Man-Made Filaments Strip and The Like of Man-Made Textile Materials Notes

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Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007

Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-made textile materials
1. Throughout this Schedule, the term man-made fibres means staple fibres and
filaments of organic polymers produced by manufacturing processes, either:
(a) by polymerisation of organic monomers to produce polymers, such as
polyamides, polyesters, polyolefins or polyurethanes or by chemical
modification of polymers products by this process(e.g., poly (inyl alcohol)
prepared by the !ydrolysis of poly(inyl acetate)" or
(b) by dissolution or chemical treatment of natural organic polymers (for e#ample,
cellulose) to produce polymers , such as cuprammonium rayon, (cupro) or
iscose rayon, or by $hemical modification of natural organic polymers (e.g.,
cellulose, casein and other proteins, or alginic acid), to produce polymers such
as cellulose acetate or alginates.
The terms synthetic and artificial, used in relation to fibres, mean: synthetic:
fibres as defined at (a)" artificial: fibres as defined at (b). Strip and the li%e of
heading &'(' or &'(& are not consider to be man made fibres.
The terms man-made, synthetic and artificial shall hae the same meanings
)hen used in relation to te#tile materials.
*. !eadings &'(* and &'(+ do not apply to synthetic or artificial filament to) of
$hapter &&.
Chapter 54 RTEPC Pa"e #
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
S,-./0 T!1,23 45 62/-623,
5.726,/TS, -!,T!,1 41 /4T 89T 98 541
1,T2.7 S27,
&'(11((( - 4f synthetic filaments
&'(1*((( - 4f artificial filaments
S:/T!,T.$ 5.726,/T :21/ (4T!,1 T!2/
S,-./0 T!1,23), /4T 89T 98 541 1,T2.7
S27,, ./$793./0 S:/T!,T.$
64/45.726,/T 45 7,SS T!2/ ;< 3,$.T,=
- High tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides:
&'(*111( --- 4f aramids
&'(*1> - 4ther"
&'(*1>1( --- /ylon tyre yarn
&'(*1>>( --- 4ther
&'(**( - !igh tenacity yarn of polyesters :
&'(**(1( --- 4f terylene dacron
&'(**(>( --- 4ther
- Textured yarn :
&'(*+1(( -- 4f nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single
yarn not more than &( te#
&'(*+*(( -- 4f nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single
yarn more than &( te#
&'(*++(( -- 4f polyesters
&'(*+'(( -- 4f polypropylene
&'(*+> -- 4ther :
&'(*+>1( --- 8olypropylene filament yarn
&'(*+>*( --- 2crylic filament yarn
&'(*+>>( --- 4ther
&'(*''(( -- ,lastomeric
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(*'&(( -- 4ther, of nylon or other polyamides
&'(*';(( -- 4ther, of polyesters, partially oriented
&'(*'<(( -- 4ther, of polyesters
&'(*'?(( -- 4ther, of polypropylene
&'(*'>(( -- 4ther
- Other yarn, single, with a twist exceeding 50 turns
per metre :
&'(*&1(( -- 4f nylon or other polyamides
&'(*&*(( -- 4f polyesters
&'(*&> -- 4ther :
&'(*&>1( --- 8olypropylene filament yarn
&'(*&>>( --- 4ther
- Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled :
&'(*;1(( -- 4f nylon or other polyamides
&'(*;*(( -- 4f polyesters
&'(*;> -- 4ther :
&'(*;>1( --- 8olyinyl acetate filament yarn
&'(*;>*( --- 8olyinyl chloride filament yarn
&'(*;>+( --- 8olypropylene filament yarn
&'(*;>'( --- 2crylic filament yarn
&'(*;>&( --- 8olytetrafluoroethylene yarn
&'(*;>>( --- 4ther
21T.5.$.27 5.726,/T :21/ (4T!,1 T!2/
S,-./0 T!1,23), /4T 89T 541 1,T2.7
S27,, ./$793./0 21T.5.$.27 64/4
5.726,/T 45 7,SS T!2/ ;< 3,$.T,=
