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San Jos State University

College of Science/Biological Sciences

116L, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Section 01, all, !01"
Course an# Contact $nfor%ation
$nstructor& 'r( )laina C*a%bers
+,ce Location& '-".1
/ele0*one& 1"023 4!"5"2"6
)%ail& )laina(C*a%bers7SJSU(e#u
+,ce -ours& Mon an# 8e#, 1!&0051!&.0
Class 'ays//i%e& Mon#ay an# 8e#nes#ay, 19&00516&90
Classroo%& '-6"6
By instructor consent
Web Page and MYSJSU Messaging
Course %aterials suc* as syllabus, *an#outs, notes, assign%ent instructions, etc( can be
foun# on t*e Canvas learning %anage%ent syste% course <ebsite( =ou are res0onsible
for regularly c*ec>ing <it* t*e %essaging syste% t*roug* MySJSU to learn of any
u0#ates? u0#ates <ill also be 0rovi#e# un#er t*e @Announce%entsB *ea#ing of Canvas(
$nstructions <ill be 0rovi#e# on *o< to use Canvas if you *ave not use# t*is tool before(
Required Texts/Readings:
Do re;uire# teEtboo>( +nline %aterial <ill be 0rovi#e#(
Other Readings
T*e -u%an Geno%e :roCect *as a goo# online glossary for loo>ing u0 t*e %eaning of
tec*nical <or#s t*at you %ig*t be unfa%iliar <it*&
Also, t*ere is a s*ort tutorial in %olecular biology online at DCB$ t*at is ;uite useful&
8i>i0e#ia is very useful for #eGning Molecular Genetics/Biology /er%s an# *as so%e
great 0ictures& *tt0&//<<<(<i>i0e#ia(org/
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page 1 of 10
:ub%e# allo<s you to searc* for articles on a 0articular to0ic, often giving you access to
fullteEt versions 1:' or -/ML3 for free( =ou nee# to be fa%iliar <it* t*is <ebsite for t*e
0roCect t*at you <ill #o #uring t*e se%ester& *tt0&//<<<(ncbi(nl%(ni*(gov/:ub%e#(
+t*er e;ui0%ent / %aterial re;uire%ents&
La0to0 co%0uter 1o0tional3
ScientiGc calculator 1re;uire#3
Course 'escri0tion
/*is course <ill 0rovi#e stu#ents <it* a H*an#s onH intro#uction to %o#ern %olecular
biology tec*ni;ues( Stu#ents <ill learn *o< to isolate nucleic aci# 1'DA an# IDA3 fro%
*u%an an# tissue culture sources( Ducleic aci# %ani0ulation an# analysis inclu#ing :CI,
I/5:CI, an# J5:CI, SD: an# KD/I analysis, cloning C*$:, an# se;uencing analysis(
inally, stu#ents <ill con#uct a s%all researc* 0roCect at t*e en# of t*e se%ester an#
0resent it to t*e class(
Learning +utco%es an# Course Goals:
'escribe t*e gel5base#, s0ectro0*oto%etric, an# Luoro%etric %et*o#s use# to
#eter%ine t*e ;uantity an# ;uality of 'DA an# IDA 0re0arations
Calculate t*e concentration an# yiel# of 'DA an# IDA fro% a given nucleic aci#
)E0lain t*e 0rinci0le an# 0erfor%ance of electro0*oresis as it a00lies to nucleic
Select t*e a00ro0riate agarose concentration for se0arating nucleic aci# frag%ents
base# on t*eir siMes(
State t*e 0ur0ose of eac* reagent use# in 'DA an#/or IDA isolation
0roce#ures(Co%0are 5 contrast organic, inorganic, an# soli#50*ase a00roac*es for
isolating cellular an# %itoc*on#rial 'DA(
Co%0are an# contrast organic an# soli#50*ase a00roac*es for isolating total IDA
'escribe *o< restriction enMy%e sites are %a00e# on 'DA
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page 2 of 10
Construct a restriction enMy%e %a0 of a 'DA 0las%i# or frag%ent
