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A. Reading comprehension ( 20 p)
You are going to read an article about a woman who runs a company called Peanuts. For
questions 1 8, choose the correct answer A, B, or !.
Hngr! pop s"ars
Valerie Jones runs a company called Peanuts whose job is to look after pop stars and
pop groups when they go on tour. She is the person who feeds the stars and shes been
doing it for the past ten years.
"hen the stars are playing at a #esti$al %alerie may ha$e to coo& #or up to a
thousand people which includes all the crew and the people who wor& bac&stage. 'he
erects a marquee a huge tent and the #ood is ser$ed bu##et style #rom a central ser$ing
area. 'he has to cater #or di##erent tastes, so there are normally #our or more choices o#
menu. 'he also has to loo& a#ter people who may be on a special diet or some singers
who don(t eat dairy #ood be#ore a concert.
'he dri$es an enormous truc& #ull o# &itchen equipment and hires at least three
wal&)in re#rigerators, a dishwashing unit and portable cabins which act as storerooms
and o##ice.
All the bands ha$e to queue up to be ser$ed and e$eryone has to ha$e a meal
tic&et. *he stars are usually more rela+ed when they are eating as no one is bothering
them #or autographs, although %alerie says that sometimes the security men and the stars(
managers are more trouble than the stars themsel$es.
*here are certain things which she always has to &eep in stoc& li&e herbal teas and
her own particular mi+ture o# honey, lemon and ginger which singers li&e to &eep in
#las&s on stage with them when they(re singing. Years ago bands used to drin& quite a lot
o# alcohol, but these days they(re much healthier. ,ost bands drin& #resh #ruit -uice and
pre#er to eat salads.
A lot o# people in the bands are quite young and they(re not used to $ery
e+pensi$e #ood, so %alerie prepares plain #ood unless a band sends her a .rider(. *his is a
list o# special requirements. "hen people are tired, unwell or homesic& they li&e to ha$e
#amiliar .com#ort( #ood so she &eeps a stoc& o# people(s requirements -ust in case. As a
result o# all this, %alerie says she has become an e+pert shopper and in less than an hour
in a supermar&et she can spend / 1000 .
A lot o# bands won(t eat be#ore a concert because they(re too ner$ous, so %alerie
and her sta## can end up wor&ing $ery long hours as they ha$e to be around to pro$ide
what people want at two or three in the morning. 1ne thing %alerie has noticed is that the
more mad a band is on the stage, the more normal they are when they are o## it. 'he says
she is ama2ed at the change in beha$iour. A really wild singer can turn out to be really
quiet and polite o## stage.
1. %alerie has to pro$ide a range o# #ood because
A people are $ery #ussy about what they eat.
B people are used to eating in restaurants.
there is such a wide $ariety o# pre#erences.
! there is such a demand #or special menus.
3. *he singers are less ner$ous when they are eating because
A their security men are with them.
B there are no #ans hanging around.
their managers #uss o$er them.
! the bands en-oy eating together.
4. "hy does %alerie ha$e to &eep a supply o# certain drin&s5
A *he bands rely on a special recipe.
B *he bands pre#er herbal tea to co##ee.
*he bands ta&e #ruit -uice on stage.
! *he bands li&e to drin& alcohol.
6. "hat do most bands li&e best to eat5
A rich #ood
B cheap #ood
-un& #ood
! simple #ood
7. "hat does . -ust in case( in line 33 re#er to5
A %alerie(s supply o# more e+pensi$e #ood
B %alerie(s list o# .riders( #rom the di##erent bands
%alerie(s supply o# special #ood #or $arious people
! %alerie(s understanding o# people #eeling sic&
8. "hy do you thin& %alerie has become an .e+pert shopper(5

A 'he has a lot o# money to spend each wee&.
B 'he has learnt to #ind what indi$iduals want.
'he has to buy as much as possible #or / 1000 .
! 'he has to shop $ery quic&ly in a supermar&et.
9. "hy is a band li&ely to be hungry a#ter playing5
A *hey #eel more rela+ed a#ter a concert.
B *hey wor& long hours with little #ood.
*hey only ha$e a snac& be#ore a concert.
! *hey li&e to wait until they eat together.
8. "hat does %alerie thin& about the singers5
A *hey are completely cra2y on and o## stage.
B *hey beha$e di##erently on and o## stage.
*hey are less rude when they are o## stage.
! *hey are normally more noisy on stage.
#. Eng$ish in se (%0p)
&. :ead the te+t and choose the correct answer, A, B, or !.
*here is an e+ample at the beginning; ( '0 p)
<0= A say B tell spea& ! announce
"rite the Per#ect rime >o$el
,ost people are born with the natural ability to <0= ... stories, but only a rare #ew ha$e the
determination to become pro#essional authors, and e$en #ewer ha$e the -oy o# seeing their
no$els top the <1= ... o# bestselling boo&s. 'ome o# the world?s #amous crime writers ha$e
achie$ed the <3= ... success o# all. "ho can <4= ... the appeal o# #amous detecti$es li&e
'herloc& @olmes, ,iss ,arple or @ercule Poirot5 A$en i# you ha$en?t read the <6= ...
boo&s you will ha$e seen them in #ilms or on the *%.
B# you ha$e an ambition to become the <7= ... Agatha hristie what should you do5 *he
best starting <8= ... is to read lots o# e+amples o# crime #iction written by good authors.
You will need a noteboo& to carry around with you or, <9= ... better, some loose <8= ... o#
paper that you can <C= ... notes on and then #ile into a #older. A#ter all, the most e$eryday
situation ) #or e+ample, watching a woman get <10= ... a train ) may be the inspiration #or
your #irst bestseller.
1 . A. queue B. list . row !. line
3 . A. largest B. greatest . highest !. prime
4 . A. deny B. re#use . insist !. hide
6 . A. #irst B. initial . early !. original
7 . A. ne+t B. #ollowing . subsequent !. later
8 . A spot B. tip . point !. mar&
9. A. e$en B. still . $ery !. so
8 . A strips B. sheets . layers !. pieces
C . A. complete B. do . #ill !. ma&e
10. A. out B. down . o## !. #rom

