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Problem Ownership

What might this look like for a student with learning disabilities?

Frustration and
A victim is created. The teacher snake brains a child in the classroom and
that creates frustration and anxiety and makes the child shut down.
A child looks away from the anxiety.
Processing (Pace) Kids with learning disabilities have a generally hard time processing the
When you ask a question to a class with a combination of kids with learning
disabilities and normal children, it will take longer for the kids with LD to
process just the question, while the normal children are coming up with
an answer.
Distraction A child who is distractable pays attention to Everything.

Risk-taking Children with learning disabilities dont like surprises. They dont like to do
something if they dont know what will happen next.
Acknowledge correct answers and dont discourage wrong answers.if we
do, students will stop taking risks in learning.

Additional Notes:

When a child is pointed out he or she is wrong all the time, they will in turn point out every one else when they
are wrong to prove that they are not the only ones.

We use rhetorical questions as weapons against children.why???

General Notes/Suggested Accommodations

(blurry picture)
What we do: look at it look at it harder If you do it, Ill give you
something look at it harder, or Ill send a note home to your mother.
Blame the victim Youre not trying hard enough Theyre not
motivated enough
Motivation only enables us to do what we can do to the best of our ability.
We need to help facilitate perception. With Direct Instruction. Students
need trained experienced teachers.
(two stories, one
with known
vocab, one
Comprehension has a lot more to do with background than it does
Just because a person knows every word in a paragraph, doesnt mean they
understand the paragraph.
Students need direct instruction to help them comprehend something! Its
not something they can always figure out on their own.
Perception (title
for a story)
Many times a child with learning disabilities will get in trouble and not
know why. They are responding to what they perceive. Just as we are. We
are responding to the simulants that we receive.
Visual Motor
(handwriting in a
The writing process can be difficult because of the messages that are being
sent to their brains.
Oral Expression
(story without a
the letter n)
Dysnomia is a word finding problem.
The human brain has two functions: storage and retrieving.
Children with learning disabilities may have a hard time with this process.

Associative task. You can do two or more at one time. (like talking and
Cognitive task. You can only do one at a time.

For children with dysnomia, speaking or listening or writing is a cognitive
task and they can only do that at one time.

Sometimes the best gift you can give to children with learning disabilities is
the gift of time.
Reading and
(story with
We learn from a young age the spatial orientation does not change what the
object is.this is why pdbq can be so difficult! Suddenly they are different!
All of a childs energy goes towards decodingnot actually
Auditory and
(story understood
by listening)
For some can have them read it over and over again, but they
wont get it until they get it through their ears!

What is fairness?
Lawrence Kolberg

Children learn from what they see us donot what we tell them to do.

Morals need to be developed.

Fairness does not mean that everyone gets the same.fairness means that everyone gets what he or she needs.

Write out and extra set of things for a student if they need it, give extra instruction, do what they need.
Its fair! If it were you, Id do the same thing Sometimes, in order to be fair, weve got to treat some

Differentiated Classroom

Dont react. Be proactive. Have a plan in place for how youre going to handle situations.

The most important thing we can give children is show that we are imperfect ourselves.

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