Calculate t*e %elting te%0erature of a given se;uence of #ouble5stran#e# 'DA
Co%0are an# contrast ra#ioactive an# nonra#ioactive 'DA #etection %et*o#s(
Co%0are an# contrast t*e use of MDase an# sonication for C*$: 'DA
)E0lain *o< t*e a00lications of t*e C*$: tec*ni;ue bot* in ter% of eEa%ining
*istone %o#iGcations an# transcri0tion factor recruit%ent(
Co%0are an# contrast a%ong t*e follo<ing in vitro assays for a%0lifying nucleic
aci#s <it* regar# to ty0e of target nucleic aci#, 0rinci0le, %aCor ele%ents of t*e
0roce#ure, ty0e of a%0licon 0ro#uce#, %aCor enMy%e1s3 e%0loye#, an# clinical
'esign for<ar# an# reverse 0ri%ers for a :CI, given t*e target se;uence( List t*e
c*aracteristics nee#e# for a goo# set of 0ri%ers in ter%s of IDA an# 'DA(
List an# eE0lain t*e %et*o#s t*at are use# to avoi# :CI conta%ination, inclu#ing
t*e a#vantages, #isa#vantages, an# a00lications of t*e #iNerent %et*o#s(
Co%0are an# contrast ;ualitative an# ;uantitative :CI(
Co%0are an# contrast t*e c*e%ical an# t*e c*ain ter%ination se;uencing
List t*e co%0onents an# t*e %olecular reactions t*at occur in c*ain ter%ination
'iscuss t*e a#vantages of #ye 0ri%er an# #ye ter%inator se;uencing
'erive a test 'DA se;uence fro% ra< se;uencing #ata
'iscuss *o< site5#irecte# %utagenesis <or>s using :CI base# a%0liGcation an#
Course Ie;uire%ents an# Assign%ents
SJSU classes are #esigne# suc* t*at in or#er to be successful, it is eE0ecte# t*at
stu#ents <ill s0en# a %ini%u% of forty5Gve *ours for eac* unit of cre#it 1nor%ally
t*ree *ours 0er unit 0er <ee>3, inclu#ing 0re0aring for class, 0artici0ating in course
activities, co%0leting assign%ents, an# so on( More #etails about stu#ent <or>loa#
can be foun# in Uniersit! Poli"! S#$%& at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/senate/#ocs/S1!5
Grading Poli"!
Assign%ents an# Gra#ing :olicy
AO 465100P BO 26524P CO 66564P 'O 66564P
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page 3 of 10
A 49546P B 29526P C 69566P ' 69566P
A5 4054!P B5 2052!P C5 6056!P '5 6056!P
8ee>ly JuiMMes& 1"0 0oints 119 ;uiMMes 10 0oints eac* an# ! ;uiMMes . 0oints
Mi#5/er% $& 100 0oints
Mi#5/er% $$& 100 0oints
Lab Doteboo>& 1!0 0oints 1.. 0oints eac* turn5in3
:resentation& 60 0oints
:rotocols& "0 0oints
:artici0ation& 90 0oints
/otal :oints :ossible& 600 0oints
JuiMMes& =ou <ill *ave a ;uiM eac* <ee> available online t*roug* Canvas( /*e ;uiM <ill
cover rea#ing assign%ents, classroo% #iscussions an# 0rotocols( /*e ;uiM <ill be
available on /*urs#ays beginning at 2AM an# en#ing at 11&.4:M ri#ay evening 1unless
ot*er<ise note#3( =ou <ill be able to ta>e t*e ;uiM t<ice an# t*e *ig*est score you
receive <ill be counte#( -o<ever, t*e ;uestions %ay be #iNerent eac* ti%e you ta>e t*e
;uiM because t*e ;uestions <ill be ran#o%ly selecte# for you <*en you ta>e t*e ;uiM(
/*ere <ill a 1. %inute ti%e li%it for all ;uiMMes(
Mi#5/er%s& )Ea%s covering t*e %aterial #iscusse# in class( /*e eEa%s <ill be <ritten
an# in t*e classroo% 1not over t*e internet li>e t*e ;uiMMes3( =ou <ill *ave t<o *ours to
co%0lete t*e %i#5ter%s( Mi#5ter%s <ill cover all %aterial covere# 0rior to t*e %i#5ter%
#ate( Misse# eEa%s <ill only be %a#e u0 via oral eEa%( )Ea%s s*oul# be <ritten in 0en?
