on the Slave PC in the
bindTo parameter.

<add key="ServerId" value="1"/>

<!-- For redundante setup use: -->
<add key="PeerUrl" value="tcp://"/>

<add key="LeaseTime" value="600000"/>
<add key="NotifyTimeOut" value="10000"/>

<!-- For OVS redundancy use: -->
<!-- <add key="OVSUrl" value="C:\\Program Files\\OTN Systems\\OVS v5.4\\OVS.exe"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSParams" value="-name OVS"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSProcesses" value="OTNVideo,X3MVideo,OVSIPClient,OVS"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSPingInterval" value="10000"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSStartStopTimeOut" value="30000"/> -->

<!-- For OMS redundancy use: -->
<!-- <add key="OVSUrl" value="C:\\OMS\\OMS_V7.1\\bin\\OmsConsole.exe"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSParams" value=""/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSProcesses" value="OmsConsole,OKernel,OAlarmServer,OLogServer,omniNames,OAO_EventJournal,OAO_Journal"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSPingInterval" value="10000"/> -->
<!-- <add key="OVSStartStopTimeOut" value="30000"/> -->

<application name="Alarmmanager">
<wellknown mode="Singleton" type="Alarmmanager.Alarmmanager, AlarmmanagerLib" objectUri="AlarmmanagerURI" />
<!-- <channel ref="tcp" port="4000" timeout="-1"> -->
<!-- For multiple NICs use: -->
<channel ref="tcp" port="4000" bindTo="="" timeout="-1">
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
<formatter ref="binary" />

5.4 OSAG Redundant Configuration OK
When communication between the two OSAGs is established, the redundant OSAG will be visible in the OSAG window in the
Backup Gateway section, as shown below:

In case of redundant OSAG,
backup gateway is filled out

Figure 8 Backup Gateway In OSAG Window
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6.1 General


OSAG MASTER = OSAG PC that has key="ServerId" value="0" in the OSAG.exe.config file;
OSAG SLAVE = OSAG PC that has key="ServerId" value="1" in the OSAG.exe.config file;
OVS/OMS MASTER = OVS/OMS PC that has the distribution and publication configured in its SQL Server; See
Ref.[5] in Table 1 for more info on SQL Server Redundancy.
OVS/OMS SLAVE = OVS/OMS PC that has the subscriber configured in its SQL Server; See Ref.[5] in Table 1
for more info on SQL Server Redundancy.

It is strongly advised to configure the OSAG Master on the OVS/OMS Master
It is strongly advised to configure the OSAG Slave on the OVS/OMS Slave

An OSAG/OVS Redundancy system is possible as of OSAG version 2.0.2.
An OSAG/OMS Redundancy system is possible as of OSAG version 2.0.14.

spanning tree
spanning tree

Figure 9 Example: Redundant OPC Clients via
Redundant OVS and OSAG in OTN-Classic

Spanning tree

Figure 10 Example: Redundant OMS and OSAG in
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6.2 OVS Redundancy Configuration
In <OMS installdir>\OSAG\OSAG.exe.config, add following indicated lines (<add key.) in the <appSettings> section of an
OSAG redundant system (see chapter 5):
<add key="ServerId" value="1"/>

<!-- For redundante setup use: -->
<add key="PeerUrl" value="tcp://"/>

<add key="LeaseTime" value="600000"/>
<add key="NotifyTimeOut" value="10000"/>
<!-- Extra lines for OSAG-OVS Redundancy: -->
<!-- path to OVS.exe with double \\ -->
<add key="OVSUrl" value="C:\\Program Files\\OTN Systems\\OVS v5.4\\OVS.exe"/>
<!-- ovs.exe commandline parameters: -->
<add key="OVSParams" value="-name OVS"/>
<!-- all processes below seperated with a , will be closed by OSAG at a switch-over: -->
<add key="OVSProcesses" value="OVSBroker,OTNVideo,X3MVideo,OVS"/>
<!-- interval in ms between two pings from the OSAG to the own OVS: -->
<add key="OVSPingInterval" value="10000"/>
<!-- The time in ms that OVS can use to start-up. If this fails, it is decided that OVS cannot start. -->
<!-- This is also the time that OVS can use to shut down. After this time, all mentioned process above -->
<!-- are hard killed -->
<add key="OVSStartStopTimeOut" value="60000"/>

These extra lines (keys) result in PC Icons in the screenshots in paragraph 6.4 below.

