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Ethnic integration and ethnic conflict

Anthony Giddens
Read the text above and answer the multiple choice questions. For each question choose the best answer:
A, B, C, or D.
1. Multiethnic states in the world today are a consequence of
A. changing borders and deliberate policies
encouraging migration
C. deliberate policies encouraging regional migration
and colonial or imperial legacies
B. long histories of regional migration, occupations by
foreign powers and policies encouraging colonial and
imperial legacies
D. changing borders, occupations by foreign powers,
deliberate policies encouraging migration, or colonial
and imperial legacies
2. Globalisation and social change make international migration
A. slower C. as rapid as it was in the past
B. more rapid D. as slow as it was in the past
3. The models of ethnic integration adopted by multiethnic societies are
A. two: internal migration and external migration C. three: assimilation, the melting pot and pluralism
B. four: chain migration, assimilation, internal and
external migration
D. five: assimilation, the melting pot, cultural
pluralism, internal and external migration
4. Assimilation means that
A. immigrants become indistinguishably integrated
into the dominant host society
C. immigrants from many different cultures, religions
and ethnic groups produce new hybrid social and
cultural forms
B. cultural variety for example linguistic and
religious diversity is celebrated in the host society
D. immigrants act so as to avoid disrupting the
system of the host society
5. When immigration started, the United States and the United Kingdom adopted
A. the melting pot model of ethnic integration C. assimilation as a model of ethnic integration
B. cultural pluralism as a model of ethnic integration D. integration as a model to avoid ethnic conflict
6. In the United States, post-war Britain and other western countries society is in many cases characterised
A. assimilation C. cultural pluralism
B. the melting pot D. cultural assimilation
7. Conflicts between ethnic groups in several areas of former Yugoslavia broke out starting from
A. 1991 C. 1993
B. 1992 D. 1999
8. The was which broke out in Bosnia in 1992 involved
A. Serbs, Croats and Muslims C. Orthodox Serbs, Bosnians and Kosovars
B. Slavs, Croats and Jews D. Serbs, Albanians and Croats
9. Ethnic cleansing is
A. the policy of deliberately killing a nationality or
ethnic group
C. the savage killing of large numbers of people
B. the violent removal by one ethnic group of other
ethnic groups from the population of a particular area
D. the mass murder of the Jews of continental
Europe between 1940 and 1945
10. Nowadays violent conflicts around the world are increasingly based on
A. economic reasons C. ethnic divisions
B. political reasons D. internal challenges
Read the text above and mark the following statements true (T) or false (F)
11. The colonial model of migration is typically pursued by countries such as Canada, the United States and
12. Illegal models of immigration are becoming increasingly common in many industrialised countries.
13. Today push and pull theories of migration to explain why people leave their country of origin and what
features of destination countries attract them are criticised as being too simplistic.
14. A typical example of how macro and micro processes interact to determine migration patterns can be
seen in Great Britain.
15. Some scholars believe that in future migration will be characterised by acceleration, diversification,
globalisation and feminization.
Sweden does u-turn on new EU workers
The Guardian Weekly, February 5-11 2004
Sweden has become the latest EU state to restrict entry for workers from the 10 countries joining the union
in May, for fear that its welfare systems will come under unacceptable pressure, writes Ian Black.
Last Friday s u-turn by Goran Persson, the Social Democratic prime minister, (16) __________ that all
the existing member states except Britain and Ireland will impose some limits.
Germany, France and Italy had long made it clear that they would retain immigration controls after
Europe s biggest enlargement, but Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece and Sweden have changed course.
Britain (17) ___________ by its decision to allow free entry to citizens of the new member states. Rules
(18) _____________ in place to prevent abuse of the benefit system, as are special controls in case they
(19) ____________, said a government spokesman. But the British economy (20) __________ cheap,
skilled workers.
It (21) _____________ that between 5,000 and 13,000 people a year are likely to come to Britain from
Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia and Slovenia, Cyprus and Malta.
The newcomers (22) ____________ wait until 2011 for full implementation of the EU s principle of free
movement of people, goods and capital. But restrictions (23) ___________ certain to cause resentment.
Germany and Austria (24) ____________ an influx of cheap labour from Poland, the Czech Republic and
Hungary and their restrictions are expected to last for the maximum of seven years.
In 2002 Mr Persson pledged that Sweden would not limit access for workers from new member states.
But last week he was unrepentant. We have to be realistic and (25) ____________ that if everyone else
(26) ___________ transition arrangements are necessary, then we (27) ___________ aware of the risks and
protect ourselves, he said. We would be naive if we didn t see the risks if we were to be the only country
welcoming people from east Europe to work for peanuts and giving them access to our social benefits.
The Netherlands has decided to restrict to 22,000 the number of work permits granted, amid rising
unemployment and anti-immigration feelings. Denmark has imposed similar restrictions, initially for two
In 1989 the UN refugees agency predicted that 25 million people from the communist bloc would move to
the West in the 1990s; it turned out to be fewer than 2.5 million.
Read the text above and answer the multiple choice questions. For each question choose the best answer:
A, B, C, or D.
A. is meaning B. means C. mean D. meant
A. states B. stand C. stands D. is standing
A. is B. are being C. is been D. are
A. are needed B. need C. needs D. is needed
A. are needed B. need C. needs D. is needed
A. are estimated B. is estimated C. is estimating D. are estimating
A. must to B. had to C. must have D. must
A. seem B. are seeming C. seems D. is seeming
A. are fearing B. fear C. fears D. are feared
A. are understanding B. understand C. are understood D. understands
A. says B. sais C. tells D. is telling
A. have also be B. also have be C. also must be D. must also be
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