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Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015

Looking for Extraordinary Leaders

Application for Management Board 2014/2015

Dear candidate,
Thank you for taking the step to apply for position on the Management Board of
AIESEC UPNVY and thus deciding to take an active role in bringing AIESEC UPNVY
forward. Please complete this questionnaire using a font size 11, Georgia.
You can create your own design (graphic style and color usage) for your application
Before create your application, please read these following guideline :

1. Manager application booklet consist of Personal Information, General
Question and Specific Question.

2. The Applicant MUST answer all the question, Specific Question answered
based on applied position, and if there are one or more question left
unanswered, the application will be INVALID.

3. For Applied position, applicant can fill 2 position in one department and 1
position for other department or 3 different position in 3 different

4. After you filled the application booklet, you have to save it in format PDF.

5. Other Requirement for Management Board Application Booklet is : Parent
Permission Letter and Organization Letter (if applicant have other
organization outside AIESEC).

6. After all requirement finish, you have to compiled it in format (.zip) or (.rar)
in name AIESEC UPNVY_MB1415_Name and send it to , and VP applied position.
Mustika Jati (OGCDP) :
Sherona Junika (OGIP) :
Suzana Warkey (IGCDP Adhoc) :
Berliyan R (MarComm) :

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders
Dora Valeria Purba (FGS) :
Puteri Kalya (TM) :

7. Applicant have to send the file on time based on deadline and theres no
reason for send it late, the booklet status is INVALID.

8. For further information/advice, you can ask to Puteri Kalya (085 743 557
113) or each Vice President.

The Application Process
1. After applicant send the booklet, Vice President have to ask schedule for
interview to applicant maximal 3 days after submission deadline
2. For interview, you can do it by online (skype, line, etc) or offline (interview
face to face with VP applied position)
3. After the interview, Vice President have to report the result to LCP and VP
Talent Management.
4. For the Final Announcement, the deadline is 7 days after submission

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders
A. Personal Information

1. Name :
2. Date of birth :
3. Address :
4. Email :
5. Major/University :
6. Current Position :
7. Phone :
8. Year of joining AIESEC :

B. Applied Position

Position Department

C. General Questionnaire

1. What is driving you to continue in AIESEC? Why have you decided to stand
as Manager/Coordinator/Supervisor? And what do you want to take out of
this experience?
2. Please define your goals for: a) next year; b) 3 5 years; c) 15 years.
3. What are your strength and weakness?
4. What is your greatest achievement in life by far?
5. What is leadership to you?
6. What is your biggest achievement in AIESEC by far?
7. What is the biggest frustration/failure you have experienced in AIESEC? What
did you learn from it?

Please put a nice
picture of you

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders
8. What is AIESEC for you?
9. How do you see AIESEC UPN Veteran Yogyakarta?
10. Please explain AIESEC with no more than 50 (fifty) words to:
a. 17-year-old high school student
b. New member of AIESEC
c. Governor of Yogyakarta

D. Specific Questions

*please fill based on applied position
1. Spesific Question for Talent Management

1. In your own opinion, what is differences between Talent Management,
Human Capital Model and Human Resource ? And what is the purpose of
Talent Management ?
2. Please explain briefly about 12 Talent Process !
3. Please make a synergy chart between Talent Management and other
department !
4. What is your strategy for Talent Management 14/15 based on your applied
position ?
a. Learning and Development Supervisor :
How to make sure all Learning and Development member can
delivered and develoved well ?
b. Global Ambassador Development Coordinator :
What will you do to make sure EP get development from Exchange
Program ?
c. Global Interns Development Coordinator :
What will you do to make sure Interns get development from
Exchange Program ?
d. Capacity Coordinator :
Please make a basic planning for recruitment consist of target
number, market, allocation and induction !

2. Outgoing Exchange GCDP
*Please answer based on your applied position

Manager of Internal System :

1. Please mention EPs Flow from beginning after Exchange ? and
please explain!

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders
2. Please mention all of AIESEC UPNVYs market and giving the
analysis of the growing path from each market ?

