Enlightenment To Liberation

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Enlightenment to

You can read the posts below in the following order. There are 8 posts on this

1. Osho on Aloneness.
2.Complete surrender and complete faith is required to receive full grace of the
3. Don't identify yourself with anything.
4. True love is beyond ego, attachment and expectation.
5. Use your wisdom & intuition to know what to read and what to avoid.
6. What you want for yourself, first give it to others.
7. If you dont want to melt your individuality , you should not talk spirituality by
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.
8. How to recognize an enlightened master ?

You can read the posts 9 to 24 by going to the second page by clicking on the
older posts link given at the bottom right of this page

9. A realized master does not know everything.
10. More clarity on three most important spiritual states and the knowledge
11. Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev on hieght of awareness, mukti and samadhi.
12. God is beyond both divine and devil.
13. Can you experience divine love at the physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual level ?
14. What is true humility or humbleness?
15. Dual nature of mind.How to go beyond it ?
16. Excerpts from Light on the Guru Disciple relationship by Swami
Satyasangananda and Swami Satyananda Saraswati (from bihar school of yoga )
17. Few conditions :
18. Art of becoming fearless
19. Art of detachment or dying
20. Teachings of my Guru Avdhoot Baba Shivananda
21. Enlightenment to Liberation
22. Who is a true Yogi or Yogini ?
23. My personal experiences on this path to liberation
24. Other spiritual experiences

You can read the posts 25 to 38 by going to the third page by clicking on the
older posts link given at the bottom right of the second page

25. Most Important Lessons and realizations on my spiritual path
26. Raise your level of consciousnesss
27. More clarity on Unconditional love and Acceptance
28. Release sadhna
29. Karma = Mind = Maya
30. How does ego or individual identity operates in the life of a liberated soul ?
31. The root cause of everything is your ego
32. How to make a choice or decision in your life ?
33. How to manifest your desires ?
34. The importance of prayer before sadhna or meditation
35. Awaken the Buddha/Christ/Kalki within
36. More clarity on freedom or liberation
37. How do you know if you are ready for SELF REALIZATION OR MOKSHA
38. Man hi karta,man hi bhogta (mind is the doer, mind is the
experiencer).Negative & Positive belief systems

1. Osho on Aloneness
Once you become aware that you alone are responsible, there is no
escape through any type
of unconsciousness. And you are foolish if you try to escape, because
responsibility is a great
opportunity for evolution. Out of the struggle that is created, something new
may evolve. To become
aware means to know that everything depends on you. Even your god
depends on you, because he
is created by your imagination.

Everything is ultimately a part of you, and you are responsible for it. There
is no one to listen to your
excuses; there are no courts of appeal, the whole responsibility is yours.
You are alone, absolutely
alone. This has to be understood very clearly. The moment a person
becomes conscious, he
becomes alone. The greater the consciousness, the greater the awareness
that you are alone. So,
do not escape from this fact through society, friends, associations, crowds.
Do not escape from it! It
is a great phenomenon; the whole process of evolution has been working
toward this.

Consciousness has come to the point now where you know that you are
alone. And only in
aloneness can you attain enlightenment. I am not saying loneliness. The
feeling of loneliness is
the feeling that comes when one is escaping from aloneness, when one is
not ready to accept it.
If you do not accept the fact of aloneness, then you will feel lonely. Then
you will nd some crowd
or some means of intoxication in which to forget yourself. Loneliness will
create its own magic of
forgetfulness. If you can be alone even for a single moment, totally alone,
the ego will die; the I
will die. You will explode; you will be no more. The ego cannot remain
alone. It can exist only in
relation to others. Whenever you are alone, a miracle happens. The ego
becomes weak. Now it
cannot continue to exist for long. So if you can be courageous enough to
be alone, you will gradually
become egoless.

To be alone is a very conscious and deliberate act, more deliberate than
suicide, because the ego
cannot exist alone, but it can exist in suicide. Egoistic people are more
prone to suicide. Suicide is
always in relation to someone else; it is never an act of aloneness. In
suicide, the ego will not suffer.
Rather, it will become more expressive. It will enter into a new birth with
greater force.