&'(+1( - !igh tenacity yarn of iscose rayon :
&'(+1(1( --- @iscose rayon tyre yarn 1,*++ decite#
&'(+1(*( --- @iscose rayon tyre yarn 1,?++ decite#
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(+1(>( --- 4ther
- Other yarn, single :
&'(++1(( -- 4f iscose rayon, unt)isted or )ith a t)ist not
e#ceeding 1*( turns per metre
&'(++*(( -- 4f iscose rayon, )ith a t)ist e#ceeding
1*(turns per metre
&'(+++(( -- 4f cellulose acetate
&'(++> -- 4ther :
&'(++>1( --- $uprammonium rayon
&'(++>>( --- 4ther
- Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled :
&'(+'1 -- 4f iscose rayon :
&'(+'11( --- 9p to ;< decite#
&'(+'1*( --- 4f ?+ decite#
&'(+'1+( --- 4f 111 decite#, bright
&'(+'1'( --- 4f 111 decite#, dull
&'(+'1&( --- 4f 1++ decite#, bright
&'(+'1;( --- 4f 1++ decite#, dull
&'(+'1<( --- 4f 1;< decite#, bright
&'(+'1?( --- 4f 1;< decite#, dull
&'(+'1>( --- 4ther
&'(+'* -- 4f cellulose acetate :
&'(+'*1( --- 2cetate rayon filament yarn, ?+ decite#
&'(+'**( --- 2cetate rayon filament yarn, 111 decite#
&'(+'*+( --- 2cetate rayon filament yarn, 1++ decite#
&'(+'*'( --- 2cetate rayon filament yarn, 1;< decite#
&'(+'*&( --- 2cetate rayon filament yarn, +++ decite#
&'(+'*>( --- 4ther
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
-- 4ther :
--- uprammonium filament yarn :
&'(+'>11 --- 4f ++ decite#
&'(+'>1* --- 4f '' decite#
&'(+'>1+ --- 4f ;< decite#
&'(+'>1' --- 4f ?+ decite#
&'(+'>1& --- 4f ?> decite#
&'(+'>1> --- 4ther
&'(+'>>( --- 4ther
S:/T!,T.$ 64/45.726,/T 45 ;<
3,$.T,= 41 641, 2/3 45 -!.$! /4
$14SS-S,$T.4/27 3.6,/S.4/ ,=$,,3S 1
66" ST1.8 2/3 T!, 7.A, (541 ,=2687,,
21T.5.$.27 ST12-) 45 S:/T!,T.$
T,=T.7, 62T,1.27S 45 2/ 28821,/T
-.3T! /4T ,=$,,3./0 & 66
- !onofilament:
&'('11(( -- ,lastomeric
&'('1*(( -- 4ther, of polypropylene
&'('1> - 4ther:
&'('1>1( --- $atgut imitation of synthetic yarn, non-sterile
&'('1>*( --- Strip and the li%e of synthetic fibre material
&'('1>>( --- 4ther
&'('>( - 4ther :
&'('>(1( --- $atgut imitation of synthetic yarn, non-sterile
&'('>(*( --- Strip and the li%e of synthetic fibre materials
&'('>(>( --- 4ther
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(&(((( 21T.5.$.27 64/45.726,/T 45 ;<
3,$.T,= 41 641, 2/3 45 -!.$! /4
$14SS-S,$T.4/27 3.6,/S.4/ ,=$,,3S 1
66" ST1.8 2/3 T!, 7.A, (541 ,=2687,,
21T.5.$.27 ST12-) 45 21T.5.$.27
T,=T.7, 62T,1.27S 45 2/ 28821,/T
-.3T! /4T ,=$,,3./0 & 66
62/-623, 5.726,/T :21/ (4T!,1 T!2/
S,-./0 T!1,23), 89T 98 541 1,T2.7
&'(;(( - 6an-made filament yarn (other than se)ing thread),
put for retail sale
&'(;((1( --- Synthetic filament yarn
&'(;((*( --- 2rtificial filament yarn
-4@,/ 52B1.$S 45 S:/T!,T.$ 5.726,/T
"#$%&"#' (O)*# +,-."/ O-T,"#*&
+.O! !,T*.",$/ O+ H*,&"#' 5000
- -oen fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn of
nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters :
--- %nbleached :
&'(<1(11 --- 8arachute fabrics
&'(<1(1* --- Tent fabrics
&'(<1(1+ --- /ylon furnishing fabrics
&'(<1(1' --- 9mbrella cloth panel fabrics
&'(<1(1& --- 4ther nylon and polyamide fabrics (filament)
&'(<1(1; --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<1(1> --- 4ther polyester fabrics
--- -leached :
&'(<1(*1 --- 8arachute fabrics
&'(<1(** --- Tent fabrics
&'(<1(*+ --- /ylon furnishing fabrics
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(<1(*' --- 9mbrella cloth panel fabrics
&'(<1(*& --- 4ther nylon and polyamide fabrics of filament yarn
&'(<1(*; --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<1(*> --- 4ther
--- &yed :