eEa%s <ritten in 0encil <ill not be consi#ere# for re5gra#ing(
Lab Doteboo>& Stu#ents are eE0ecte# to %aintain a laboratory noteboo>( $t s*oul#
inclu#e every eEercise 0erfor%e# in class, inclu#ing a rationale as to <*y t*e eE0eri%ent
<as being 0erfor%e#, as <ell as a results #iscussion analyMing t*e #ata t*at <as
obtaine#( A rubric <ill be 0rovi#e# to stu#ents on t*e Grst #ay of class( All eE0eri%ents
s*oul# be title# an# #ate#, 0ages s*oul# be nu%bere# an# c*anges to given 0rotocols
s*oul# be note#( A##itionally, t*e noteboo>s <ill be c*ec>e# at t*e beginning of eac*
class 0erio#( Stu#ents s*oul# *ave a rationale an# a 0rotocol <ritten #etailing t*e
u0co%ing class 0erio#Bs eEercise 0rior to t*e start of class( /*is a#vance 0re0aration <ill
constitute !.P of t*e noteboo> gra#e(
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page 4 of 10
:resentations& Stu#ents <ill <or> in grou0s to 0resent a %olecular tec*ni;ue to t*e class(
/o0ics <ill vary in t*eir #egree of #i,culty an# gra#ing <ill be co%%ensurate <it*
to0ic co%0leEity( /o0ics <ill be assigne# ran#o%ly at a later #ate( A rubric for
gra#ing <ill be 0rovi#e#(
:rotocols& =ou <ill *ave to <rite four 0rotocols t*is se%ester an# turn t*e% in to be
gra#e#( 8riting 0rotocols is an i%0ortant as0ect of Molecular Biology because it is
*o< <e learn %olecular biology an# learn <*y <*at <e #o in eac* ste0 is i%0ortant(
$ <ill 0rovi#e you an eEa%0le of your Grst 0rotocol for use in t*e classroo%( After $
give you t*at 0rotocol you %ust 0re0are t*e ot*er 0rotocols in t*e sa%e style as
<*at $ *ave 0rovi#e# you( /*e 0rotocol <ill be on t*e %aterial t*at is covere# in
class for t*at 0articular <ee> an# are in#icate# belo< in t*e <ee>ly sc*e#ule( SS
:rotocols s*oul# be ty0e# an# sub%itte# via Canvas( /*ey <ill be analyMe# via
=ou can #eter%ine your gra#e at any ti%e in t*e class by a##ing u0 your total 0oints
earne# an# #ivi#ing by t*e total 0oints 0ossible( /*is <ill also be calculate# for you
in Canvas(
Classroo' Proto"ol
=ou are eE0ecte# to arrive on ti%e an# in your lab seat by 2&90 or 19&00 #e0en#ing on your
lab section( /*is %eans t*at you s*oul# 0lan to arrive at least 10 %inutes early to c*ec> into
your loc>er, etc( $ <ill *ave t*e #oor o0en to t*e lab . %inutes early al<ays( =ou s*oul# also
*ave rea# your assign%ent for t*e lab 0rior to t*e lab(
Cell 0*one is not 0er%itte# in t*e laboratory( $f t*ere is an e%ergency, 0lease eEcuse yourself
to t*e *all<ay(
Ie# in> s*oul# be use# on eEa%s, noteboo>s or *o%e<or> assign%ents(
Lab benc*es are to be cleane# an# t*e tras* e%0tie# by t*e stu#ent at t*e en# of every lab
/*e 0rovi#e# lab coats an# gloves are to be <orn #uring every laboratory eEercise(
$na00ro0riate con#uct an# *orse0lay of any >in# <ill not be tolerate#(
