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Modal verbs

267.Use shall or will in the blank spaces in the following sentences:

1. Where ...... we meet? 2. Next time I go, yo .... come with me. !a promise" #. ...... be here when we get back?
$. %Who will go to the theatre with me?& %I ...... .& '. (o can go to sleep) I promise yo ...... not be *istrbe*.
+. If yo pll the le,er, the roof ...... sli*e back. -. We ...... know the reslt in a week.s time.
/. I am *etermine* that my boy....ha,e a better e*cation than I ha*. 0. What .... I say? 11. %(o forgot to post yor letter.&
%2o I *i*. I ...... go back an* post it now.& 11. %I ...... not be able to carry it by myself.& %I ...... help yo.&
12. I.m ,ery sorry abot this inci*ent. It ...... not happen again, I assre yo. 1#. If yo ...... kin*ly wait a moment, I.ll see what can
be *one. 1$. %It.s ,ery *ark here.& %2o it is. I ...... trn on the light.& 1'. ...... I write my a**ress on the back?
2+0 . 3ranslate into 4nglish sing shall/should or will/would whene,er necessary:
1. 5ac6 snteti amabil s6 asteptati o clip6 7l chem pe *irector. 2. 8m *eschis ctia si ce cre*eti c6 ,6*) n sarpe rias. #. 9:n* si;a *at
seama ce bolna, este fratele li, a insistat s6 se fac6 toate efotrile s6 fie transportat la spital ime*iat. $. 8s ,rea s6 pleci sa s6 te ase<i
s6 citesti ce,a. 9m ti;ar pl6cea tie *ac6 e m;as tot misca prin cas6 c:n* 7ncerci s6 lcre<i. '. 4 normal s6 ,rei s6 stii a*e,6rl *espre
tat6l t6 si e mai bine s6;l a<i *e la mine *ec:t *e la ,ren str6in. +. 5rml era acoperit c gheat6 si li 7i era groa<6 s6 n alnece.
-. 5ac6 cm,a nici aceste m6sri n resesc s6 restabileasc6 or*inea, ,om 7ncerca m6sri mai aspre. /. %3oti cre* c6 t esti ,ino,at.&
%N ,6* *e ce ar cre*e asta.& 0. %=are n*e este el acm?& %=, ar trebi s6 fie acolo *e;acm. >borl 7i ia nmai o or6.& 11. 8s
prefera s6;l 7ntrebi t. Ultima *at6 c7n* am ,rt s6 ,orbesc c el, n;a ,rt nici m6car s6 m6 asclte. 11.3rebie c6 a a?ns *e?a) se ,e*e
lmin6 7n *ormitor. ce <ici 7i facem o ,i<it6? 12. 4 am insistat, *ar el n a,rt s6 ,in6 c mine la ba<in nici a<i, nici ieri. 1#.5ac6 este
cine,a care stie r6spnsl, sigr el este acela. 1$. @ai *egrab6 n mai ,orbesc 11 ani *ec:t s6 trebiasc6 s6 ,orbesc c ea *in no.
1'. 5ac6 asta 7ti *oresti ,ei a,ea parte *e o petrecere *e <ia ta. 1+. Areti s6 ,6 7nsotesc?
272.Use the perfect infinitive of the ,erbs in brackets with the appropriate mo*al ,erb. Bhrases n*erline* shol* not be repeate* bt
their meaning shol* be expresse* by modal + prefect infinitive:
I fon* this baby bir* at the foot of the tree. It !fall" from a nest C It mst ha,e fallen from a nest.
1. I se* to ,isit her an* I always won*ere* why she ha* those *rea*fl pictres on the walls. It is possible that she !like" them.
2. 5ring the gale the captain was on the bri*ge the whole time.De !be" exhaste* afterwar*s.
#. (o !sen*" a telegram, which was Eite nnecessary) a letter wol* ha,e *one.
$. (o !cross" the roa* by the sbway, bt yo *i*n.t.
'. It is possible that I !be" mistaken.
+. (o !lea,e" a note. !CIt was inconsi*erate of yo not to *o so"
-. I ha* my mbrella when I came ot bt I *on.t ha,e it now. (o !lea,e" it on the bs.
/. I.,e broght two bottles of milk.(o !by" milk. We ha,e heaps in the hose.
0. I phone* yo at nine this morning bt got no answer.I.m sorry. I !be" in the gar*en.
11. I.,e opene* another bottle.(o !*o" that. We.,e only ?st starte* this one.
11. Berhaps he swam across. No, he !*o" that) he can.t swim.
12. (o !warn" him that the ice was *angeros, bt yo *i*n.t.
273.Translate into English using modal verbs + perfect infinitives:
1. N;ar fi trebit s6 pleci ieri f6r6 hain6. N;i *e mirare c6 ai r6cit.
2. ;9ine,a a telefonat la ora 2 *ar n i;am retint nmele. ;3rebie s6 fi fost fratele me. 4l obisnieste s6 telefone<e atnci.
#. 5octorl a fost n b6rbat s,elt c p6rl alb. 8tnci n se poate s6 fi fost *octorl 2mith pentr c6 el e scn* si gras. 3rebie s6 fi
fost *octorl 3homson.
$. 8r fi trebit s6 ,erifice fr:nele 7nainte *e plecare.
'. 8m ,6<t n tigr ieri 7n p6*re. N se poate s6 fi ,6<t n tigr. N snt tigrii 7n tar6 la noi.
+. @;ai a<it c:n* am ,enit acas6 seara trect6? N, trebie c6 a*ormisem.
-. I;am sps s6 o ia la st:nga si el a lat;o ime*iat la *reapta. Brobabil c6 n te;a 7nteles.
/. 3ocmai am terminat *e *at florile. N era ne,oie s6 le <i. Uite cm plo6 acm.
0. Usa era *eschis6. N se poate s6 fi fost *eschis6. 8m 7nchis;o chiar e la plecare.
11. 8m trimis *p6 *octor. N trebia s6 trimiteti. @6 simt foarte bine.
11. 26;ti fi sps *in timp care este sitatia?
12.2igr a fost mlte sticle *e ,in 7n pi,nit6. 8ltfel *e n*e s6 fi a,t s6 ser,easc6 toti msafirii
1. 8tob<ele snt foarte aglomerate. @6 ,6* obligat s6 ia n taxi. 2. @;am r6rt6cit si n;am a,t 7ncotro si am 7ntrebat n politist
cm se poate a?nge la gar6. #. N;are nici n rost s6 cari t pachetele singr. @aga<inl ti le ,a trimite. $. Area s6 bati aceast6
scrisoare la masin6 *ar n trebie s;o faci a<i. 2i m:ine e bine. '. Fti pot 7mprmta cartea *ar trebie s6 mi;o a*ci 7napoi s6pt6m:na
,iitoare. +. =are trebie s6 raport6m acci*entl la politie? -. 2tii *estl6 engle<6 ca s6 poti s6 ceri n bilet la gar6? N trebie s6
spi nimic. Boti s6 ti;l cmperi *e la n atomat. /. N;a trebit s6 mergem pe ?os. Ne;a *s el c masina. 0. 8m ,6<t acci*entl
*ar *in fericire n a trebit s6 *epn m6rtrie pentr c6 a mai fost mlti martori. 11. 8,em *estl timp) n;i ne,oie s6 ne gr6bim.
11. 8m 7nt:r<iat ieri la oper6. 8 trebit s6 astepti p:na la terminarea primli act ca s6;ti g6sesti locl? 12.Fti amintesti s6 fi citit
*espre asta 7n <iare? N, trebie c6 eram 7nc6 7n str6in6tate. 1#. N se poate s6 fi mers pe ?os *e aici p:n6 la Gon*ra 7n *o6 ore.
2nt mai mlt *e <ece mile. 1$. @i;a sps c6 a *at florile 7n fiecare <i. N se poate s6 le fi *at. N s;ar fi scat *ac6 ar fi f6ct;o.
1'. I;am ,orbit 7n engle<6 foarte rar. N era ne,oie s6;i ,orbesti asa rar. 4l 7ntelege engle<a bine. 1+. 26;mi scri a*resa pe spatele
cererii? 1-. 9e s6 mai spn? Haptl s;a consmat. 1/. Fmi pare r6 *e acest inci*ent. N se ,a mai 7nt:mpla, te asigr. 10. N ,ei
7nt:r<ia, n;i asa? 21. 4 ci*at ca el s6 g:n*easc6 asta. 21. 8s ,rea s6 sti n*e ai fost. 22. 5ac6 cm,a m6 cat6 cine,a, spne;i
c6 m6 7ntorc la sase. 2#. 8i ,rea s6 ,ii c noi sa ai prefera s6 stai aici? 2$. 2nt prea mlte acci*ente. Gmea ar trebi s6 fie mai
atent6. 2'. 2b nici o form6 n poate fi a*e,6rat ceea ce spi. 2+. 8s ,rea s6 n mai pi at:tea 7ntreb6ri. 2-. G;am ,6<t pe stra*6,
*ar n s;a oprit s6;mi ,orbeasc6. Brobabil c6 era foarte gr6bit. 2/. N era ne,oie s6;ti fi cert sc<e. N t ai gresit. 20. 2ti c6
era acas6 fiin*c6 am a<it ra*iol, *ar n mi;a *eschis. Boate c6 n a a<it soneria. #1. 8r fi trebit s6 le mltmesti. #1. 2e prea
poate s6 se fi *s la teatr. #2. 4ste imposibil ca s6 n fi l6sat nici n bilet *ac6 a plecat *e acas6. ##. 4l pleac6 tot*eana linistit *e
acas6. 2stine c6 sa *e la casa li n poate fi *istrs6 *ec:t c toporl. Fmi pare r6 c6 trebie s6 7ti spn *ar s;ar ptea s6 fi fost
*e?a *istrs6 *e hligani. #$. 5ac6 7i *ai oca<ia n mai incetea<6 c po,estile *in r6<boi. #'. 8cas6 n m6n:nc nicio*at6
*imineata. 2e prea poate *ar aici esti la noi acas6 si ,ei m:nca.
276.Transform the following statements as requested maintaining the meaning of the modal verb used.
1. @ay I see @r. Iones?!past,affirmati,e"
2.I might go ot for a while. !present, interrogati,e"
#. @ight I ask yo what yo are *oing here? !past,in*irect speech"
$. 3hey may know the way to or cabin. !present, interrogati,e"
'. @ay the best man winJ !interrogati,e"
+. I might ?st as well wait for him another hor. !negati,e"
-. (o mst go to school? !past, interrogati,e"
/. De was gi,en permission to stay p late. !present,negati,e"
0. 9an yo *o it yorself ? !ftre"
11. 5i* yo manage to *o this? !ftre, negati,e"
11. 3his might be the way to sol,e the exercise. !past, negati,e"
12. I mst rea* this one more time.!ftre, interrogati,e"
1#. I ha* to talk to her before lea,ing. !present, interrogati,e"
1$. (o nee* not go to school , if yo *on.t want to. !present, affirmati,e"
1'. De will ha,e arri,e* by now. !present, interrogati,e"
1+. Gook at the watchJ De shol* ha,e finishe* his exam by now. !interrogati,e"
277.Transform the sentences to contain modals.