Through aloneness, the ego is shattered. It has nothing to relate to, so it
cannot exist. So if you
are ready to be alone, unwaveringly alone, neither escaping nor falling
back, just accepting the fact
of aloneness as it is it becomes a great opportunity. Then you are just like
a seed that has much
potential in it. But remember, the seed must destroy itself for the plant to
grow. Ego is a seed, a
potentiality. If it is shattered, the divine is born. The divine is neither I nor
thou, it is one. Through
aloneness, you come to this oneness.

You can create false substitutes for this oneness. Hindus become one,
Christians become one,
Mohammedans become one; India is one, China is one. These are just
substitutes for oneness.
Oneness comes only through total aloneness.
Oneness comes only when you become egoless, and the ego can die only
when you are totally
alone. When you are completely alone, you are not. That very moment is
the moment of explosion.
You explode into the innite. This, and only this, is evolution. I call it
revolution because it is not
unconscious. You may become egoless or you may not. It is up to you. To
be alone is the only real
revolution. Much courage is needed.

Only a Buddha is alone, only a Jesus or a Mahavir is alone. It is not that
they left their families, left
the world. It looks that way but it is not. They were not negatively leaving
something. The act was
positive; it was a movement toward aloneness. They were not leaving.
They were in search of being
totally alone. The whole search is for that moment of explosion when one is
alone. In aloneness
there is bliss. And only then is enlightenment achieved. We cannot be
alone, others also cannot be
alone, so we create groups, families, societies, nations. All nations, all
families, all groups are made
up of cowards, of those who are not courageous enough to be alone.
If you can live with the fact of your responsibility for yourself, a discipline
will automatically come
to you. By being totally responsible for yourself, you cannot help but
become disciplined. But this
discipline is not something forced upon you from the outside. It comes from
within. Because of the
total responsibility you carry for yourself, each step you take is disciplined.
You cannot utter even
one word irresponsibly. If you are aware of your own aloneness, you will be
aware of the anguish
of others also. Then you will not be able to commit a single irresponsible
act, because you will feel
responsible not only for yourself but for others also. If you can live with the
fact of your aloneness,
you know that everyone is lonely. Then the son knows that the father is
lonely; the wife knows that
the husband is lonely; the husband knows that the wife is lonely. Once you
know this, it is impossible
not to be compassionate.

Living with facts is the only yoga, the only discipline. Once you are totally
aware of the human
situation, you become religious. You become a master of yourself. But the
austerity that comes is
not the austerity of an ascetic. It is not forced; it is not ugly. The austerity is
aesthetic. You feel that
it is the only thing possible, that you cannot do otherwise. Then you
renounce things; you become

The urge to possess is the urge not to be alone. One cannot be alone, so
he seeks company. But
the company of other people is not reliable, so he seeks, instead, the
company of things. To live
with a wife is difcult; to live with a car is not so difcult. So ultimately,
possessiveness turns toward

You may even try to change persons into things. You try to mold them in
such a way that they lose
their personalities, their individuality. A wife is a thing, not a person; a
husband is a thing, not a

If you become aware of your aloneness, then you become aware of the
aloneness of others also.
Then you know that to try to possess another is trespassing. You never
positively renounce.
Renunciation becomes the negative shadow of your aloneness. You
become nonpossessive. Then
you can be a lover, but not a husband, not a wife.

With this non-possessiveness comes compassion and austerity. Innocence
comes to you. When
you deny the facts of life, you cannot be innocent; you become cunning.
You deceive yourself and
others. But if you are courageous enough to live with the facts as they are,
you become innocent.
This innocence is not cultivated. You are it: innocent.

To me, to be innocent is all that is to be achieved. Be innocent, and the
divine is always blissfully
owing towards you. Innocence is the capacity to receive, to be part of the
divine. Be innocent, and
the guest is there. Become the host.

This innocence cannot be cultivated because cultivation is always a
contrivance. It is calculated.
But innocence can never be calculated; it is impossible.