:ersonal conversations are to be >e0t to a %ini%u%(

D+/) t*at University 0olicy 645!" at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/senate/#ocs/645!"(0#f states
t*at TStu#ents s*oul# atten# all %eetings of t*eir classes, not only because t*ey are
res0onsible for %aterial #iscusse# t*erein, but because active 0artici0ation is fre;uently
essential to insure %aEi%u% beneGt for all %e%bers of t*e class( Atten#ance 0er se
s*all not be use# as a criterion for gra#ing(U
Uniersit! Poli"ies
'ro00ing an# A##ing
Stu#ents are res0onsible for un#erstan#ing t*e 0olicies an# 0roce#ures about a##/#ro0,
gra#e forgiveness, etc( Iefer to t*e current se%esterBs Catalog :olicies section at
*tt0&//info(sCsu(e#u/static/catalog/0olicies(*t%l( A##/#ro0 #ea#lines can be foun# on t*e
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page of 10
current aca#e%ic year calen#ars #ocu%ent on t*e Aca#e%ic Calen#ars <eb0age at
*tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/0rovost/services/aca#e%icFcalen#ars/( /*e Late 'ro0 :olicy is
available at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/aars/0olicies/late#ro0s/0olicy/( Stu#ents s*oul# be a<are
of t*e current #ea#lines an# 0enalties for #ro00ing classes(
$nfor%ation about t*e latest c*anges an# ne<s is available at t*e A#vising -ub at
Consent for Iecor#ing of Class an# :ublic S*aring of $nstructor Material
University :olicy S1!56, *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/senate/#ocs/S1!56(0#f, re;uires stu#ents to
obtain instructorBs 0er%ission to recor# t*e course an# t*e follo<ing ite%s to be inclu#e#
in t*e syllabus&
TCo%%on courtesy an# 0rofessional be*avior #ictate t*at you notify so%eone
<*en you are recor#ing *i%/*er( =ou %ust obtain t*e instructorBs 0er%ission to
%a>e au#io or vi#eo recor#ings in t*is class( Suc* 0er%ission allo<s t*e recor#ings
to be use# for your 0rivate, stu#y 0ur0oses only( /*e recor#ings are t*e intellectual
0ro0erty of t*e instructor? you *ave not been given any rig*ts to re0ro#uce or
#istribute t*e %aterial(U
o $t is suggeste# t*at t*e greens*eet inclu#e t*e instructorBs 0rocess for
granting 0er%ission, <*et*er in <riting or orally an# <*et*er for t*e <*ole
se%ester or on a class by class basis(
o $n classes <*ere active 0artici0ation of stu#ents or guests %ay be on t*e
recor#ing, 0er%ission of t*ose stu#ents or guests s*oul# be obtaine# as <ell(
TCourse %aterial #evelo0e# by t*e instructor is t*e intellectual 0ro0erty of t*e
instructor an# cannot be s*are# 0ublicly <it*out *is/*er a00roval( =ou %ay not
0ublicly s*are or u0loa# instructor generate# %aterial for t*is course suc* as eEa%
;uestions, lecture notes, or *o%e<or> solutions <it*out instructor consent(U
("ade'i" integrit!