1. 3here is a possibility that there were lots of people at the party, bt I ha,e no way of knowing as I was not there.
2. De wishe* them happiness all their life.
#. I wol* ha,e appreciate* it if yo ha* tol* me the trth abot the sitation.
$. Da,ing nothing else to *o I inten* to *o my homework now.
'. It was not possible for s to go to the lake the roa* being ,ery ba*.
+. I reEeste* to talk to the Brime @inister.
-. I *e*ce* that he ha* come home alrea*y, on the basis of his car being parke* in the *ri,e;way.
/. 3here is a possibility that the roa* has been blocke* by tree that ha,e fallen *ring the storm.
0. I feel an obligation to go an* ,isit her at the hospital.
11. I am impelle* to go now an* ,isit her.
11. Koing to school e,ery *ay is a habit.
12. I.m asking yor a*,ice whether to tell him or not?
1#. I.m not sre bt I am speclating that the other roa* is not as bmpy.
1$. De ate a plate fll of san*wiches. I am ama<e* at the fact that he is still hngry.
1'. I see yo ha,e staye* p late to wait for me. It was not necessary.
Troublesome verbs
293. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1.3he families are ...... together by common interests. !knot, knitte*"
2. 2he has ...... a won*erfl pllo,er for herself. !knit, knitte*"
#. 8t snrise, the ...... smmit of the montain col* be seen in the *istance. !gil*e*, gilt"
$. @y brother ga,e me a history book with a ...... top as a birth*ay present. !gil*e*, gilt"
'. 2he ...... the washing ot in the gar*en. !hng, hange*" +. De was ...... for mr*er. !hng, hange*"
-. 3he trnk of the tree was Eite ...... . !rotte*, rotten" /. =ne of the branches has ...... off. !rotte*, rotten"
0. 8s the night was rather col* he ha* ...... big fire. !lit, lighte*"
11. 8 smile ...... p her face when she hear* the goo* news. !lit, lighte*"
11. 3he farmer has ...... his sheep. !sheare*, shorn"
12. Wolsey was ...... of his wealth an* honors by Denry AIII. !sheare*, shorn"
1#. @any people ha,e ...... this ancient roa*. !tro*, tro**en" 1$. 3he cattle ha,e ...... a path to the pon*. !tro*, tro**en"
1'. 3he lawn was ...... yester*ay. !mown, mowe*" 1+. 3he sol*iers were ...... *own by the enemy.s machine;gn. !mowe*, mown"
1-. 3he blow ...... him of consciosness. !berea,e*, bereft"
1/. ...... of her chil*ren, she *i*n.t know what to *o with herself.!berea,e*, bereft"
10. 3he ship ...... o rock. !strck, stricken" 21. De was *esolate, tterly ...... becase of the acci*ent. !strck, stricken"
294.1. 8r*ea *e ner6b*re s6 ,a*6 ce s;a 7nt7mplat. 2. 2e ,e*e c6 sferise foarte mlt. 8r6ta ?alnic: era prost 7mbr6cat, sl6bise, ochii 7i
era intrati 7n orbite si a,ea obra?ii trasi, neb6rbieriti. #. 2i;a 7ncrntat spr:ncenele si n a mai scos o ,orb6. $. 9:n* l;a ,6<t intr:n*
pe s6 i s;a lminat fata *e bcrie. '. 9:n* mergeam 7n satl bnicilor mei, cea mai mare pl6cere a mea era s6 simt miros *e f:n
proasp6t cosit. +. I;a trebit ani 7ntregi ca s6 treac6 peste tristetea ca<at6 *e aceea trage*ie. -. 9a s6 poat6 termina la timp a trebit
s6;si m6reasc6 ritml *e lcr. /. Urma s6 fie sp:n<rat 7n <orii <ilei rm6toare. 0. @i;a pierit pofta *e m:ncare c:n* mi;a *at ,estea
proast6. 11 5p6 o c6<6tr6 asa *e tare mi s;a mflat piciorl c6 n mai 7mi intra 7n papc.
296. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of the verb (in brackets ou will find the infinitive form of the verbs!:
1. %3he poltry ha,en.t been ...... too well lately&, complaine* the farmer. !lie, lay"
2. De ...... on the grass en?oying the snshine. !lie, lay" #. 2he has always ...... to me. !lie, lay"
$. 8 new sbmarine cable was .....from 4nglan* to Dollan*. !lie, lay" '. 3he ol* chrch ...... north of the town. !lie, lay"
+. De ...... the e,ening paper on the *esk when he came in. !lie, lay"
-. 3he smoke from or fire .....straight p in the still air. !rise, raise"
/. 2e,eral problems ...... in connection with the bil*ing of the bri*ge. !arise, arose"
0. 3he Ko,ernment has ...... ol*;age pensions. !rise, raise" 11. Dis sfferings ...... or sympathy. !arise, arose"
11. Ioan is going to ...... the baby. !bath, bathe" 12. 3he *octor tol* him to ...... his eyes twice a *ay. !bath, bathe"
1#. @ary has broght her bathing sit in case she *eci*es to ...... . !bath, bathe"
1$. I ...... the remains of the castle, which was ...... centries ago. !fin*, fon*"
1'. 9an yo ...... yor way back home? !fin*, fon*"
1+. Dis no,el is ...... on fact. !fin*, fon*" 1-. Will yo ...... me carry yor bag? !lea,e, let"
1/. 2he.s ,ery ill) the *octors *on.t think she.ll ...... throgh the night. !lea,e, li,e"
10. 2rely not going to ...... me all these hea,y cases to carry? !lea,e, let"
21. De ...... me*icine for the law. !lea,e, let" 21. ...... 8L9 be an angle of ninety *egree. !lea,e, let"
22. Wine ...... his tonge. !lose, loose" 2#. 3here is not a moment to ...... . !lose, loose"
2$. We ...... sight of him in the crow*. !lose, loose" 2'. It will be cooler when the sn has ...... . !sit, set"
2+. 3his theatre was originally bilt to .... only 1'1 people. !sit, seat" 2-. De was ...... Eietly in the waiting room. !sit, seat"
2/. 4* ...... a goo* example for his brothers. !sit, set" 20. Dow time ...... J !fly, flow, flee"
#1. 3he ri,er was ...... faster owing to the rain. !flee, flow" #1. 3he enemy ...... in *isor*er. !fly, flee, flow"
#2. 3he chil*ren ...... to meet their mother. !fly, flow, flee" ##. 3ears ...... her eyes. !feel, fill"
#$. We.ll go for a walk if yo ...... like it. !fill, feel" #'. De ...... his enemy with a single blow. !fell, fall"
#+. De ...... mch better after a night.s sleep. !feel, fell" #-. @y son often ...... when he was learning to walk. !feel, fell, fall"
#/. 2t*ents sometimes write....for the past tense of.....!stroke, strike"
#0. s**enly that I *i*n.t e,en know his name. !stroke, strike"
$1. 2he was sitting in an armchair ...... the cat. !strike, stroke"
298-1. "omplete with the phrasal verbs: hold up, run out, keep up, pull over, make up for, drop out, run don, fall out
1. 3ina.s problems starte* when she became a *rg a**ict. Not only *i* she ... of college, bt also society.!with*raw" 2.Iack was
*ri,ing so fast along the lane that he... a *eer. !kill" #. De *eci*e* that the only way to ... his r*e beha,ior was to by her flowers.
!compensate" $. 3he policeman signalle* to the spee*ing motorist to...!park by the si*e of the roa*" '. 3he reason the traffic was... on
the @1 this morning was becase of an acci*ent.!*elay" +. It was ?st his ba* lck to get stoppe* by the police the *ay after his
licence ha* ... !expire"
298-2. "omplete each sentence with a suitable verb and translate: break! br"n#! make# $arry# set# put# be
1. thinking of... p a small car hire firm. 2. 3yphoi* has ... ot in this region. #. 3he *octor says 8rthr will ... p an* abot in
a cople of *ays. $. Isn.t it inhmane when scientists... ot experiments on animals? '. I col*... ot his featres bt I col*n.t
remember his name. +. 3om... p the sb?ect of school ,iolence at the teacher.s meeting.
298. Translate using phrasal verbs when necessar:
1. 8sta eJ N mai pot face fat6 sitatiei. @6 scoti *in minti. Dai s6 ,orbim *eschis chiar acm, sa n ai chef *e *isctii? 8sclt6, chiar
cre<i c6 am *e g:n* s6 mai tolere< asta? 2. Bam a trebit s6;l splineasc6 pe n profesor care era bolna,. #. 8*e,6rl n a iesit la
i,eala *ec:t abia *pa moartea sa. $. 9:n* s;a terminat inter,iew;l *omnl M a trebit s6 complete<e n formlar. '. N;l asclta,
tot*eana in,entea<a po,esti. +. 8i ,6<t;o pe femeia aceea care 7mp6rtea brosri? -. @6 ,oi r6<bna pent ce mi;ai f6ct. /. Boti
s6 m6 primesti s6 *orm la tine? 0. N 7nteleg nici n c,:nt *in ce spne. 11. H6;l s6 tac6.
378. $uppl the correct forms (active# passive# causative with %have& or %get&! of the verbs in brackets:
1. What are yo *oing? I.m ....!clean" the car. 2. Where.s yor car? It .... !clean" at the moment. I.ll collect it in an hor. #. I ne,er
fin* time to clean the car myself, so I ... !clean". $. 5i* yo *ecorate the room yorself? No, we...!*ecorate". '. We can.t se the
li,ing;room. It is ...!*ecorate" at the moment. +. (o ...!mstNrepair yor shoes". 3hey look Eite worn ot. -. @y shoes ...!repair". It
was an expansi,e ?ob. /. 3he heel came off my shoe an* I ...!repair" it myself.0. %I.* like this film....!*e,elop an* print"& I sai* to the
shop;assistant. 11. I ...!mstNphotocopy" this report ' times, becase I see I still ha,e # copies left. 11. @y car...!ser,ice" this time last
year. 12. I ...!ser,ice" my car ,ery soon now.