2. Complete surrender and
complete faith is required to receive
full grace of the guru.
All the sadhna is required till you purify yourself to the point where you can
completely surrender yourself to your guru and have complete faith in him
or her, till the day you become one with your guru , till the day you merge
with his consciousness and energy. The day you reach this state of
complete surrender and faith then no more sadhna is required , you just
need to pray to your guru and things start happening . Then the gurus
consciousness , wisdom and energy flows through your mind , intellect, ego
and make you do whatever is required for you to do whether it is sadhna or
seva or sankirtan ( bhakti ) or taking strong and bold steps or decisions or
guiding somebody. You are no longer the doer, everything happens
through you by the gurus grace. All the effort happens not through your
own will ( will of mind and ego ) but through your gurus will or divine will.
He makes you move, you move , he makes you rest , you rest.

Complete surrender is when you dont use your own mind, intellect and ego
anymore and just follow your gurus instructions , without any doubt ,
judgment or analysis. When your guru tells you to do something and you
no longer sit and analyze or ask why , you just do it knowing in your heart
and mind that your guru knows best .

Complete faith is when you have no fear and no doubts even in the most
difficult situations because you know that your guru is there to help you,
guide you , take care of you whether he is in the physical dimension or
subtle dimension, the only thing you need to do pray to your guru and
ask for help , and follow the teachings of your guru completely.

3. Dont identify yourself with
The ego ( I & my) has this tendency to identify & attach itself with
everything with the body, with the thoughts , with the emotions, with
desires, with family , with all material possessions, with name, powers,
position , work, status.etc.
The more you identify yourself with all this , the more your ego or individual
identity will become bigger and stronger . So in order to detach yourself
with this ego and become one with your higher and true self -
You have to understand and realize that nothing is yours. These thoughts
are not yours , these emotions are not yours , these desires are not yours .
Similarly these material possessions, powers, positions, status , business,
family etc is not yours.
All the thoughts, emotions, desires that come in your consciousness &
awareness are not yours , so dont identify yourself with it .Everything is
energy and you are simply witnessing good and bad energy in your
consciousness. For example rather than saying I am angry , I am sad, I am
fearful, ..etc , learn to say that , there is anger energy, fear energy, sad
energy etc, in my presence or in my consciousness. Then release and
let go what you no longer want in your presence or consciousness .
Another example of this would be rather than saying it is my house, my
money, my jewelry, my parents, my husband or wife, my sister or brother,
my children , my city , my country etc ,learn to say that my infinite &
pure consciousness is playing a temporary role towards them ,with
complete detachment and unconditional love to play out the responsibilities
of this body, the way this infinite consciousness would act towards any
third person. For non living objects you can say that my infinite and pure
consciousness is using them with complete detachment till the time this
body needs it.
For that matter even your guru is not yours, you cannot possess him or her,
you can only become one with him or her.
All the desires which come in your consciousness , presence , awareness
are not meant to be fulfilled . For example you have a very deep desire to
take revenge. You will not go ahead and fulfill this desire no matter how
intense and deep it is. If you are aware , your consciousness will not let you
do this. Your pure consciousness ( Shiva ) will give you the wisdom to do
what is best for your being and for your ultimate good.
All kinds of thoughts, emotions and desires will come and go in your
consciousness , you need to watch them and witness them, understanding
that they are not yours and they do not belong to you. You can then
choose which thoughts, emotions or desires you need to retain & act upon
and which to release and discard forever. Here I am not talking of any kind
of suppression but just conscious dropping , releasing and letting go of the
energy to attain freedom from it, which will only happen if you no longer
identify yourself with it & able to look at it with complete detachment.
So once again always remember , nothing is yours !

