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National University of Singapore

Reports from the Internal Affairs Cluster
8.30pm, 10
September 2014
Dining Hall

Annual Report from AB Block Committee 2013/2014
Main Projects for the Year
Project/Event Participation
Details Recommendations
IBG Average -There were less instances of
last minute recruitment of
-Sports that held exposure
had higher participation rate
(e.g. touch rug)
-Desserts (from dessert night)
boosted number of
supporters at the MPC
-Common sports (e.g.
basketball, badminton)
can be held earlier
while less common
sports should be held
later so that blockers
can have exposure
before having their
Fire-drills Average -Fire-drill in Sem 2 was higher
in attendance rate as we
encouraged blockers to stay
-Blocker was found in room
during spot check although
fire warden had inform her to
-Blockers complained their
rooms were locked after the
spot check as their
transponder was inside their
-Fire wardens need to
ensure all blockers to
evacuate their rooms
-Remind blockers to
bring their transponder
whenever they leave
their room
Block Suppers Average -Few blockers come down for
supper, its always the same
few people, despite
-Majority of people are
crashers from other blocks,
whom we welcome to help us
clear food
-BBQ supper held in Sem 1
was well-received, although it
was high budget
-Knock on door-to-door
to come down for
supper, or bring supper
up for blockers
-Give preview of menu
on Facebook event
-Hold bonding activities
during supper to allow
greater interaction
between blockers, esp
during sem 2
East Wing Supper (Sem
High -Miscommunication between
blocks caused lack of sound
system for the stage
-Need to ensure IC
contacted KE Vision
and CMB for
photographers and
sound system
FAB Supper High -Held in main lounge. Well-

-No activities were planned
but there was mingling among
East Wing Supper (Sem
High -Stage game was well-
-A funfair styled supper with
game booths was expected,
but CD failed to set up any of
their booths
-Pranks (extra ingredients) in
the food added surprises to
-Can prepare stage
beforehand in case
-People need to be
responsible for their
assigned tasks, and find
replacement if needed
Dessert Nights Low -Blockers that came down can
be as less as 10
-SMS was sent out to blockers
when supper is ready
-Desserts were delivered to
blockers during events (e.g.
-Can try to deliver to
doorstep since blockers
may be lazy/shy to go
AB Angel & Mortals
(Sem 1)/ AB Secret
Valentine (Sem 2)
Average -Participants who are not
interested can opt out from
the game
-Event was well-received by
people who participated,
including sharing of gifts on
-Less occurrence of MIA
angels but still exist
-Always higher female to male
ratio, so we failed to assign all
M-F pairs
-Ask for participation
from blockers early,
and check for
confirmation before
assigning pairs
-God needs to
remind angels to do
something if their
mortals complain that
they received nothing
-Try to encourage male
participation/set quota
of participants/not all
will be M-F pairs
Birthday celebration NA -Initially, we planned monthly
birthday celebration in
conjunction with block
supper, prepared cupcake for
every birthday person.
However, birthday person(s)
always fail to turn up for
supper due to other
commitments, despite sms
reminders and persuasion
-Plan scraped and we wrote
happy birthday with chalk
on blockers door during
his/her birthday to show that
-Can use chalk to draw
but must clean up after
taking photo
-Or we make a card and
slot under the door
-IC needs to set
birthday reminders so
that all birthdays are
Level ICs need to
ensure birth dates are
accurate on blockers
particulars doc
the block comm hasnt
forgotten him/her
-Office complained that it
made the doors look
dirty/blocker will need to
clean the door the next day

General Comments
- AB Block Comm has a strong team this year, but still need to reach out to the blockers and
encourage participation
- AB has remained as a very quiet/chill block with low participation rate for events
- Facebook events, emails, SMS still remain as main publicity platform to blockers
- AB brought a TV and placed it in the lounge, hoping to hold level supper cum movie night to
boost interaction between level mates. However, level ICs failed to achieve consensus (on
activity or date) from their blockers and plan was scraped.
- Demons week (combined with CD) was cancelled due to the lack of preparation time

