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Dustin Culpepper
Room A-105
Hello and Welcome. Sociology is an exciting course, with its rich and exciting themes that are ever so present
in our current lives. Knowing my requirements will help you to get off to a good start. All students can pass
this class if they make the effort to listen, participate, and learn. Lets have a great year
Contact Information.
!onference" #onday $ %riday &"'( $ &"))
*utorials" #onday through %riday +y Appointment ,except for meeting dates-
School *elephone" ,)1'- &)&/2134
5e+ 6age"
7.mail is a much more efficient way to contact me. 6lease do not leave voice mail messages, especially in the
case of an emergency. 8eceiving messages in a timely manner cannot +e guaranteed.
Goals for the Course.
1. Students will have a +etter knowledge of Sociology.
'. Students will improve their skills in understanding of social interactions, culture, social structures,
and development of the individual.
2. Students will have a +etter understanding of primary and secondary source documents.
4. Students will improve their a+ility to do research.
). Students will improve their a+ility to write and comment effectively.
Classroom Expectations.
1. *reat everyone, including the teacher, with respect.
'. 9se kind words and actions toward others.
2. :o everything you can do to help yourself and others learn.
Advice on What NOT to do.
1. Leave trash on floor or under desk
'. 5rite notes to friends ;8 do homework from other classes
2. ;ther stuff you know you shouldnt have or +e doing ,including calculators, i/pods, cell phones, etc-
4. !<.A*=>? :;>* :; =*, =*S >;* 5;8*< =*
Classroom Consequences.

Offense ! ver+al warning.
Offense $ student $ teacher conference.
Offense $ parent@guardian contacted.
Offense $ referral to the office for persistent violation of rules.
% Severe offense A automatic referral and parent@guardian contact.
7 =f a student chooses not to attend an assigned detention, a referral will +e written.
%ormative ,including quiBBes, in/class activities, and homework-" 2(C
Summative ,!ommon Dased Assessments, =S>, *ests-" E(C
*otal 1((C
Gradin& 'cale.
A $ F(/1(( ,clearly outstanding-
D $ &(/&F ,exceeds expectations-
! $ E(/EF ,meets expectations-
% $ 3F and +elow ,+elow expectations-
1 $ 1G 2 8ing Dinder
1 $ Dox of Kleenexs
1 $ ?reen folder with +rads
Text(oo). <olt. Sociology" *he Study of <uman 8elationships.
*ate Wor). Students will +e allowed one day to complete assignments for a E(. =f it is not turned in +y the next
day it will +e a (.
A(sences. :; >;* #=SS #H !LASS *his is not a correspondence course and make/up work 5=LL +e
difficult. =f you are a+sent, it is H;98 responsi+ility to o+tain the previous days previews, notes, and
assignments and update your note+ook. Students are permitted as many days as a+sent to turn in work, with no
penalty. After that time, refer to the Late 5ork section. 9pon returning to school from an a+sence, practice the
8ule of *wo.
8ule of *wo"
1. !heck with a classmate for previews, notes, and assignments.
'. See me with any questions or concerns after class or during tutorials.
!9**=>? !LASS or truancy will result in an automatic I(G for any daily grade or a 2(C reduction on any
test@maJor grade.
Tests. Hou are expected to make up tests => !LASS, 5<=L. ;*<.8S A!*=K=*=.S A8. ?;=>? ;>, on the
day after you return. =f a+sent the day +efore a test you must still take the test. Students will +e allowed to
retake a test for a E( if all work has +een turned in.
*ost Note(oo). =f a note+ook is lost, students have two options"
1. 8edo all unit previews, notes, and assignments. .xtra time will +e provided for this option.
'. Average last two unit note+ook grades. :own side" you will not have the material from the unit
to study for midterm, final, *AKS, etc.
Tutorials. *utoring is availa+le to students who wish to o+tain extra help or clarification. 5henever you attend
tutoring, it is your responsi+ility to sign in the folder entitled I*utorials.G =f at the end of the six weeks, you
have a +orderline grade, = will +e more willing to work with you if you made an effort to attend tutorials.
*utorials will +e availa+le +y appointment.
Tardiness. Hou are expected to +e in class on time, all the time. :o not enter my class late without a pass.
*ardiness takes away class time and will result in a reduction in your grade. 8emem+er, if a student arrives ten
minutes after class has started, he@she is considered truant unless the situation is resolved with the attendance
office within 4& hours.
*ardy" 5arning.
*ardy" ') minute detention.
