What's The Question?: Level: Type of Activity: Purpose: Procedure

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English as Second Language Course

By Cynthia Cobucci
What's the Question?
Level: Any Level
Type of Activity: listening and speaking
Purpose: review question forms previously studied in class
Form two teams three will work! but two seems to add "ust the right
amount of competitive tension#$
E%plain the game! with a few e%amples of answers in search
of questions$ Ask! &'hat&s the question(&! and get students to
correctly say the corresponding questions for your answer$
)ave two players**one from each team**come to the front$
Style it like a game show if you like! with the students
standing side*by*side$ +f you have access to bells or bu,,ers!
it&s even more fun$
-e%t! read an answer to a question and say! &'hat&s the
question(& .he fastest player to respond wins a point for
her/his team$ -ew contestants come to the front for a new
Rationale: .his game forces the students to think backwards
a little! so they must provide a grammatically perfect
question$ All too often! they are used to answering rather than
asking questions! so this is challenging and useful as review$
Submitted by0 .im
Answers sample0
1 * +t2s beautiful! it has about 134$444 habitants and it2s located in the
foothills of the Serra da 5antiqueira between 6ui, de For a and Belo
7 8 + live at 149 Beli,:rio ;ena street in Barbacena! 5inas <erais$
http://iteslj.org/c/games.html 09/09/2014
English as Second Language Course
By Cynthia Cobucci
= 8 +t2s called 6ornal -acional$
3 8 +t starts at >0=4 pm$
? 8 + prefer summer! because the nights are shorter and brighten$
9 8 @ogs like to eat meat and to play with their owners$
A 8 .he airplane leaves at A044 pm$
> 8 Bou need to report to the gate at least 1 hour since it is a national
D 8 + would love a beer and also a glass of water$
14 8 +t2s E<one with the 'indF$
11 8 +2m => years old$
17 8 +2m a teacher$
1= 8 +t2s black$
13 8 +t was in 7441$
1? 8 + slept at 14044 pm yesterday$
19 8 + have been to GSA twice$
1A 8 + saw a movie$
1> 8 + went to the mall$
1D 8 + will go to ;aris and also visit <ermany$
74 * + might go to GSA! but +2m not sure yet$
71 8 +t2s called E;orcHoF$
77 8 +t usually opens at 110=4 am$
7= 8 Carbon dio%ide comes from burn fossil fuels$
73 8 +t2s in danger and + don2t know how the population will heandle
this problem in a recent future$
7? 8 +t has 14 rooms and it2s very confortable$
79 8 +t2s on Agust 3
http://iteslj.org/c/games.html 09/09/2014
English as Second Language Course
By Cynthia Cobucci
7A 8 + usually wear "eans and t*shirt$
7> 8 + never wear high hills to go to the gym$
7D 8 + eat bread and cheese$
=4 8 Around =4 per year$
=1 8 Bes! please$
=7 8 + play soccer every day$
== 8 .hey get their food from the top of tall trees$
=3 8 .hey like to play in the water$
=? 8 +t2s Spike and it is my partner$
=9 8 + usually gather my family and we have a nice dinner thanking
for all fortune we had during the past year and ask for lucky for the
upcoming year$
=A 8 -o! +2m very busy and it2ll be impossible to be there by this time$
=> 8 + was in my house and + saw that terrible news on September
=D 8 +2ll check if + have it$
34 8 + would change the welfare system and politics of Bra,il$
http://iteslj.org/c/games.html 09/09/2014

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