Why This Crab's Blood Could Save Your Life

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Why this crab's blood could save your

By Kieron Monks, for CNN
September 4, 2014 -- Updated 1046 GMT (1846 HKT)
(CNN) -- During World War Two, soldiers learned to fear treatment as much as enemy bullets.
Unsanitary conditions and equipment in field hospitals made open wounds a breeding ground
for bacteria that killed thousands, particularly the fast-acting and barely detectable gram-
negative strains that caused toxic shock syndrome, meningitis, and typhoid.
Today, vast improvements in medical hygiene have greatly reduced the odds of patients being
poisoned on the treatment table. And our safety is protected by an unlikely source -- the bright
blue blood of the horseshoe crab.
The helmet-shaped creature has developed a unique defense to compensate for its vulnerability
to infection in shallow waters. When faced with toxins produced by bacteria, amebocyte cells in
the blood -- colored blue by their copper-based molecules -- identify and congeal around the
invading matter, trapping the threat inside a gel-like seal that prevents it from spreading.
Nature's method is now utilized on a grand scale. Over 600,000 crabs are captured each year
during the spring mating season, to "donate" around 30% of their blood in a handful of specialist
facilities in the United States and Asia. The blood is worth $60,000 a gallon in a global industry
valued at $50 million a year.
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Detection is down to one part per trillion. But we can take
it down to a tenth of a trillion.
John Dubczak, Charles River Laboratories
An extract has been used in the industry-standard limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL)
contamination test since the 1970s -- replacing a rabbit-based system. Forty-five minutes of
exposure to the crab's blood is enough to reveal endotoxins from gram-negative bacteria which
otherwise avoid detection, and is sensitive enough to isolate a threat the equivalent size of a
grain of sand in a swimming pool. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that
intravenous drugs and any medical equipment coming in contact with the body must first pass
through the crab's blood, from needles to surgical implants including pacemakers. As a result,
thousands more of us survive such procedures.
The method is established but undergoes constant improvement, according to John Dubczak,
General Manager at Charles River Laboratories, which manufactures and globally distributes LAL
"Detection is down to one part per trillion," he said. "But we can take it down to a tenth of a
trillion, and further orders of magnitude more sensitive."
Charles River has adapted the system into a more resource-efficient, handheld kit requiring as
little as 5% of the blood solution. Such systems can be applied outside the lab and break new
frontiers, such as on a trip the International Space Station.
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"The test was used to determine if certain types of bacteria were present on various space
station surfaces," said Norman Wainwright, the facility's director of Research and Development.
Further, the system could "help perform biological studies necessary for an extended human
presence in space, from crew health and spacecraft environmental studies to the search for life
elsewhere in the solar system."
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The blood is finding other uses on Earth too. Japanese scientists have devised a test for fungal
infections with it, and further research is developing anti-viral and anti-cancer treatment through
the same principle of isolating and trapping threats.
As the applications and their value multiplies, efforts have increased to develop alternative tests,
rather than rely on harvesting the crabs. One approach uses an electronic chip that provides an
alert when in contact with contaminants. Another system using liquid crystals, developed by
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, could offer similar detection ability at lower cost.
The blood is crucial for human health issues but the
biomedical industry needs to keep the population steady.
Christopher Chabot, biology professor, Plymouth State
"The (Wisconsin) literature claims to surpass the sensitivity and specificity for finding toxins, so
false positives are not a serious problem," says Dr. Peter B. Armstrong, a professor of molecular
and cellular biology at the University of California. "But nothing has gone to the level of FDA
approval to show it is yet a viable alternative to LAL test. Knowing the cost and difficulty of
obtaining FDA tests, it may be some time before any alternative is out there on the market."
The urgency may increase with reports of horseshoe crab numbers declining, for a variety of
reasons, with the world's largest population in Delaware Bay reportedly reduced by
between 75% and 90% in the last 15 years. Although there are welfare procedures in harvesting
the blood, between 10-30% of donor crabs die in the process. One recent study showed that
survivors are also impaired after release and often incapable of mating, further threatening the
"It's difficult because the blood is crucial for human health issues but the biomedical industry
needs to keep the population steady," says Christopher Chabot, a biology professor at
Plymouth State, who led the study. "We suggest decreasing the time they are out of water, and
maintaining an ambient temperature for transportation ... there is a lesser mortality rate if you
keep them cool."
Ultimately, Chabot believes an alternative is necessary to reduce the strain on the population,
through both conservation programs and the development of a synthetic substitute. It is not
clear what expiry date there is on the lifesaving services of the horseshoe crab, but without it
medicine faces a return to the dark ages.
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