*ardy" )( minute detention and parent notification.
*ardy" 8eferral to ;ffice.
+ideos. = reserve the right to show videos or movie !L=6S = deem appropriate to enhance the visual learning
and understanding for students possi+ly including, +ut not limited to" American Rock, The Truman Show,
Encyclopedia of the 20
Century: Days that Shook the orld, !orrest "ump, The #a$estic, %ational Treasure,
&aths of "lory, Remem'er the Titans, The Story of (a)), Story of the *+,0 -S .ockey Team, /ietnam &0s:
Stories of Sur1i1al, /ietnam: Stories from the all, The i)ard of 0), orld ar 22 3attlefront4
6lagiarism is a form of academic dishonest in which you use other peoples words or ideas ,pictures, art, charts,
graphs, computations, scientific data, music, etc.- as your own +y failing to credit others at all or +y improperly
crediting them. =f you use someone elses exact words, you must put quotation marks around them and give the
person credit +y revealing the source in a citation. .ven if you revise, rearrange, or paraphrase the words of
others or Just use their ideas, you still must give them credit instead of pretending the words or ideas are your
own. Hour teachers will instruct you how to properly credit your sources.
5hile some plagiarism is o+viously intentional and some might +e considered unintentional ,missing or
improper citation due to carelessness, often +ecause of hurrying to do an assignment at the last minute-, +oth
types are still su+Ject to the same penalties.
=f in dou+t, ask your teacher +efore you turn in your assignment
According to the :S<S Student <and+ook, IAcademic dishonest/ includes cheating or copying the work of
another student, plagiarism, and unauthoriBed communication +etween students during an examination. *he
determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty will +e +ased on the Judgment of the
classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials,
o+servation, or information from students. A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will +e
su+Ject to disciplinary penalties per the Student !ode of !onduct, as well as academic penalties. *eachers who
have reason to +elieve a student has engaged in cheating or academic dishonesty 0ill assi&n a 1ero for the work
in question.G
9nless your teacher specifically tells you that you may work with other students on an
assignment, you are expected to work on all assignments by yourself,
using only your own thoughts, ideas, and reasoning.
!oach !ulpepper
= have read and understand the a+ove procedures and rules. = understand expectations of me as well as the
seriousness of possi+le consequences if my +ehavior does not meet those expectations.
Drippin5 Sprin5s 2ndependent School District does not discriminate on the 'asis of race, color, national ori5in, a5e, se6, or disa'ility
in its employment, practices, acti1ities and pro5rams4
El districto independiente de la escuela de Drippin5 Sprin5s no discrimina en 'ase de la ra)a, del color, del ori5in nacional, de la
edad, del se6o, o de la inha'ilidad en su empleo, practicas, acti1idades y pro5ramas4
Interactive 'tudent Note(oo) Guidelines
What is the purpose of the note(oo)3 *he purpose is to ena+le you to +e a creative and critical thinker and writer.
=nteractive note+ooks will +e used to encourage you to 8.!;8: factual information in an organiBed, logical fashion,
and to work and 68;!.SS the information in ways that help you +etter understand history.
What is in /our note(oo)3
Outside Cover
#ust contain Students name and class period.
#ust have at least 2 pictures, drawings,
photographs, clip art, etc. that reflect the
Should +e colorful and creative.
4nit ,a&es
%irst page of each unit displays the prominent
themes, people, and events of the unit.
,a&e Num(ers
=t is crucial that each page is num+ered
.very unit will +e assigned a letter and every
page in that unit is num+ered. %or example,
the first unit page is la+eled IA1.G *he second
page of the unit is la+eled IA'.G *he next unit
+egins with ID1G and so forth.
,revie0 Assi&nment
6review of what you will +e learning
.xplores opinions, wonder Iwhat ifG a+out new
Notes from *ectures5 .ovies5 and Text(oo)
Students take notes during lectures
*ext+ook and outside reading notes are
*his information should +e regarded as
Itesta+leG and should +e structured so that key
ideas and concepts are clear
Class Activities
Students take notes during class activities
*his information should +e regarded as
Itesta+leG and should +e structured so that key
ideas and concepts are clear
,rocessin& Assi&nment
6rocess what you have learned ,homework-
9ses illustrations, diagrams, flow charts,
poetry, cartoons, color, etc to show your
understanding of new content
I'N Guidelines
=S> instructions and reminders located on the
inside of the +ack cover of your spiral.
6,lease attach this sheet to the inside (ac) cover of /our spiral note(oo).7

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