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8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes !

MeLro Manlla $
___________________ 8egular Sesslon '
8egun and held ln MeLro Manlla, on ________________________ *
kLU8LIC AC1 NC. _______ !#
8e lL enacLed by Lhe SenaLe and Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves of Lhe hlllpplnes ln #!
Congress assembled: ##

We, Lhe 8angsamoro people and oLher lnhablLanLs of Lhe 8angsamoro, lmplorlng Lhe ald %
of Lhe AlmlghLy, asplrlng Lo esLabllsh an endurlng peace on Lhe basls of [usLlce ln our &
communlLles and a [usLly balanced socleLy, and asserLlng our rlghL Lo conserve and '
develop our paLrlmony, (
ln consonance wlLh Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe unlversally accepLed prlnclples of human *
rlghLs, llberLy, [usLlce, democracy, and Lhe norms and sLandards of lnLernaLlonal law, !+
reflecLlve of our sysLem of llfe prescrlbed by our falLh, and ln harmony wlLh our !!
cusLomary laws, culLures and LradlLlons, !#
Afflrmlng Lhe dlsLlncL hlsLorlcal ldenLlLy and blrLhrlghL of Lhe 8angsamoro people Lo Lhelr !%
ancesLral homeland and Lhelr rlghL Lo self-deLermlnaLlon - beglnnlng wlLh Lhe sLruggle !&
for freedom of Lhelr forefaLhers ln generaLlons pasL and exLendlng Lo Lhe presenL - Lo !'
charL Lhelr pollLlcal fuLure Lhrough a democraLlc process LhaL wlll secure Lhelr ldenLlLy !(
and posLerlLy, and allow for genulne and meanlngful self-governance as sLlpulaLed !)
under Lhe Comprehenslve AgreemenL on Lhe 8angsamoro (CA8), !*
WlLh Lhe blesslngs of Lhe AlmlghLy, do hereby ordaln and promulgaLe Lhls 8angsamoro #!
8aslc Law, Lhrough Lhe Congress of Lhe 8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes, as Lhe baslc law of ##
Lhe 8angsamoro LhaL esLabllshes Lhe asymmeLrlcal pollLlcal relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe CenLral #$
CovernmenL founded on Lhe prlnclples of subsldlarlLy and parlLy of esLeem. #%

Art|c|e I !
Sect|on 1. Short 1|t|e.- 1hls law shall be known and clLed as Lhe 8ooqsomoto 8oslc %
low." &
Sect|on 2. Name. - 1he name of Lhe pollLlcal enLlLy under Lhls 8aslc Law shall be Lhe (
8angsamoro. )
Sect|on 3. urpose. - 1he purpose of Lhls 8aslc Law ls Lo esLabllsh a pollLlcal enLlLy, !+
provlde for lLs baslc sLrucLure of governmenL ln recognlLlon of Lhe [usLness and !!
leglLlmacy of Lhe cause of Lhe 8angsamoro people and Lhelr asplraLlon Lo charL Lhelr !#
pollLlcal fuLure Lhrough a democraLlc process LhaL wlll secure Lhelr ldenLlLy and posLerlLy !$
and allow for meanlngful self-governance. !%

Art|c|e II !
Sect|on 1. 8angsamoro eop|e. - 1hose who aL Lhe Llme of conquesL and colonlzaLlon %
were consldered naLlves or orlglnal lnhablLanLs of Mlndanao and Lhe Sulu archlpelago &
and lLs ad[acenL lslands lncludlng alawan, and Lhelr descendanLs, wheLher of mlxed or '
of full blood, shall have Lhe rlghL Lo ldenLlfy Lhemselves as 8angsamoro by ascrlpLlon or (
self-ascrlpLlon. Spouses and Lhelr descendanLs are classlfled as 8angsamoro. )
Sect|on 2. Ireedom of Cho|ce. - 1he freedom of cholce of oLher lndlgenous peoples !+
shall be respecLed. !!
Sect|on 3. 8angsamoro Symbo|. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall adopL Lhe offlclal !$
flag, emblem and anLhem of Lhe 8angsamoro. !%

Art|c|e III !
1LkkI1Ck #
Sect|on 1. Def|n|t|on of 1err|tory - 1errlLory refers Lo Lhe land mass as well as Lhe %
marlLlme, LerresLrlal, fluvlal and alluvlal domalns, and Lhe aerlal domaln above lL. 1he &
8angsamoro LerrlLory shall remaln a parL of Lhe hlllpplnes. '
Sect|on 2. Core 1err|tory - 1he core LerrlLory of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be composed of: )
a. Lhe presenL geographlcal area of Lhe AuLonomous 8eglon ln Musllm Mlndanao, !+
b. Lhe MunlclpallLles of 8alol, Munal, nunungan, anLar, 1agoloan and 1angkal ln Lhe !#
provlnce of Lanao del norLe and all oLher barangays ln Lhe MunlclpallLles of !$
kabacan, Carmen, Aleosan, lgkawayan, lklL and Mldsayap LhaL voLed for !%
lncluslon ln Lhe A8MM durlng Lhe 2001 pleblsclLe, !&
c. Lhe clLles of CoLabaLo and lsabela, and !(
d. all oLher conLlguous areas where Lhere ls resoluLlon of Lhe local governmenL unlL !*
or a peLlLlon of aL leasL Len percenL (10) of Lhe reglsLered voLers ln Lhe area #+
asklng for Lhelr lncluslon aL leasL Lwo monLhs prlor Lo Lhe conducL of Lhe #!
raLlflcaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law and Lhe process of dellmlLaLlon of Lhe ##
8angsamoro. #$
ln order Lo ensure Lhe wldesL accepLablllLy of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law ln Lhe core #&
areas above-menLloned, a popular raLlflcaLlon shall be conducLed among all Lhe #'
8angsamoro wlLhln Lhe areas for Lhelr adopLlon. #(