6.3 OMS Redundancy Configuration
6.3.1 OSAG.exe.config
In <OMS installdir>\OSAG\OSAG.exe.config, add following indicated lines (<add key.) in the <appSettings> section of an
OSAG redundant system (see chapter 5):

<add key="ServerId" value="1"/>

<!-- For redundante setup use: -->
<add key="PeerUrl" value="tcp://"/>

<add key="LeaseTime" value="600000"/>
<add key="NotifyTimeOut" value="10000"/>

<!-- Extra lines for OSAG-OMS Redundancy: -->
<!-- path to OmsConsole.exe with double \\ -->
<add key="OVSUrl" value="C:\\OMS\\OMS_V7.0\\bin\\OmsConsole.exe"/>
<!-- OmsConsole.exe commandline parameters: -->
<add key="OVSParams" value=""/>
<!-- all processes below seperated with a , will be closed by OSAG at a switch-over: -->
<add key="OVSProcesses" value=" OVSProcesses" value="OmsConsole,OKernel,OAlarmServer,OLogServer,omniNames,OAO_EventJournal,OAO_Journal,OMSE-
<!-- interval in ms between two pings from the OSAG to the own OMS: -->
<add key="OVSPingInterval" value="5000"/>
<!-- The time in ms that OMS can use to start-up. If this fails, it is decided that OMS cannot start. -->
<!-- This is also the time that OMS can use to shut down. After this time, all mentioned process above -->
<!-- are hard killed
<add key="OVSStartStopTimeOut" value="120000"/>

These extra lines (keys) result in PC Icons in the screenshots in paragraph 6.4 below.
Extra info on the line below:
N50 nodes in your network (OMS-FEM is used): Yes/No?
Yes: use the line below:
<add key=" OVSProcesses" value="OmsConsole,OKernel,OAlarmServer,OLogServer,omniNames,OAO_EventJournal,OAO_Journal,OMSE-NC,OMSE-EM,OMSE-IM,OMSE-UM,OMSE-
LogServer "/>
No: use the line below instead:
<add key=" OVSProcesses" value="OmsConsole,OKernel,OAlarmServer,OLogServer,omniNames,OAO_EventJournal,OAO_Journal "/>
All these OVSProcesses (OMSConsole, Okernel...) are monitored when the OSAGs are started for the first time. The
OSAG in the Starting state will maintain this state until all its configured processes are up and running. For example,
OMSAlarmHandlerClientV2 is by default not started together with OMS. If nothing extra is done, the starting OSAG stays
in the Starting state because this process is monitored but never started. As a result, OMSAlarmHandlerClientV2 must be
added in OMS Console Edit Options OMS Boot Sequence, to make it start by default together with OMS.
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All these OVSProcesses (OMSConsole, Okernel...) are being monitored continously at runtime as well. If at runtime,
one of these processes breaks down, the OSAG turns into a Faulty state. In normal conditions, in OMS redundancy, a
manual switch-over must be forced via right-clicking the PC icon in the OSAG window, and click switch-over. In the
condition that the standby OSAG is not reachable (see 6.3.5), the local OMS server must be stopped/rebooted also via
right-clicking on the PC icon and clicking Stop server.
The OMSAlarmHandlerClientV2 is optional and must only be activated (= added as value in the OVSProcesses list)
when the OSAG window must display the total amount of alarms.
All these OVSProcesses (OMSConsole, Okernel...) are shut down when a switch-over occurs;

6.3.2 AlarmClient.exe.config
In the file <OMS Path>\bin\AlarmClient.exe.config, in the indicated line in the url field, fill out the <ip address:port> of the
PC network card, used to communicate with the alarm handing network. E.g. if you are on the Slave PC, fill out the IP-
address of the used network card that is plugged into the slave PC. Best practise is to do this with both the Master and Slave
PC, but is especially needed on the Master/Slave PC that has multiple network cards plugged in.

