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Fall 2014 Syllabus

CHEG 443: Mass Transfer Operations
Lecture: TR 11:00am-12:15pm
Room 006 Kirkbride Hall

Instructors & Office Hours:

Professor Norman Wagner 227 CLB,, Office Hours: Tue 2-3pm, and by

Professor Yushan Yan, 337 ISE,, Office Hours: Thursday 3 5 pm, and by

Professor Ruth Sands,, Office Hours: by appointment (125 CLB)

Professor Bert Diemer, CLB 335,, Office Hours: by appointment.

Teaching Assistants:

Zhang, Yan <>,
Dunwell, Marco E <>

TA Office Hours: Mondays: 3-5 pm ISE 322
Wednesdays: 3-5 pm CLB 343
Course Objectives:

There are a number of general objectives for this course. A primary goal is to learn to apply chemical
engineering fundamentals from previous CHEG courses (e.g., mass & energy balances, thermodynamics, and
mass & heat transport) to design and to describe in mathematical terms the performance of example unit
operations representative of industrial settings spanning the fields of petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and fine
chemicals, and biotechnology products. Only a few example unit operations will be covered in detail.
However, the skills and principles developed as part of this course can be applied to build both equilibrium and
rate-based chemical engineering models that are of use in the technical design of unit operations typical of a
variety of process industries. This course will also provide extensive practice in the use of modern
computational tools such as process simulators (i.e., ASPEN Plus) as well as more generic computational
packages such as Matlab; both of which were introduced at least in part in previous CHEG courses. Much of
the material in this course is also a complement to material taught and utilized concurrently in CHEG 445.

Required (also required for CHEG432 in Spring 2015)
Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis and Design by Warren D. Seider (Author), J. D.
Seader (Author), & 2 more ISBN-13: 978-0470048955 ISBN-10: 0470048956 Edition: 3

Fall 2014 Syllabus

Additional References:
Sandler, Chemical and Engineering Thermodynamics (CHEG 231-325)
Russell, Robinson, Wagner, Mass and Heat Transfer (CHEG 342)
M. F. Doherty and Malone, M. F., Conceptual Design of Distillation Systems, McGraw-Hill, New
York (2001) (highly recommended- chapters posted on SAKAI)

Homework (35%)
AIChE Safety Certificate (5%)
Midterm Exam (30 %)
Final Exam (30 %)
Attendance and class participation (+/-5 %)

The midterm exam will be given during class time in the assigned classroom. The final will occur
during finals week according to the university schedule. All exams will be closed book, closed notes, with a
single crib sheet (double sided, 8.5x11 in.) and calculator permitted.

Much of the graded material in this course is group based and out-of-classroom. For all graded material
(group or individual), any case of academic dishonesty will be dealt with strictly, following the University of
Delawares policy on Academic Dishonesty (e.g., as described at It
is the responsibility of each student to be aware of the UD policy on Academic Dishonesty, and the associated
penalties for anyone violating that policy. If you have any uncertainty or question as to what constitutes
academic dishonesty, please inquire with the instructors ahead of time so as to assure there is no confusion.

The AIChE SAChE - Certificate of Safety Achievement should be completed.
You will receive an official certificate of completion from AIChE and can cite this on your resume.

ABET - Specific Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course students will able to:
- accurately model the steady-state performance of distillation columns using ASPEN Plus, and be
able to justify semi-quantitatively the results based on analytical engineering analysis including mass
and energy balances and thermodynamics of phase equilibrium.
- construct, test, and design realistic process flow sheets to perform distillation and extraction-based
separations of fluid process streams, using a combination of qualitative thermodynamic phase
diagram analysis and a process simulator such as ASPEN Plus
- Properly read and interpret solid-liquid phase diagrams, and utilize them for technically feasible
design of crystallization unit operations.
- Model the performance of isothermal and non-isothermal batch crystallization from binary mixtures.

Fall 2014 Syllabus

Schedule of Lectures and Examinations (all dates subject to change except for examinations)

LecLurer Sub[ecL 1exL Pomework
Course lnLroducLlon, vLL, Lqull. SLage &
8aLch SeparaLlons
SlS Ch10
MP1 4.3,4.4, 8.2
1heodore and 8lccl, M1C, CP 9
PW #1: Asslgned 8/26, uue 8/28. vLL &
8aLch ulsLlllaLlon revlew (shorL homework)
n!W Mass ConLacLor ueslgn MP1 8.2
PWk #2 Asslgned 8/28, uue 9/4 Mass
ConLacLor ueslgn

8lnary ulsLlllaLlon: 8alance LquaLlons &
uegrees of lreedom
u&M 3.1-2

8lnary ulsLlllaLlon: McCabe-1hlele
onllne noLes
u&M 3.3

PWk #3 asslgned 9/4, due 9/11 McCabe
1hlele & lenske underwood

n!W Analysls: lenske & underwood LquaLlons u&M 3.4
ulsLlllaLlon Column ueslgn and Lconomlcs:
8eflux 8aLlo versus number of Lqulllbrlum
Cn-llne noLes vldeo: Aspen lus -
llash 8locks and ulsLlllaLlon wlLh
8Aul8AC blocks
PWk #4: Asslgned 9/11, uue 9/18.
lnLerpreLlng 88 vs. n curves (8S) (1LAM)
n!W non-ldeal mlxLures
u&M 3.6

n!W MulLlcomponenL ulsLlllaLlon uM 4.1-4.2
PWk #3 -Asslgned 9/18, uue 9/30.
ueslgn of a Column (1LAM)
n!W MulLlcomponenL ulsLlllaLlon
u&M 4.3-4.4

1As !"#$% '()*+,-./0 12!"" 3$$'" 4% $1!21 Aspen 1uLorlals
9/30/2014 n!W 18u

88S ulsLlllaLlon of AzeoLropes & 8ecycles u&M Ch 3
PWk #6 Asslgned 10/2, uue 10/9 AzeoLroplc
ulsLlllaLlon & 8ecycles
10/7/2014 1As !/567 '()*+,-./ 0 1.-// 366)/ ,7 $1!21

10/9/2014 1As 8*96:*+; <6=,6: "6//,*7
10/14/2014 n!W/1As !"#$%&'( *+,!

?? Membrane SeparaLlons
Cn-llne noLes

PWk #7 Asslgned 10/16 due 10/23.
Membrane SeparaLlons
?? Membrane SeparaLlons

?? Membrane SeparaLlons
PWk #8 Asslgned 10/23 due 10/30
Membrane SeparaLlons
10/28/2014 ?? Membrane SeparaLlons

10/30/2014 n!W CrysLalllzaLlon
Cn-llne noLes

11/4/2014 LlecLlon uay- no class
n!W CrysLalllzaLlon
PWk #9 Asslgned 11/6 uue 11/13
11/11/2014 n!W CrysLalllzaLlon

ulsLlllaLlon 1ralns

PWk #10 Asslgned 11/13 uue 12/2: MulLl-
componenL dlsLlllaLlon - Cumene rocess
8eflnlng 1raln- column deslgn - esLlmaLlng
caplLal and manufacLurlng cosLs (1LAM)
11/18 & 20
MeeLlng SACPL SAlL1? CnLlnL CL81lllCA1L proof of cerLlflcaLe achlevemenL requlred
11/23/2014 88u CaplLal CosL LsLlmaLlon Cn-llne noLes


1hanksglvlng- no class

12/2/2014 88u ManufacLurlng CosLs and CosL SheeLs

18u -./,0 *+,!

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