Sect|on 3. Cont|guous 1err|tory - 1he areas whlch are conLlguous and ouLslde Lhe core !
LerrlLory may opL aL anyLlme Lo be parL of Lhe LerrlLory upon peLlLlon of aL leasL Len #
percenL (10) of Lhe reglsLered voLers and approved by a ma[orlLy of quallfled voLes casL $
ln a pleblsclLe. %
Sect|on 4. In|and Waters. - All lnland waLers, such as lakes, rlvers, rlver sysLems, and '
sLreams wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory shall be parL of Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he (
preservaLlon and managemenL Lhereof shall be under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe )
8angsamoro CovernmenL. *
Sect|on S. 8angsamoro Waters - 1he 8angsamoro waLers shall exLend up Lo 22.224 !!
kllomeLers (12 nauLlcal mlles) from Lhe low-waLer mark of Lhe coasLs LhaL are parL of Lhe !#
8angsamoro LerrlLory. 1he 8angsamoro WaLers shall be parL of Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon !$
of Lhe 8angsamoro pollLlcal enLlLy. !%
Where a consLlLuenL local governmenL unlL of Lhe 8angsamoro and an ad[olnlng local !'
governmenL unlL are so slLuaLed on Lhe opposlLe shores such LhaL Lhere ls LhlrLy (30) !(
kllomeLers of waLers or less beLween Lhem, a llne equally dlsLanL from Lhe opposlLe !)
shores shall be drawn Lo demarcaLe Lhe 8angsamoro WaLers and Lhe munlclpal waLers !*
of Lhe ad[olnlng local governmenL unlL. #+
Should Lhey be so slLuaLed LhaL Lhere ls more Lhan LhlrLy (30) kllomeLers buL less Lhan ##
37.224 kllomeLers of waLers beLween Lhem, a llne shall be drawn aL Lhe edge of Lhe 13 #$
kllomeLers munlclpal waLers of Lhe ad[olnlng local governmenL unlL Lo demarcaLe lL from #%
Lhe 8angsamoro WaLers. #&
1en years afLer Lhe passage of Lhls 8aslc Law, Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe #(
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall dlscuss Lhe enhancemenL of Lhe area of Lhe 8angsamoro #)
WaLers Lhrough Lhe necessary processes and modallLles. #*

Sect|on 6. Const|tuent Un|ts. - 1he provlnces, clLles, munlclpallLles, barangays and !
geographlcal areas wlLhln lLs LerrlLory shall be Lhe consLlLuenL unlLs of Lhe 8angsamoro. #
Sect|on 7. Co||ect|ve Democrat|c k|ghts of the 8angsamoro eop|e. - 1he collecLlve %
rlghLs of Lhe consLlLuenLs of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be recognlzed. &

Art|c|e IV #
Sect|on 1. Se|f-Governance. ln Lhe exerclse of lLs rlghL Lo self-governance and self- &
deLermlnaLlon, Lhe 8angsamoro ls free Lo pursue lLs economlc, soclal and culLural '
developmenL. (
Sect|on 2. Democrat|c o||t|ca| System. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall be *
parllamenLary. lLs pollLlcal sysLem ls democraLlc, allowlng lLs people Lo freely parLlclpaLe !+
ln Lhe pollLlcal processes wlLhln lLs LerrlLory. !!
Sect|on 3. L|ectora| System. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall adopL an elecLoral !$
sysLem sulLable Lo a mlnlsLerlal form of governmenL, whlch shall allow democraLlc !%
parLlclpaLlon, encourage formaLlon of genulnely prlnclpled pollLlcal parLles, and ensure !&
accounLablllLy. !'
Sect|on 4. C|v|||an Government. Covernance ln Lhe 8angsamoro ls Lhe responslblllLy of !)
Lhe duly-elecLed clvlllan governmenL. Clvlllan auLhorlLy ls, aL all Llmes, supreme over Lhe !*
mlllLary. #+
Sect|on S. romot|on of Un|ty. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall promoLe unlLy, ##
peace, [usLlce, and goodwlll among all peoples, as well as encourage a [usL and peaceful #$
seLLlemenL of dlspuLes. #%
1he 8angsamoro abldes by Lhe prlnclple LhaL Lhe counLry renounces war as an #'
lnsLrumenL of naLlonal pollcy, adopLs Lhe generally accepLed prlnclples of lnLernaLlonal #(
law as parL of Lhe law of Lhe land and adheres Lo Lhe pollcy of peace, equallLy, [usLlce, #)
freedom, cooperaLlon, and amlLy wlLh all naLlons. #*

Sect|on 6. romot|on of k|ght. - 1he 8angsamoro shall adhere Lo Lhe prlnclple of #
en[olnlng whaL ls rlghL and forblddlng whaL ls wrong. $
Sect|on 7. Soc|a| Iust|ce. - 1he 8angsamoro shall esLabllsh a governmenL LhaL ensures &
LhaL every clLlzen ln Lhe 8angsamoro ls provlded Lhe baslc necesslLles and equal '
opporLunlLles ln llfe. Soclal !usLlce shall be promoLed ln all phases of developmenL and (
faceLs of llfe wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro. )
Sect|on 8. Internat|ona| 1reat|es and Agreements. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall !+
respecL and adhere Lo all lnLernaLlonal LreaLles and agreemenLs blndlng upon Lhe !!
CenLral CovernmenL. !#

Art|c|e V !
Sect|on 1. keserved owers. - 8eserved powers are maLLers over whlch auLhorlLy and %
[urlsdlcLlon are reLalned by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall &
exerclse Lhe followlng reserved powers: '
1. uefense and exLernal securlLy, )
2. lorelgn pollcy; !+
3. Colnage and moneLary pollcy, !#
4. osLal servlce, !%
3. ClLlzenshlp and naLurallzaLlon, !'
6. lmmlgraLlon, !)
7. CusLoms and Larlff as quallfled by SecLlon 2(10), ArLlcle v of Lhls 8aslc Law, #+
8. Common markeL and global Lrade, provlded LhaL Lhe power Lo enLer lnLo ##
economlc agreemenLs glven Lo Lhe A8MM under 8.A. 9034 ls hereby Lransferred #$
Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL as provlded ln ArLlcle xll, SecLlon 23 of Lhls 8aslc #%
Law, and #&
9. lnLellecLual properLy rlghLs. #(

