Welcome Back!: Volume 1, Issue 1

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Volume 1, Issue 1 September, 2014

Welcome back!
Welcome back to a new school year. I am so pleased to
return to Gladstone for a second year. I look forward to
greeting many familiar faces, meeting our new
families, and working with your child. It was inspiring
to see so many happy and eager faces on the first day
of school.
We welcome a number of new staff members to our
team this year. Please come and meet the entire staff at
our Open House on Thursday, September 11
, from
4-6 pm. This is a meet and greet event. Staff will not
be providing information on academic progress. School
Council is also hosting a BBQ at this time. Come
meet our Council members and see how easy it is
for you to join this parent group and support your
childs school experience. We need you!

Thanks to Ms. DAlessio for continuing to manage the
Gladstone Public School Facebook page. Visit us there
to find the most updated information and photos of
Gladstone current events.

Head Lice
As you know, head lice is an ongoing concern. From
time to time, we may need to check your childs hair
for nits or live lice. We will notify parents/guardians if
there is a concern.

Boys and Girls Club
There are still spaces left in the Boys & Girls Club of
Cornwall / SDGs After School program right here at
Gladstone! This program is offered every school day
from dismissal until 5:30 pm. The program offers a
daily healthy snack, homework support, fun and active
games, and health and wellness activities. For more
information and to register please contact the Boys &
Girls Club of Cornwall/SDG: 506 First Street East
613-935-9015 www.bgccornwallsdg.com
Membership forms are also available at the main office.

Parking at Gladstone
When using our parking lot for school business, please
obtain a temporary parking pass from our office
administrator in order to avoid a parking ticket and

Life Threatening Nut Allergies
We would like to remind you that our school has
students and staff with life threatening peanut allergies.
We kindly ask that you do not send products that contain
nuts. There are food suppliers who are marketing
peanut-free products that look, taste, and smell like
peanut butter. These peanut butter substitute products
can cause confusion and create an unsafe environment
for our students and staff who are peanut anaphylactic.
Therefore, due to the difficulty in differentiating
between peanut butter and a peanut butter substitute, we
do not allow these products in our school.
We thank you for your support in keeping a safe
environment for all.
Please remind your child not to share food with other

School Hours
Our school hours are as follows:
Arrival: 7:55
Class begins: 8:05
First Nutrition Break and Recess: 9:45 10:25
Second Nutrition Break and Recess: 12:25 1:05
* JK/SK classes start and finish breaks 20 min earlier
Dismissal: 2:25
Students are welcome on the playground at 7:55 a.m.
Please note that we do not have yard supervision before
7:55 a.m.
It is important for your child to be on time in the
morning so that he or she does not miss crucial
teaching time for literacy.

Safe Arrival Program
Please let us know if your child will be absent or late.
As part of the Upper Canada District School Boards
Safe Arrival Policy, parents are required to provide
current phone numbers and they are required to inform
the school if their child will be absent or late. Our
answering machine is available at all times for you to
leave a message regarding your childs attendance. You
may also write a note in the agenda if you know ahead
of time, or send a note with a sibling. Our office
administrator will make every attempt to contact you or
your emergency contacts. If unable to do so, we may
contact the police to ensure your childs safety.

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