It Is A Person A Tasked or A Duty of Carrying Out of The Objectives in Investigation

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1. It is a person a tasked or a duty of carrying out of the objectives in investigation?

a. Investigator c. kibitzers
b. Reporter d. first responders
2. It is a person a tasked is to cordon the area and secure the crime scene.
a. First responders c. reporter
b. Investigator d. kibitzers
3. Its comprises the area officer from which evidence of a crime may be recovered
by the crime scene investigator or the crime scene examiner.
a. Crime scene c. mall
b. Park d. parking lot
4. It gives you upon receipt of a report/complaint of a crime incident.
a. Desk officer c. reporter
b. Investigator d. complainant
5. What is not a job of an investigator?
a. Traffic c. protect the crime scene
b. Identify the criminals d. interview the criminals
6. What is not a job of a first responders?
a. Interview the witness c. evacuate injured persons to the nearest hospital
b. Cordon the crime scene d. prepare to take the dying declaration of severely
injured person.
7. What is CSI?
a. Crime scene investigation c. crime scene interrogation
b. Crime scene information d. crime scene interview
8. Any police officer who first arrives at the crime scene.
a. First responders c. reporter
b. Kibitzers d. investigator
9. It is the person near the crime scene.
a. Kibitzers c. BFP
b. Janitor d. BJMP
10. How many location of physical evidence associated of multiple crime scenes.
a. Two or more c. ten or more
b. Less than two d. twenty or more
11. What are they cant describe?
a. Quartiary c. secondary
b. Tertiary d. primary
12. It is a form of noting what happen in the crime scene.
a. Note taking c. picture taking
b. Mind taking d. stock knowledge
13. It is a form of questioning to the witness and suspect.
a. Interrogation c. information
b. Questioning d. interview
14. It properly reconstruct the crime scene during the trial of criminal case will surely
help the trial judge.
a. Crime scene investigator c. crime scene interview
b. Crime scene information d. crime scene interrogation
15. CSI will surely help the ****** in obtaining a true feature of what really happen
transpired at the crime scene.
a. Trial judge c. examiner
b. Investigator d. PNP
16. Its take control of the crime scene after being briefed by the first responders.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
17. Immediately chooses a command post location outside the crime scene.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
18. It will serve as the CSI temporary office.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
19. He conducts a preliminary survey of the crime scene.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
20. He determines objects that may have significant bearing to the crime committed.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
21. He determines the CSI members who will process the crime scene.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
22. He processes the method of search that will be used in recovering physical
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
23. He controls the access to the crime scene.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
24. He designated security officers who will log the entry or exit authorized
personnel who are engage in the processing of the crime scene.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
25. He ensures the safety and comfort of his team members at the crime scene.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
26. He coordinated with the other law enforcement office and other government
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
27. He conducts the final survey of the crime scene.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
28. He conducts the CSI debriefing among the concerned personnel at the crime
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
29. He releases the crime scene investigator on case after the completion of the
final survey.
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
30. He prepares the CSI report or personally supervised the preparation of CSI
a. Team leader c. crime photographer
b. Evidence collector d. health or medical officer
31. He wears protective clothing such as plastic booties or shoe cover, hairnet,
facemasks, hand gloves, among others during the gathering of physical
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
32. He begin the collection of physical evidence at the crime scene once the
thorough search is conducted.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
33. He search the location of the evidence marked.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
34. He photographs the crime scene and individual evidence taken.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
35. His rough sketch with measurement completed.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
36. He insures the availability of evidence container during the collection process.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
37. He always informs the team leader of the valuable evidence located.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
38. He coordinated the evidence nomenclature with the team leader, sketcher, crime
photographer and evidence custodian.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
39. He marks the evidence container with his initials date and time collection.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
40. He gathered evidence before turning over to the CSI evidence custodian with
proper documentation for safekeeping.
a. Evidence collector c. health or medical officer
b. Crime photographer d. sketcher and measurer
41. He takes photographs of the case identifier before starting the crime scene
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
42. He immediately photographs the entire crime scene upon arrival using long
range, mid-range and close up coverage.