3811. Bropn ca noi toti sa;i rmam sfatl. 2. 4a insista ca noi toti sa ne *cem la petrecerea pe care o programea<a c oca<ia
terminarii facltatii. #. @r. West cere ca toti membtii familiei li sa fie pre<enti la citirea testamentli. $. 8m sgerat ca ei sa se *ca
la teatr fara mine, *eoarece n;mi terminasem inca esel pentr a *oa <i, '. Lnicii a sgerat sa ne petrecem ,acanta *e iarna la ei
la mnte. +. 3homas a props sa incercam si meto*a sgerata *e Instittl la care lcrea<a el. -. 4a a sgerat sa plecam in ci*a
ninsorii abn*ente. /. Bropn ca exercitiile sa fie facte *oar oral, iar anali<a textli in scris. 0. Brofesorl a props sa ne pre<entam
lcrarile la sesinea rmatoare. 11. 9on*cerea a cert ca *ocmentele sa fie pastrate c mare gri?a.
382.1. 8m consi*erat c6 este firesc s6;i informe< *e 7n*at6 ce am aflat ,estile. 2. 4ste necesar s6 se ia ime*iat m6srile potri,ite pentr
a se e,ita repetarea inci*entli. #. 4 esential ca ei s6 7nteleag6 necesitatea ni efort sporit. $. 8r fi p6cat s6 ne oprim la ?m6tatea
*rmli. '. 4 imposibil ca el s6 fi sps asa ce,a. Fl cnosc prea bine. +. 4 ptin probabil ca ceea ce a sps el s6 fie a*e,6rat. -. 4
important ca noi toti s6 ne form6m *eprin*eri corecte *e lcr c:t sntem 7nc6 tineri. /. 4 normal ca oamenii s6 ,rea s6 tr6iasc6 7n
pace. 0. 4 *e *orit ca toat6 lmea s6 fie aici p:n6 la ora cinci. 11. 4ste posibil ca el s6 fi stit asa ptin *e toat6 po,estea?
384.1. 3e iti la mine *e parc6 n;ai sti ce ,rea s6 spn. 2. 8s *ori ca ei s6 ,in6 c mine, *ar mi;e team6 c6 obligatiile *in ltima
,reme n le ,or permite s6 lipseasc6 prea mlt *in Gon*ra. #. @i;amintesc toat6 po,estea *e parc6 s;ar fi 7nt:mplat *oar ieri. $. 8s
*ori s6 te pot a?ta, *ar cnostintele mele 7n acest *omeni snt foarte limitate. '. 2e poart6 *e parc6 am fi str6ini, c:n* *e fapt ne
cnoastem *in copil6rie. +. Uit6;te la el. Aorbeste *e parc6 n;ar sti c6 n ptem nici*ecm s6 lipsim *e la 7nt:lnirea aceea. -. 8s *ori
s6 n mai inter,in6 nici o schimbare 7n planrile tale. 4ste a treia oar6 c6 ti le schimbi si noi n mai stim ce s6 facem. /. Nmai *e n;
am fi plecat *e acas6 asa *e,reme. 8cm ,a trebi s6 astept6m o ?m6tate *e or6 p:na ,a 7ncepe spectacoll. 0. 2nt emotionat, *ar as
,rea s6 fi con,ing6tor. Nmai *e;as ptea g6si cele mai potri,ite c,inte. 11. Iar6si a,em probleme c motorl. Nmai *e n s;ar
opri chiar pe pant6. 11. 8sa n se mai poate. 8r cam fi timpl s6 a,em o *isctie *eschis6. 12. @i;e asa *e somn. 9re* c6 ar fi timpl
s6 ne *cem la clcare. 1#. 5eo*at6 se ri*ic6 *in fotoli *e parc6 ar fi ,rt s6 o ia la goan6.
389.1. N con*ce prea aproape *e masina *in fat6, 7mi spse instrctorl *e la scoala *e soferi. 2. 5p6 ce ,;ati ales cartea, a*ceti;
o la mine si e o ,oi 7nregistra, spse bibliotecara. #. 8i gri?6 *e baga?e c6 locl acesta e plin *e hoti, m;a sf6tit prietenl me.
$. 5p6 ce ati citi aceste intrctini, *ati;le rm6torli *e pe list6, a sps fnctionarl. '. Gati loc si spneti;mi ce ,6 sp6r6, a sps
*octorl. +. 5ac6 ,a trebi s6 beti ap6 *in r:, mai 7nt:i fierbeti;o. 26 n beti nicio*at6 apa *e r: nefiart6, ne spse ghi*l la plecare.
-. 3om 7i spne la telefon prietenei sale: 8m lat bilete. 8steapt6;m6 la aeroport la ora +.#1. /. N itati s6 ,6 scrieti nmele pe partea
*e ss a foii *e examenJ 0. Bre<entati permisl *e 7mbarcare la poarta 1'J 11. 9hiar *ac6 ti;e foame, n m:nca nimic 7ntre meseJ 11.
3ermin6 o*at6 c prostiileJ Dai s6 n mai pier*em timpl. 12. 8i gri?6 *e tine, te rogJ N te mai l6sa pra*6 bolii. 1#. Fncearc6
s6 a?ngi la timp la 7nt:lnire, bine?1$. HII *r6gt si pne scrisoarea aceasta la post6. 1'. Gas6;m6 s6 ,6* anntl: N 7notati prea
*eparte. 2nt rechini. 1+. 8sclt6 ce 7ti spn. Bo,estea aceasta n se ,a termina c bine. 1/. Airati la st:nga la sensl giratori,
treceti po*l si apoi mergeti *rept p:na la rm6toarea intersectie, n*e trebie s6 iesiti *e pe atostra*6. 10. 26 te g6seasc ,opsin*
gar*l, c:n* m6 7ntorc acas6. 21. 26 n 7n*r6<nesti s6 ri*ici ,ocea la mine c6 n sti ce 7ti fac. 21. 5ac6 n te gr6besti , ,ei 7nt:r<ia.
!se the imperati,e" 22. 3e iti n pic si la ,ali<a mea? 5ac6 ,a trebi s6 pleci las;o acolo si *;te. =ricm 7ti *oresc o ,acant6
pl6ct6 si s6 te *istre<i *in plin. Gas6;te *s *e exotisml acesti locJ 2$.Nimeni s6 n spn6 n c,:nt. 3oti s6 fiti atenti la ce spne
el. G6sati;l s6 termine si apoi ,eti scrie c totii n referat pe acesast6 tem6. 2'. 8tentieJ Aine trenlJ Gas6;l s6 treac6 si abia apoi
tra,ersea<6 linia ferat6. 2+. 5ac6 m6 rogi frmos te ,oi a?ta. !se the imperati,e" 2-. N te mai prostii, m6 a<i? Dai*e s6 plec6m
o*at6. 2/. 5ac6 ti;ai cere sc<e te;ar ierta. !se the imperati,e"

Infinitive, gerund, participle
413. 'e(word the sentences using too and enough followed b an infinitive. 'eplace %enough& constructions with alternatives.
1. 3he st*ent was ,ery cle,er an* col* sol,e any problem. 2. I.m so excite* that I can.t think. #. I think yo are ,ery strong an* can
lift this trnk. $. 3he light is so *im that it can.t be se* for close work. '. (o are Eite ol* an* yo can ask her yorself. +. It is ,ery
col* so yo can.t bathe in the lake. -. 3om was ,ery foolish. De tol* lies to the police. /. De was so frios that he col*n.t speak. 0.
3he path was so slippery that we col*n.t walk along it. 0. I was terrifie*. I col*n.t mo,e. 11. It is ,ery col*. We can.t ha,e breakfast
in the gar*en. 11. (o aren.t ,ery ol*. (o can.t n*erstan* these things. 12. It was so *ark that we col*n.t see the roa*.
1#. De was ,ery crios. De opene* my letter. 1$. 3he crrent was ,ery strong. De col*n.t swim against it. 1'. 3he fire isn.t ,ery
hot. It won.t boil a kettle.
417. 1. 2tiam c6 este ocpat. 2. 2e stie c6 este o artist6 foarte bn6. #. Ne astept6m ca ei s6 r6spn*6 foarte bine. $. 9onsi*er c6 el
este cel mai bn st*ent *in aceast6 grp6. '. G;am obser,at cm se *6 ?os *in masin6 si intr6 7n cl6*ire. +. N ti;am cert s6 termini
lcrarea p:n6 m:ine. -. Fn cele *in rm6 l;am f6ct s6 ne spn6 a*e,6rl. /. 8m fost imit s6 afl c6 a emigrat 7n 8stralia. 0.
N pot s6 m6 *c la serat6. N;am nimic c ce s6 m6 7mbrac. 11. 4 ptin probabil s6 se mai 7nsenine<e.
419.1. @i;e team6 c6 3om se ,a r6t6ci 23e rog n spne 7nc6 nimic *e plecare p:n6 c:n* ,e<i albml me *e fotografii.#. 2nt
in*em:natici la reparat tot fell *e lcrri.$. @6 interesea<6 s6;mi 7mbn6t6tesc cnostintele *e engle<6.'. 4 m:n*r *e a a,ea o
colectie at:t *e bogat6 *e fltri +. 2ntem srprinsi *e faptl c6 ti;ai schimbat p6rerea.-. 4 nemltmit6 *e neresita ta. /. 4ram obosit
*e citit si m;am *s la clcare ime*iat. 0. 4ste interesat s6 afle c:t mai mlte *espre comptere.11.2nt srprins *e ref<l li *e a ne
421.Translate into English using the following verbs: mind# risk# imagine# en)o# insist# stop# fanc# prevent# avoid
1. 8i ce,a 7mpotri,6 s6 ,orbesti t c Iohn si s6;l rogi s6 ne a?te. 2. Ne;a f6ct pl6cere s6 ,6 7nt:lnim si s6 a<im toate not6tile
*espre prietenii nostri. #. 5octorl a insistat s6 m6 *c *in no s6pt6m:na ,iitoare la n conslt. $. 9e ,;a 7mpie*icat s6 ,eniti ieri?
'. 4,it6 s6 mai bei at:ta ap6 c:n* m6n:nci. +. N mai tipa asa. 3rebie s6 e,it6m s6;i *eran?6m pe ,ecini. -. Fncetea<6 s6 te mai
prostesti tot repet:n* aceeasi 7ntrebare. /. N trebie s6 risc6m s6 7nt:r<iem la concert. 0. 5ac6;ti pi banii 7n afacerea aceea risti s6;i
pier<i p:na la ltiml le. 11. Fnchipie;ti s6 trebiasc6 s6 tr6iesti c cine,a care n se mai opreste *in ,orbit. 11. 26 n cm,a s6 te
g6sesc *ormin* c:n* m6 7ntorc acas6. 12. 3oti a 7ncercat s6 pre,in6 plecarea ei *e la catre*ra *e engle<6.
