Galkap Bu Kineih Pa

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Galkap bu kineih Saw Htoo Galae leh Ngo kho Nangte lawmta teng

Elder Muller Kyaw, President of MYUM

Brother Memory Tun,. Secretary of MYUM
Brother Nang Do Dal , Treasurer of MYUM
Elder Kenneth H Suanzanang, Legal Director of MYUM
Respected Sirs,
I humbly inform about the prevailing situations in the Adventist society in Upper Myanmar. We
knew that Mr. Saw Htoo Galae, a probationary worker of UMM from Mandalay, is sent to
Kalemyo to disturb and supervise all the prosecutions against the Annual Revival Meeting of
Conference churches as he had done to me in Pyin Oo Lwin on ATI building.
Mr. Ngo Khaw Nang(Moe Khaing), church pastor at Pinlon 8, Kalaymyo who claims himself as
the Area Controller and Circle Leader, in consultation with the said person prosecuted Mr. Kai Za
Dal and Kham Khen Pau for forgery at the Township Criminal Court of Kalaymyo on March 26,
2007. Then as defendants we had and have to attend the Court on March 29, 2007, April 5, 2007,
April 11, April 26, 2007 and we do not know how long we have to attend the court for that case.
Again Ngo Khaw Nang in consultation with the said person and Gin Do Pau, church pastor of
Pinlon 11, Kalaymyo, and Lal Hmun Siama, pastor of Chanthagyi Village prosecuted against eight
people of Pinlon 11 SDA Conference supporters (including Kai Za Dal and Kham Khen Pau) to the
same court falsely for trespass, deviation of properties, and frighteningsuch things we had never
The problem began with Chanthagy SDA church where Lal Hmun Siama, the pastor repeatedly
claims from the sacred pulpit that all the properties of the local church, all the offerings, and all
authorities of the local church should be under his own jurisdiction according to the letter of
Pastor Kai Khan Khual, the Secretary of Upper Myanmar Local Mission. Then the members are
divided into two groups: the mission supporters vs. Conference supporters by 33 vs. 93(4
households vs. 18 households).
After several disputes about the hiding of record and offerings by the pastor, a member dragged
Lal Hmunsiama down from his speech. Then the pastor reported it to the Police and demanded
Five Million Kyat (US$ 5,000). But reconciliation was made by elders of the conference
supporters and had reluctantly paid Kyat 1,200,000(1.2 million local currency equivalent to US $
1,200) in order to cool down the dispute. Then the pastor captured all the keys of the church and
ordered that the conference supporters may only attend the church under the sole supervision of
him and he padlocked the church on January 30, 2007.
As the result, the Conference group applied to local authorities that the two parties may have
separate hours of worship. The local authorities summoned the two groups for reconciliation but
it was turned down by the pastor, Ngo Khaw Nang, and Gin Do Paupastors from
mission sideon February 4, 2007. Then the petition was referred to the Township Council which
in turn referred back to the Local Council and authorized accordingly with the petition made by
conference groups.
But the Schedule of separate worship hours for both were objected and the church building was
officially declared padlocked by Pr. Malsawma, the Circle Leader, Ngo Khaw Nang, the authorized
agent of the Local Mission and the Union and also the Area Controller, and Gin Do Pau, the Area
Controller on February 20, 2007. Then Ngo Khaw Nang filed the case to the District Council and
Township Council in which he falsely accused Mr. Kai Za Dal and Kham Khen Pau to be the
creator of problem at Chanthagyi.
Then the EC of the Township council after studying the pro and cons in accordance with the
instruction of the District Council, ordered the Local Council to confirm tlhe separate worship
schedule on April 5, 2007. Copies of the decision were given to the persons concerned of both
sides. After reading the decision the same group( Ngo Khaw Nang, Lal Hmun Siama, Gin Do Pau,
and Saw Htoo Galae) went to the District office on Saturday, April; 7, 2007 and objected the
decision but in vain.
Such activities have negative impacts on church members for future reunification. Suing and
prosecution against fellow Christians to the juridiction of non Christian is very very shameful and
a disgracing of the Adventist 'Church. All these kinds of actions were authorized and supported by
the mission and the Union leaders morally, physical, and financially from God's treasury. And
also we know that persecution had been used as a means of keeping the chu8rch pure. That is a
contrary to the teaching of the Bible ( I Cor 6:2-12 ) and to the SOP( Christ's Object Lesson,
74:1) and also unchristian, uncivilized.
We would like to know how long the higher levels of our church organization will continue
authorizing and supporting this kind of evil deeds at the cost of expending God's money instead of
using them for the advancement of the gospel. Is this the best diplomacy to win back the one
sided "disbanded". The existence of mission supporters and conference supporters is better
justifiable than prosecuting at the criminal courts since they are not against or rebelling God and
the church. But the worst of all is: direct and indirect involvement of the leaders in such
prosecutions against their fellow Christians (Adventists) before the criminal courts and stand to
bear false witnesses against their fellow Christians.
Therefore I humbly request your immediate intervention regarding these evil deeds so that the
negative impacts may not be contagious among Adventists in order for future reconciliation and
May God bless you.
Pr. Khamkhen

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