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Day 1: Introduction

Part A Vocabulary Toolkit

1. Historian
2. Nomad
3. Cultural Difusion
4. Civilization
5. polytheistic
6. ertile Crescent
!. "andate o# Heaven
$. %il& 'oad
(. animism
1). monotheistic
1. %omeone *ho e+amines
past documents and *rites
on *hat happened and *hy.
2. someone *ho travels #rom
place to place.
3. the e+chan,e o# ideas-
customs- and ,oods amon,
4. the development o#
advanced institutions- such
as ,overnment- economy-
reli,ion- social classes- and
5. the .elie# in many ,ods.
6. a crescent shaped re,ion o#
,ood #armland created .y
the /i,ris and 0uphrates
!. a divine ri,ht to rule o#
Chinese dynasties.
$. a trade route that lin&ed
China *ith lands as #ar *est
as the "iddle 0ast
(. the .elie# that every livin,
and non1livin, thin, in
nature has a spirit.
1). the .elie# in one ,od
Vocabulary practice
_____1. historian A. studies the cultures of current civiliations
_____!. archeologist ". sho#s landfor$s% elevation& physical $ap
_____'. anthropologist (. studies ho# people decide #hat to produce
and for #ho$
_____). sociologist
_____*. geographer +. e,a$ines past docu$ents and #rites on
#hat happens and #hy
_____-. political scientist
_____.. econo$ist /. a retelling of an event
_____0. de$ographer 1. e,a$ines ruins of ancient civiliations%
deals #ith #ho and #here
_____2. cartographer
_____13. topographical $ap 4. sho#s $an $ade boundaries
_____11. political $ap 5. studies ho# people $ake the rules
_____1!. pri$ary source 6. first hand source% an eye7#itness to an
_____1'. secondary source 8. studies changes in culture
9. studies the cultures of ancient
civiliations% deals #ith #hy and
:. $ap $aker
M. studies landfor$s and peoples;
interaction #ith the$
(ritical Thinking:
1. <ou are going to visit Africa. 5o# #ould you use infor$ation fro$ a
political $ap= 5o# #ould you use infor$ation fro$ a topographical
!. There are $any careers in the field of social studies. Pick one
occupation listed on the previous page and tell #hy that career interest
Toolkit Multiple (hoice
1.> ?tudying oral histories% archaeological evidence% and cultural histories
are $ethods $ost often used by
1. econo$ists '. philosophers
!. anthropologists ). political scientists
!.> @hich feature #ould $ost often be sho#n on a political $ap=
1. topography '. capital cities
!. type of cli$ate ). elevation
'.> 6n #hich field of study do people learn about the develop$ent of early
hu$an beings=
1. econo$ics '. political science
!. cartography ). anthropology
).> @hich docu$ent is an e,a$ple of a pri$ary source=
1. a novel on the Age of +iscovery
!. a diary of a 5olocaust survivor
'. a te,tbook on :atin A$erican history
). an encyclopedia on ?onghai culture
@hat to produce=
5o# to produce=
1or #ho$ to produce=
@hich social scientist studies ho# these Auestions #ould be ans#ered for
a specific society=
1. a sociologist '. an anthropologist
!. an econo$ist ). a geographer
-.> The $ain purpose of a ti$e line is to sho# the
1. causes and effects of #ars '. benefits of $odern civiliations
!. location of i$portant places ). chronological relationship bet#een events
..> @hich heading best co$pletes the partial outline belo#=
6. _______________
A. Personal letter
". Autobiography
(. +iary
+. +river;s license
1. Pri$ary ?ources '. Bfficial Cecords
!. ?econdary ?ources ). Published Cecords
0.> Archaeologists Revise Historical Interpretations After New
New Research Sheds Light on auses of !orld !ar I"
o#puter $echnology Helps Reconstruct Ancient Languages"
These headlines indicate that the understanding of historical facts
1. re$ains the sa$e over ti$e
!. is passed do#n fro$ one generation to another
'. reflects a variety of personal opinions
). is shaped by the available evidence
0.> @hich aspect of social science #ould a geographer $ost likely study in
1. 5o# beliefs influence the behavior of a group of people
!. 5o# econo$ic events influence history
'. 5o# location influences the #ay people live
). 5o# people influence govern$ental decisions
2.> Height a%ove sea level
Distance fro# the e&uator
A#ount of rainfall
Average daily te#perature
@hich aspect of geography is $ost influenced by these factors=
1. Eatural boundaries '. Topography
!. (li$ate ). Mineral resources
Toolkit 7 Visuals
Identify the seven continents
1.________________________ 5.________________________
2.________________________ 6.________________________
3.________________________ 7.________________________
(orrectly identify the follo#ing:
1.____ Eorth Atlantic Bcean *._____ Tropic of (apricorn 2._____ Pacific Bcean
!. ____Pri$e Meridian -. _____ Tropic of (ancer
'.____ /Auator .. _____ ?outh Atlantic Bcean
). ____6ndian Bcean 0. _____Arctic Bcean

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