<application name="AlarmClient">
<wellknown type="Alarmmanager.IAlarmmanager, IAlarmmanager" url="tcp://" />
<channel ref="tcp" port="0">
<!-- For multiple NICs use: -->
<!-- <channel ref="tcp" port="0" bindTo=""> -->
<formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
<formatter ref="binary" />

6.3.3 OMS.cfg
The action below has to be done on both the Master and Slave OMS PC when using OSAG/OMS redundancy.
Uncomment the indicated line in the file <OMS Path>\config\OMS.cfg. In the Redundancy_URL field, fill out the <ip
address:port> of the OSAG PC network card. If the OMS and the OSAG are located on the same PC, and there is only one
network card in the PC, keep the original line with localhost:4000 in it.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Uncomment and configure this to enable activation of OMS-redundancy with OSAG
// Fill out the IP address that is configured for the OSAG (in the OSAG config file). In case of
// redundant OMS this IP address is the IP address that the local OSAG uses to contact the remote OSAG.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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6.3.4 AutoStart in OMS Console
At OMS switch-over, the OMS Console of the new active OMS will start-up automatically. It is possible that the OMS Server is
started automatically as well, but this has to be configured in the OMS Console via Edit Options General General
and setting Autostart = True.

6.3.5 Both OMS Servers in Trouble
In case of OMS Redundancy and in some very exceptional conditions, it is possible that both OMS servers get in trouble. For
example the remote OMS server becomes unreachable due to a fiber break.
If in addition the local OMS server becomes erroneous for some reason, it cannot reboot itself automatically. It cannot be
rebooted by the other OSAG either in this situation, because that one is unreachable. In this very exceptional situation, a
manual reboot of the local OMS server has to be forced. Below, find some screenshots of such a double-trouble scenario, and
how to solve/escape such a situation.
ATTENTION: Forcing a local OMS server reboot can only be performed if at least both OMS Servers (OSAGs) have been in
the Reachable state once.
Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, normal situation, local OMS is up and active (=Running), remote OMS
is in standby (=NotRunning) and ready to take over in case of problems with the local OMS/OVS. (For an overview of all the
possible states, see 6.4)
the OSAG

Figure 11 Local OMS Server Running, Remote in Standby (=NotRunning)

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Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, error situation1, local OMS is up and running, remote OMS becomes
unreachable e.g. due to a fiber break or an other remote error.


Figure 12 Local OMS Server Running, Remote Unreachable

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, error situation2, local OMS gets in trouble and turns into the faulty
state, remote OMS is still unreachable. Both OMS servers are in trouble now.


Figure 13 Local OMS Server Faulty, Remote Unreachable

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Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, both OMS servers in trouble, a manual reboot of the local OMS server
has to be forced via right-clicking the Local OMS server icon, and then clicking Stop server (Stop server is only available in
the Faulty state).
PC icon
and click
Stop server

Figure 14 Local OMS Server Faulty, Remote Unreachable

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, both OMS servers in trouble, the local OMS server turns into stopping
mode after clicking Stop server on the local OMS server.

Figure 15 Local OMS Server Stopping, Remote Unreachable

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Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, both OMS servers in trouble, the local OMS server has completely
stopped and is ready for a reboot.

Figure 16 Local OMS Server Stopped, Remote Unreachable

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, remote OMS server still unreachable, local OMS is rebooting/starting.

Local OMS

Figure 17 Local OMS Server Starting, Remote Unreachable

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, local OMS server up and running again after reboot.
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OMS Server
again !
OMS Server

Figure 18 Local OMS Server Running, Remote Unreachable
6.4 OSAG States
- Two OSAGs monitor two OVS/OMS PCs during redundant operation. Each OVS/OMS state is displayed in each OSAG.
- In the OSAG screenshots below, the orange star-icon indicates the MASTER OSAG PC.
- If you are looking at the MASTER OSAG PC, the star-icon is positioned next to the Local PC icon (see further on);
- If you are looking at the REDUNDANT OSAG PC, the star-icon, is positioned next to the Remote PC icon;
- It is possible to switch over manually via right-clicking the PC-icon. This only works when the right-clicked PC-icon is in
the Running state and the other PC-icon is in the Not Running state.

