Title of The Paper in Times New Roman Font, Bold, Size 12, No Underlining

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Title of the paper in Times New Roman font, bold, size 12, no underlining

Names of authors (e.g. R. Chidambaram, S. Banerjee,..) in Times New Roman (TNR) font 10
Affiiation in TNR font si!e 10. A the abo"e shoud be #entered.
$.mai % &'!( )*rs.aa.in.
The main te&t of the )a)er shoud be in TNR font si!e 10 and shoud begin one ine s)a#e after emai. The ine
s)a#ing shoud be 1.+ s)a#es, with s)a#e after )aragra)h. The )a)er si!e shoud be A, (-10 mm & -./ mm) with
-+ mm margin on a sides. The te&t shoud be justified (not right, eft, or #entered).
0igures and tabes shoud be of suitab' redu#ed si!e, and shoud be a))ro)riate' )a#ed in the te&t, where the'
are referred to. $a#h shoud be numbered and shoud ha"e a sef e&)anator' #a)tion beow it. Ca)tion shoud be
itai#i!ed to differentiate it from the main te&t.
Referen#es shoud be gi"en in the te&t as su)ers#ri)ts, numbered a##ording to their se*uen#e of a))earan#e in
the te&t. The' shoud be isted at the end of the te&t, ea"ing two ban1 s)a#es after the end of the main te&t. The
st'e of referen#e shoud be% 2nitias first, journa name itai#i!ed, "o number in bod, foowed b' starting )age
number, and 'ear of )ubi#ation in )arenthesis. $&am)e is gi"en beow%
1. S. Amoruso, R. Bru!!ese, and N. S)inei, A)). 3h's. 4ett. 5,, ,+0- (-00,).
The ength of the )a)er shoud be at east two )ages, and shoud not e&#eed four )ages.
2n addition to the detaied )a)er (-6, )ages) 7a the a##e)ted ones wi be )ut on a C8 and distributed to the
)arti#i)ants9, the authors ha"e to submit a short abstra#t of ea#h submitted )a)er for in#usion in the )rinted
Abstra#t Boo1 7whi#h wi aso be distributed to the )arti#i)ants9.
0or the Short Abstra#t, the authors: names, affiiation, shoud be t')ed #ontinuous' without ine brea1 in TNR
font si!e 10, in singe s)a#ing 7 A,, -+ mm margin9. The te&t shoud start on the ne&t ine (1.-+ #m brea1), in the
same format. The Tite shoud be in bod etters, names of authors and affiiation (not in too mu#h detai) in
itai#s, and te&t in reguar font. The tota short abstra#t must be restri#ted to ten ines.
The abstra#t and the fu )a)er shoud be u)oaded on the N4S6-; website in .do# format (<S =ord ./6-00;
#om)atibe). 3ease do not use >.do#&> format.
0or 3h.8. thesis summar' submission, the same format (for do#ument and u)oading) as that of the fu )a)er
ma' be used e&#e)t that the ength of the thesis summar' to be restri#ted to + )ages. The thesis summar'
submission shoud be a##om)anied b' a s#an of the #ertifi#ate from the 3h.8. guide stating the date of
submission of the thesis, or the date of defending the thesis, or date of award of the degree, whi#he"er is the
atest of the three.

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