Ec Resume September14

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Emily Carter

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Expected Graduation: May 2016
Bachelor of Science in Special Education GPA: 3.85/4.00
Deans List Spring 2013 & Spring 2014
James Scholar Fall 2014

Adlai E. Stevenson High School Graduated: June 2012
Graduated on High Honor Roll GPA: 3.66/4.00

Epsilon Delta Professional Teaching Organization
Secretary Elect May 2014 -- Present
Manage online forms, documents, excel sheets, and take attendance in collaboration with other executive board members
Keep track of and organize events for over 150 members, ensuring meetings run smoothly and attendance points are
Member September 2012 Present
Attend and participate in various philanthropic events to help and get to know the community
Listen to and discuss various topics regarding technology, teaching, pedagogy, and issues within education
Recruit other members and help contribute to bi-weekly meetings

SOAR (Student Opportunities for After-School Resources)
Room Leader January 2014 May 2014
Led the room and helped other tutors figure out how to help their students, made sure tutors and students were getting
Communicated with organization head, teachers, and other tutors to ensure material taught is correct and on target
Tutor January 2013 May 2014
Organized educational games and activities for the students when they finished their homework
Tutored elementary students in all subject areas with a focus on reading and the EveryDay math program
Spoke both Spanish and English while working with the children

Best Buddies at Stevenson High School
Executive Board Member September 2011 June 2012
Advertised group events and club activities, recruited members at the beginning of the year and kept members up to date
through personal conversations, newsletters and social media
Planned and led group meetings for over 120 members in the club
Communicated with six other executive board members to plan group events and discuss achievements and challenges
Peer Buddy September 2010 June 2012
Worked and bonded with one individual with disabilities throughout the year, planned dinners and outside activities
Spent time together in groups and learned about cooperation and the needs of other people

Adaptive Physical Education Leader September 2010 June 2012
Received Adaptive P.E. Leader of the Year award for 2011-2012 for outstanding leadership and excelling in leading
the class and interacting with students
Collaborated with teacher and other leaders to create a more accessible physical education program, modified the
program and created more appropriate and attainable objectives
Participated one-on-one with a student with disabilities every week, gained patience and understanding for different
disabilities and different physical abilities as well

Intra-Mural Bowling Leader September 2010 June 2012
Oversaw, planned, and helped students with disabilities bowl and get along with other students
Created a fun and safe environment for other leaders and students as well while maintaining a structured activity

Project Dance Committee
Committee Head of Community Relations December 2011 April 2012
Planned for the large school-wide fundraiser for a local foundation that supports adults with disabilities
Led committee into the community to ask for donations and support for the organization
Collaborated with committee members and students to execute fundraiser which resulted in the raising of $46,000
Committee Member December 2010 April 2011
Followed directions from committee head and worked with other committee members to fill the needs of the fundraiser
Gained leadership skills and learned to step up when other members did not do their jobs

SKILLS: Conversational Spanish Proficient in Microsoft Office Ability to work with Mac OS and Windows

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