=our co%%it%ent, as a stu#ent, to learning is evi#ence# by your enroll%ent at San Jose
State University( /*e University Aca#e%ic $ntegrity :olicy S065! at
*tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/senate/#ocs/S065!(0#f re;uires you to be *onest in all your
aca#e%ic course <or>( aculty %e%bers are re;uire# to re0ort all infractions to t*e
o,ce of Stu#ent Con#uct an# )t*ical 'evelo0%ent( /*e Stu#ent Con#uct an# )t*ical
'evelo0%ent <ebsite is available at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/stu#entcon#uct/(
Ca')us Poli"! in Co')lian"e *ith the ('eri"an +isabilities ("t
$f you nee# course a#a0tations or acco%%o#ations because of a #isability, or if you nee#
to %a>e s0ecial arrange%ents in case t*e buil#ing %ust be evacuate#, 0lease %a>e an
a00oint%ent <it* %e as soon as 0ossible, or see %e #uring o,ce *ours( :resi#ential
'irective 46509 at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/0resi#ent/#ocs/#irectives/:'F1446509(0#f re;uires
t*at stu#ents <it* #isabilities re;uesting acco%%o#ations %ust register <it* t*e
Accessible )#ucation Center 1A)C3 at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/aec to establis* a recor# of
t*eir #isability(
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page 6 of 10
(""o''odation to Students, Religious -olida!s
San Jos State University s*all 0rovi#e acco%%o#ation on any gra#e# class <or> or
activities for stu#ents <is*ing to observe religious *oli#ays <*en suc* observances
re;uire stu#ents to be absent fro% class( $t is t*e res0onsibility of t*e stu#ent to infor%
t*e instructor, in <riting, about suc* *oli#ays before t*e a## #ea#line at t*e start of
eac* se%ester( $f suc* *oli#ays occur before t*e a## #ea#line, t*e stu#ent %ust notify
t*e instructor, in <riting, at least t*ree #ays before t*e #ate t*at *e/s*e <ill be absent( $t
is t*e res0onsibility of t*e instructor to %a>e every reasonable eNort to *onor t*e
stu#ent re;uest <it*out 0enalty, an# of t*e stu#ent to %a>e u0 t*e <or> %isse#( See
University :olicy S1"56 at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/senate/#ocs/S1"56(0#f(
Student Te"hnolog! Resour"es
Co%0uter labs for stu#ent use are available in t*e Aca#e%ic Success Center at
*tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/at/asc/ locate# on t*e 1st Loor of Clar> -all an# in t*e Associate#
Stu#ents Lab on t*e !n# Loor of t*e Stu#ent Union( A##itional co%0uter labs %ay be
available in your #e0art%ent/college( Co%0uters are also available in t*e Martin Lut*er
Ving Library( A <i#e variety of au#io5visual e;ui0%ent is available for stu#ent c*ec>out
fro% Me#ia Services locate# in $IC 11!( /*ese ite%s inclu#e 'K an# -' #igital
ca%cor#ers? #igital still ca%eras? vi#eo, sli#e an# over*ea# 0roCectors? 'K', C', an#
au#iota0e 0layers? soun# syste%s, <ireless %icro0*ones, 0roCection screens an#
SJSU Peer Conne"tions
:eer Connections, a ca%0us5<i#e resource for %entoring an# tutoring, strives to ins0ire
stu#ents to #evelo0 t*eir 0otential as in#e0en#ent learners <*ile t*ey learn to
successfully navigate t*roug* t*eir university eE0erience( =ou are encourage# to ta>e
a#vantage of t*eir services <*ic* inclu#e course5content base# tutoring, en*ance#
stu#y an# ti%e %anage%ent s>ills, %ore eNective critical t*in>ing strategies, #ecision
%a>ing an# 0roble%5solving abilities, an# ca%0us resource referrals(
$n a##ition to oNering s%all grou0, in#ivi#ual, an# #ro05in tutoring for a nu%ber of