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
43. He takes neighborhood photographs .
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
44. His landmark pointing to the exact location of the crime scene.
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
45. He structures that are adjacent and across the crime scene.
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
46. He takes photographs the spectators or kibitzers in and around the crime scene.
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
47. He takes photographs the vehicle particularly those which are leaving the crime
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
48. He photographs all marked pieces of evidence at the crime scene before they
are touched or collected.
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
49. He photographs all latent fingerprints.
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
50. He prepares the photographic log.
a. Crime photographer c. sketcher and measurer
b. Health or medical officer d. evidence custodian
51) It is a psychological effect that sympathizes towards the suspect.
a. bothered womans syndrome c. stoclcholm syndrome
b. psycho syndrome d. none of the above
52) The use of scientific method,physical evidence and interference as each of
them,relate to others, to gain a plain understanding of what really happen at the
crime scene.
a. c.s investigation c. cordoning the area.
b. c.s reconstruction d. none of the above
53) The person who can properly reconstruct the crime scene during the trial of a
criminal case will surely help the trial judge.
a. investigator c. evidence collector
b. team leader d. none of the above
54) Takes control of the crime scene right after being briefed by the 1st responder
a. team leader c. medical officer
b. investigator d. none of the above
55) Conducts preliminary survey at the crime scene
a. security officer c. investigator
b. evidence collector d. team leader
56) Prepare a c.s.i report or personally supervised the preparation of the csi report
a. medical officer c. team leader
b. evidence collector d. crime photographer
57) Insure the availability of evidence container during collection process.
a. evidence custodian c. crime photographer
b. evidence collector d. investigator
58) Always inform the team leader of valuable evidence collected.
a. evidence collector c. crime photographer
b. sketch and measure d. medical officer
59) Takes photograph of the case identifier before the starting crime scene
a. medical officer c. sketch and measure
b. team leader d. crime photographer
60) Prepare a C.S sketch
a. sketch and measure c. crime photographer
b. team leader d. medical officer
61) Prepares a photographic log.
a. evidence collector c. investigator
b. crime photographic d. medical officer
62) He is responsible for the condition of the victim at the crime scene.
a. team leader c. investigator officer d. medical officer
63) Secures the crime scene by recording it with police line.
a. security officer c. medical officer
b. team leader d. investigator
64) Evidence is negative when the witness states that did not see or know
occurrence of a fact.
a. neglect c. negative info
b. negative evidence d. neglect of duty
65) Failure to provide,for reasons other than poverty,adequate
food,clothing,shelter,basic education
a. neglect c. negative info
b. negative evidence d. neglect of duty
66) The omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse to perform an act or duty,
which it was the officers legal obligations.
a. neglect c. neglect of duty
b. neglect evidence d.negative info
67) The objective is to identify and interview in person all individuals in the area
where the victim was kidnapped of last known.
a. nominal party c. neighbourhood investigation
b. non-feasance d. investigation
68) One who is joined as plaintiff or defendant.
a. nominal party c. team leader
b. police officer d. investigator
69) The ommsion or refusal without sufficient cause.
a. nominal party c. malfeasance
b. non-feasance d. none of the above.
70) A statement made in passing rule issued on a point not necessarily involve in the
a. obligation c. obiter dictum
b. offender d. writ of certiorari
71) A judicial necessity to give to do or not to do.
a. ocular inspection c. obligation
b. c.s reconstruction d. obiter dictum
72) Is the person, appearing to have defamed,discredited,damaged, and
a. police c. parents
b. criminal d. offended party
73) Obligation impose upon party who alleges the existence or fact.
a. onus probandi c. offended party
b. opinion d. obiter dictum
74) Portion of judgment containing the findings of facts and the conclusion of law.
a. onus probandi c. obiter dictum
b.opinion d. praetor intentionem
75) A structured group of 3 or more person with the aim of committing one or more
serious crime.