422. Translate using : to get/be used to# to look forward to# to take to# can&t stand# can&t help# it&s nouse# it&s useless# it&s worth
1. 4 *ificil s6 te obisniesti s6 m6n:nci c betigase. 2. 8stept6m c ner6b*are s6 citim cartea ta cea no6. #. 4 ce,a aici ce merit6 s6
fie cmp6rat? $. 5ac6 n lcr merit6 s6 fie f6ct, merit6 s6 fie f6ct bine. '. N;are rost s6 mai asteptati. 8 telefonat c6 ,a 7nt:r<ia
*o6 ore. +. N m6 pot opri *in str6ntat. 8m r6cit ieri st:n* 7n crent. -. N;are rost s6 7ncerci s6;l opresti. 3rebie s6 astepti s6 se
opreasc6 singr *in ,orbit. /. N;are rost s6;ti faci gri?i. 2e pare c6 e *oar o in*ispo<itie soar6. 0. N;am ptt s6 n r:* *e el. 8,ea o
fat6 at:t *e caraghioas6. 11. 8 fost mai 7nt:i marinar. 8poi s;a apcat *e scris si acm e celebr.
423. 1. 2i;a cert sc<e c6 a 7mprmtat masina *e scris f6r6 s6 cear6 permisine si a promis c6 n ,a mai face asa ce,a nicio*at6.
2.Bolitia l;a ac<at c6 a *at foc cl6*irii *ar el a negat c6 ar fi fost 7n <ona aceea 7n noaptea incen*ili. #. 9:n* ,opsitorl a simtit ca
scara 7ncepe s6 alnece, s;a ag6tat *e streasin6 ca s6 n ca*6. $. 8ceast6 carte 7ti explic6 cm s6 c:stigi ?ocl f6r6 s6 trise<i. '. Bot a<i
soneria sn:n*, *ar nimeni n pare s6 ,in6 s6 *eschi*6. +.; N snt obisnit s6 con*c pe st:nga. ;9:n* ,ei ,e*ea pe toat6 lmea c6
face asta, 7ti ,a fi sor s6 o faci si t. -. 9:n* 7n cele *in rm6 am resit s6;l con,ing c6 ,oiam s6 a?ng acas6 repe*e, a ps piciorl pe
accelerator si am simtit masina s6rin* 7nainte. /. N;mi place s6 primesc note *e plat6, *ar c:n* le primesc 7mi place s6 le pl6tesc
prompt. 0. 4ste foarte nepl6ct s6 te tre<esti si s6 a<i ploaia b6t:n* 7n geamri. 11. 2nt oameni care n pot s6 n r:*6 c:n* ,6* pe
cine,a c6 alnec6 pe o coa?6 *e banan6. 11. Be aici n a,em ,oie n ,e<i semnl: ON intratiJ Broprietate pri,at6J.
425. Translate using %ad)evtive+(ing& constructions: 1. 2il,ia este *isperat6 c preg6tirile pentr nnt6. 2. @;am s6trat s6 tot astept
n r6spns *e la ea. #..9e face Iohn.? 4 ocpatP7si repar6 masina. $. Iohn se plictiseste it:n*;se la tele,i<or to timpl. '. @;am
7nfriat ,6<:n* c:t *e 7ncet se 7mbrac6. +. 2nt foarte ocpat6. Hac *e m:ncare.
426. 1. Neprimin* telegrama la timp, n stiam *e sosirea lor. 2. Hiin* plecat mai mlt timp, n mai a<isem nimic *espre ea.
#.8<in* pasi, se 7ntoarse brsc, *ar n ,6< pe nimeni. $. 3rec:n* stra*a printr;n loc nepermis, el f amen*at. '. Nefiin* semnat,
cecl n a,ea nici o ,aloare. +. Hiin* mare amator *e teatr, e,int c6 acm n este acas6 *eoarece Qoyal 2hakespeare 9ompany este 7n
oras. -. Hiin* epi<at *e lcrl 7n gr6*in6, se ase<6 pe o banc6 si 7n cr:n* a*ormi. /. Brimin* o e*catie frmoas6, n e *e mirare ca
acm are at:ta scces 7n societate. 0. K:tit *e emotie, el o 7ntreb6 *ac6 ,rea s6;i *e,in6 sotie. 11. Gcr:n* *e *oi ani la Bolitie, era
obisnit s6 fie chemat la lcr si la mie<l noptii. 11. K6sin*;l ab6tt, am 7ncercat s6;l 7n,eselesc c po,estile mele. 12. 9re<:n* c6
ne;am r6t6cit, s;a oferit s6 ne arate *rml. 1#. A6<:n* fotografii ale locli, stiam c6 este foarte *ificil s6 a?mgi p:n6 la r:.
1$. Hiin* 7nfriat *e prea mlte 7ntrerperi, profesorl a ref<at s6 mai contine prelegerea.
427. Transform the following sentences into sentences with participial constructions:
1. 3hey fon* the treasre. 3hey began Earrelling abot how to *i,i*e it. 2. We ,isite* the msem. We *eci*e* to ha,e lnch in the
park. #. Lecase they *i*n.t hear the bell they kept on talking in the *ining;room. $. Lecase I hope* to see @ary an* 3homas, I
calle* at their hose on 2n*ay afternoon. '. De fon* no one at home. De left the hose in a ba* temper. +. 3hey listene* closely.
3hey were ,ery intereste*. -. When I trne* on the light, I was astonishe* to see the mess in the room. /. I *i*n.t see 3om in the
library. I went to look for him at home. 0. 2he aske* me to help her becase she reali<e* that she col*n.t mo,e it alone. 11. De was
exhaste* by his work. De went ot for a walk.
428. Translate into English using some of the following e*pressions: generall speaking# b the wa# speaking of...# )udging b#
strictl speaking# considering the position as a whole# taking into consideration
1. I*ec:n* *p6 cele spse *e el, cre* c6 stie mai mlte *espre crim6 *ec:t recnoaste. 2. Fn general ,orbin*, 3om este n st*ent
constiincios. #. G:n* 7n consi*erare 7ntreaga sitatie, cre* c6 ptem linistiti s6 contin6m cm am 7ncept. $. I*ec:n* *p6 reactia
sa, n cre* c6 ptem s6 ne ba<6m pe el. '. 8 propos, ,orbin* *e lpi, cre<i c6 3om se ,a mai 7ntoarce? +. Aorbin* 7n sesl strict al
c,:ntli, n cre* c6 asta *oreste el. -. In general ,orbin*, n;mi plac c:inii, *ar Ietty al t6 este a*orabil. /. G:n* totl 7n
consi*erare, el a reali<at ceea ce si;a *orit. 0. I*ec:n* *p6 timpl petrect 7n spital, trebie s6 fi fost foarte bolna,. 11. 9e a resit,
n;i *e loc r6, tin:n* cont *e circmstante.
43%. 1. Fmi face mare pl6cere s6;i ,6* bcr:n*;se *e pre<enta li. 2. 8m g6sit casa p6r6sit6. #. 8m *eschis fereastra si l;am ,6<t
plimb:n*;se prin gr6*in6 $. Ga g:n*l *esp6rtirii simti c6 lacrimi 7i inn*6 ochii. '. G;a rm6rit cm 7si face baga?l, 7l ia si 7l *ce la
masin6, plec:n* apoi f6r6 s6 se ite 7napoi. +. Area ca acest proiect s6 fie terminat p:n6 m:ine. -. N;am 7nteles prea bine ltimele
c,inte pronntate *e el. /. 3oti 7i pri,eam pe copii ?c:n*;se pe pel<a *in fata casei. 0. 8 fost a*esea ,6<t intr:n* 7n casa lor. 11.
G;ai ,6<t ,reo*at6 box:n*? 11. 8m a<it o masin6 ,enin* *in spate. 8 oprit si atnci l;am ,6<t pe 3om *:n*;se ?os si intr:n* la
431. 1. 3oat6 lmea fiin* preg6tit6 *e plecare, am a*s masina 7n fata casei si am plecat ime*iat. 2. Fntrc:t ploaia n 7ncetase, n am
mai ptt pleca 7n <ia aceea. #. 5ac6 ,remea permite, grpl ,a pleca m:ine 7n <ori. $. 3oti fiin* 7n 7ncrc6tr6, a trebit s6 g6sesc
ce,a s6;i *istrag. '. Broblema fiin* re<ol,at6 fa,orabil, n ne;a r6mas altce,a *e f6ct *ec:t s6;i mltmim. +. Gcrarea fiin*
terminat6, am 7ncept s6 o bat la masin6. -. Aremea fiin* frmoas6, am fost *e acor* s6 organi<6m n picnic. /. Bloaia stric:n*;mi
costml, n m;am mai *s la serat6 si m;am 7ntors trist acas6. 0. Hereastra fiin* *eschis6, pteam a<i clar ce ,orbea cei *oi 7n fata
casei. 11. 3oat6 lmea sosin* la timp, ne;am ase<at la mas6.
435. +ut the verbs in brackets either into gerund or infinitive according to the conte*t.
1. 2he likes her chil*ren !go" to a *entist e,ery six months. 2. I trie* !pacify" him bt he refse* !be pacifie*" an* went on !grmble".
#. I *istinctly remember !pay" him. I ga,e him ten *ollars. $. %5i* yo remember !gi,e" him the key of the safe?& %No, I *i*n.t. I.ll go
an* *o it now.& '. Blease forgi,e me for !interrpt" yo bt wol* yo min* !repeat" that last sentence. +. De *i*n.t like !lea,e" the
chil*ren alone in the hose bt he ha* no alternati,e as he ha* !go" ot to work. -. I like* !listen" to the wireless mch better than
!watch" tele,ision. /. I *i*n.t mean !offen*" anyone bt somehow I sccee*e* in !annoy" them all. 0. %I left my *oor open. Why *i*n.t
yo walk in?& %I *i*n.t like !go" in when yo weren.t there.& 11. 3ry !a,oi*" !be" late. De hates !be" kept !wait".
435. Translate using infinitive or gerund constructions:
1. Fncepsem s6 cre* c6 e eram cel care gresise. 2. Intention6m s6 ne *cem la concert. #. =rchestra a 7ncept s6 c:nte *e 7n*at6 ce
*iri?orl a ri*icat bagheta. $. Ne;am oprit ca s6 cmp6r6m o la*6 *e bere. '. N ,oi ptea nicio*at6 m6car s6 7ncep s6 7nteleg moti,ele
pentr care a f6ct asa o prostie. +. Brefer s6;l astept afar6. -. N ita s6 7nchi<i sa c:n* pleci *e acas6. /. N ,oi ita nicio*at6 cm
m;a primit 7n casa li si s;a 7ngri?it *e mine. 0. 26 trecem mai *eparte la a ,6 ar6ta cm se *6 aceste plante. 11. Fmi place mai mlt s6
7not *ec:t s6 ma *a c barca.
