Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya Jabalpur: WWW - Jnkvv.nic - in WWW - Mponline.gov - in WWW - Rvskvv.nic - in

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Admission Notice
Admission to Master and Ph.D Degree programmes (2014-15) of Jawaharlal
ehr! "rishi #ishwa #id$ala$a% Ja&alp!r and 'a(mata )*india "rishi #ishwa
#id$ala$a% +walior will &e thro!gh an ,nline Joint -ntran*e -.amination% to &e
*ond!*ted on 24-0-20!4 &$ MP ,nline /imited% 0hopal. 1andidates ma$ appl$
online w.e.f. Ma$ 21 to J!ne 10% 2014. Details a2aila&le on we&site
www.(n322.ni*.in% www.mponline.go2.in and www.r2s322.ni*.in
%P&o'ision() E*(min(tion (nd co+nse)in, sc-ed+)e .o&
/(ste& (nd P-0 D0 De,&ee Joint Ent&(nce E*(min(tion 20!4
S0No0 Acti'it1 #ent(ti'e d(te
,nline Appli*ation A2aila&ilit$ for entran*e e.amination
for admission to Master 4 Ph.D. degree programmes of
J"## 4 '#)"## at J"## 5 '#)"## 5 MP ,nline
/imited we&sites.
Ma$ 21 to J!ne 10% 2014
1 )!&mission of ,nline appli*ation form for online entran*e
e.amination with fee of 's. 6005- 7 's. 2505- appli*ation
fee for J"##(non-ref!nda&le)
Ma$ 21to J!ne 10% 2014
(!p to 5 pm)
2 8ss!ing information a&o!t test *enters% Admit *ard 4 related
instr!*tions &$ MP ,nline /imited.
J!ne 15% 2014 onwards
9 "ond+ction o. $n)ine Joint Ent&(nce E*(min(tion &$
MP ,nline /imited at 2ario!s *enters.
J+ne 242 20!4
32 4m to 4 4m5
4 De*laration of res!lts of e.amination 4 displa$ of Merit
'an3 list &$ MP ,nline /imited.
J!ne 90% 2014
$n)ine o.. c(m4+s co+nse)in, !
&o+nd 3.o& JNKVV 6 RVSKVV st+dents on)15
1 /o*3ing *hoi*e in 2ario!s *o!rses M.)*. (Ag) M.)*.
(:orestr$)% M0A (Agril 0!siness)% M.;e*h (Ag. -ngg)
(onl$ J"## 4 '#)"## st!dents) with *o!nseling fee of
's. 9005- (non-ref!nda&le).
J!l$ < to 11% 2014
(!p to 5 pm)
2 Do*!ment 2erifi*ation at agri*!lt!re *olleges (Ja&alp!r%
'ewa% ;i3amgarh% +walior% 8ndore% )ehore% "andwa%
J!l$ <%=%10% 2014
(!p to 5 pm)
9 Displa$ of seat allotment. J!l$ 14% 2014
4 ,nline allotment letter generation. J!l$ 14 to 1>% 2014
5 'eporting at allotted *olleges. J!l$ 14 to 1>% 2014
6 )eat allotment to st!dents e.er*ising ?pgrade option J!l$ 21% 2014
> 'eporting for !pgraded seat allotment J!l$ 21 to 29% 2014
< Displa$ of 2a*ant seats on we&site for se*ond *o!nseling J!l$ 24% 2014
$n)ine o.. c(m4+s "o+nse)in, 2
3.o& )e.t o+t JNKVV 6 RVSKVV st+dents 6 ()) ot-e& st+dents2 i. se(ts &em(in '(c(nt 5
1. /o*3ing *hoi*e in 2ario!s *o!rses M.)*. (Ag)% M.)*.
(:orestr$)% M0A (Agril. &!siness)% M.;e*h (Ag. -ngg)
(J"## 4 '#)"## left o!t st!dents and st!dents of
other )A?s).
J!l$ 2< to 91% 2014
(!p to 5 pm)
2. Do*!ment 2erifi*ation at Agri*!lt!re *olleges (Ja&alp!r%
'ewa% ;i3amgarh% +walior% 8ndore% )ehore% "andwa%
J!l$ 2< 4 90% 2014
(!p to 5 pm)
9. Displa$ of seat allotment. A!g. 2% 2014
4. ,nline allotment letter generation A!g. 9 to <% 2014
5. 'eporting at allotted 1olleges. < A!g.% 2014
@An$ *hange in the s*hed!le will &e notified on we&site% if reA!ired. 1andidates are ad2ised
to 3eep in to!*h with the we&site


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