3. What are the documents that EPs should prepared for :
a. Apply for GCDP
b. Raising
c. Matching
d. Realize
4. Please make SWOT on apply raising process on 1314 for OGX
5. Please write your strategy to increase the rate of people from Apply
to Raised ?

Manager of International Relations

1. Please mention EPs Flow from beginning after Exchange ? and
please explain!
2. Please mention all of AIESEC region and analyze what are the Region
and Countries that suitable on each market !
3. What are the documents that EPs should prepared for :
a. Apply for GCDP
b. Raising
c. Matching
d. Realize
4. Please make SWOT about 1314 on matching rate for OGX GCDP !
5. Please write your strategy to increase the matching rate of the EPs!

EP Development and Quality Coordinator

1. What is NPS and why NPS is important for the Quality ?
2. Please explain what is inner and outter journey ?
3. Please analyze the quality of Matching process in AIESEC UPNVY
term 1314 !
4. Please analyze what are major issues of Realization in AIESEC UPNVY
for OGCD ?
5. Please explain what are :
a. Induction
c. OPS

3. Outgoing Exchange GIP

1. Please explain why ogx gip department exist and why its still relevant
until now?

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders
2. Please mention what is the role of OGX GIP in AIESEC system and
why is it relevant to Yogyakata
3. Explain What kind of activity that OGX GIP can held to support
AIESEC 2015 ?
4. Please mention and explain 3 things that convinced and makes you
confidence to apply as Staff of oGIP in AIESEC UPNVY ? And what are
the 3 most important competencies or skills for Ogip person need
especially for 14/15 term?
5. Please mention the flow of OGX GIP and the EP Flow with brief
6. Elaborate the value of oGIP in:
a. EP (Personal)
b. TN

4. Finance and General Secretary

General question manager applicant
1. Please explain swot of FGS department in 12-13 and 13-14!
2. How important SOP is for all department?
3. Please review our policy, constitution, and compendium!
4. What do you know about internal audit? Why do we need internal
audit in AIESEC? Is Internal Audit important?
5. Please answer based on your applied position

For Accounting and Administration Manager applicant
1. What is your understanding about tracking budget and financial
management? And in your opinion, what is investment and what kind
of investment you want to implement?

For Project Control Manager applicant
1. What do you know about project policy? And how important budget
planning, proposal, and report in a project or event?

For Legality and Governance Manager applicant
1. What do you know about Governance and legality in an Organization?
And how do you ensure the governance, accountability, and
transparency in AIESEC UPNVY?

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders

5. Marketing Communication
1. Please mention what are role and responsible of Marketing
Communication department in AIESEC UPNVY on term 14/15?
2. Please analyze the synergy between Marketing Communication and
other Departments in current times! What will you do to make the
synergy become better, especially to support OGX function?
3. What the channel will you use to spread internal and external
information about AIESEC and why you choose that channel?
4. Do you know about Costumer Journey Maps? Please explain!
5. What are you initiative or strategy to boost marketing activities be
more effective to spread the programme message and attrach more
customer? What are the key steps from that?

6. Incoming Exchange GCDP AdHoc
*Please answer based on applied position
Question for Raising and Intern Development Manager :

1. Why do the iGCDP Ad Hoc department exist in AIESEC?
2. What is Exchange? What are its corelation with our BHAG and
AIESEC 2015?
3. What is XPP? Explain the importance of XPP for exhangers.
4. How you maintain the quality of the experience for the Interns and
TN takers?
5. Please analyze the condition of iGCDP ad hoc in 1314 what are the
thing that should be stop, increase, and created? (This question
requires the datas)

Question for Matching Manager :

1. Why do iGCDP ad hoc department exist in AIESEC ?
2. What is exchange? What are the corelation with our BHAG and
AIESEC 2015?
3. What is XPP ? Explain the importance of XPP for exchangers.

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders
4. Mention the three innovation that you are going to do to increase the
matching rate.
5. Please analyze the IR management system in term 1314 and what is
the key action that you are going to do to inrease it . (This question
requires the datas)

Management Board Application Booklet 2014/2015
Looking for Extraordinary Leaders
In its young age, AIESEC UPNVY demands an
extraordinary leader to lead the evolution and growth of
this entity. This is the only chance for you to

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