436. ,se the infinitive and the participle:
1. Da,e him !bring" his car ron* the back. 2. Da,e his car !bring" ron* the back. #. OI will not ha,e st*ents !*raw" on the walls of
this college., the *ean sai*. $. I ha* the hose !clean" before I mo,e* in. '. De ha* her !belie,e" he was a millionaire. +. We ha,e
people !ring" s p all hors of the *ay an* night. -. 3he film ha* them !lagh" right from the beginning. /. I.ll ha,e the plmber
!look at" the heating system. 0.. I.ll ha,e the heating system !look at" next week. 11. 3he *ance;teacher ha* them !*ance" in no time.
11. I.ll ha,e yo !know" I.m a Ealifie* accontant. 12. I ha* the film !recor*" on ,i*eocassette
437. Translate using a %have+ob)ect&construction.
1. G;am ps pe Iohn s6;mi telefone<e 7nainte *e a pleca *e acas6. 2. 4l este n profesor *e 7not foarte bn. 5p6 c:te,a lectii c el
,ei 7nota foarte bine. #. 5p6 o or6 7n care n a f6ct altce,a *ec:t s6 mint6, a resit s6 o fac6 s6 crea*6 c6 el a ,6<t toat6 lmea.
$. @i;am *at ceasl la reparat. '. 5ac6 accepti s6 ,orbesti c el 7nainte ca el s6;si cear6 sc<e te ,ei tre<i c6 t 7i ceri iertare.
437-1. "orrect the sentences and e*plain wh the were incorrect.
1. RI.,e been trying on - *resses in the past hor, an* I still can.t make p my min* to which I shol* by. 2. R@ary has been ?mping
off the tree. #. RIn 8frica a lion is a wil* animal. $. RI slept when he came. I wol* rather ha,e slept on than to wake. '. RLy the
time he came in, she ha* been watching 3.A. +. RWhen I will ha,e finishe* the book, it will be e,ening. -. R Ly tomorrow I will ha,e
been st*ying for the exam. /. R Gooking ot the win*ow the trees col* be seen. 0. R Where is Iohn? =tsi*e, he appears talking to
Beter. 11. R De was so absent;min*e* to lea,e the lights on when he left. 11. R Ko to help him. 12. RNo walking on the grass.
437-2. 1. 9onform programli a,ionl ,a a?nge la -.2'. 2. Brofesorl ne;a sps la n crs c6 =lan*a este o tar6 mic6. #. 9earta
n;i foloseste nim6ni. $. 8m a<it *e la Iohn c6 ai *e g:n* s6;ti petreci ,acanta la mnte. '. 2istematic face gafe. +. @i se pare c6
,rei s6;mi spi ce,a. -. 8 trect trei ore p:n6 s6 ptem intra 7n masin6) portiera n s;a ptt *eschi*e nicicm. /. N ,6 sp6rati,
a,eti cm,a n bilet 7n pls. 0. 26pt6m:na trect6 mergeam pe stra*6 c:n* *eo*at6 m6 opreste cine,a. 8 fost o mare srpri<6 s6;mi
re,6* prietenl *in copil6rie. 11. 8nl trect pe ,remea aceasta mi;am *at ceasl la reparat, *e atnci n s;a mai stricat. 11. 3ot aici
,oi lcra si peste cinci ani. 12. 26 n te prin* c6 spi ci,a ce s;a 7nt:mplat, m6 a<i? 1#. 3ocmai ,roiam s6 te in,it s6 stai ?os. 1$. Fmi
pare r6 *ar n;am 7ncotro, ,a trebi s6;ti retrag permisl. 1'. 3ot m6 ,oi *ce la concert in*iferent ce;ar spne mama. 1+. @;a lo,it
7nainte ca e s6 pot reactiona. 1-. N;i asa c6 n te *ci m:ine nic6ieri ? 1/. 9:n* eram st*ent6 obisniam s6;mi *a lcr6rile la
*actilografiat. 10. 5e fiecare *at6 c:n* m6 *c la el, el 7si spal6 masina. 21. 5e c:te,a lni face 7n mo* constant progrese. 21. Ae<i
*ac6 n poti re<ol,a problema folosing ra*icali. 22. N 7mi amintesc s6 fi sps asa ce,a. 2#. 9e cat6 oml acela la noi 7n gr6*in6?
2$. Nicio*at6 n mi;am 7nchipit c6 s;ar ptea 7nt:mpla asa ce,a. 2'. 2crie 7n cartea recor*rilor c6 el este cel mai gras om *in lme.
2+. N;mi pot imagina c6 mama s6 fie *e acor* c excrsia aceasta. 2-. 2e pare c6 s;a f6ct o greseal6 7n nota *e plat6. 2/. 5p6
petercere m;a a?tat la spl6latl ,aselor. 20. Dai*e s6 m6 a?ti s6 car mobila. #1. 2e prta *e parc6 ,roia s6;mi spn6 n secret. #1. N
ita s6;l 7ntrebi ce are *e g:n* s6 fac6 m6ine. #2. Fncetl c 7ncetl m;am obisnit c i*eea. ##. Fncearc6 s6 ,ii m:ine. #$. 9e
intentione<i s6;ti faci *in materiall acesta.!se casati,e" #'. Fmi pare r6 c6 trebie s6 te *eran?e<, *ar am ce,a *e *isctat c tine.
#+. N le;a priit faptl c6 e am c:stigat concrsl. #-.. Hii asa *e *r6gt6 si a*;mi n pahar c ap6. #/. 8precie< a?torl pe care ni
l;ai acor*at. #0. 8re ne,oie s6 fie 7ncra?at. $1. 4sti at:t *e bn s6 *eschi<i geaml?
438. +oint out the shades of meaning and translate into 'omanian tring to keep as close as possible to the meaning conveed:
1. De has been waking p for o,er an hor. 1. De woken p an hor ago.
2. Who.s been *rinking my beer? 2. Who.s *rnk my beer?
#. Da,e yo been to ,isit @ary in the hospital? #. 5i* yo ,isit @ary in the hospital?
$. De will go to see his teacher on @on*ay. $. De goes to see his teacher on @on*ay.
'. I.m taking swimming lessons this smmer. '. I took swimming lessons this smmer. '. I take swimming lessons.
+. @ary *resses nicely. +. @ary is *ressing nicely.
-. We wake p at ' tomorrow. -. We are waking p at ' tomorrow.
/. I ha,e been li,ing in Gon*on these past ten years. /. I ha,e li,e* in Gon*on in the past ten years.
0 When Beter arri,e* at home, Iohn left. 0. When Beter arri,e* at home, Iohn was lea,ing.0. When Beter arri,e* at home, Iohn ha* left.
11. %(o shall go to the market&, sai* mother. 11. I shall go to the market. 11. 2hall we go to the market?
11. I ha,e recei,e* a phone call from Iones this morning. 11. I recei,e* a phone call from Iones this morning.
12. I.ll ha,e to report this. 12. I.m going to ha,e to report this.
1#. 8re yo going to by that car? 1#. 8re yo bying that car tomorrow?
1$. De has gone to the contry. 1$. De has been to the contry.
1'. When mother checke*, she fon* they ha* been *oing their ?ob. 1'. When mother checke* she fon* they ha* *one their ?ob.
1+. I am going to ct my hair. 1+. I.m going to ha,e my hair ct.
1-. I grew se* to the i*ea. 1-. I was se* to the i*ea.
1/. De has been home. 1/. he has gone home.
10. 3hey are being gree*y. 10. 3hey are gree*y.
21. I saw @ary cook a pie. 21. I saw @ary cooking a pie.
21. De is thoght to be hi*ing in the woo*s. 21. De is sppose* to be hi*ing in the woo*s.
22. Qemember to look for a party otfit. 22. OQemember looking for a party otfit?. aske* Iohn.
2#. We went on to talk abot the marketing pro?ect.. 2#. We went on talking abot the marketing pro?ect.
2$. I saw him come to school. 2$. I saw him coming to school.
44%.Translate into 'omanian. -f their is a shade of meaning associated with these sentences point it out through the translation.
1. I hear that not coming back: is yor min* ma*e p? 2. 9ome tomorrow yo shall ha,e yor mch wante* *ress. #. 9ome to
think of it I.,e ne,er tol* anyone that story. $. I was won*ering, col* yo be of assistance? '. 3he exam was going to take place the
next *ay. +. I am fin*ing it har* to belie,e. -. Ly tomorrow I will ha,e ha* all the rooms *ecorate*. /. It will *o yo no goo* to ?st
sit aron* an* cry. 0. De manage* to make a mess of things with his nonsense. 11. I really *i* it this time, *i*n.t I? 11. Ki,e yorself
some cre*itJ 12. I happene* to meet him an* his girlfrien* at the party. 1#. %It seems I.,e come at a ba* time.& %5on.t be silly.&
1$. 3here has been an acci*ent on 2'th street. 1'. Da,ing sai* this he left. 1+. Delp yorself to a san*wichJ1-. Lear with me on this
one. 1/. Gittle *i* he *ream that something so won*erfl wol* happen. 10. (o *i* all the wrong things. 3his was bon* to happen.
21. 8fter many years of continos search, they finally broght p the snk ship. 21. What a terrible night to be ot in. 22. 3o ct a
long story short, I was ,ery *isappointe*. 2#. I phone* him p only to fin* that he ha* left alrea*y. 2$. I *rea* to think abot what has
happene*. 2'. Da,e Iohn bring a cp of tea for me. 2+. 3om will ha,e yo laghing in no time with his stpi* ?okes. 2-. I am bsy
working at my article. 2/. De shol* agree to or postponing the Eestion till later. 20. (o mst par*on her not answering or
in,itation. #1. It was cle,er of him to work ot the answer.
441. Transform the infinitive constructions into subordinate constructions. +oint out the meanings before and after the change.
1. 3hey were belie,e* to ha,e cheate* at the test. 2. 3hey are sre to know at the test) they ha,e st*ie* so har*. #. De was so stpi*
as to fail sch an easy test. $. De seems to be looking at the shopping;win*ow. '. Qather than see it waste* her mother ate it herself.
+. I know her to be a won*erfl an* lo,ing girl. -. We go to school to learn. /. 3he only woman to be present was 2heila.
