Meadows Fire Update 1

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Yosemite National Park

P.O. Box 577

Clovis, CA 93611
Update #1
Release for !es"a#, $e%tem&er 9, '(1)*ime+ 1'+(( P,
Incident Statics
A-res B!rne": ),)(( $tr!-t!res .reatene"+ (
Containment+ 5/ $tr!-t!res 0ama1e"+ (
2ire $tart 0ate+ 3!l# 19, '(1) 4n5!ries+ (
2ire Ca!se+ 6i1.tnin1 otal Personnel+ 3'7
Cost to "ate+ 71((,(((
.e 2ire is lo-ate" t.e "esi1nate" 8il"erness of t.e Yosemite National Park in ,ari%osa Co!nt#
an" is -!rrentl# 6ittle Yosemite 9alle# &et8een :alf 0ome an" ,o!nt $tarr ;in1 on &ot. si"es of
t.e ,er-e" River.
.e fire s%rea" si1nifi-antl# "!e to a 8in" event 8.i-. o--!rre" on $e%tem&er 7, '(1).
A%%roximatel# 1(( .ikers an" &a-k%a-kers 8ere eva-!ate" from t.e fire area an" an a""itional <5 .ikers
an" -lim&ers 8ere eva-!ate" &# .eli-o%ter from t.e $!mmit of :alf 0ome on $e%tem&er 7 "!e to t.e
ra%i" s%rea" of t.e fire. :eli-o%ters from t.e California :i1.8a# Patrol, =.$. 2orest $ervi-e,
$e>!oia*;in1s Can#on National Park an" Cal 2ire 8ere !tili?e" to affe-t t.e eva-!ations.
Re-reation an" &!sinesses remain o%en in t.e Yosemite National Park ex-e%t trail areas liste" &elo8.
Fire Update
2irefi1.ter an" %!&li- safet# remains t.e .i1.est %riorit#. 2ire -re8s are &ein1 sensitive to environmental
an" -!lt!ral reso!r-es in an" aro!n" t.e fire area.
0!e to t.e extremel# stee%, r!11e" an" ina--essi&le terrain, some fire -re8s are &ein1 flo8n into t.e area
&# .eli-o%ter. Air reso!r-es, in-l!"in1 ei1.t .eli-o%ters are &ein1 !tili?e" alon1 t.e fire@line to slo8 t.e
for8ar" %ro1ress of t.e fire an" to -ool "o8n .ot s%ots.
$moke from t.e ,ea"o8s 2ire 8ill -ontin!e to im%a-t visitors, -am%ers an" em%lo#ees overni1.t an" in
t.e earl# mornin1 .o!rs in Yosemite 9alle#.
2ires of ma1nit!"e -an %ro"!-e .eav# smoke &lo8s "o8n into Yosemite 9alle#. Be %re%are" for
smoke in t.e !n.ealt.# AC4 ran1e normall# 8orse in t.e mornin1s 8it. some -learin1 in t.e afternoon
4nformation for s-.ools -an &e fo!n" on site an" links to -!rrent air >!alit# !%"ates for in-i"ent
8ill &e %oste" on t.e California $moke 4nformation &lo1.
Trail l!sures:
B# or"er of t.e $!%erinten"ent of Yosemite National Park an" !n"er a!t.orit# of itle 36, Co"e of 2e"eral
Re1!lations, $e-tion 1.5AaB an" $e-tion AaBA1B+
D-.o Creek 0raina1e to 6ittle Yosemite 9alle#
$!nrise Creek 0raina1e to 6ittle Yosemite 9alle#
,er-e" River Corri"or to ,er-e" 6ake Ran1er $tation
$!nrise rail to Clo!"s Rest from ena#a 6ake
.e follo8in1 -am%1ro!n" is -lose" to .o!se firefi1.ters for s!%%ression efforts+
Bri"alveil Cam%1ro!n"
!!peratin" a"encies include
=.$. 2orest $ervi-e, National $ervi-e an" California Conservation Cor%.
For More Information:
2ire information+ 1ar#F8!-.nerGn%s.1ov,
2ire 4nformation -all -enter+ A'(9B 37'@(3'7H 37'@(3'<H an", 37'@(3'9.
2or Yosemite air >!alit# "ata an" 8e&-ams+ 888.n%s.1ov*#ose*nat!res-ien-e*a>
2or smoke !%"ates+ 888.-aliforniasmokeinfo.&lo1s%ot.-om
Yosemite National Park Ee& %a1e+ .tt%+**888.n%s.1ov*#ose*%arkm1mt*-!rrent
Yosemite Eil"lan" 2ire 2a-e&ook+ .tt%+**888.fa-e&ook.-om*%a1es*Yosemite @Eil"lan"@2ire*1')63'96)55395

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