4. True love is beyond ego,
attachment and expectations.

It is not possible to experience true love where there is ego , attachment
and expectations or conditions on either sides. The more the ego,
attachment and expectations , the more the conflict and pain in any
True love happens where there is freedom , purity , awareness & self
discipline , where there is no possessiveness , obsession or jealousy ,
where there is no need to control or dominate in order to feel more
True love happens when there are no conditions or expectations from
each other but only unconditional giving and receiving.
True love happens when you have gone beyond the fear of losing and the
fear of being alone.
True love happens when there is no dependence on each other for
anything and there is no need left to use and manipulate each other. What
you do for each other is out of true love , not out of some selfish motive to
gain something in return ,not because of guilt or emotional blackmailing,
not out of some need or dependence and definitely not out of ego.
True love happens when your ego or individual identity takes a back seat
and there is mutual respect and gratitude towards each other. True love
happens when there is true understanding.
True love happens where there is oneness.
All this will happen naturally when two people will leave their individual
identities , their attachments, their fears, their expectations and become
one energy , one consciousness, be it any relationship- brother sister,
husband wife, parents children, guru disciple, etc.
Ask yourself this question. Have you ever experienced true love? I am sure
there will be moments in your life where you had a glimpse of it.
Understand the difference between love and attachment. Stop calling your
egoic attachments and fears & insecurities as love when it is not true.
May god help you all experience true love !
5. Use your wisdom & intuition to
know what to read & what to avoid
Use your wisdom or pray to your guru to give you enough wisdom so that
you know which videos to watch and which books or articles to read. If you
watch some video or read something which leads to doubt and confusion
then let go of that information. Whatever you read and watch should give
you more clarity, so be very selective in what you watch and read.
Unnecessary information will lead to unnecessary thinking which will only
waste your time and energy.Your perception and understanding depends
on the level of your purification and consciousness. Impure mind and ego
will distort the information to suit itself. As babaji says if you are wearing
blue goggles , you see and perceive everything as blue . Your mind needs
to be empty, clean & egoless to perceive and know the truth reflected
in what you read and see. As you become more and more pure and
conscious , you are able to deeply understand and realize that knowledge
which you were unable to do in the past. Even if you are impure and
unconscious , sometimes with the grace of the guru you get sudden clarity
and realization which raises your level of consciousness and purifies you
further. But this will happen if you have enough faith and surrender towards
your guru. In the past on purpose i had not sent you videos and articles
which i knew could create more confusion for all of you. The videos and
articles i send you, are the ones which will give you more clarity and
understanding. True knowledge, understanding & realization comes from
true and real experience so wait till you experience it yourself.
Also avoid analyzing experiences in your sadhna or spiritual path because
you may be very impure to understand and realize the true and deeper
meaning hidden within it. In those very few moments when your mind is
clear and empty for a short while , you may have intuitive flashes where
you have immediate and sudden realization and understanding which is
coming from a space beyond your mind. Rely more on your intuition &
wisdom than your mind. Real intuition & wisdom happens when the
mind is clear and empty , not when mind is full of thoughts or
emotions. When you respond to a given situation according to your
wisdom and intuition, which is beyond logic and emotions, it is perfect (
neither right , nor wrong ). This is conscious acting not unconscious

The Reading material that you can keep with you ,which helped me and
which can help you in your spiritual journey is:-

1. Guru disciple relationship by Swami Satyananda
Saraswati from Bihar school of yoga

2. Life's Mysteries by Osho . ( Other books of osho may create more
confusion so avoid reading them )

3. 2nd,3
& 4th chapters on ego from the book A New Earth by Ekhart
Tolle . ( take out a printout of it and keep it with you ). You can also
keep Stillness Speaks by Ekhart Tolle, which will help you to experience
few moments of stillness.

4. Kundalini Tantra By Swami Satyananda Saraswati to know about
shakti or kundalini sadhna.

5. Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri by Swami Muktananda
It reveals the teachings of shivananda baba 's guru ( NITYANANDA BABA
) in detail, which will help all of you.