4%3. E*press politeness# annoance or simpl tone down the following commands:
1. 2top asking EestionsJ 2. Ket me some stampsJ #. Wait hereJ 3ry not to get into any troble while I.m goneJ $. Delp yorself to
some cookiesJ '. 5on.t *o that anymoreJ 5o something elseJ +.5on.t anybo*y say a wor*J Get.s not spoil the moo*J -. 9ome inJ Get
me show yo the apartmentJ /. 5o something sefl, for onceJ 2top ?mping aron* the hoseJ 0. Seep in lineJ 5on.t lea,e the gropJ
328. @ergeam spre Bicca*ily c:n* mi;am *at seama c6 n b6rbat c barb6 roscat6, pe care;l ,6<sem *e?a *e trei ori 7n *p6
amia<a aceea, m6 rm6rea. 9a s6 fi sigr, am gr6bit pasl, am lat;o la *reapta si apoi la st:nga si m;am oprit brsc 7n fata nei
,itrine. 9:te,a minte mai t:r<i b6rbatl c barb6 ap6r si se opri la alt6 ,itrin6. 8m plecat mai *eparte. =ri*ec:te ori m6 opream, se
oprea si el si ori*ec:te ori 7mi 7ntorceam capl, el era acolo. 8r6ta n timp respectabil, prta haine obisnite si e m6 7ntrebam *ac6 este
politist sa *etecti, particlar. @;am hot6r:t s6 7ncerc s6 scap *e el. Un atob< -$ era oprit 7n statie chiar l:ng6 mine.
9on*ctorl a cobor:t si a snat plecarea) chiar c:n* s;a rnit *in loc atob<l, am sarit 7n el. 4,i*ent, b6rbatl c barb6 a pier*t
atob<l, *ar s;a sit 7n alt -$ care ,enise ime*iat 7n statie. 8m:n*o6 atob<ele se t:ra 7ncet pe stra*a aglomerat6. 5e c:te ori
atob<ele se oprea 7ntr;o statie, rm6ritorl me se ita alert s6 ,a*6 *ac6 n cm,a cobor. Fn cele *in rm6, la n stop, a schimbat
atob<ele si s;a rcat 7n cel 7n care eram si e. Ga statia *e metro *e pe stra*a Klocester, am cobor:t si mi;am lat bilet *e la n
atomat. Be c:n* asteptam pe peronl pentr trenl spre 4ast 4n*, l;am obser,at pe rm6ritorl me cobor:n* sc6rile. 8,ea n <iar si,
*p6 ce ne;am sit 7n acelasi ,agon, s;a ase<at 7ntr;n colt si a 7ncept s6;l citeasc6. 4 citeam reclamele *e pe peretii ,agonli. Ga
fiecare statie se ita pe *easpra <iarli s6 ,a*6 *ac6 n cobor. 8 7ncept s6 m6 irite faptl *e a fi rm6rit asa. @;am sclat *e la locl
me si m;am *s si m;am ase<at l:ng6 el. G;am 7ntrebat *e ce m6 rm6reste. Ga 7ncept a negat c6 m;ar rm6ri, *ar apoi, c:n* l;am
amenintat c6;l lo,esc, a a*mis c6 m6 rm6rea. @i;a sps c6 e scriitor *e romane politiste si 7ncerca s6 ,a*6 c:t este *e *ificil s6
rm6resti pe cine,a f6r6 s6 te obser,e. I;am sps c6 n fsese *iscret *e loc *eoarece l;am ,6<t *e?a 7n Bicca*ily si l;am sf6tit s6;si
ra*6 barba rosie *ac6 n *orea ca ,ictima s6;l obser,e.
333. 1. 9:n* se ,a 7ntneca ,a trebi s6 7ncete< lcrl N pot lcra pe 7ntneric. 2. Aom astepta p:n6 c:n* se ,a mai 7nc6l<i 7nainte *e
a ne *ce s6 7not6m. #. @ergi 7nainte p:n6 ,ei a?nge la o piat6 c o statie 7n mi?loc, apoi ia;o la st:nga si *p6 *oa ste *e metri ,ei
,e*ea teatrl la *reapta ta. $. 2ti c6 haina n este la mo*6 acm, *ar n o ,oi arnca. Aoi astepta p:n6 c:n* ,a fi *in no la mo*6.
'. 3e rog s6;mi 7mprmTi si mie re,ista aceea *p6 ce o ,ei termina *e citit. +. 9:n* se termin6 piesa, fgi s6 prin<i n taxi. 5p6 ce
,ei la taxil, cere; i soferli s6 ,in6 la sa teatrli. -. 3erry s;a g:n*it c6 Iennifer ,a fi 7nc:ntat6 c:n* ,a ,e*ea ce ca*o i;a a*s.
/. L6tr:nl pescar a sps c6 ,a 7ncepe ploaia c6n* se ,a opri ,:ntl. 0. Aom *iscta *espre afaceri *p6 ce ,om fi ser,it cina, *ar n 7n
timpl cinei. 4 nicio*at6 n *isct *espre afaceri 7n timpl mesei. 11. 5p6 ce ,oi lcra aici trei<eci *e ani, ,oi a,ea *reptl la pensie.
11. 5p6 ce ,oi ,e*ea tot ce este *e ,6<t, 7mi ,oi cmp6ra o c6st6 7ntr;n sat si m6 ,oi stabili acolo. 12. 9opiii re<ol,a 7ncet
exercitil pentr c6 stia c6 7n*at6 ce 7l ,or termina, profesorl le ,a cere s6;l re<ol,e si pe rm6torl. 1#. 5p6 ce ,ei sp6la ,asele,
,om ?ca ping;pong. 1$. Ia lcrarea c mine. = ,oi citi 7n timp ce ,oi astepta atob<l. 1'. 5p6 ce ,oi ,opsi sile, ,oi ,opsi si
ferestrele *in camera ta.
339-1. ,se be going to or shall/will future with the verbs in brackets:
1. %5i* yo remember to book seats?& %=h, no I forgot. I !telephone" for them right now.& 2. %Where are yo off with that la**er?& %I
!ha,e" a look at the roof) it.s leaking an* I think a tile has slippe*.& #. %De has ?st been taken to hospital with a broken leg.& %I.m
sorry to hear that. I !sen*" him some grapes.& $. We boght or new garage in sections an* we !assemble" it orsel,es.& %3hat son*s
rather interesting. I !come" an* help yo if yo like.& '. %Why *o yo want all the frnitre ot of the room?& %Lecase I !shampoo"
the carpet. It.s impossible to *o it nless yo take e,erything ot.& +. %I can.t n*erstan* this letter.& %I !call" my son. De !translate" it
for yo.& -. %Dere are the matches) bt what *o yo want them for?& %I !make" a bonfire at the en* of the gar*en) I want to brn that
big heap of rbbish.& %Well, be carefl. If the fire gets too big it !brn" the apple trees.& /. %(o !wear" that nice *ress in a *inghy?&
%=f corse notJ I !sit" on the pier an* !watch" yo all sailing. I !not get" all wet an* m**y an* preten* that I.m en?oying it.& 0. %I.,e
come ot withot any money.& %Ne,er min*, I !len*" yo some. Dow mch *o yo want?& 11. %Why ha,e yo broght yor camera?
(o !try" to take photographs? It.s not allowe*, yo know.& %No, I !try" to sell the camera.& %3hat.s not allowe*, either. If a policeman
sees yo, he !confiscate" the camera.&
361. 1. @;am itat pe fereastr6 7nainte *e a m6 *ce la clcare si am ,6<t n b6rbat ce st6tea pe trotarl cel6lalt pri,in* casa. 9:n*
m;am tre<it 7n *imineata rm6toare, el 7nc6 era acolo si m;am 7ntrebat *ac6 st6tse acolo toat6 noaptea. 2. 2e ita tint6 la ea *e c:te,a
minte, 7ntreb:n*;se n*e o mai ,6<se 7nainte. #. 4ra ora sase *p6 amia<6 si Iack era obosit pentr c6 lcrase toat6 <ia. 4ra *e
asemenea fl6m:n* pentr c6 n m:ncase nimic *e la micl *e?n. 5e obicei sotia 7i a*cea m:ncare la pr:n<, *ar a<i, n stia *in ce
moti,, n ,enise. $. 2i;a parcat masina sb n semn *e %=prirea inter<is6& si a intrat 7n maga<in. 9:n* a iesit *p6 <ece minte masina
n mai era acolo. 2e 7ntreba *ac6 i;o frase cine,a sa i;a *s;o politia. '. 2tia *oar *espre n tigr tint ca mascot6 si acest animal, 7n
sapte sa opt ani, n ar6tase nicio*at6 nici o rm6 *e ferocitate. +. Brietenl me era extrem *e frios si a sps c6 m:ncase *o6 mste
c salata *e frcte. =sp6tarl l;a 7ntrebat *e ce le;a m:ncat. 4l a r6spns c6 este miop si le 7nghitise *e?a c:n* cine,a i;a sps ce m:nca.
-. 4l mi;a *at 7napoi cartea, mi;a mltnmit c6 i;am 7mprmtat;o si mi;a sps c6 i;a pl6ct foarte mlt. 5ar e sti c6 n a citit;o
pentr c6 ma?oritatea paginilor era lipite 7ntre ele. /. 8m ps o banknot6 *e *o6<eci *e lire 7ntr;o carte si a *oa <i mi;a trebit
c:te,a ore p:n6 s6 o g6sesc pentr c6 itasem 7n care carte am ps;o. 0. 8m cre<t c6 trenl pleac6 la $.## si am fost foarte *e<am6git
c:n* am sosit la $.#1 si am aflat c6 tocmai plecase. 8m aflat mai t:r<i c6 folosisem n %@ers al trenrilor& *e anl trect.
11. 8m a<it c6 n incen*i i<bcnise in casa *e alatri.
363. ,se the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:
1. Ly the en* of next week my wife !*o" her spring cleaning an* we.ll all be able to relax again. 2. I hope I !pass" the examination
when I see yo again. #. 8pparently Aenice is slowly sinking into the sea. 2cientists are trying to sa,e it bt by the time they.,e fon*
the answer the city probably !sink". $. In another week.s time yo !see" e,erything worth seeing. '. 9ome back in an hor. I !*o" my
packing by then an* we.ll be able to ha,e a talk. +. I.ll be back again at the en* of next month. I hope I !pass" my *ri,ing test by then.
If I ha,e, I.ll meet yor train. -. De !finish" mowing the lawn by *inner time. /. When we !reach" 9rewe we !*o" half of the ?orney.
0. If yo lea,e it too late he !sell" the machine to someone else. 11. In two months. time he !finish" his preliminary training an* will be
starting work. 11. Ly next =ctober I !work" in this office for ten years. 12. =n @ay 2, 1000 we !li,e" in this hose exactly thirty
years. 1#. When they arri,e at the castle, a goo* fire !brn" in the fireplace since morning. 1$. When yo come back home, I
alrea*y !rea*" for three hors. 1'. When I retire, I !work" here for forty years.