Sect|on 2. Concurrent owers. - ConcurrenL powers shall refer Lo Lhe powers shared !
beLween Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL wlLhln Lhe #
8angsamoro, as provlded ln Lhls 8aslc Law. $
1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall exerclse shared powers &
wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro on Lhe followlng maLLers: '
1. 5oclol secotlty ooJ peosloos. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may organlze lLs own )
soclal securlLy and penslon sysLems alongslde Lhe exlsLlng CenLral CovernmenL *
soclal securlLy and penslon sysLems. !+
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe CenLral CovernmenL Lhrough Lhe !#
lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm, and oLher consulLaLlve processes shall, !$
among oLhers, ensure LhaL Lhe lnvesLmenL of Lhe conLrlbuLlons from Lhe members !%
from Lhe 8angsamoro ln Lhe CenLral CovernmenL soclal securlLy and penslons ls !&
responslve Lo Lhelr culLural and rellglous senslLlvlLles. !'
1he fuLure relaLlonshlp of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL sysLem wlLh Lhe 8angsamoro !)
CovernmenL sysLem wlLh respecL Lo new governmenL employees and oLher !*
quallfled lndlvlduals ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall be furLher provlded for ln law duly #+
enacLed for Lhe purpose. #!
2. Oootootloe. - 1here ls hereby creaLed an offlce for quaranLlne servlces ln Lhe #$
8angsamoro. lL shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe wlLh lLs counLerparL offlces ln Lhe #%
CenLral CovernmenL. #&
3. looJ keqlsttotloo. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL, ln accordance wlLh Lhe land #(
reglsLraLlon sysLem of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL, shall admlnlsLer land reglsLraLlon #)
ln Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory Lhrough an offlce lL shall creaLe for Lhls purpose. 1he #*

8angsamoro CovernmenL shall furnlsh coples of Lhe LlLles, deeds and oLher !
lnsLrumenLs Lo Lhe relevanL CenLral CovernmenL agencles. 1he 8angsamoro #
CovernmenL can acL on coosoltos. $
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may lnsLlLuLe processes Lo promoLe more efflclenL &
reglsLraLlon of lands wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro. '
4. lollotloo coottol -1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL )
agencles shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons *
mechanlsm on polluLlon conLrol maLLers. !+
3. nomoo tlqbts ooJ bomooltotloo ptotectloo ooJ ptomotloo. - 1he 8angsamoro !#
CovernmenL may organlze lLs own bodles for human rlghLs and humanlLarlan !$
proLecLlon and promoLlon LhaL wlll work cooperaLlvely wlLh relevanL naLlonal !%
lnsLlLuLlons. !&
6. leooloqy ooJ peolteotloty. -- 1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro !(
CovernmenL lnsLlLuLlons shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe Lhrough Lhe !)
lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm on Lhe maLLer of granLlng parole and !*
recommendlng Lo Lhe resldenL Lhe granL of execuLlve clemency. 1he 8angsamoro #+
CovernmenL shall creaLe an offlce LhaL shall admlnlsLer Lhe parole sysLem and #!
recommend Lhe granL of execuLlve clemency Lo Lhe Cfflce of Lhe resldenL. ##
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may creaLe and manage [alls, penal colonles, and #%
oLher faclllLles. lL shall ensure Lhe compaLlblllLy of Lhese faclllLles wlLh Lhe naLlonal #&
[all managemenL and penlLenLlary sysLem, Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal #'
relaLlons mechanlsm. 1hese faclllLles are undersLood Lo be parL of Lhe counLry's #(
admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce. #)

7. AoJltloq. - 1he 8angsamoro audlLlng body shall have audlLlng responslblllLy over !
publlc funds uLlllzed by Lhe 8angsamoro, wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe power, #
auLhorlLy and duLy of Lhe naLlonal Commlsslon on AudlL (CCA). 1he 8angsamoro $
CovernmenL shall ensure Lransparency mechanlsms conslsLenL wlLh open %
governmenL pracLlces. &
8. Clvll Servlce. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall develop and admlnlsLer a (
professlonal clvll servlce corps, Lo lnclude Lhe powers and prlvlleges on clvll servlce )
maLLers provlded ln 8.A. no. 9034, and wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe power, auLhorlLy, *
and duLy of Lhe naLlonal Clvll Servlce Commlsslon. !+
1here ls hereby creaLed a 8angsamoro Clvll Servlce offlce LhaL shall develop and !#
admlnlsLer a professlonal clvll servlce corps, wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe power, !$
auLhorlLy and duLy of Lhe naLlonal Clvll Servlce Commlsslon. 1he 8angsamoro !%
CovernmenL shall enacL a clvll servlce law for Lhls purpose. 1hls law shall govern !&
Lhe conducL of clvll servanLs, Lhe quallflcaLlon for non-elecLlve poslLlons, adopL Lhe !'
merlL and flLness sysLem, and proLecL clvll servlce ellglbles ln varlous governmenL !(
poslLlons, lncludlng governmenL-owned and/or conLrolled corporaLlons wlLh !)
orlglnal charLers, ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have !*
prlmary dlsclpllnary auLhorlLy over lLs own offlclals and employees. #+
9. coostqootJ. -1he CenLral CovernmenL shall have prlmary responslblllLy over ##
coasLguard maLLers. 1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL #$
shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons #%
mechanlsm. #&
10. costoms ooJ 1otlff. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe CenLral CovernmenL #(
shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons #)
mechanlsm wlLh regard Lo Lhe enforcemenL of cusLoms and Larlff laws and #*

regulaLlons Lo ensure Lhe effecLlve exerclse of lLs powers on barLer Lrade and !
counLerLrade wlLh ASLAn counLrles as well as Lhe regulaLlon of Lhe enLry of botom #
goods ln Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon. $
11. AJmlolsttotloo of jostlce. - AdmlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce shall be ln accordance wlLh &
Lhe relevanL provlslons of Lhls 8aslc Law and wlLh due regard Lo Lhe powers of Lhe '
Supreme CourL and Lhe compeLence of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL over (
5botlob courLs and Lhe 5botlob [usLlce sysLem ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he supremacy )
of 5botlob and lLs appllcaLlon shall only be Lo Musllms. *
12. looJloq fot tbe moloteoooce of ootloool tooJs, btlJqes, ooJ lttlqotloo systems. - !!
1he CenLral CovernmenL shall be responslble for Lhe fundlng, consLrucLlon and !#
malnLenance of naLlonal roads, brldges and lrrlgaLlon sysLems ln Lhe 8angsamoro !$
and shall lnclude ln Lhe naLlonal 8oad neLwork lnformaLlon SysLem all naLlonal !%
roads and brldges ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1here shall be coordlnaLlon Lhrough Lhe !&
lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm beLween Lhe relevanL CenLral !'
CovernmenL and 8angsamoro CovernmenL agencles on Lhe CenLral CovernmenL !(
on Lhe maLLer of naLlonal roads, brldges, and lrrlgaLlon sysLems wlLhln Lhe !)
8angsamoro. !*
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall submlL proposals Lo Lhe approprlaLe naLlonal #!
governmenL agency for Lhe lncluslon of Lhe cosL of such malnLenance ln Lhe ##
laLLer's budgeL LhaL shall be submlLLed Lo Congress for lncluslon ln Lhe Ceneral #$
ApproprlaLlons AcL. lundlng for naLlonal roads, brldges, and lrrlgaLlon sysLems #%
shall be regularly released Lo Lhe relevanL deparLmenL of Lhe CenLral #&
CovernmenL. #'
1J. ulsostet tlsk teJoctloo ooJ moooqemeot. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall #)
have prlmary responslblllLy over dlsasLer rlsk reducLlon and managemenL wlLhln #*