Prepared by:
Koh Fang Qi
AB Block Head AY 13/14

Annual Report from F Block Committee Report 2013/2014
General comments
F Block Committee was generally well received this year by both F Block Residents and F Block
Committee members. F Block Residents were suitably engaged by the activities organised by the F Block
Committee, and initiatives such as Lounge and Kitchenette cleaning contributed more to the welfare
and living conditions of the Block Residents. The F Block Committee also enjoyed a greater degree of
bonding and camaraderie, as compared to its preceding committee, which was due greatly to the
increased commitment of the freshmen members, and friendly senior-junior interactions.
The success of F Block has contributed to an influx of residents who were involved in the Hall
Community, and a retention of members within the Block Committee and Community. With the addition
of a rich crop of talented and interesting freshmen, F Block is poised to become even more vibrant and
active under the new F Block Head.
Major events for the year
F Block Committee chiefly hosted suppers and also organised a few block activities across the year.
These include:
1) Monthly Themed Suppers
2) Angel Mortal Game
3) Block Lounge Cleaning
4) Kitchen Cleaning
The focus of these events were to increase interaction amongst Block Residents by providing an
opportunity and venue for social contact amongst the widely disparate individuals. The activities also
provided a platform for committee members to get together as a team to plan and execute these
bonding activities, which translated to greater interaction within the Committee, and without.
Improvements and new initiatives
F Block Committee did not plan for improvements or new initiatives in AY 13/14 due to the initial lack of
returning seniors and personnel. The aim for the year was simply to build a Block Committee that would
decide for itself the foundation and direction it would like to take for the next few years.
However, several improvements were noted. F Block Committee moved away from a traditional top-
down approach towards a more team-based planning and discussion, which led to more input from the
members. This contributed to creating a more involved and more committed core group in charge of
execution, but which also heeded the ideas and opinions of a less involved fringe. Team based
organisation and mechanics will prove useful as Block Committees are scheduled to be smaller and more
Furthermore, a conscious effort was made to bring seniors and juniors on the same level. Delegation of
tasks did not preclude seniority and this led to greater bonds developed between the seniors and
freshmen. This encouraged the Block Committee to develop a more clan-like mind set, which led to
friendlier interactions between Committee members.
Problems encountered
Problems encountered by F Block initially was the lack of interaction between well-formed and
established populations within F Block. Well-formed social circles of residents formerly from the
previous F Block, as well as migratory groups from other blocks, were already present when the
freshmen arrived. The intransigence of these groups towards incorporating new people, unfortunately
stifled efforts at integration early on.
Infrastructural-wise, F Block Kitchenettes wiring and electrical systems are failing, which denied F Block
the use of the fridge and the oven in the kitchen. It has also unintentionally caused many stored food
items to go bad and posed a health risk to residents.
F Block Lounge also faces structural problems in the form of a leaky ceiling, which has caused the lounge
to flood several times on heavily rainy days. Furthermore, this has led to growth clusters of mold and
algae which have to be cleaned up.
Recommendations for the future
As previously requested, F Block Committee believes that the number of Block Committee members
should be reduced, due to the large amount of redundancy in manpower. Though this comes with risk,
we believe that 15 should be a sufficient number.
I would like to take this opportunity to also address the infrastructural problems that F Block is facing,
and hope that they would be resolved soon.
As Block Head, I am, however, fully confident in the capabilities and prospects of my successor and wish
him all the best for the new academic year.
I would like to thank the following people for their help and contributions to the F Block Committee in
I would like to thank Dr. Seow Teck Keong for being such a wonderful RF and accommodating
my mistakes and listening to my suggestions.
I would like to thank my Vice-Head and Treasurer, Charlton, for stepping up to the position to
help me, and bearing my mistakes and flaws with great patience. As well as doing all the things I
was reluctant to do.
I would like to thank the seniors who joined the Block Committee last year despite not knowing
me personally and not knowing much about F Block.
I would like to thank all the freshmen, now year 2s, in the Block Committee with me last year.
You guys are awesome; at everything except deciding on a day to meet up for outing.
I would like to thank the 57
JCRC, for their hard work and also for not bothering me so much.
And for tolerating my continuously late reports.

Prepared by,
Lee Bor Ray
F Block Head, AY13/14
Annual General Meeting Report from Dinner and Dance Committee
General Comments:
The main DND event was well received with an interesting theme and good attendance. The theme this
year is KEVillain, and audiences were all dressed according to the theme. The feedbacks of performances
from KEnsemble were very positive. The programs involved not only Pageant contestants, but also
This year DND Committee managed to obtain 5,000 SGD from Social Development Network,
FamilyMatters Fund, which was a huge success. The profit including ticket sales, fund raising and
sponsorship was really good.
Main Events for AY2013/14:
1. ICN Fund Raising
2. Valentine's Day Fund Raising
3. FHD2
4. DND
Comments Improvements to be made
ICN Fund Raising 1. All the roses and sunflowers were
sold out.

2. Managed to obtain good profit, at
the same time providing our hall
people with convenience and good
service, as well as flowers at
reasonable prices.

