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T'() 1 - R*'+ ,-* ,*#, .*/01 T-*2, 3*'+ ,-* (,',*4*2,( ,-', 50//01 6, '2+ 4'3) ,-*4 '( ,37* 03 5'/(*
T-* L'+9 16,- ,-* L'4$
Less than 200 years ago, most hospitals were dirty and unhealthy places. Then, one person
changed everything. Florence Nightingale was the first great nurse of the world. She changed nursing into
a respected profession, and she set standards for clean, safe hospitals all over the world. Her picture hangs
on the walls of many hospitals.
hen Florence was twelve years old, she decided she wanted to do something useful with her
life. She en!oyed visiting sic" people in the neigh#ourhood.
Florence was very special #ecause most $ictorian middle%class women didn&t have careers, #ut
Florence wanted to #ecome a nurse. Her parents wanted her to get married, #ut their disapproval didn&t
stop her from doing what she wanted.
Florence went to 'ermany to learn a#out nursing. (t that time, nurses learned through
e)perience, not through training. Florence loo"ed after sic" people, gave them medicine and helped during
*n +,-., /ritain entered the 0rimean ar. Florence and a team of 1, nurses went to the 0rimea
to help the wounded soldiers. The military hospitals were dirty and #adly organi2ed. Florence made the
hospitals clean and safe. The num#er of deaths in hospitals went down from .03 to 23.
Florence was "ind and gentle with the soldiers. She tal"ed to them and gave them hope. hen
she wal"ed around the hospital at night, she carried a lamp and that&s how she got the title &The Lady with
the Lamp&.
(fter the war, Florence wrote a #oo" e)plaining how to ma"e hospitals #etter. 4eople from all
over the world as"ed for her advice on designing hospitals. Florence thought that nurses should learn
through #oth e)perience and training. *n +,50, she opened her training school for nurses. Today, the
Nightingale Nurses still care for the sic" and the poor.
Florence died on +1th (ugust +6+0 in London. She was 60 years old. 7n her gravestone, it
says 8F. N. /orn +,20. 9ied +6+0.8 She didn&t want any other memorial.
:+; Florence Nightingale used to clean hospitals. T8F
:2; hen Florence was +2, she loo"ed after people who were ill. T8F
:1; Florence Nightingale was not li"e other women of her time. T8F
:.; Her parents were happy that she wanted to #e a nurse. T8F
:-; Florence Nightingale trained to #e a nurse in 0rimea. T8F
:5; Florence Nightingale designed a num#er of hospitals. T8F
:<; hen the war was over, Florence travelled all over the world. T8F
:,; The school Florence Nightingale started is still open today. T8F
T'() 2 - C-00(* ,-* :033*:, '2(1*3 "A, B, C 03 D&
:6; The te)t...
( tells the story of a military hospital. 0 is Florence Nightingale&s life story.
/ e)plains how nursing started. 9 descri#es life during the 0rimean ar.
:+0; The te)t is most pro#a#ly part of...
( an advertisement. 0 a maga2ine article.
/ a news article. 9 an interview.
A F03 ;7*(,602( 1-10, 3*'+ ,-* ,*#, .*/01 '2+ ,-62) 05 ,-* 103+ 1-6:- .*(, 56,( *':- ($':* U(* 02/9 02*
103+ 62 *':- ($':* "10#1%10 $&
Flowers grow everywhere in the world #ut "0& <<<<<when<<<<< people thin" of tulips, they thin" of
the Netherlands. The 9utch have a saying= >Flowers love people?. "1&<<<<<<<<<<< this is true, then
flowers really love the 9utch, as flowers have #een cultivated in the Netherlands for hundreds of years. *n
fact, the flower industry has #een "2&<<<<<<<<<<< profita#le that it has #een #oosting the 9utch economy
since the seventeenth century. @ecently, however, the 9utch flower growers have #een "=&<<<<<<<<<<
difficulties in coping with the tough competition from a#road. The 0olom#ians, for instance, have
"4&<<<<<<<<<<<the 9utch #y surprise. Their flowers are now :5& <<<<<<<<<<< demand all over the world
">&<<<<<<<<<<< to the simple fact that they are cheaper. ithin a few short years, the 0olom#ians have
#rought Holland&s domination of the flower industry to an end. "?&<<<<<<<<< this fact, the Netherlands is
still in control of over si)ty per cent of the world&s flower mar"et.