Lhe 8angsamoro. 1here shall be cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon among relevanL !
CenLral CovernmenL and 8angsamoro CovernmenL agencles on dlsasLer rlsk #
reducLlon and managemenL. 1here ls hereby creaLed a 8angsamoro ulsasLer 8lsk $
8educLlon and ManagemenL Councll (8u88MC), wlLh powers and funcLlons LhaL %
shall be deflned by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL ln a law on dlsasLer preparedness &
and response. 1he 8u88MC shall formulaLe Lhe 8angsamoro ulsasLer 8lsk '
8educLlon and ManagemenL lan, whlch shall complemenL Lhe naLlonal ulsasLer (
8lsk 8educLlon and ManagemenL lramework and lan of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. )
AddlLlonally, Lhe 8u88MC, Lhrough lLs Chalr, Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer, may recommend *
Lo Lhe resldenL Lhe moblllzaLlon of resources of naLlonal defense ln Llmes of !+
dlsasLers ln Lhe 8angsamoro. !!
14. lobllc otJet ooJ sofety. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have prlmary !$
responslblllLy over publlc order and safeLy wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro. lL shall have !%
powers over publlc order and safeLy lncludlng Lhose relaLed Lo [all managemenL, !&
flre prevenLlon, and Lralnlngs on publlc safeLy. 1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe !'
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe Lhrough Lhe !(
lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm. !)
Sect|on 3. Lxc|us|ve owers. - Lxcluslve powers are maLLers over whlch auLhorlLy and #+
[urlsdlcLlon shall perLaln Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. 1he 8angsamoro #!
CovernmenL shall exerclse Lhese powers over Lhe followlng maLLers wlLhln Lhe ##
8angsamoro: #$
1. AgrlculLure, llvesLock and food securlLy, #&
2. Lconomlc and culLural exchange, #(

3. ConLracL loans, credlLs, and oLher forms of lndebLedness wlLh any governmenL or !
prlvaLe bank and oLher lendlng lnsLlLuLlons, excepL Lhose requlrlng soverelgn #
guaranLy, whlch requlre CenLral CovernmenL approval, $
4. 1rade, lndusLry, lnvesLmenL, enLerprlses and regulaLlon of buslnesses Laklng lnLo &
conslderaLlon relevanL laws, '
3. Labor, employmenL, and occupaLlon, )
6. 8eglsLraLlon of buslness names, wlLh Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL llsLlng Lhese ln !+
Lhe hlllpplne 8uslness 8eglsLry for buslness names, !!
7. 8arLer Lrade and counLerLrade wlLh ASLAn counLrles, !$
8. Lconomlc zones and lndusLrlal cenLers, !&
9. ltee potts. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may esLabllsh free porLs ln Lhe !(
8angsamoro. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall cooperaLe wlLh Lhe CenLral !)
CovernmenL Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm on cusLoms, !*
lmmlgraLlon, quaranLlne servlce, and lnLernaLlonal commlLmenLs. 8uslness and #+
oLher enLerprlses operaLlng wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro free porLs shall be enLlLled Lo #!
Lhe flscal lncenLlves and oLher beneflLs provlded by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL Lo ##
speclal economlc zones. 8angsamoro free porLs shall be conLlguous/ad[acenL Lo #$
seaporL or alrporL wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro, #%
10. 1ourlsm, #'
11. CreaLlon of sources of revenue, #)

12. 8udgeLlng, !
13. lloooclol ooJ bookloq system - 1hls ls wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe power of $
supervlslon of Lhe 8angko SenLral ng lllplnas (8S) and provlded furLher LhaL Lhe %
8angsamoro CovernmenL, Lhe 8S, Lhe ueparLmenL of llnance (uCl), and Lhe &
naLlonal Commlsslon on Musllm llllplnos (nCMl) shall [olnLly promoLe Lhe '
developmenL of Lhe lslamlc banklng sysLem, Lo lnclude among oLhers Lhe (
esLabllshmenL of a 5botlob supervlsory board, )
14. stobllsbmeot of qovetomeot-owoeJ ooJ/ot coottolleJ cotpototloos (COcc5) ooJ !+
floooclol lostltotloos. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall leglslaLe and !!
lmplemenL Lhe creaLlon of lLs own CCCCs ln Lhe pursulL of Lhe common good, and !#
sub[ecL Lo economlc vlablllLy. 1he CCCCs shall be reglsLered wlLh Lhe SecurlLles !$
and Lxchange Commlsslon or shall be esLabllshed under leglslaLlve charLer by Lhe !%
8angsamoro CovernmenL, !&
13. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have auLhorlLy Lo regulaLe power generaLlon, !(
Lransmlsslon, and dlsLrlbuLlon operaLlng excluslvely ln Lhe 8angsamoro and noL !)
connecLed Lo Lhe naLlonal Lransmlsslon grld. lL shall promoLe lnvesLmenLs, !*
domesLlc and lnLernaLlonal, ln Lhe power secLor lndusLry ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #+
ower planLs and dlsLrlbuLlon neLworks ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall be able Lo #!
lnLerconnecL and sell power over Lhe naLlonal Lransmlsslon grld Lo elecLrlc ##
consumers. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may asslsL elecLrlc cooperaLlves ln #$
accesslng funds and Lechnology, Lo ensure Lhelr flnanclal and operaLlonal vlablllLy. #%
When power generaLlon, Lransmlsslon, and dlsLrlbuLlon faclllLles are connecLed Lo #&
Lhe naLlonal Lransmlsslon grld, Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro #'
CovernmenL shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal #(
relaLlons mechanlsm, #)