&'(<1(+1 --- 8arachute fabrics
&'(<1(+* --- Tent fabrics
&'(<1(++ --- /ylon furnishing fabrics
&'(<1(+' --- 9mbrella cloth panel fabrics
&'(<1(+& --- 4ther nylon and polyamide fabrics (filament)
&'(<1(+; --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<1(+> --- 4ther
--- 1rinted :
&'(<1('1 --- 8arachute fabrics
&'(<1('* --- Tent fabrics
&'(<1('+ --- /ylon furnishing fabrics
&'(<1('' --- 9mbrella cloth panel fabrics
&'(<1('& --- 4ther nylon and polyamide fabrics (filament)
&'(<1('; --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<1('> --- 4ther
--- Other :
&'(<1(>1 --- 8arachute fabrics
&'(<1(>* --- Tent fabrics
&'(<1(>+ --- /ylon furnishing fabrics
&'(<1(>' --- 9mbrella cloth panel fabrics
&'(<1(>& --- 4ther nylon and polyamide fabrics of
&'(<1(>; --- 8olyester suitings
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(<1(>> --- 4ther
&'(<*( - -oen fabrics obtained from strip or the li%e :
&'(<*(1( --- 9nbleached
&'(<*(*( --- Bleached
&'(<*(+( --- 3yed
&'(<*('( --- 8rinted
&'(<*(>( --- 4ther
&'(<+( - 5abrics specified in /ote > to Section =. :
&'(<+(1( --- 9nbleached
&'(<+(*( --- Bleached
&'(<+(+( --- 3yed
&'(<+('( --- 8rinted
&'(<+(>( --- 4ther
- Other wo2en fabrics, containing 354 or more by
weight of filaments of nylon or other polyamides :
&'(<'1 -- 9nbleached or bleached :
--- %nbleached :
&'(<'111 --- /ylon brasso
&'(<'11* --- /ylon georgette
&'(<'11+ --- /ylon tafetta
&'(<'11' --- /ylon sarees
&'(<'11> --- 4ther
--- -leached :
&'(<'1*1 --- /ylon brasso
&'(<'1** --- /ylon georgette
&'(<'1*+ --- /ylon tafetta
&'(<'1*' --- /ylon sarees
&'(<'1*> --- 4ther
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
-- 3yed :
&'(<'*1( --- /ylon brasso
&'(<'**( --- /ylon georgette
&'(<'*+( --- /ylon tafetta
&'(<'*'( --- /ylon sarees
&'(<'*>( --- 4ther
&'(<'+(( -- 4f yarn of different colours
&'(<'' -- 8rinted :
&'(<''1( --- /ylon brasso
&'(<''*( --- /ylon georgette
&'(<''+( --- /ylon tafetta
&'(<'''( --- /ylon sarees,
&'(<''>( --- 4ther
- Other wo2en fabrics, containing 354 or more by
weight of textured polyester filaments:
&'(<&1 -- 9nbleached or bleached :
--- %nbleached :
&'(<&111 --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<&11> --- 4ther
--- -leached :
&'(<&1*1 --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<&1*> --- 4ther
&'(<&* -- 3yed :
&'(<&*1( --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<&**( --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<&*+( --- Terylene and dacron sarees
&'(<&*'( --- 8olyester sarees
&'(<&*>( --- 4ther
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(<&+(( -- 4f yarns of different colours
&'(<&' -- 8rinted :
&'(<&'1( --- Terylene and dacron sarees
&'(<&'*( --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<&'+( --- 8olyester sarees
&'(<&'>( --- 4ther
- Other wo2en fabrics, containing 354 or more by
weight of polyester filaments :
&'(<;1 -- $ontaining ?&C or more by )eight of nonte#tured
polyester filaments :
&'(<;11( --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<;1*( --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<;1>( --- 4ther
&'(<;>(( -- 4ther
- Other wo2en fabrics, containing 354 or more by
weight of synthetic filaments :
&'(<<1 -- 9nbleached or bleached :
&'(<<11( --- 9nbleached
&'(<<1*( --- Bleached
&'(<<*(( -- 3yed
&'(<<+(( -- 4f yarns of different colours
&'(<<'(( -- 8rinted
- Other wo2en fabrics, containing less than 354 by
weight of synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or
