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Answer 1:- 1.2.6-1.2.

sa vai pus paro dharmo
yato bhaktir adhokae
ahaituky apratihat
yaytm supras!dati
sathat; vaicertainly; pusmfor mankind; para
sublime; dharmaoccupation; yataby which;
bhaktidevotional service; adhokajeunto the
Transcendence; ahaitukcauseless; apratihat
unbroken; yayby which; tmthe self; suprasdati
completely satised!
The supreme occupation "dharma# for all humanity is
that by which men can attain to lovin$ devotional
service unto the transcendent %ord! &uch devotional
service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted to
completely satisfy the self!
vsudeve bha+avati
bhakti-yo+a, prayoita,
anayaty -u vair+ya
.na /a yad ahaitukam
vsudeveunto '()a; bha$avatiunto the *ersonality
of +odhead; bhakti,yo$acontact of devotional
service; prayojitabein$ applied; janayatidoes
produce; -uvery soon; vair$yamdetachment;
j.namknowled$e; caand; yatthat which;
/y renderin$ devotional service unto the *ersonality of
+odhead0 1r '()a0 one immediately ac2uires
causeless knowled$e and detachment from the world!
Answer 2:-1.2.20-1.2.21
vsudeva-par ved
vsudeva-par makh,
vsudeva-par yo+
vsudeva-par, kriy,
vsudeva-para .na
vsudeva-para tapa,
vsudeva-paro dharmo
vsudeva-par +ati,
vsudevathe *ersonality of +odhead; parthe
ultimate $oal; vedrevealed scriptures; vsudeva
the *ersonality of +odhead; parfor worshipin$;
makhsacrices; vsudevathe *ersonality of
+odhead; parthe means of attainin$; yo$mystic
paraphernalia; vsudevathe *ersonality of +odhead;
parunder 3is control; kriyfruitive activities;
vsudevathe *ersonality of +odhead; paramthe
supreme; j.namknowled$e; vsudevathe *ersonality
of +odhead; parambest; tapaausterity; vsudeva
the *ersonality of +odhead; parasuperior 2uality;
dharmareli$ion; vsudevathe *ersonality of
+odhead; parultimate; $ati$oal of life!
4n the revealed scriptures0 the ultimate object of
knowled$e is 1r '()a0 the *ersonality of +odhead! The
purpose of performin$ sacrice is to please 3im! 5o$a is
for reali6in$ 3im! 7ll fruitive activities are ultimately
rewarded by 3im only! 3e is supreme knowled$e0 and all
severe austerities are performed to know 3im! 8eli$ion
"dharma# is renderin$ lovin$ service unto 3im! 3e is the
supreme $oal of life!
Answer 2:-1.2.234 1.2.20
bhvayaty ea sattvena
5okn vai 5oka-bhvana,
bhvayatimaintains; eaall these; sattvenain the
mode of $oodness; loknall over the universe; vai
$enerally; loka,bhvanathe master of all the
universes; llpastimes; avatraincarnation;
anurataassumin$ the role; devathe demi$ods;
tiryaklower animals; nara,diuin the midst of
human bein$s!
Thus the %ord of the universes maintains all planets
inhabited by demi$ods0 men and lower animals!
7ssumin$ the roles of incarnations0 3e performs
pastimes to reclaim those in the mode of pure $oodness!
ete /-a-ka5, pusa,
k78as tu bha+avn svayam
indrri-vyku5a 5oka
m79ayanti yu+e yu+e
eteall these; caand; a-aplenary portions; kal
portions of the plenary portions; pusaof the
&upreme; k()a%ord '()a; tubut; bha$avnthe
*ersonality of +odhead; svayamin person; indra,ari
the enemies of 4ndra; vykulamdisturbed; lokamall
the planets; m(9ayanti$ives protection; yu$e yu$ein
di:erent a$es!