318. Bt the ,erbs in brackets into the present simple or continos:
1. De !li,e" in Gon*on at present bt he !hope" to mo,e to 4*inbrgh next year. 2. I !hope" they !reali<e" what a *ifficlt ?ob they
!n*ertake". #. @ike an* Iack !spen*" a fortnight at the seasi*e) they !come" back next week. $. Who !talk" to the pretty girl in the
ble *ress? '. 3he teacher !say" that yo sally !make" a lot of mistakes. +. 8nybo*y who !look" at his passenger while he !*ri,e" is
a *anger on the roa*s. -. @ary !sleep" in the sitting room this week becase her be*room !be" re*ecorate*. /. 3he path !lea*" to the
big hose that yo !see" on the hill. 0. @y son !work" ,ery har*. De !st*y" for an examination now. 11. %(o !hear" anything?& %I
!listen" har* bt I can.t hear anything.& 11. 5a**y !lea,e" always lighte* cigarettes all o,er the hose. We.ll brn *own one *ay. 12.
@ary !lea,e" for Gon*on in a fortnight. 1#. 3hey !clean p" the whole town in preparation for the smmer. 1$. @r Kreen always !get
p" early. 1'. @y hsban* sally !lea,e" his office at #.11 p.m., bt this month he !work" later. 1+. Iack often !go" to the theatre
bt his wife !not go" ,ery often. De !like" all sorts of plays. 2he !prefer" come*ies. 1-. Brofessor Lrown !be" the perfect lingist. De
alrea*y !speak" se,en foreign langages. Now he !learn" an eighth. 1/. @y *og always !bark" at the postman. Lt look at thatJ Hor
once, he !be" frien*ly to the poor man. 10. 3hey left for Gon*on an hor ago. I !won*er" whether they !tra,el" by air or by train. 21.
De !walk" ,ery slowly becase the bottle he !carry" !hol*" nitro;glycerine an* nitro;glycerine !explo*e" if it !be" shaken. 21. Get me
explain what yo ha,e to *o. Hirst yo...!take" the photos an* !sort" them into categories. 3hen yo !file" them accor*ing to sb?ect.
22. 3he play is set in Gon*on in 1/01. 3he action !take" place in @ary.s li,ing;room. When the crtain !go" p , the hero an*
heroine!sit" *own. 3hey !arge". 2#. 5ear Iane, sorry to hear abot yor problem at work. I !think" yo !*o" the right thing, bt I
!*obt" whether yor boss really ...!know" his ?ob from what yo...!tell" me. 2$. 3he hose is a mess becase we.,e got the workmen
in. 3he plmber !pt" in a new bath. 3he electricians !rewire" the system an* the carpenter!bil*" s some new bookshel,es.
327. Bt the ,erbs in brackets in the simple or continos past tense accor*ing to the meaning.
1. De !recogni<e" the ,oice that !shot" the lo*est as that of the lan*la*y. 2. I !go" to ask yo to help me, bt yo !sleep" so
peaceflly when I !look" into yor room that I !*eci*e" to *o it alone. #. De !not keep" his appointment with yo last 3es*ay
morning becase at the time of the appointment he !be seen" by the Bersonnel @anager abot a new ?ob. $. When the *og !bite"
@ary again, mother !prepare" *inner an* we !listen" to the ra*io. @ary !shot" ble mr*er an* !ha,e" hysterics again. '. We !ha,e"
to go ron* the back *oor becase Kran*father !ha,e" his front *oor painte*. +. I !see" that the Lrowns !ha,e" a lot of alterations
ma*e to their hose, bt I !not know" if the parents !go" to pay for them. -. I !walk" *own the street some mintes ago when I !see" a
criosly *resse* man. De !wear" a sports;coat with black trosers, an* one of his shoes !be" black an* the other !be" brown".
/. When they !get marrie*" he !fin*" a ?ob as a caretaker on a large estate. 0. 2he !wear" green an* it !sit" her ,ery well. Der face
!be" mil*ly pretty bt, becase she !cry" an* mascara !rn" *own her cheeks, she !not seem" as attracti,e as I !expect". 11. 3he
person who !*ri,e" the car on the *ay of the acci*ent !no be" insre*. 11. While she !won*er" whether to by the sit or not, someone
else !come" an* !by" it. 12. 8nn !work" in the branch where the big robbery !take" place. 2he actally !work" there at the time of
the rai*? 1#. While the schoolmaster !write" on the blackboar*, he !not notice" that the boys in the back row !steal ot" of the room
on tiptoe. 1$. De !come" into the room, !light" a cigarette, !open" the win*ow an* !lean" ot. 1'. 8 traffic war*en ?st !stick" a
parking ticket to my win*screen when I !come" back to the car. I !try" to persa*e him to tear it p bt he !refse".
351. Bt the ,erbs in brackets into the correct tense: present perfect or simple past:
1. Beter !by" a new car last month, bt he !not sell" his ol* car yet, so at the moment he has two cars. 2. When we !mo,e" into or
new flat we !ask" for a telephone. 3he 3elephone 9ompany !tell" s to wait, bt we !wait" a year now an* or phone still !not come".
#. When I !be" on my way to the bs stop it !start" to rain. I !rn" back home for my mbrella, bt this !make" me late for the office.
@y boss !look" p as I !enter" the office. %(o !be" late twice this week&, he !growl". $. 8nn !think" the garage !be" empty an* !trn"
off the lights. %Dey&, !shot" Bal from n*er the car. %I.m sorry, Bal&,!say" 8nn, %I !not know" yo !be" there.& '. 3om !meet"
Bal at lnch time an* !say": %I !not see" yo at the bs stop this morning. (o !miss" the bs?& %I !not miss" it&, !reply" Bal, %I !not
miss" a bs for years. Lt this morning Keorge !gi,e" me a lift.& +. Beter !try" to come in Eietly bt his mother !hear" him an*
!call" ot: %Where yo !be"? (or spper !be" in the o,en for an hor.& -. %I ?st !by" a copy of O5a,i* 9opperfiel*.. (o !rea*"
it?& %8s it happens it is the only one of 5ickens.s books that I !not rea*". I !not e,en see" the film.& /. %(o !be" to 2cotlan*N&
%(es, I !be" there last smmer.& 0 %(o !be" to the theatre lately?& %(es, I !go" to O=thello. last week.& %(o !like" it?&%(es, bt I
!not see" well. I !be" right at the back.& 11. %Dow long yo !be" in yor present ?ob?& %I !be" there for six months.& %8n* what
yo !*o" before that?& %Lefore that I !work" for Iones an* 9ompany. 11. I !smoke" forty cigarettes a *ay till the *octor!warn" be
abot the *angers. 12. I !work" as a ci,il ser,ant from 10/' till 10/0. Hor ' years I !work". 2ince 10/0 !work" in a hospital. It is
now 100'. 3his means I !work" in a hospital for + years.
355-1.1. Lnica si;a pier*t ochelarii. I;am c6tat toat6 *p6;amia<a, *ar 7nc6 n i;am g6sit. 2. 2nt moart6 *e oboseal6) am alergat
prin maga<ine toat6 <ia. #. Br7n<l n;i 7nc6 gata *esi g6tesc *e a<i *imineat6. $. 3ocmai mi;am amintit c6 n am pl6tit 7nc6 chiria.
2nt srprins c6 proprietarl 7nc6 n mi;a telefonat s6;mi reaminteasc6 asta. 4 prima *at6 7n cinci ani c6 am 7nt:r<iat c plata chiriei.
'. @;am itat prin albml *e fotografii. 4 plin *e fotografii *e oameni c6rora le;am itat complet nmele. @6 7ntreb ce s;o fi ales *e
ei. +. %; 9e;ai f6ct c foarfeca? 4 7n*oit6.& %; 8m folosit;o s6 fac g6ri 7n ctia asta *e tabl6.& -. %; 5eseori m;am 7ntrebat *e ce
a plecat Lill pe neasteptate *e la petrecere.& %; 5e fapt, e tocmai am aflat asa c6 7ti pot spne secretl.& /. 3om se it6 la
tele,i<or *e c:n* a ,enit *e la scoal6. 9re* c6 ar trebi s6;i spi s6 7ncete<e c asta *eoarece n;a 7n,6tat nimic lna aceasta.
0. @ary locieste 7n acest oras *e mai mlti ani. 8 ,enit aici s6 st*ie<e la Uni,ersitate si a r6mas aici *p6 ce si;a terminat st*iile.
11. 2nt foarte sp6rat6 pe ei. 8 sosit *e o s6t6m:n6 *in strain6tate si 7nc6 n ne;a telefonat. 11. 9e i;ai f6ct srorii tale *e ai
f6ct;o s6 pl:ng6. 12. 9ine,a a fmat 7n camera aceasta. 4ste scrm pe po*ea.
355-2. ; 8m fost seara trect6 la cinema si am ,6<t n film ,echi %Sin* Dearts an* 9oronets&. G;ai ,6<t?
; N, am tot ,rt s6 ne *cem s6;l ,e*em, *ar n;am prea a,t oca<ia. 9opiii a tot fost r6citi 7n prim6,ara aceasta si n am
ptt s6 ne *cem la cinema.8poi Keoffrey st*ia<6 *in gre pentr examenl pe care 7l are 7n inie, iar 9atherine si;a ,opsit si aran?at
camera. 5e fapt, toat6 familia a fost foarte ocpat6 7n ltiml timp. 5ar spne;mi *espre asear6. Ge;a pl6ct filml li Iohn si 2arah?
; =, *a. 8m:n*oi a r:s p:n6 le;a *at lacrimile. Ge;a plact 7n*eosebi s6;l ,a*6 pe 8lec Kinness 7n roll b6tr:nei *oamne.
Iohn a si ,rt s6 stea s6;l mai ,a*6 7nc6 o *at6 nmai pentr asta. N cre* c6 s;a mai *istrat ,reo *at6 asa bine la film.
358. 2pply the simple past or the past perfect simple forms:
1. 2he sai* she !finish" her work. 2. De s**enly !reali<e" that he !lea,e" his wallet in the train. #. 3he following Hri*ay he !go" to
pay the money he !borrow". $. I !not wa,e" back at him ntil he !wa,e" at me se,eral times. '. I tol* Iames that he !ha,e" no
chance of catching that train. +. When I !enter" the room, I !notice" that somebo*y was there. -. When they !look" e,erywhere for
the missing screw, Ioe !fin*" it in the trn;ps of his trosers. /. 8fter he !explain" the sitation there !be" a long silence. 0.