6. Samkhya Darshan
Yogic Perspective on Theories of Realism
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Samkhya is one of the earliest schools of Indian philosophy and most
systems, including yoga, have been drawn from or influenced by it.
Samkhya is a dualistic philosophy and postulates two eternal realities:
Purusha, the witnessing consciousness, and Prakriti, the root cause of
creation, composed of the three gunas.
This text highlights the unique contribution of Samkhya philosophy in man's
quest to understand his true nature. It discusses the practical theories of
causation, manifestation, bondage and liberation.
For the spiritual aspirant, Samkhya is the metaphysics of self-realization
and yoga is the sadhana or means to achieve it. Samkhya Darshan
contains the full Sanskrit text of Ishvara Krishna's Samkhya Karika as well
as transliteration and translation.
7. Take out the printout of my blog and keep it with you. Read it after every
six months and believe me you will have more deeper understanding , as
you would be reading with more purification every time.( Provided you have
been doing your sadhna regularly )
6. What you want for yourself, first
give it to others
If there is anything less or lacking in your life , then first start giving it to
others for you to receive it. It is a law of universe....whatever you give you
get back thousand folds.
So if you want unconditional love and respect , then start giving it first. The
same goes with money , knowledge, freedom , help, etc.. This is also one
of the reasons of doing seva.
It is a spiritual law that all must donate or share 20 % of their income with
others. If this is truly practiced you will never have any financial problems.
People who have problem giving and make all kinds of excuses for not able
to give or share are people whose anahat chakra is still not open and
purified,and the shakti is residing in lower chakras. So more sadhna and
seva ( purification through release sadhna & nachiketa sadhna ) is needed
for these people.
This message is to make you understand the importance of giving and to
know spiritual laws. Till the time you have desires , it is not possible for you
to do selfless seva , so you just do seva and live according to the laws of
the universe but a day comes when you are free from all your desires &
ego then you will truly be doing selfless seva.
7. If you dont want to melt your
individuality, you should not talk
spirituality. By Sadhguru J aggi
If you dont want to melt your individuality, you should not
talk spirituality. You should not seek spirituality because you dont
know what you are talking about. If you are just seeking spirituality
because it is an in thing in the society right now, then it is the
wrong thing to do, because you dont know what you are playing
with. When you say, I want to become spiritual, you are saying,
I want to break all my limitations of being individual, I want to
become unbounded. That is the statement you are making when
you say, I want to become spiritual. You want to be spiritual
but you still want to maintain your limitations you wear your
limitations like decorations around your neck now you will simply
cause suffering to yourself. When you cause suffering to yourself,
unfortunately and invariably, you will try to infect others around
you. Some of you are doing this constantly.
Living in a space like this means you have already made up your
mind, I want to dissolve, I want to become one with everything, I
want to know my ultimate nature. This decision should be made,
only then you enter this space. Now there are many of you who
have made this decision on one level. On another level, when you
get entangled with your limitations, you say, Oh I dont know
any spirituality. I dont care for spirituality. Im here because, ah,
you know, I love Sadhguru, thats why Im here. I dont care for
spirituality. (Laughter).
Now, when you say, I love Sadhguru, you must understand
that your love is not for some person. When you say Sadhguru,
it means a dissolving agent; a catalyst to dissolve you faster. If
you say, I love Sadhguru, but I dont want to dissolve, I dont like
spirituality, then either you are mentally deranged or you are
somebody who jumps whichever way you like, according to your
convenience. Both these things are not good for you.
Once you decide to enter a space which is dedicated for a spiritual
process, your whole effort should be to dissolve all your limitations.
You are on a rail track which goes this way, but you are struggling
to go the other way. The engine is going forward, but the coaches
want to go backwards this will only create struggle. You will not
go backwards, you will anyway go forward, but you will go with
struggle. Instead of going with joy, you go with struggle. So once
you sit with me, that is the only option you have. Whether you
like it or not, I am only taking you this way (forward) towards your
dissolution. Either you walk through it joyfully or you suffer and
cry. We will drag you and take you (laughter), but we will not let
you go this way (backward).