a. organized crime group c. out of town check
b. organized crime d. parole evidence
76) Combination of 2 or more persons who engaged in a criminal liability
a. organized crime group c. parole evidence
b. out of town check d. organized crime
77) A check being presented before any bank not within territory where the issuing
bank is located
a. bouncing check c. none of the above
b. out of town check
78) Parents or guardian of the country.
a. parens partriae c. out of town check
b. praetor intentionem d. parent or guardian
79) Any person who kills his father,mother,child whether legitimate or illegitimate.
a. homicide c. infanticide
b. murder d. parricide
80) A document issued to allow citizens to pass safely and freely to another country
a. title c. passport
b. license d. driver`s license
81) Grant by federal government to any invetor of the right.
a. trademark c. patent
b. rights d. piracy
82) Includes natural and juridical persons
a. persona c. person in authority
b. person d. patent

83) Person with the maintenance of public order
a. persona c. person in authority
b. person d. patent
84) The conduct of examining the engine and chasis no. of a motor vehicle
a. person c. investigation
b. physical examination d. vehicle examination
85) Physical evidence is an evidence addressed to the senses of the court
a. True b.False
86) Harm done to a childs psychological or intellectual functioning which may be
exhibited to severe anxiety.
a. child abuse c. vawc law
b. physical injury d. child labor
87) An act or exact, unauthorized and illegal reproduction on a commercial scale of
a copyrighted wore of a trademark product
a. child abuse c. piracy
b. patent d. trademark
88) A committee created by the PNP that specifically handles cases of kidnapping
a. PNP c. soco
b. p.a.c.e.r d. cmc
89) The physical location where a heat source and fire comes in contact with each
a. point of fire c. point of origin
b. point of combustion d. none of the above
90) A record or log where all types of operational and under cover dispatches shall
be recorded containing the 5w`s and 1h.
a. police report c. investigator report
b. spot report d. police blotter

91) A location where the search is conducted w/c is duly authorized by the pnp to
prevent the commission of crime.
a. police checkpoint c. sector
b. beat patrol d. none of the above
92) A diplomatic and consular position such as embassy or consulate
a. sector c. embassy
b. post d. territory
93) Comprehensive forensic inquiry specifically on a bombing incident through
conduct of various investigative techniques.
a. crime scene investigation c. post blast investigation
b. ballistic d. none of the above
94) The one which produces an injury
a. weapon c. accident
b. proximate cause d. suspect
95) Elective and appointive official and employees, permanent or temporary
a. police c. mayor
b. govt.official d. none of the above
96) When the doubt of different arises as to the truth or false hood of alleged facts.
a. question of fact c. quantum merity
b. question of law d. none of the above
97) There is a question of law in a given case when the doubt arises as to what the
law states.
a. question of fact c. quantum merity
b. question of law d. none
98) Heat transfer by way of electromagnetic energy.
a. fire c. heat
b. combustion d. radiation
99) Is not a mere gness that defendant may or may not guilty.
a. question of fact c. heat
b. question of law d. radiation
100) Receiving or accepting any gift from another man other from a member of the
public officer
a. bribery c.seizure
b. receiving any gift d. none
251. The following are Job of the Investigator. Which one is not?
a. Identify the criminals
b. examine the physical evidence to the crime Lab
c. protect the crime scene
d. all of the above
252. One of the following statement is not a job of Investigator
a. Collect the evidence from the crime scene
b. Interview of the witnesses
c. Keep the physical evidence recovered from the crime scene on
his own
d. Tracing and Locating the suspect
253. Vigorous questioning of the suspect in custody with the
observance of due process.
