Clinically Important Gram Positive Bacill1

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Clinically important Gram positive bacilli

Spore forming
1. Bacillus (O2)
2. Clostridiumanaerobe (O2)

Non spore forming
2. Erysipelothrix
4. Propionibacterium

Acid-fast bacilli

Non-acid-fast branching
filamenous bacilli

Bacillus anthracis

Gram positive
Occur single, in pairs, long chains
Form endosporesoval and centrally located
Highly resistant central spores
Nonmotile; has capsule that is antiphagocytic
Facultative aerobic
Culture on blood agar
Bacillus Cereus

Large, motile, saprophytic bacillus
Heat resistant spores
Airborne and dust-borne contaminants
Pre formed heat and acid stable toxin (Emetic
Heat labile enterotoxin (Diarrhoeal disease)
Multiply readily in cooked foods (Rice, potato and
Lab diagnosis Demonstration of large number of
bacilli in food
Contact with infected animal products
Spore-contaminated dust
Essential for full virulence

Sensitive to penicillin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin
Autoclaving is the only reliable means of

Forms nonhemolytic colonies
1. Cutaneous anthrax
20% mortality rate
malignant pustule
Incubation 2-3 days
erythematous papule

a painless black eschar
EDEMA occurs
Can lead to sepsis
2. Emetic type
Fried rice
Incubation period < 6 hours
Severe vomiting
Lasts 8-10 hours
Recovery w/n 24 hours
Self limiting

3. Pulmonary anthrax (inhalation) woolsorter dse.
High mortality rate(100%)
Charac. Progressive hemorrhagic pneumonia and

4. Diarrheal type
Meat dishes and sauces
Incubation period > 6 hours
Lasts 20-36 hours
5. GI tract anthrax
Eating raw
Commonly seen in animals
Contaminated meat
Asia, Africa
Cardiovascular collapse within few hours and death

Present in SOIL
1. C. tetani
2. C. botulinum

Gut organism
1. C. perfringens
2. C. defficile

Peritrichpus flagella
1. C. tetani
2. All clostridium species

1. All clostridium species

Incubation period
1. Food borne botulism1-2 days
2. Infant and wound botulismmorethan 4 days
3. Botulism12-36 hours
4. Cutaneous anthrax2-3 days
5. Emetic type of cereus1-5 hours
6. Diarrheal type of cereus1-24 hours
7. C. tetani4-10 days
8. C. perfringensshort

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