un#ergra#uate courses, consultation <it* %entors is available on a #ro05in or by
a00oint%ent basis( 8or>s*o0s are oNere# on a <i#e variety of to0ics inclu#ing
0re0aring for t*e 8riting S>ills /est 18S/3, i%0roving your learning an# %e%ory,
alleviating 0rocrastination, surviving your Grst se%ester at SJSU, an# ot*er relate#
to0ics( A co%0uter lab an# stu#y s0ace are also available for stu#ent use in Ioo% 600
of Stu#ent Services Center 1SSC3(
:eer Connections is locate# in t*ree locations& SSC, Ioo% 600 110t* Street Garage on
t*e corner of 10
an# San ernan#o Street3, at t*e 1st Loor entrance of Clar> -all, an# in
t*e Living Learning Center 1LLC3 in Ca%0us Killage -ousing Buil#ing B( Kisit :eer
Connections <ebsite at *tt0&//0eerconnections(sCsu(e#u for %ore infor%ation(
SJSU Writing Center
/*e SJSU 8riting Center is locate# in Clar> -all, Suite 1!6( All 8riting S0ecialists *ave
gone t*roug* a rigorous *iring 0rocess, an# t*ey are <ell traine# to assist all stu#ents at
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page ! of 10
all levels <it*in all #isci0lines to beco%e better <riters( $n a##ition to one5on5one
tutoring services, t*e 8riting Center also oNers <or>s*o0s every se%ester on a variety
of <riting to0ics( /o %a>e an a00oint%ent or to refer to t*e nu%erous online resources
oNere# t*roug* t*e 8riting Center, visit t*e 8riting Center <ebsite at
*tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/<ritingcenter( or a##itional resources an# u0#ate# infor%ation,
follo< t*e 8riting Center on /<itter an# beco%e a fan of t*e SJSU 8riting Center on
aceboo>( 1Dote& =ou nee# to *ave a JI Iea#er to scan t*is co#e(3
SJSU Counseling Seri"es
/*e SJSU Counseling Services is locate# on t*e corner of 6
Street an# San ernan#o
Street, in Ioo% !01, A#%inistration Buil#ing( :rofessional 0syc*ologists, social
<or>ers, an# counselors are available to 0rovi#e consultations on issues of stu#ent
%ental *ealt*, ca%0us cli%ate or 0syc*ological an# aca#e%ic issues on an
in#ivi#ual, cou0le, or grou0 basis( /o sc*e#ule an a00oint%ent or learn %ore
infor%ation, visit Counseling Seri"es *ebsite at *tt0&//<<<(sCsu(e#u/counseling(
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page " of 10
./O0##10: Mole"ular Geneti"s 0aborator!2 3all $4#5
+ate To)i"s Reading (ssign'ents 73ro' Pro'ega
Resour"e .oo68 and General 9otes
M, 2/!.
/ 2/!6
$ntro#uction to Class, :recision :i0etting,
8riting in Lab Doteboo>s
JuiM 1 1co%0lete after class, .0ts3
8 2/!6
I 2/!2
$solation of geno%ic 'DA, s<ab of %out*(
JuiM ! 1co%0lete after class3
Iea# Section 4515A,B 11"13, 4595'11"93
Iea# $nvitrogen -an#out
! M 4/1
/ 4/!
0abor +a!2 9o Class Dot*ing
8 4/9
I 4/"
$solation of geno%ic 'DA, Cancer Cell
JuiM 9 1co%0lete after class3
:ro%ega -an#out
M 4/2
/ 4/4
Juantitate 'DA 9 #iNerent 8ays(
1luorescence, Absorbance, Gel
45"5G, -11""51"63
8 4/10
I 4/11
:CI of geno%ic 'DA Sa%0les
Co%0uter Lab& 8or>ing <it* 'DA, 'esign
of :CI :ri%ers , an# $ntro#uction to :CI
JuiM " 1co%0lete after class3
:CI Consi#erations W :ri%er 'esign
1(1(A1"5.3, 1(1(V11!3, 1(1(M11951"3, all of
Section $$ 11"5163, 1"511!663(
M 4/1.
/ 4/16
:uriGcation of :CI :ro#ucts
1)lectro0*oresis W Gel )Etraction3
:rotocol 1 'ue& Jiagen :rotocol for TGel
-an#out :rovi#e# 1Jiagen3(
8 4/16
I 4/12
/+:+ Cloning of :CI :ro#ucts an#
/ransfor%ation of Co%0etent Cells
JuiM . 1co%0lete after class3
/+:+ Cloning
:ages !"!5!"6 in :ro%ega Boo>
M 4/!!