3he sspect *eclare* that he !be" asleep in be* at the time when the bank !be robbe*". 11. De !forget" to by petrol, althogh his wife
!remin*" him to *o so ?st before he !lea,e" the hose. 11. When he !tell" them his extraor*inary story, they !be" sceptical at first, bt
gra*ally !become" more intereste*.
36%. 2pply past perfect simple or continos forms:
1. De !hope" to fin* Iohn an* was ,ery *isappointe* when he *i*n.t. 2. We !cook" all *ay for the party an* by / o.clock we still
weren.t rea*y. #. De !wait" for that letter for weeks when at last arri,e*. $. I !work" for abot two hors when Iohn came with a
letter '. @ark looke* at his watch. It was twenty mintes to three an* he !wait" since two o.clock. +. 3heir han*s were Eite nmb
becase they !make" a snowman. -. 4,eryone !pack" ntil the last minte an* no time !be left" to take the *og ron* to their
neighbors.. /. 3hey all !look forwar*" to the excrsion an* were *isappointe* to hear it !be cancelle*". 0. 2he !be" p for three
hors when the rest of the hosehol* awoke
361. 1. @;am itat pe fereastr6 7nainte *e a m6 *ce la clcare si am ,6<t n b6rbat ce st6tea pe trotarl cel6lalt pri,in* casa. 9:n*
m;am tre<it 7n *imineata rm6toare, el 7nc6 era acolo si m;am 7ntrebat *ac6 st6tse acolo toat6 noaptea. 2. 2e ita tint6 la ea *e c:te,a
minte, 7ntreb:n*;se n*e o mai ,6<se 7nainte. #. 4ra ora sase *p6 amia<6 si Iack era obosit pentr c6 lcrase toat6 <ia. 4ra *e
asemenea fl6m:n* pentr c6 n m:ncase nimic *e la micl *e?n. 5e obicei sotia 7i a*cea m:ncare la pr:n<, *ar a<i, n stia *in ce
moti,, n ,enise. $. 2i;a parcat masina sb n semn *e %=prirea inter<is6& si a intrat 7n maga<in. 9:n* a iesit *p6 <ece minte
masina n mai era acolo. 2e 7ntreba *ac6 i;o frase cine,a sa i;a *s;o politia. '. 2tia *oar *espre n tigr tint ca mascot6 si acest
animal, 7n sapte sa opt ani, n ar6tase nicio*at6 nici o rm6 *e ferocitate. +. Brietenl me era extrem *e frios si a sps c6
m:ncase *o6 mste c salata *e frcte. =sp6tarl l;a 7ntrebat *e ce le;a m:ncat. 4l a r6spns c6 este miop si le 7nghitise *e?a c:n*
cine,a i;a sps ce m:nca. -. 4l mi;a *at 7napoi cartea, mi;a mltnmit c6 i;am 7mprmtat;o si mi;a sps c6 i;a pl6ct foarte mlt.
5ar e sti c6 n a citit;o pentr c6 ma?oritatea paginilor era lipite 7ntre ele. /. 8m ps o banknot6 *e *o6<eci *e lire 7ntr;o carte si
a *oa <i mi;a trebit c:te,a ore p:n6 s6 o g6sesc pentr c6 itasem 7n care carte am ps;o. 0. 8m cre<t c6 trenl pleac6 la $.## si
am fost foarte *e<am6git c:n* am sosit la $.#1 si am aflat c6 tocmai plecase. 8m aflat mai t:r<i c6 folosisem n %@ers al trenrilor&
*e anl trect. 11. 8m a<it c6 n incen*i i<bcnise in casa *e alatri.
363. Use the correct tense of the ,erbs in brackets:
1. Ly the en* of next week my wife !*o" her spring cleaning an* we.ll all be able to relax again. 2. I hope I !pass" the examination
when I see yo again. #. 8pparently Aenice is slowly sinking into the sea. 2cientists are trying to sa,e it bt by the time they.,e fon*
the answer the city probably !sink". $. In another week.s time yo !see" e,erything worth seeing. '. 9ome back in an hor. I !*o"
my packing by then an* we.ll be able to ha,e a talk. +. I.ll be back again at the en* of next month. I hope I !pass" my *ri,ing test by
then. If I ha,e, I.ll meet yor train. -. De !finish" mowing the lawn by *inner time. /. When we !reach" 9rewe we !*o" half of the
?orney. 0. If yo lea,e it too late he !sell" the machine to someone else. 11. In two months. time he !finish" his preliminary
training an* will be starting work. 11. Ly next =ctober I !work" in this office for ten years. 12. =n @ay 2, 1000 we !li,e" in this
hose exactly thirty years. 1#. When they arri,e at the castle, a goo* fire !brn" in the fireplace since morning. 1$. When yo
come back home, I alrea*y !rea*" for three hors. 1'. When I retire, I !work" here for forty years.
371. 3rn these sentences into the passi,e ,oice !sometimes the agent is reEire*":
1. 3hey threw him ot. 2. 8ll the ministers will see him off at the airport. #. 4,eryone looke* p to him. $. De hasn.t slept in his
be*. '. Der story *i*n.t take them in. +. Lrglars broke into the hose. -. 3hey took *own the notice. /. Hog hel* p the trains.
0. We calle* in the police. 11. 3hey *i*n.t look after the chil*ren properly. 11. Beople often take him for his brother.12. No one has
taken ot the cork.
374. 2ay which of these sentences is incorrect *e to the fact that the transformation that was *one pon it is not possible. Un*o the
1. Der knees were bent by the *octor. 2. 4ach other were taken by the arm. #. @ary was looke* at. $. Der min* is not to be
thoght of as going ma*. '. 3he splen*i* sta*im was arri,e* at by the torists. bs. +. 3hat she was pretty was seen by Iohn.
- =r*er has been restore*. /. Gingistics intereste* Iohn. 0. We are encorage* to go on with the pro?ect. 11. We were
nimpresse* by his attempts.
376. 1. Aechil teatr este *6r:mat pentr a face loc nei cl6*iri noi. 2. 5p6 spectacol se ,or ser,i gst6ri si b6tri r6coritoare.
8cestea a fost preg6tite !se Ocater for." *e c6tre n restarant ,estit. #. 2e ,a ocpa *e aceast6 problem6 *e 7n*at6 ce se 7ntoarece
*in conce*i. 5ar se pare c6 acm n mai poate fi nimic f6ct pentr a rectifica sitatia. Ne pare r6 *ar s6 stiti c6 ,ina este toat6 *e
parte 5;,oastr6 pentr c6 n ati reclamat mai *e,reme. $. 9re* c6 e timpl s6 i se spn6 s6 7ncete<e s6 se comporte ca n copil. 2e
,orbeste *espre el 7ntr;n mo* n foarte frmos;ceea ce *e fapt este *e 7nteles;*e c6tre cei care snt pri,iti fix *e c6tre el si c6rora li se
a*resea<6 c c,inte r:te. 8tit*inea li este ps6 sb semnl 7ntreb6rii si *e c6tre cei care cre* 7n el. 5e c6tre acestia se sper6 n
,iitor str6lcit pentr el. '. 5p6 ce a fost pse 7n *isctie !se Otalk of." mlte ,ariante *e c6tre colegi, li s;a ar6tat cel mai sor fel
*e a re<ol,a problema. +. Impsc6tra f rmat6 *e o liniste *e morm:nt. N am a,t *e ce s6 ne temem pentr c6 stiam c6 pistoll
fsese *esc6rcat c o sear6 7nainte tocmai *e frica ni acci*ent. 9:n* am a?ns la locl faptei ,ictima, care n fsese acci*entat6 *e
loc, era totsi chestionat6 *e c6tre politisti. -. 2e ,a r6spn*e la toate scrisorile *e afaceri 7n cel mai scrt timp. /. Bictrile li
,or fi expse pentr prima *ata la o galeria *in Gon*ra. 0. Na,a a,ariat6 era remorcat6 spre port c:n* s;a rpt cabll. 11. =riginea
ni,ersli n ,a ptea fi explicat6 nicio*at6 11. 9:n* el a intrat 7n sal6, ei tocmai i se la n inter,i. 2e ptea b6ni c6 se *escrca
*estl *e bine a,:n* 7n ,e*er fell cm <:mbea. Fntrebarea la care rma s6 r6spn*6 era *espre o caracteristic6 a engle<ei ,orbite.
12. 8 fost ne,oie !se Oto call for." *e inter,entia promt6 a pompierilor. In cele *in rm6 focl a fost a*s sb control, *ar n 7nainte *e
a pro,oca pagbe riase. 2e fac speclatii c pri,ire la ca<a *eclans6rii focli) cea mai pla<ibil6 pare a fi o scrgere *in con*cta *e
ga<. 2e cre*e c6 a existat o tea,6 care necesita reparatii *e mlt si lmea a ignorat acest lcr. 8cm ,a trebi s6 se re<ol,e !se Oto
*eal with." aceast6 problem6. 1#. Ni se reaminteste mere *e c:t *e mic6 e lmea atnci c:n* e,enimente care se petrec la mii *e
kilometri *ep6rtare ne apar 7n fata ochilor pe micl ecran. 1$. 5ac6 se 7nt:mpl6 s6 fii implicat 7ntr;n acci*ent *e masin6 7n care
snt *oar pagbe materiale f6r6 ca cine,a s6 fie r6nit atnci poti p6r6si locl acci*entli. 1'. 8rticoll trebie s6 fie scris p:n6 la
*ata mai ss amimtit6 si poate fi pre*at la secretariat. 1+. 2e cre*ea c6 7n mntii aceea poate fi g6sit mlt ar. 9a rmare mlti
c6t6tori *e ar s;a *s acolo, *ar spre *e<am6girea lor nici *p6 mlti ani *e c6t6ri n a fost g6sit nimic. 1-. 3oti snt *e acor* c6
Leetho,en a fost n geni. 9a m6rtrie st6 m<ica extraor*inar *e frmoas6 comps6 *e el.!se the passi,e" 1/. 2e asteapt6 ca
pretrile s6 creasc6 *in no lna aceasta. 5e acest lcr le este groa<6 la toti. 2e stie c6 exist6 tot mai ptini oameni care fac fat6
acestor scmpiri. 10. 2;ar fi ptt la *eci<ia ca Iohn s6 fie cel care s6 repre<inte firma *ar n a fost ,otri sfciente pentr c6
mlti era *e p6rere c6 exist6 ! folositi constrctie c Othere." si altii care ar ptea s6 fac6 aceasta. 21. 8r trebi s6 termine m:ncarea
p:n6 la ,enirea in,itatilor, *ar se b6nieste c6 n ,a termina. !se constrctions with Osppose*."

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