&&. Dse the deri$ates o# the words in capital letters to #ill in the blan&s .*here is an
e+ample at the beginning. <10 p=
Bn the not)too)distant past #arm animals were able to
li$e <0= >A*D:AE li$es in what we would now term >A*D:A
?#ree)range? conditions. 'uch #arming methods howe$er,
were not able to supply the rapidly growing <1= ... P1PDEA*A
o# the world and the increasing demands on #ood
<3= ... Bn order to cope with this rising demand, #actory 1>'D,A
#arming methods were introduced along with the <4= ... !A%AE1P
o# genetically engineered <6= ... hormones, which F:1"
resulted in a massi$e increase in #ood <7= ... P:1!DA
@owe$er, these de$elopments in the use o# #actory
#arming and drug <8= ... ha$e led to a widespread *:AA*
#eeling that animals are being caused a lot o# distress
and that the quality o# the #ood itsel# su##ers as a
consequence. ertainly, many people <9= ... with the idea AF:AA
o# &eeping animals in one building #or their entire <8= ... AGB'*
and argue that more emphasis should be gi$en to <C= ... AE*A:>A*A
#arming methods. A growing number o# people are
choosing to eat organic #ood, supporting #armers who use
#ree)range methods, a system which has pro$ed to be
both <10= ... and more humane. A1>1,Y
&&&. :ead the te+t below and thin& o# a word which best #its each space. Dse only one
word in each space. *here is an e+ample at the beginning( ('0p )
<0= to
"hen the day comes gi$e yoursel# plenty o# time <0= ... do e$erything; ha$e
brea&#ast but don?t drin& <1= ... muchH go to the toiletH arri$e on time, but not too early or
you will #ind yoursel# getting more and more ner$ous while you wait to start. *ry not to
tal& <3= ... the e+am be#ore you go in.
Bn the e+am, calm <4= ... down by breathing deeply and thin&ing positi$ely. :ead
<6= ... e+am questions care#ully and underline all o# the &ey instruction words <7= ...
indicate how the questions should <8= ... answered. B# possible start with the ones <9= ...
can do easily to gi$e you con#idence. :emember what you?$e learnt #rom practising
questions and doing moc& e+ams pre$iously and plan your use o# time. !on?t panic <8= ...
e$eryone around you seems to start writing #uriously straight away and don?t be tempted
to #ollow their e+ample.
Finally, a#ter the e+am, don?t -oin in a discussion about <C= ... e$eryone else did,
<10= ... you want to #righten yoursel#, and drain your sel#)con#idence #or the ne+t e+am.
&). omplete each sentence with a word #rom the list; dynamic, elegant, obstinate
,un#a$orable ,dishonest ,obedient, irresponsible, #earless, tolerance, impatient ('0 p)
1. B don?t e+pect him to change his mind because B &now he is $ery IIIII.
3. B# you want to shop #or the latest #ashions or e+pensi$e sou$enirs in >ew Yor& ity, go
to Fi#th A$enue. Bt is #ull o# IIIII shops.
4. 1ur teacher is a<n= IIIII.. person, so she easily capti$ates the interest and
attention o# the students while she is teaching.
6. ,y #ather gets angry with us whene$er we ma&e a mista&e. @e has no III.. #or
7. *eachers li&e IIII..students who ne$er brea& their rules.
8. "e couldn?t see the meteor shower last night because o# the IIII. weather
9. You should wait #or your turn. You?d better not be so IIIIII..
8. *om is so IIIII..H he ne$er does his homewor& and ne$er &eeps to his promises.
C. Jim is so IIIIIIII..that he sometimes puts his li#e at ris&.
10. ,rs. 'mith always tells her daughter not to marry a<n= III. man, who lies and
C. *ri"ing (20 poin"s)
"rite a letter to your best #riend to describe the ideal place to $isit. ,oti$ate your choice.
<170 words=

&. Reading comprehension (20p) . X 0.2/p
'. C
2 .#
0 .C
% .,
/ .,
1 .#
2 .A
. .#
&& . Eng$ish in se
'. +$"ip$e choice c$o3e '0 X 'p
'. # ($is")
2. # (grea"es")
0. A (den!)
%. , (origina$)
/. A (ne4")
1. C (poin")
2. A (e5en)
.. # (shee"s)
6. , (ma7e)
'0.C (o88)
2. *ord 8orma"ion '0 X 'p
' .pop$a"ion
0. de5e$opmen"
%. gro9"h
/. prodc"ion
1. "rea"men": "rea"men"s
2. disagree
.. e4is"ence
'0. economica$
0. -pen c$o3e '0 X 'p
'. "oo
2. 2. a;o"
0. !orse$8
%. "he
/. "ha": 9hich
1. ;e
2. !o
.. i8: 9hen
6. 9ha"
'0. n$ess
%. <i$$ in '0 X 'p
'. o;s"ina"e
2. e$egan"
0. d!namic
%. "o$erance
/. o;edien"
1. n8a5ora;$e
2. impa"ien"
.. irresponsi;$e
6. 8ear$ess
'0. dishones"
&&&. *R&T&=> (00p)
) organi2ation and cohesion IIIIIIII7p.
) language accuracy IIIIIIIIIII.8p.
) range o# $ocabulary IIIIIIIIII...8p.

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