/ 4/!9
:las%i# Mini:re0s of 'DA an#
;uantitation( Set u0 Iestriction 'igest(
:las%i# Mini:re0s 1Centrifugation3
:ages 1.051.! in :ro%ega Boo>
8 4/!"
I 4/!.
Iestriction 'igests Analysis( Iun gels(
Sen# out for se;uencing(
JuiM 6 1co%0lete after class3
A%erita <ebsite 1Canvas3
/urn in Lab Doteboo>s 1Grou0s 1593
M 4/!4
/ 4/90
Co%0uter Lab& 1( Analysis of Se;uence
!( Site 'irecte# Mutagenesis :ri%er
JuiM 6 1#ue 0rior start of )Ea% $3
8 10/1
I 10/!
)Ea% $ /urn in Lab Doteboo>s 1Grou0s "563
6 M 10/6
/ 10/6
:erfor% Site5'irecte# Mutagenesis 1:CI3
:rotocol ! 'ue& Site5'irecte# Mutagenesis
Site5#irecte# Mutagenesis 1Carter, !0023
8 10/2
I 10/4
/ransfor%ation of Bacteria
JuiM 2 1co%0lete after class3
T/*e /ransfor%ation LabU 0ages 6510
2 M 10/19
/ 10/1"
Mini:re0s, Se;uencing, Strea> 0lates :ro%ega :ure=iel#X :las%i# Mini0re0
8 10/1. Co%0uter Lab, AnalyMe Se;uencing JuiM 4 1co%0lete after class3
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page # of 10
+ate To)i"s Reading (ssign'ents 73ro' Pro'ega
Resour"e .oo68 and General 9otes
I 10/16
Iesults, Kie< Bacteria
M 10/!0
/ 10/!1
$solation of IDA an# ;uantitation(
:rotocol 9& /riMol IDA $solation
:ages& 6($K(A( 1465443
/riMol W '):C
8 10/!!
I 10/!9
irst stran# c'DA synt*esis an# :CI(
JuiM 10 1co%0lete after class3
$nvitrogen& Su0erScri0t $$$ irst5Stran# I/5
M 10/!6
/ 10/!2
Start ;:CI, ;:CI Analysis, an# Ievie<
)urogentec& ;:CI gui#e
Stratagene& :CI gui#elines
8 10/!4
I 10/90
Co%0uter Lab& AnalyMe ;:CI
)lectro0*oresis ;:CI 0ro#uct an#
JuiM 11 1co%0lete after class3
M 11/9
/ 11/"
Cross5Lin> 'DA for C*$:
:resentation /o0ics
:rotocol " 'ue& C*$:
Col# S0ring -arbor, CS-& C*$:
8 11/.
I 11/6
$solate nuclei, sonicate 'DA an# reverse
JuiM 1! 1co%0lete after class3
C*$: Lysis BuNers
1! M 11/10
/ 11/11
Ca')us Closed2 KeteranBs 'ay Dot*ing
8 11/1!
I 11/19
)lectro0*oresis to conGr% siMe, setu0 $:
JuiM 19 1co%0lete after class3
C*$: Antibo#ies 1Sig%a Learning Center3
M 11/16
/ 11/12
8as* $:, reverse crosslin>s
C*$: Bac>groun#, Doise&Signal, Bloc>ing
/y0es of Bea#s use#
8 11/14
I 11/!0
:urify 'DA W :CI
JuiM 1" 1co%0lete after class3
C*$: /roubles*ooting
1" M 11/!"
/ 11/!.
)lectro0*oresis of :CI UtiliMation of $n0ut
8 11/!6
I 11/!6
/*an>sgiving Dot*ing
1. M 1!/1
/ 1!/!
Catc*5u0 'ay Dot*ing
8 1!/9
I 1!/"
)Ea% $$ Doteboo>s 1Grou0s 1563
M 1!/2
/ 1!/4
Grou0s "56 1subCect to c*ange3
8 1!/10 :resentations
JuiM 1. 1co%0lete after class, .0ts3
Grou0s 159 1subCect to c*ange3
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, BIOL 116L, Fall, 2014 Page 10 of 10

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