*n "@& <<<<<<<<<<< to help the 9utch growers, the Auropean 0ommission has decided to promote the
flower industry, as "A&<<<<<<<<<<< as the growers themselves are willing to cut costs and #ecome more
competitive. (ll this in the hope of ma"ing people #uy more flowers than they used to. Today the average
9utchman #uys +-0 stems a year, "10& <<<<<<<<<<< the 'ermans #uy , 0 stems and the Anglish only -0
stems. These num#ers are constantly declining. Bnless this trend is reversed, many 9utch growers will
soon #e out of #usiness.
B C-00(* ,-* .*(, '2(1*3B A,B,C 03 D "10 # 2%20$&
+; (s soon as we CCCC., we are going home.
A will finish B finish C finished D had finished
2; hile sheCCCC..down the street, she saw (ndy.
A wal"s B had wal"ed C wal"ed D was wal"ing
1; *tDs the first time he 4aris.
A has flown B flies C will fly D flew
.; * am used to CCCC..lonely.
A feel B felt C feeling D having felt
-; Ey #rother CCCCCCa#out #uying a new car.
A is thin"ing B thin"s C thin" D shall thin"
5; * promised her * CCCCCC..straight home after the meeting.
A go B will go C am going D would go
<; * canDt tell you anything. They CCCCCCCC.home yet.
A donDt come B havenDt come C didnDt come D wonDt come
,; /y the time the police arrived, the #urglarsCCCCCC..
A disappear B have disappeared C disappeared D had disappeared
6; * would #oo" the flights if you CCCCCC..of the hotel.
A will ta"e care B are ta"ing care C too" care D ta"e care
+0; The man ... to repair the computer for three hours.
A was trying B have #een trying C is trying D has #een trying
C L00) ', ,-* 103+ 62 .3':)*,( 50//0162C *':- (*2,*2:* C04$/*,* *':- (*2,*2:* .9 136,62C ,-*
:033*:, 5034 05 ,-* 103+ 62 ,-* C'$ "10 # 1$%10$&
+. Avery afternoon, the coo"s CCC.. their "nives in preparation for dinner. SH(@4
2. * hate #eing around Eary Lou, she is so CCCCCC.. F@*AN9LF
1. * thin" we should try something else. That strategy seems way too CCCC @*SG
.. Ey father&s death left me with a great CCCCCC. in my heart. AE4TF
-. (mericans fought hard to earn their CCCCCCC. from /ritain. F@AA
5. hen you wor" at a nuclear power plant, you have to #e e)tremely CCC. 0(@A
<. The weather CCCCCC.. loo"s #ad for a picnic % rainy and windyH 0(ST
,. HeDs a man of great CCCCCCCCC.. 'ANA@7BS
6. CCCCCCCCC, no#ody was "illed in the accident. F7@TBNA
+0. The new sports center doesnDt Iuite come up to my CCCCC AJ4A0T
@ead the e)tract from Helen&s letter.
I hope you like your new school. What is it like?
How about your teachers? What is your favourite lesson? Why?
I am very excited because I am getting a dog tomorrow! I really cant wait!
Then write a letter to Helen, who has !ust got #ac" from holiday, telling her a#out your new school.
(s" three Iuestions a#out her new pet. !"#$%"&$ words'.
9o not write any addresses. Four name is S'4
I R*'+62C C04$3*-*2(602 "10#2$%20$&
Tas" + % + F, 2 T, 1 T, . F, - F, 5 F, < F, , T
Tas" 2 % 6 0, +0 0
II E2C/6(- 62 U(*
(. "10#1%10$&
+. *f
2. so
1. having
.. ta"en
-. in
5. due
<. 9espite
,. order
6. long
+0. whereasKwhile
/. "10#2%20$&
+. /
2. 9
1. (
.. 0
-. (
5. 9
<. /
,. 9
6. 0
+0. 9
0 (10 x 1p=10p)
+. sharpen
2. unfriendly
1. ris"y
.. emptiness
-. freedom
5. careful
<. forecast
,. generosity
6. fortunately
+0. e)pectations
% organi2ation and cohesion CCCCCCCC-p.
% language accuracy CCCCCCCCCCC.5p.
% range of voca#ulary CCCCCCCCCC...5p.

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