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Conserve the Earth


Concepcion, Gelyn A.

Overpopulation is ont of the major problems of the Philippines. The term
Overpopulation is the condition where the number of organisms exceeds the carrying capacity
of their habitat. It has impacted the life of common man and has proved to be one of the gravest
difficulties that have to be fought. It implies scarcity of resources and economic inflation; these
are the monsters which can make life miserable. (The Threat of Overpopulation (Earth Issues)
pp. 177-179) and this is a serious problem. To figure out how many people live in The
Philippines in 2014, we can look at data provided by the Philippines National Statistics Office.
Projecting this data forward, using the 1.89% growth rate, gives us a 2013 population of
98,734,798 and 2014 population of 100,617,630 in The Philippines. Based on the 2010 census
results, the population increased nearly 16 million from the 2000 census results. The growth rate
has slowed slightly from the previous census, down to 1.89% from 2.34%.
Overpopulation is maybe the cause of high percentage of the unemployed filipinos.
Everyday thousands of women are giving birth, and majority of the are came from poor families.
Unemployment is one of many effects of the overpopulation, poverty is another major problem it
is also maybe the effect of overpopulation. If a poor family have 6 children how can that family
send their children to school? With the poor education people will not be aware of the
overpopulation and it will be passed to the next generation. Poor education is another effect of
the overpopulation. Environment will be abused also because earth can only produce a small
amount of water and food. Rise of number of vehicles and industries may cause to air pollution.
It may also caused for a high cost living, because if the demand and supply continues to expand
due to overpopulation, it raises the prices of various commodities. It means people will have to
pay more to survive and feed their families. Corruption is also one of the cause of the
overpopulation, because instead of giving the filipinos a better education filipinos will be aware
of their responsibilities as an individual. This are only of many effects of the overpopulation.
But we also have to do our duties as a filipino, as an individual for the sake of the next
generation. For them to see how beautiful the Philippines is. For them to experience of what we
are experiencing now expect the corruption that maybe will not be resolve anymore.
Philippines are experiencing a democratic system but the separation of the church and
the government is also experiencing. If we still continue to follow the church, we cant resolve
the problem of overpopulation. They dont agree of the use of condoms and pills, this maybe
prevent the growing number of population. If we let this happen the percentage of abortion here
in the philippines will be more higher. Sex education and Family planning is not enough to solve
this problem. But it will be also a big help for our country. With the help of some organizations
for this problem, they can spread their learnings about the sex education. But for me, i think we
must do something to solve this problem. Maybe a tax for the third child will imply, and tax will
be going to the organizations whose helping the poor families. For the fourth child it will be
double the amount of the tax that they going to pay and if they cannot afford to pay they will be
imprisoned for 20 years. This maybe also a help for preventing the overpopulation and also for
the organization to earn funds for them to do more projects for the poor families. Another one is
death sentence for abortion, i know that the catholic church will not agree in this kind of
punishment. But killing a child is against to the human rights. This maybe a threat for all the
women whose aborting. We have to put fangs in our law, so that filipinos will follow and they
will be scared to do crimes. Philippines have many problems to solve but the overpopulation
needs to solve as soon as possible for the sake also of our environment.

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