16. lobllc otllltles opetotloos lo tbe 8ooqsomoto - ln case of lnLer-reglonal uLlllLles, !
Lhere shall be cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon among Lhe relevanL governmenL #
agencles, $
17. 8ecelve granLs and donaLlons, &
18. LducaLlon and skllls Lralnlng, (
19. Sclence and Lechnology, *
20. 8esearch counclls and scholarshlps, !!
21. CulLure and language, !$
22. SporLs and recreaLlon, !&
23. 8egulaLlon of games and amusemenL operaLlons wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro, !(
24. llbtotles, moseoms, blstotlcol, coltotol ooJ otcboeoloqlcol sltes. - 1he 8angsamoro !*
CovernmenL shall have Lhe power Lo esLabllsh lLs own llbrarles and museums, and #+
declare hlsLorlcal and culLural slLes. 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall Lransfer Lhe #!
managemenL of such slLes currenLly under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe naLlonal ##
Museum, naLlonal PlsLorlcal Commlsslon, and oLher agencles of Lhe CenLral #$
CovernmenL, Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL or local governmenLs Lhereln #%
followlng cerLaln processes Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm. #&
WlLh regard Lo archaeologlcal slLes, Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall coordlnaLe #'
wlLh relevanL agencles of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL on Lhe regulaLlon, excavaLlon, #(
preservaLlon, and exporLaLlon of culLural properLles, as well as on Lhe recovery of #)
losL hlsLorlcal and culLural arLlfacLs, #*

23. 8egulaLlons on manufacLure and dlsLrlbuLlon of foods, drlnks, drugs and Lobacco !
for Lhe welfare of Lhe 8angsamoro, #
26. nojj ooJ umtob. - 1he 8angsamoro CovermenL shall have prlmary [urlsdlcLlon %
over nojj and umtob maLLers affecLlng pllgrlms from wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he &
CenLral CovernmenL shall have compeLence over nojj and umtob maLLers '
affecLlng pllgrlms comlng from ouLslde Lhe 8angsamoro. 1here ls hereby creaLed a (
8angsamoro pllgrlmage auLhorlLy LhaL shall acL ln close coordlnaLlon wlLh CenLral )
CovernmenL on bojj and omtob maLLers lnvolvlng offlces and agencles ouLslde Lhe *
8angsamoro, !+
27. CusLomary laws, !#
28. ueclaraLlon of 8angsamoro holldays, !%
29. AncesLral domaln and naLural resources, !'
30. roLecLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe lndlgenous people ln Lhe 8angsmoro ln accordance !)
wlLh Lhe unlLed naLlons ueclaraLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of lndlgenous eoples, and !*
Laklng lnLo accounL ln addlLlon Lo economlc and geographlcal crlLerla, Lhelr #+
lndlvldual and communal properLy rlghLs, culLural lnLegrlLy, cusLomary bellefs, #!
hlsLorlcal and communlLy LradlLlons. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall creaLe an ##
approprlaLe offlce or mlnlsLry for Lhe lndlgenous eoples, whlch shall be parL of #$
Lhe 8angsamoro CablneL Lo develop and lmplemenL Lhe 8angsamoro programs for #%
Lhe lndlgenous peoples ln accordance wlLh a law passed by Lhe arllamenL, #&
31. looJ moooqemeot, looJ Jlsttlbotloo, ooJ oqtlcoltotol looJ ose teclosslflcotloo. - #(
1he classlflcaLlon of publlc lands lnLo allenable and dlsposable lands shall be #)

lnlLlaLed and recommended by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL Lo Lhe resldenL for !
Lhe Llmely lmplemenLaLlon of 8angsamoro developmenL plans and LargeLs, #
32. coJosttol looJ sotvey. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo %
conducL cadasLral surveys, loL surveys, and lsolaLed and speclal surveys ln Lhe &
8angsamoro. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall furnlsh Lhe resulLs of Lhese '
surveys Lo, and coordlnaLe wlLh, relevanL CenLral CovernmenL agencles Lo effecL (
lncluslon lnLo naLlonal cadasLral survey, )
33. LxproprlaLlon and emlnenL domaln, !+
34. ovltoomeot, potks, fotest moooqemeot, wllJllfe, ootote tesetves ooJ !#
coosetvotloo. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo proLecL !$
and manage Lhe envlronmenL. lL shall have Lhe power Lo declare naLure reserves !%
and aquaLlc parks, foresLs, and waLershed reservaLlons, and oLher proLecLed areas !&
ln Lhe 8angsamoro, !'
33. lnland waLerways for navlgaLlon, !)
36. lnland waLers, #+
37. ManagemenL, regulaLlon and conservaLlon of all flshery, marlne and aquaLlc ##
resources wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon, #$
38. 8angsamoro seLLlemenLs, #&
39. CusLomary [usLlce, #(
40. 5botlob courLs and 5botlob [usLlce sysLem, #*

41. ubllc admlnlsLraLlon and bureaucracy for Lhe 8angsamoro, !
42. PealLh, provlded LhaL Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL $
shall cooperaLe wlLh and asslsL each oLher ln Lhe prevenLlon and conLrol of %
epldemlc and oLher communlcable dlseases, &
43. Soclal servlces, soclal welfare and charlLles, (
44. WasLe ManagemenL, *
43. LsLabllshmenL and supervlslon of humanlLarlan servlces and lnsLlLuLlons, !!
46. ldenLlflcaLlon, generaLlon and moblllzaLlon of lnLernaLlonal human resources for !$
capaclLy bulldlng and oLher acLlvlLles lnvolvlng Lhe same wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro. !%
1he CenLral CovernmenL shall cooperaLe wlLh and asslsL Lhe 8angsamoro !&
CovernmenL Lowards ensurlng access Lo such relevanL human resources Lhrough !'
Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm, !(
47. LsLabllshmenL of Awpof (endowmenL) and charlLable LrusLs, !*
48. nlsbob offlce for accounLablllLy as parL of Lhe 5botlob [usLlce sysLem, #!
49. 8eglsLraLlon of blrLhs, marrlages, and deaLhs, coples of whlch shall be forwarded #$
Lo Lhe hlllpplne SLaLlsLlcs AuLhorlLy, #%
30. Pouslng and human seLLlemenLs, #'
31. uevelopmenL plannlng, #)