This is probably perform by the __________
a. Investigator
b. First responder
c. Medical or health officer
d. Crime scene investigation
254. He/she serve as a witness in favor of the aggrieved or offended
party to the court
a. Desk officer
b. First responder
c. Station commander
d. Investigator
255. He/she examine the collected evidence which are specimen,
chemicals etc..
a. Investigator
b. First responder
c. Forensic chemist
d. Desk officer
256. It is a method which in a way of taking notes of some important
details to the crime scene before making the report
a. Line/strip search method
b. Double strip or grid method
c. Recording of facts
d. Jotting down
257. A rectangle i8s traversed first parallel to the base than parallel to
the side, a method of search that was modified to effectively search the crime scene.
a. Line/strip search method
b. Double strip or grid method
c. Recording of facts
d. Jotting down
258. Typically used in outdoor scene to cover large area.
a. Line/strip search method
b. Double strip or grid method
c. Recording of facts
d. Jotting down
259. One of the criteria when it comes to a good report
a. Line/strip search method
b. Double strip or grid method
c. Recording of facts
d. Jotting down
260. In this method, the three searchers follow each other along the
path of spiral beginning on the outside and spiraling in toward the center.
a. Line strip search method
b. Double strip or grid method
c. Zone/Quadrant search method
d. Wheel search method
261. The area is considered to be approximately circular. The
searchers gather at the center and proceed outward along radii or spokes
a. Line strip search method
b. Double strip or grid method
c. Zone/Quadrant search method
d. Wheel search method
262. Is the place where essential ingredients of the criminal act took
place, and this also includes the setting of the crime and adjoining places of entry
and exit of both offender and victims.
a. Sketch of the crime scene
b. Physical evidence
c. Crime scene
d. Crime scene search
263. Articles and materials which are found in connection with
investigation and which aid in establishing the identification of the perpetrator or the
circumstances under which, in general assist in the prosecution of the criminals.
a. Sketch of the crime scene
b. Physical evidence
c. Crime scene
d. Crime scene search
264. Is the place where the essential ingredients of the criminal act
took place, and this also includes the setting of the crime scene and the adjoining
places of the entry and exit of both offender and victim.
a. Sketch of the crime scene
b. Physical evidence
c. Crime scene
d. Crime scene search
265. Comprises of the area from which evidence of a crime may be
recovered by the crime scene investigator or by the crime scene examiner.
a. Sketch of the crime scene
b. Physical evidence
c. Crime scene
d. Crime scene search
266. Upon receipt of a report/complaint of a crime incident, he record
the time and date the report/complaint was made, identify the person who made the
report, place of the incident, synopsis of the incident and inform the superior officer
of the duty officer regarding the report.
a. Desk officer
b. First responder
c. Security officer
d. Team leader
267. Any police officer who first arrive at the crime scene and shall
endeavor to protect and secure the crime scene.
a. Desk officer
b. First responder
c. Security officer
d. Team leader
268. He takes control of the crime scene and act as the commander
of the crime scene process.
a. Desk officer
b. First responder
c. Security officer
d. Team leader
269. He is responsible of recording the crime scene to avoid kibitzers
to get inside the crime scene and do not allow any unauthorized person inside the
police line.
a. Desk officer
b. First responder
c. Security officer
d. Team leader
270. He receive physical evidence from the evidence collector, record
all pieces of evidence , maintain custody and control of collected pieces of evidence
and transmit to the crime Lab the evidence collected for the purpose of forensic
a. Sketch and measurer
b. CSI evidence custodian
c. Medical or health officer
d. Crime photographer
271. He prepares a crime scene sketch, established compass
orientation, and draws and record exact position of physical evidence.
a. Sketch and measurer
b. CSI evidence custodian
c. Medical or health officer
d. Crime photographer
272. He is responsible for determining the condition of the victim at
the crime scene.
a. Sketch and measurer
b. CSI evidence custodian
c. Medical or health officer
d. Crime photographer
273. Immediately takes photograph upon his arrival to the crime
scene and takes photograph of the identifier before starting the crime scene
a. Sketch and measurer
b. CSI evidence custodian
c. Medical or health officer
d. Crime photographer
274. He collects evidence to the crime scene and avoid the physical
evidence to be contaminate by following necessary procedure and always inform the
team leader about the valuable evidence collected.
a. Sketch and measurer
b. CSI evidence custodian
c. Evidence collector
d. Crime photographer
275. it is the process of maximizing the scientific method that could
be gathered on the scene.