8. How to recognize an Enlightened
Questioner: How to recognize an Enlightened Master?

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev : (Laughs) Oh, that is very easy lights will be
At least do you see the halo? No? (Laughs). So, how to recognize
him? You cannot recognize him physically in any way. It is just that
in his presence if things happen to you, in his presence you become
a more joyous being, a more peaceful being, then we can say maybe
he is like that.
A dimension that you do not even know, how will you recognize
it? There is no way to recognize it. Now why you want to recognize
it? So suppose you believe that I am enlightened. Oh he is a great
man, he is enlightened. If I become a great man, it is of no use to
you, I want you to understand this. Even in your vision in your
understanding, your feelings, your emotions, if I become a very
great person, it is of no use to you. If just sitting with me you feel
great, that is good, isnt it? You think I am great, what is the use? You
want to start a fan club in my name? It will not get you anywhere.
So you making me great, thinking I am enlightened or not
enlightened, will not do any good to you. Just see the methods that
have been given to you, are they leading you towards freedom. If
it is so, just pursue them, that is all.
You dont go about judging who is enlightened and who is not
enlightened. Whether somebody is enlightened or not, what is your
problem? The important thing is that you get enlightened, isnt it? If
your Guru is ignorant and still able to guide you, is it not wonderful?
So dont worry about him because if you worry about him, either
you will believe it or you will disbelieve it. Both ways, you will lose
the possibility of experiencing him. If you believe him, you will
blindly believe he is God himself. Or if you disbelieve him, you
suspect all kinds of things. You will suspect every single action and
you expect him to act according to your understanding of life. This
has been the problem always.
Whenever enlightened beings came, a few people gathered as
disciples. They called themselves disciples, but they expected the
Guru to act according to their understanding. When he did things
according to his understanding, immediately they protested,
immediately they went against him. This has happened over and
over again.
So you dont decide how an enlightened person should be.
You dont even worry who is enlightened, who is not enlightened.
You just see whether what you are doing right now is leading you
towards freedom or bondage, just examine that. Whatever path
he has given you, is it leading you towards your freedom or is it
leading you towards your bondage, just examine that. If it is leading
you towards your freedom, it does not matter whether your Guru
is enlightened or not, that is not your problem. You go ahead and
do what you are required to do, because if you waste your time,
mind and energies thinking whether somebody is enlightened or
not, it will simply go waste because you cannot draw a conclusion.
Whatever conclusion you make, it is only for self-satisfaction, but
you will not know the truth.
Instead of wasting your time trying to make a judgment about
whether somebody is enlightened or not, you just see whether
somebodys presence is truly useful for you or not. When I say
truly useful, is someone helping you to become big, or is somebody
helping you to become nothing? (Laughs)
Now, if someone is helping you to become big, you should not
be there. If someone is just making you feel good about everything,
you should not be there. If someone is not letting you sit anywhere;
whatever you hold as sacred and you sit on it, he will break it and
make you believe that the next thing is sacred. The moment you
go and sit there, he will break that and say the next thing is sacred.
Someone who will never let you rest; you must be with that one.
Someone who lets you rest is not a good one.
If you want to rest, if you want to be where you are, you can do
it yourself. Isnt it so? Only if you want to enter spaces, if you want
to move into dimensions that you cannot do by yourself, that is
where you need another, isnt it? If you want to move into areas that
you have not known and you cannot know by yourself, only there
somebody is useful for yourself. Only there a Guru is useful for you.
No, my guru is very loving... If you want somebody who
is always very loving towards you, if you want someone who is
truly loving for you all the time; no matter what you do, they will
wag their tail, then you get yourself a dog, not a Guru. (Laughter)
Unconditionally loving he is. People are always looking for such
things, so I am just giving you practical solutions. If all you need is
a loving smile and nice words. I am telling you, get yourself a dozen
dogs; they will lick you all over and make you feel good. (Laughter).
Really. Get yourself one dozen dogs in your house and just see how
they will love you. Every moment of your life you will not miss love.
(Laughter). Is it not true?
If you want somebody who will never let you sit down, who
will somehow, whether you are willing or unwilling, just keep you
moving and moving and moving; then only you seek a Guru, not
otherwise, because these are horrible people. They are alive and they
are dead at the same time. (Laughter) So people who are alive and
dead at the same time have no concern for your knees paining and
other things, you know. Because they have no concern for their own
knees paining, they have no concern for anybodys knees paining.
So dont look for enlightened people.
Even if you think somebody is enlightened, in what way does it
change your life? In what way does it change your life? You think
I am enlightened. In what way does it change your life? It doesnt,
isnt it? Maybe you can go and tell y our friend, Ive found an
enlightened being. Another achievement in your life, like I bought
a new house, another achievement in your life, isnt it? It is of no
value; you finding somebody and labeling them as enlightened is
of no value to your life. Are you moving on? That is of value. Are
you breaking your limitations? From where you were, have you
broken at least a few limitations? That is of value. So dont look for
enlightened people.

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