Table 2 OSAG Redundancy Policy
OVS/OMS State PC Color Description
Initializing Grey At startup: This is the first state that is assigned to the remote PC, during the initial start-up.
The remote PC is in the state Initialising. The local PC is in the state Not Running.
Both OSAGs are trying to find each other over the IP network for the first time.
Starting Yellow One of the two OSAGs has decided to start up an OVS/OMS (at start-Up, this will be the MAS-
TER OVS/OMS). The dedicated OVS/OMS will turn into the Starting state.
Not Running Yellow At startup: This is the first state that is assigned to the Local PC, during the first initial start-up.
The remote PC is in the state Initialising.
In operation: This is the state that is assigned to the OVS/OMS that is standby and waiting to
get started, in case the Running OVS/OMS gets into trouble.
(OMS only)
Orange This Faulty state is only relevant for OMS. It indicates that the OMS PC is faulty because one of
the OVSProcesses listed in the OSAG.exe.config file is faulty or has crashed. The operator
has to switch-over manually to the other OMS PC via a right-click on the faulty PC icon. If the
other standby OSAG is not reachable, a switch-over cannot be done, perform a stop server
instead (reboot server), see also 6.3.5.
Unreachable Red For some reason, the Running OVS/OMS cannot reach the Not Running OVS/OMS. The
state of the Not Running OVS/OMS turns into Unreachable. Both OVSs/OMSs start up.
Stopping Red The Running OVS/OMS has been commanded to stop because a switch-over is going to
happen. The Running OVS/OMS turns into Stopping.
Stopped Red This state lasts only a few seconds and follows the stopping state. This stopped state wil
soon turn into the the Not Running state.
Running Green This state indicates the active OVS/OMS.
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Table 3 OVS/OMS-OSAG Redundancy States
Local OVS/OMS State Remote OVS/OMS State Actions
Not Running Not Running (automatic) Start MASTER OVS/OMS
Running Running (automatic) This situation can only occur if both OSAGs cannot commu-
nicate with each other. The redundant OMS/OVS will be stopped auto-
matically when the communication between both OSAGs has been re-
Not Running Unreachable (automatic) Start OVS/OMS
Not Running Stopped (automatic) Start OVS/OMS
Faulty (OMS only) Not Running (manually) Operator must switch-over manually to redundant OMS
Faulty (OMS only) Unreachable (manually) Operator must stop server on the local OSAG (see 6.3.5)

Find below some example screenshots from a Redundant OSAG-OVS system in operation.
The screenshots for a Redundant OSAG-OMS system are similar.

Also a manual switch over is shown. The screens have been taken both from the MASTER OSAG PC (star-icon local) and
REDUNDANT OSAG PC (star-icon remote).

OSAG MASTER = OSAG PC that has key="ServerId" value="0" in the OSAG.exe.config file;
OSAG SLAVE = OSAG PC that has key="ServerId" value="1" in the OSAG.exe.config file;
OVS/OMS MASTER = OVS/OMS PC that has the distribution and publication configured in its SQL Server;
OVS/OMS SLAVE = OVS/OMS PC that has the subscriber configured in its SQL Server;
It is strongly advised to configure the OSAG Master on the OVS/OMS Master
It is strongly advised to configure the OSAG Slave on the OVS/OMS Slave

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, normal situation, local OMS/OVS is up and running, remote OMS/OVS
is in standby and ready to take over in case of problems with the local OMS/OVS.

the OSAG
0 Indicates
the OSAG

Figure 19 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, normal situation, no problems, but operator decides to switch-over to
remote OMS/OVS PC.
OSAG (OTN Software Application Gateway) Open Transport Network
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Right-click for

Figure 20 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, after the switch-over command, the Running OMS/OVS has been
commanded to stop because a switch-over is going to happen. The Running OMS/OVS turns into Stopping mode.

Figure 21 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC

Screenshot below: Looking at the OSAG Master PC, after the Stopping state, the local PC turns into the Sopped state. No
two OMS/OVSes can run at the same time. The local PC will soon turn into the NotRunning state, and the remote PC will soon
turn into the Starting state.
Open Transport Network OSAG (OTN Software Application Gateway)
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Figure 22 Screen from the MASTER OSAG PC

Screenshot below: Now looking at the other OSAG Redundant (slave) PC, after the switch-over command on the Master
OSAG, the Master OSAG has turned into the NotRunning state. The local (Redundant) OMS/OVS PC is starting up.

1 Indicates the

Figure 23 Screen from the REDUNDANT OSAG PC

Screenshot below: Still looking at the OSAG Redundant (slave) PC, after the Local starting state, the PC will turn into the
running state. The local Redundant OMS/OVS PC is up and running.
OSAG (OTN Software Application Gateway) Open Transport Network
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Figure 24 Screen from the REDUNDANT OSAG PC

GUI Graphical User Interface
OMS OTN Management System
OSAG OTN Software Application Gateway
OTN Open Transport Network
OMS OTN Management System
OVS OTN Video Solution
SMS Short Message Service

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