a. Scientific crime scene processing
b. Forensic science processing
c. Science forensic processing
d. None of the above
276. Scientific crime scene processing includes all the following
except one:
a. CSI readiness
b. Physical reaction
c. Crime scene preservation
d. Crime scene assessment
277. Evidence collection, final walk trough, crime scene debriefing,
release of crime, crime scene reconstruction and preparation of CSI report are
activities included to Crime processing. Therefore, the statement is:
a. True
b. False
c. Doubtfully true
d. None of the above
278. Is the person who is tasked with the duty of carrying out the
objectives in the investigation process?
a. Crime scene investigator
b. Investigator
c. Detective
d. Examiner
279. Identify and if possible, retain for questioning the person who
first notified the police. The statement is:
a. True
b. False
c. None of the above
280. The physical appearance of the crime scene is reconstructed
from the description of the witnesses and the indication of the physical evidence.
a. Mental reconstruction
b. Crime scene sketch
c. Physical reconstruction
d. Rough sketch
281. Some conclusion were made regarding the consistency of the
accounts of various witnesses
a. Mental reconstruction
b. Sketch of the crime scene
c. Physical reconstruction
d. Rough sketch
282. Is being made at the crime scene, no scale of scale of scale is
ignored and everything is approximated as basis for finish sketch.
a. Sketch of the crime scene
b. Rough sketch
c. Finished sketch
d. Sketch of locality
283. Is being made for court room presentation.
a. Sketch of the crime scene
b. Rough sketch
c. Finished sketch
d. Sketch of locality
284. Gives a picture of the scene, the crime and its environs such as
items and location, roads leading to the house.
a. Sketch of grounds
b. Sketch of details
c. Finished sketch
d. Sketch of locality
285. Describe immediate scene only.
a. Sketch of grounds
b. Sketch of details
c. Finished sketch
d. Sketch of locality
286. Picture the scene of the crime with its nearest physical
a. Sketch of grounds
b. Sketch of details
c. Finished sketch
d. Sketch of locality
287. The following are elements of sketch except one:
a. Measurements
b. Compass direction
c. Scaling
d. Title
288. Includes case identification, victims, scenes portrayed location,
date and hour when it was made, and the name of the sketcher.
a. Measurements
b. Compass direction
c. legend
d. Title
289. The explanation of any symbol use to identify objects must be
a. Measurements
b. Compass direction
c. legend
d. Title
290. The scale of the drawing depends on the area to be shown and
the size of the drawing paper available. The actual scale must be stated on sketch.
a. Measurements
b. Compass direction
c. legend
d. scale of proportion
291. one of the elements of sketch which define must be accurate?
a. Measurements
b. Compass direction
c. Essential items
d. scale of proportion
292. The standard arrow designated to the north must be indicated to
facilitate proper orientation.
a. Measurements
b. Compass direction
c. legend
d. scale of proportion
293. Sketch must include important items of investigation.
a. Measurements
b. Compass direction
c. Essential items
d. scale of proportion
294. objects or substances which are essential parts of the body of
the crime.
a. Corpus delicti
b. Tracing evidence
c. Associated evidence
d. None of the above
295. Evidence which links the suspect to the crime scene of offense.
a. Corpus delicti
b. Tracing evidence
c. Associated evidence
d. None of the above
296. Is an art which deals with the identity and location of the
offender and provides evidence of his guilt through criminals proceeding?
a. Investigation
b. Forensic examination
c. Criminal investigation
d. Crime scene investigation
297. Is the skillful questioning of the witness and the suspect in a
a. Interview
b. Interrogation
c. Information
d. Instrumentation
298. Is the knowledge which the investigator gathered from other
a. Interview
b. Interrogation
c. Information
d. instrumentation
299. Is the application of different scientific instruments and methods
in the crime detection?
a. Interview
b. Interrogation
c. Information
d. instrumentation
300. Six cardinal points must be the steps in solving a crime scene, in
order to make the investigative work answered.
a. True
b. False

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