solely with cotton :
&'(<?1 -- 9nbleached or bleached :
--- %nbleached :
&'(<?111 --- /ylon georgette
&'(<?11* --- /ylon sarees
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(<?11+ --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<?11' --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<?11& --- Terylene and dacron sarees
&'(<?11; --- 8olyester dhoti
&'(<?11> --- 4ther
--- -leached :
&'(<?1*1 --- /ylon georgette
&'(<?1** --- /ylon sarees
&'(<?1*+ --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<?1*' --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<?1*& --- Terylene and dacron sarees
&'(<?1*; --- 8olyester dhoti
&'(<?1*> --- 4ther
&'(<?* -- 3yed :
&'(<?*1( --- /ylon georgette
&'(<?**( --- /ylon sarees
&'(<?*+( --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<?*'( --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<?*&( --- Terylene and dacron sarees
&'(<?*;( --- 7ungies
&'(<?*>( --- 4ther
&'(<?+(( -- 4f yarns of different colours
&'(<?' -- 8rinted :
&'(<?'1( --- /ylon georgette
&'(<?'*( --- /ylon sarees
&'(<?'+( --- 8olyester shirtings
&'(<?''( --- 8olyester suitings
&'(<?'&( --- Terylene and dacron sarees
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(<?';( --- 7ungies
&'(<?'<( --- 8olyester sarees
&'(<?'>( --- 4ther
- Other wo2en fabrics :
&'(<>1 -- 9nbleached or bleached :
&'(<>11( --- 9nbleached
&'(<>1*( --- Bleached
&'(<>*(( -- 3yed
&'(<>+(( -- 4f yarns of different colours
&'(<>'(( -- 8rinted
-4@,/ 52B1.$S 45 21T.5.$.27 5.726,/T
:21/, ./$793./0 -4@,/ 52B1.$S
4BT2./,3 5146 62T,1.27S 45 !,23./0
&'(?1((( - -oen fabrics obtained from high tenacity yarn of
iscose rayon
- Other wo2en fabrics, containing 354 or more by
weight of artificial filament or strip or the li5e :
&'(?*1 -- 9nbleached or bleached :
&'(?*11( --- 9nbleached
&'(?*1*( --- Bleached
&'(?** -- 3yed :
--- +abrics of rayon :
&'(?**11 --- 1ayon crepe fabrics
&'(?**1* --- 1ayon DacEuards
&'(?**1+ --- 1ayon brocades
&'(?**1' --- 1ayon georgette
&'(?**1& --- 1ayon tafetta
&'(?**1; --- 1ayon suitings
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(?**1< --- 1ayon shirtings
&'(?**1? --- 1ayon sarees
&'(?**1> --- 4ther
&'(?***( --- 5abrics of continuous filament, other than rayon
&'(?**>( --- 4ther
&'(?*+(( -- 4f yarns of different colours
&'(?*' -- 8rinted :
--- Of rayon :
&'(?*'11 --- 1ayon crepe fabrics
&'(?*'1* --- 1ayon DacEuards
&'(?*'1+ --- 1ayon brocades
&'(?*'1' --- 1ayon georgette
&'(?*'1& --- 1ayon tafetta
&'(?*'1; --- 1ayon suitings
&'(?*'1< --- 1ayon shirtings
&'(?*'1? --- 1ayon sarees
&'(?*'1> --- 4ther
&'(?*'>( --- 4ther
- Other wo2en fabrics :
&'(?+1 -- 9nbleached or bleached :
&'(?+11( --- 9nbleached
&'(?+1*( --- Bleached
&'(?+* -- 3yed :
--- +abrics of rayon :
&'(?+*11 --- 1ayon brocades
&'(?+*1* --- 1ayon georgette
&'(?+*1+ --- 1ayon tafetta
&'(?+*1' --- 1ayon suitings
Indian Trade Classification (HS) Effective from 1st April, 2007
Headin" H $TC%H&
No' Code Code
&'(?+*1& --- 1ayon shirtings
&'(?+*1> --- 4ther
&'(?+*>( --- 4ther
&'(?++(( -- 4f yarns of different colours
&'(?+' -- 8rinted :
--- +abric of rayon :
&'(?+'11 --- 1ayon crepe fabrics
&'(?+'1* --- 1ayon DacEuards
&'(?+'1+ --- 1ayon brocades
&'(?+'1' --- 1ayon georgette
&'(?+'1& --- 1ayon tafetta
&'(?+'1; --- 1ayon suitings
&'(?+'1< --- 1ayon shirtings
&'(?+'1? --- 1ayon sarees
&'(?+'1> --- 4ther
&'(?+'*( --- 5abrics of continuous filament, other than rayon
&'(?+'>( --- 4ther

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