32. urban and rural developmenL, !
33. WaLer supplles and servlces, flood conLrol and lrrlgaLlon sysLems ln Lhe $
8angsamoro, provlded LhaL wlLh regard Lo waLer supplles and servlces, flood %
conLrol and lrrlgaLlon sysLems LhaL connecL Lo or from faclllLles ouLslde Lhe &
8angsamoro, Lhere shall be cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon beLween Lhe '
8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe approprlaLe CenLral or local governmenL bodles, (
34. ubllc works and hlghways wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro, *
33. LsLabllshmenL of approprlaLe mechanlsms for consulLaLlons for women and !!
marglnallzed secLors, !#
36. Speclal developmenL programs and laws for women, Lhe youLh, Lhe elderly, labor, !%
Lhe dlfferenLly-abled, and lndlgenous culLural communlLles, !&
37. locol oJmlolsttotloo, moolclpol cotpototloos ooJ otbet locol ootbotltles locloJloq !(
tbe cteotloo of locol qovetomeots. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall manage !)
and bulld lLs own bureaucracy and admlnlsLraLlve organlzaLlon, ln accordance wlLh !*
Lhe mlnlsLerlal form of governmenL, #+
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL may creaLe, dlvlde, merge, abollsh or subsLanLlally ##
alLer boundarles of provlnces, clLles, munlclpallLles or barangays ln accordance #$
wlLh a law enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL, and sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval by #%
a ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL ln a pleblsclLe ln Lhe pollLlcal unlLs dlrecLly affecLed. #&
Sub[ecL Lo Lhe crlLerla provlded ln sald law, Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL may #'
llkewlse creaLe approprlaLe local governmenL unlLs ln Lhe areas lnhablLed #(
predomlnanLly by lndlgenous peoples, #)

Powever, when such acLs requlre Lhe creaLlon of a congresslonal dlsLrlcL, Lhe !
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall cooperaLe and coordlnaLe wlLh CenLral #
CovernmenL Lhrough Lhe hlllpplne Congress - 8angsamoro arllamenL lorum Lo $
prlorlLlze Lhe dellberaLlons on Lhe creaLlon of Lhe congresslonal dlsLrlcL, and %
38. LsLabllshmenL or creaLlon of oLher lnsLlLuLlons, pollcles and laws for Lhe general '
welfare of Lhe people ln Lhe 8angsamoro. (
Sect|on 4. Cther Lxc|us|ve owers. 1he followlng powers and compeLencles prevlously *
granLed Lo Lhe AuLonomous 8eglon ln Musllm Mlndanao (A8MM) under 8.A. no. 6734, !+
as amended by 8.A. no. 9034, are hereby Lransferred Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL !!
as parL of lLs excluslve powers: !#
a. 1o regulaLe and exerclse auLhorlLy over forelgn lnvesLmenLs wlLhln lLs !%
[urlsdlcLlon. 1he CenLral CovernmenL may lnLervene ln such maLLers only lf !&
naLlonal securlLy ls lnvolved, !'
b. 1o proclalm a sLaLe of calamlLy over lLs LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon or parLs Lhereof !)
whenever Lyphoons, flash floods, earLhquakes, Lsunamls, or oLher naLural !*
calamlLles cause wldespread damage or desLrucLlon Lo llfe or properLy ln Lhe #+
reglon. 1he sLaLe of calamlLy proclalmed by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer shall only be for #!
Lhe purpose of maxlmlzlng Lhe efforLs Lo rescue lmperlled persons and properLy ##
and Lhe expedlLlous rehablllLaLlon of Lhe damaged area, #$
c. 1o Lemporarlly Lake over or dlrecL operaLlon of any prlvaLely-owned publlc uLlllLy #&
or buslness affecLed wlLh publlc lnLeresL, ln Llmes of sLaLe of calamlLy declared by #'
Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer, when Lhe publlc lnLeresL so requlres and under such #(
reasonable Lerms and safeguards as may be prescrlbed by Lhe arllamenL. 1he #)
publlc uLlllLy or buslness concerned may conLesL Lhe Lake-over of lLs operaLlons #*

by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL by flllng a proper case or peLlLlon wlLh Lhe !
CourL of Appeals, #
d. 1o recognlze consLrucLlve or LradlLlonal possesslon of lands and resources by %
lndlgenous culLural communlLles sub[ecL Lo [udlclal afflrmaLlon, Lhe peLlLlon for &
whlch shall be lnsLlLuLed wlLhln a perlod of Len (10) years from Lhe effecLlvlLy of '
Lhls 8aslc Law. 1he procedure for [udlclal afflrmaLlon of lmperfecL LlLles under (
exlsLlng laws shall, as far as pracLlcable, apply Lo Lhe [udlclal afflrmaLlon of LlLles )
Lo ancesLral lands, *
e. 1o adopL and lmplemenL a comprehenslve urban land reform and land use !!
program, Lo ensure Lhe [usL uLlllzaLlon of lands wlLhln lLs [urlsdlcLlon, !#
f. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall have Lhe followlng powers: !%
1. 1o enacL leglslaLlon on Lhe rlghLs of Lhe people of Lhe 8angsamoro Lo lnlLlaLe !'
measures for Lhe passage, amendmenL or repeal of reglonal or local !(
leglslaLlon, Lo be consulLed on maLLers LhaL affecL Lhelr envlronmenL, Lo call !)
for a referendum on lmporLanL lssues affecLlng Lhelr llves, and, Lo recall !*
reglonal or local offlclals, #+
2. 1o conducL lnqulrles or publlc consulLaLlons ln ald of leglslaLlon ln accordance ##
wlLh lLs rules. ln connecLlon LherewlLh, lL shall have Lhe power Lo lssue #$
sobpoeoo or sobpoeoo Joces tecom Lo compel Lhe aLLendance of wlLnesses #%
and Lhe producLlon of papers, documenLs, or Lhlngs by wlLnesses or persons #&
under lnvesLlgaLlon by Lhe arllamenL, lLself, or by any of lLs commlLLees. lL #'
shall also have Lhe rlghL Lo clLe wlLnesses or persons under lnvesLlgaLlon for #(
conLempL for refusal Lo LesLlfy before lL or before any of lLs commlLLees or Lo #)
produce papers, documenLs or Lhlngs requlred by Lhe arllamenL or any of lLs #*