7ll of the above,mentioned incarnations are either
plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions of
the %ord0 but %ord 1r '()a is the ori$inal *ersonality of
+odhead! 7ll of them appear on planets whenever there
is a disturbance created by the atheists! The %ord
incarnates to protect the theists!
Answer 3:- 1.2.2:-1.2.22
sa eveda sasar+re
bha+avn tma-myay
sad-asad-r;pay /sau
+u8amay+u8o vibhu,
sathat; evacertainly; idamthis; sasarjacreated;
a$rebefore; bha$avnthe *ersonality of +odhead;
tma,myayby 3is personal potency; satthe cause;
asatthe e:ect; r;payby forms; caand; asauthe
same %ord; $u)a,mayain the modes of material nature;
a$u)atranscendental; vibhuthe 7bsolute!
4n the be$innin$ of the material creation0 that 7bsolute
*ersonality of +odhead "<sudeva#0 in 3is
transcendental position0 created the ener$ies of cause
and e:ect by 3is own internal ener$y!
tay vi5asitev eu
+u8eu +u8avn iva
anta,-pravi<a bhti
vi.nena vi7mbhita,
tayby them; vilasiteualthou$h in the function; eu
these; $u)euthe modes of material nature;
$u)avna:ected by the modes; ivaas if; anta
within; pravi=aentered into; bhtiappears to be;
vij.nenaby transcendental consciousness; vij(mbhita
fully enli$htened!
7fter creatin$ the material substance0 the %ord
"<sudeva# e>pands 3imself and enters into it! 7nd
althou$h 3e is within the material modes of nature and
appears to be; one of the created bein$s0 3e is always
fully enli$htened in 3is transcendental position!
yath hy avahito vahnir
druv eka, sva-yoniu
nneva bhti vi-vtm
bh;teu /a tath pumn
yathas much as; hie>actly like; avahita
surchar$ed with; vahnire; druuin wood; eka
one; sva,yoniuthe source of manifestation; nana iva
like di:erent entities; bhtiilluminates; vi-va,tm
the %ord as *aramtm; bh;teuin the livin$ entities;
caand; tathin the same way; pumnthe 7bsolute
The %ord0 as &upersoul0 pervades all thin$s0 just as re
permeates wood0 and so 3e appears to be of many
varieties0 thou$h 3e is the absolute one without a
asau +u8amayair bhvair
sva-nirmiteu nirvi<o
bhu6kte bh;teu tad-+u8n
asauthat *aramtm; $u)a,mayaiin?uenced by the
modes of nature; bhvainaturally; bh;tacreated;
s;kmasubtle; indriyasenses; tmabhiby the
livin$ bein$s; sva,nirmiteuin 3is own creation;
nirvi=aenterin$; bhu@ktecauses to enjoy; bh;teu
in the livin$ entities; tat,$u)nthose modes of
The &upersoul enters into the bodies of the created
bein$s who are in?uenced by the modes of material
nature and causes them to enjoy the e:ects of these
modes by the subtle mind!
Answer =:- 1.2 and 2.7
The whole two chapters
Answer 6:- 1.2.32
k78e sva-dhmopa+ate
dharma-.ndibhi, saha
ka5au na<a-d7-m ea
pur8rko >dhunodita,
k()ein '()aAs; sva,dhmaown abode; upa$ate
havin$ returned; dharmareli$ion; j.naknowled$e;
dibhicombined to$ether; sahaalon$ with; kalauin
the 'ali,yu$a; na=a,d(-mof persons who have lost
their si$ht; eaall these; pur)a,arkathe *ur)a
which is brilliant like the sun; adhunjust now; udita
has arisen!
This /h$avata *ur)a is as brilliant as the sun0 and it
has arisen just after the departure of %ord '()a to 3is
own abode0 accompanied by reli$ion0 knowled$e0 etc!
*ersons who have lost their vision due to the dense
darkness of i$norance in the a$e of 'ali shall $et li$ht
from this *ur)a!

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