3. DND members had a lot of fun
doing this project.
1. To start pre-order earlier.

2. To purchase more flowers (140
roses and 20 sunflowers isn't enough).

3. To sell flowers at slightly higher
prices to obtain more profit.

4. To involve more DND members in
dethorning sessions.
Valentines Day
Fund Raising
1. Managed to obtain permission to
sell roses at 6 venues in NUS Campus.

2. Managed to obtain good profit.

3. Sold foam roses instead of real ones
for the first time, which was well
received. The foam roses were much
cheaper, and easier to transport and
keep. It saved manpower from
dethroning as well.
1. To apply for the permissions for
selling in flowers earlier (could have
started in December or January)

2. To strengthen the bonding and
make more members attend the
fundraising event.

3. To put wet tissue paper at the
bottom of the flowers (a lot of
customers request)

4. The manpower wasnt enough to
cover all booths.

4. To wrap foam roses in bouquet.
FHD2 1.The attendance was good, but still
the food was too much.

2. The audiences were entertained,
and the pageant contestants were
introduced to hall and DND was well

3. A profit was made by selling masks,
foam roses and teddy bears.
1. Not to sell teddy bears. It wasnt
popular. To consider not to do a fund
raising event on FHD2, since the profit
wasnt really good considering the
manpower and the time spent.

2. Foam roses were good!

3. Food was too much. The expected
audience will be around 200.
DND 1. A lot of people who had free tickets
didnt show up.

2. Had a few unsold tickets.

3. The theme was interesting.
Performances were amazing. The
games and programs were really
funny. Pageant contestants did an
awesome job.

4. The venue and food were well
1. Pageant contestants should be
aware of their tasks and be more

2. The whole timeline needs to be
more detailed and better prepared.

3. The pre-order for tickets needs to
start earlier.

4. Make sure people who are given
free tickets inform the committee
regarding their attendance prior to

5. To encourage residents to reach
KRGH earlier to make sure the event
starts on time.

We would like to thank the SCRC, the 57th JCRC, KEnsemble, CMB and all participants for your support
to make our Dinner & Dance a success to end the academic year with a bang. We would also like to
thank the Social Development Network and FamilyMatters Fund for the generous sponsorship.

Prepared By: Mr. Li Lingpeng
Dinner and Dance Head AY2013/14

Annual Report from Malaysia Night Committee 2013/2014
General Comments
As a part of KEs proud traditions, we are thankful for having a chance to hold this event again as it was a
great opportunity to bond all the Malaysian freshmen and to try new things in a new environment. The
current 13/14 batch of Malaysians all agreed that we should continue this traditional event regardless of
the existence of an international night carnival.
Problems Encountered
- Time constraint
As most of us were just exposed to this new environment and group of people, it was hard for all of
us to come together to work efficiently in the first few weeks of preparation. Even though we got
closer after working together, it was still a challenge for us, as freshmen, to throw a carnival in a
month of preparation. It was really a rush for us to finalize event flow and decorations as we did not
actually have time to do a full run before the actual event. We also faced problems in ticketing as
some of the sponsorship units did not confirm their sponsorship with us till the end of the
preparation and we had to clear the as many tickets as possible in a little bit more than a week.
- Food shortage
Our department in-charge of catering service tried to source for catering services with Malaysian
delicacies, including the sources from previous years but encountered difficulties in finding one that
could provide large quantities at an affordable price. In the end, we managed to ask our own dining
hall kitchen to help us with the catering. However, on the day itself, the food was insufficient for the
huge turnout.
- Commitment issue
Being a freshmen head, I was not specifically told there was an opt-out option for them when
distributing the work. As a result, some people did not show up to help and it was unfair for the rest
who had to complete majority of the work during preparations.
Initially, there were a miscommunication in points awarded for the committee with JCRC.
Fortunately, after having a meeting with the JCRC, they approved that the committee was a regular
CCA with a maximum point of 9.
Recommendations for the future
We think that it is better to gather all the new Malaysian freshmen in KEVII as soon as possible, ideally in
July because they can have more time for preparations. Besides, they must know there is an opt-out
option and communicate clearly on the awarding of KEIPS points (this has to be decided by the 58

JCRC). The committee should continue to source for more possibilities in food catering. Apart from that,
I would advise the previous head, instead of the current freshmen head, to confirm with the major
sponsorship units as soon as possible to avoid late responses and sudden changes.
Prepared by
Koh Zhao Ming
Malaysia Night Committee Head 13/14

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