commlLLees. 1he rlghLs of persons appearlng ln or affecLed by such lnqulrles !
shall be respecLed, #
3. 1o enacL a law LhaL would allow Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer, Speaker of Lhe arllamenL %
and Lhe resldlng !usLlce of Lhe 8angsamoro 5botl'ob Plgh CourL Lo augmenL &
any lLem ln Lhe 8angsamoro Ceneral ApproprlaLlons Law for Lhelr respecLlve '
offlces from savlngs ln oLher lLems of Lhelr respecLlve approprlaLlons, (
4. 1o enacL a law LhaL shall regulaLe Lhe granL of franchlses and concesslons, *
and empower Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer Lo granL leases, permlLs, and llcenses over !+
agrlculLural lands and for foresL managemenL, !!
g. 1o creaLe ploneerlng flrms and oLher buslness enLlLles needed Lo boosL economlc !$
developmenL ln Lhe 8angsamoro, !%
h. 1o esLabllsh and operaLe ploneerlng publlc uLlllLles ln Lhe lnLeresL of reglonal !'
welfare and securlLy. upon paymenL of [usL compensaLlon, lL may cause Lhe !(
Lransfer of Lhe ownershlp of such uLlllLles Lo cooperaLlves or oLher collecLlve !)
organlzaLlons, !*
l. 1o supporL and encourage Lhe bulldlng up of enLrepreneurlal capablllLy ln Lhe #!
8angsamoro and Lo recognlze, promoLe, and proLecL cooperaLlves, ##
[. 1o supervlse and regulaLe prlvaLe schools ln Lhe 8angsamoro and Lo allow for #%
Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Lhree (3) represenLaLlves of prlvaLe schools ln Lhe #&
dellberaLlons of Lhe approprlaLe 8angsamoro CovernmenL's mlnlsLry or offlce on #'
maLLers deallng wlLh prlvaLe schools, #(
k. 1o be represenLed ln Lhe board of Lhe sLaLe unlverslLles and colleges (SuCs) ln #*
Lhe 8angsamoro by Lhe Chalr of Lhe approprlaLe commlLLee of Lhe 8angsamoro $+

arllamenL, elLher as co-chalr or co-vlce chalr. 1he SuCs wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro !
shall be consldered parL of Lhe 8angsamoro educaLlonal sysLem. 1hls #
noLwlLhsLandlng, Lhese SuCs shall en[oy academlc freedom and flscal auLonomy $
and shall conLlnue Lo be governed by Lhelr respecLlve charLers, %
l. 1o supervlse, Lhrough Lhe approprlaLe mlnlsLry, Lhe accredlLed moJotls ln Lhe '
8angsamoro, (
m. 1o conducL perlodlc compeLlLlve quallfylng examlnaLlons of moJotls Leachers for *
permanenL appolnLmenLs Lo Lhe 8angsamoro educaLlon sysLem, !+
n. 1o adopL measures Lo proLecL and promoLe Lhe rlghLs of people's organlzaLlons !#
and oLher collecLlve organlzaLlons, !$
o. 1o adopL measures for Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe youLh ln Lhe 8angsamoro and Lhe !&
promoLlon of Lhelr welfare, and Lo creaLe Lhe approprlaLe offlce and oLher !'
mechanlsms for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of such measures, !(
p. 1o enforce Lhe pollcy agalnsL Lhe appolnLmenL or deslgnaLlon of any member of !*
Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes ln Lhe acLlve servlce Lo a clvlllan poslLlon ln #+
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, lncludlng governmenL-owned and/or -conLrolled #!
corporaLlons, or ln any of Lhelr subsldlarles or lnsLrumenLallLles wlLhln Lhe ##
8angsamoro. #$

Art|c|e VI !
Sect|on 1. Asymmetr|c ke|at|onsh|p. - 1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe CenLral %
CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall be asymmeLrlc. 1hls ls reflecLlve of &
Lhe recognlLlon of Lhelr 8angsamoro ldenLlLy, and Lhelr asplraLlon for self-governance. '
1hls makes lL dlsLlncL from oLher reglons and oLher local governmenLs. (
Sect|on 2. ar|ty of Lsteem. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro *
CovernmenL shall be gulded by Lhe prlnclples of parlLy of esLeem and accepLed norms of !+
good governance. 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall respecL Lhe exerclse of compeLencles !!
and excluslve powers of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL !#
shall respecL Lhe exerclse of Lhe compeLencles and reserved powers of Lhe CenLral !$
CovernmenL. !%
Sect|on 3. Genera| Superv|s|on. ConslsLenL wlLh Lhe prlnclple of auLonomy and Lhe !'
asymmeLrlc relaLlon of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, Lhe !(
resldenL shall exerclse general supervlslon over Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL Lo !)
ensure LhaL laws are falLhfully execuLed. !*
Sect|on 4. Intergovernmenta| ke|at|ons Mechan|sm. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe #!
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall esLabllsh a mechanlsm aL Lhe hlghesL levels LhaL wlll ##
coordlnaLe and harmonlze Lhelr relaLlonshlps. lor Lhls purpose, a prlmary mechanlsm #$
shall be a CenLral CovernmenL - 8angsamoro CovernmenL lnLergovernmenLal 8elaLlons #%
8ody Lo resolve lssues on lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons. All dlspuLes and lssues relaLlng Lo #&
Lhese lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons shall be resolved Lhrough regular consulLaLlons and #'
conLlnulng negoLlaLlons ln a non-adversarlal manner. #(

1he lnLergovernmenLal 8elaLlons 8ody shall exhausL all means Lo resolve all lssues !
broughL before lL. unresolved lssues shall be elevaLed Lo Lhe resldenL, Lhrough Lhe #
Chlef MlnlsLer. $
1he CenLral CovernmenL shall appolnL a head Lo represenL Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. 1he &
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have a MlnlsLer who shall slL ln Lhls body, represenLlng '
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. 1he body shall be supporLed by a [olnL secreLarlaL. (
Sect|on S. Counc|| of Leaders. - 1he 8angsamoro Councll of Leaders shall conslsL of Lhe *
Chlef MlnlsLer, provlnclal governors, mayors of charLered clLles, and represenLaLlves !+
from Lhe non-Moro lndlgenous communlLles, women, seLLler communlLles, and oLher !!
secLors. 1he 8angsamoro Councll of Leaders shall be chalred by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer. 1he !#
Councll shall advlse Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer on maLLers of governance ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he !$
represenLaLlon of Lhe non-Moro lndlgenous communlLles shall be pursuanL Lo Lhelr !%
cusLomary laws and lndlgenous processes. !&
Sect|on 6. Devo|ut|on and Subs|d|ar|ty. -1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro !(
CovernmenL accepL Lhe concepL of devoluLlon as lnsplred by Lhe prlnclples of !)
subsldlarlLy. ueclslons are Lo be made aL Lhe approprlaLe level Lo ensure publlc !*
accounLablllLy and Lransparency, and ln conslderaLlon of good governance and Lhe #+
general welfare. #!
Sect|on 7. 8angsamoro Government and Its Const|tuent Loca| Government Un|ts. - #$
1he provlnces, clLles, munlclpallLles, barangays, and geographlc areas wlLhln lLs LerrlLory #%
shall be Lhe consLlLuenL unlLs of Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he auLhorlLy Lo regulaLe on lLs own #&
responslblllLy Lhe affalrs of Lhe local governmenL unlLs ls guaranLeed wlLhln Lhe llmlL of #'
Lhls 8aslc Law. 1he prlvlleges already en[oyed by Lhe local governmenL unlLs under #(
exlsLlng laws shall noL be dlmlnlshed unless oLherwlse alLered, modlfled or reformed for #)

good governance ln accordance wlLh a law Lo be enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro !
arllamenL. #
Sect|on 8. h|||pp|ne Congress - 8angsamoro ar||ament Iorum. - 1here shall be a %
hlllpplne Congress-8angsamoro arllamenL lorum for purposes of cooperaLlon and &
coordlnaLlon of leglslaLlve lnlLlaLlves. '
Sect|on 9. 8angsamoro art|c|pat|on |n Centra| Government. - lL shall be Lhe pollcy of )
Lhe CenLral CovernmenL Lo appolnL compeLenL and quallfled lnhablLanLs of Lhe *
8angsamoro ln Lhe followlng offlces ln Lhe CenLral CovernmenL: aL leasL one (1) CablneL !+
SecreLary, aL leasL one (1) ln each of Lhe oLher deparLmenLs, offlces and bureaus, !!
holdlng execuLlve, prlmarlly confldenLlal, hlghly Lechnlcal, pollcy-deLermlnlng poslLlons, !#
and one (1) Commlssloner ln each of Lhe consLlLuLlonal bodles. !$
1he recommendaLlons of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall be channeled Lhrough Lhe !&
lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsms. !'
Sect|on 10. Ass|stance to Cther 8angsamoro Commun|t|es. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL !)
shall ensure Lhe proLecLlon of Lhe rlghLs of Lhe 8angsamoro people resldlng ouLslde Lhe !*
LerrlLory of Lhe 8angsamoro and underLake programs for Lhe rehablllLaLlon and #+
developmenL of Lhelr communlLles. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may provlde #!
asslsLance Lo Lhelr communlLles Lo enhance Lhelr economlc, soclal and culLural ##
developmenL. #$

Art|c|e VII !
Sect|on 1! owers of Government. - 1he powers of governmenL shall be vesLed ln Lhe %
8angsamoro arllamenL, whlch shall exerclse Lhose powers and funcLlons expressly &
granLed Lo lL ln Lhls 8aslc Law, and Lhose necessary for or lncldenLal Lo Lhe proper '
governance and developmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro. lL shall seL pollcles, leglslaLe on (
maLLers wlLhln lLs auLhorlLy, and elecL a Chlef MlnlsLer, who shall exerclse execuLlve )
auLhorlLy ln lLs behalf. *
Sect|on 2. Leg|s|at|ve Author|ty. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall have Lhe auLhorlLy !!
Lo enacL laws on maLLers LhaL are wlLhln Lhe powers and compeLencles of Lhe !#
8angsamoro CovernmenL. !$
Sect|on 3. Lxecut|ve Author|ty. - 1he execuLlve funcLlon and auLhorlLy shall be exerclsed !&
by Lhe CablneL, whlch shall be headed by a Chlef MlnlsLer. 1he Chlef MlnlsLer who heads !'
Lhe mlnlsLerlal governmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be elecLed by a ma[orlLy voLe of Lhe !(
arllamenL from among lLs members. !)
1he Chlef MlnlsLer shall appolnL Lhe uepuLy Chlef MlnlsLer from among Lhe Members of #+
arllamenL, and Lhe members of Lhe CablneL, ma[orlLy of whom shall also come from #!
Lhe arllamenL. ##
8angsamoro ar||ament #%
Sect|on 4. Compos|t|on. - 1he arllamenL shall be composed of aL leasL slxLy (60) #'
members, unless oLherwlse provlded by Lhe arllamenL, who are represenLaLlves of #(
pollLlcal parLles elecLed Lhrough a sysLem of proporLlonal represenLaLlon, Lhose elecLed #)

from slngle member dlsLrlcLs and Lo reserved seaLs Lo represenL key secLors ln Lhe !
8angsamoro, excepL as oLherwlse provlded under Lhls ArLlcle. #
Sect|on S. C|ass|f|cat|on and A||ocat|on of Seats. - 1he seaLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro %
arllamenL shall be classlfled and allocaLed as follows: &
(1) ulsttlct 5eots. - lorLy percenL (40) of Lhe Members of arllamenL shall be (
elecLed from slngle member parllamenLary dlsLrlcLs apporLloned for Lhe areas )
and ln Lhe manner provlded ln Lhe Appendlx of Lhls 8aslc Law. *
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL may by law underLake new redlsLrlcLlng ln order Lo !!
ensure a more equlLable represenLaLlon of Lhe consLlLuencles ln Lhe 8angsamoro !#
arllamenL. !$
1he dlsLrlcL represenLaLlves shall be elecLed Lhrough dlrecL, plurallLy voLe by Lhe !&
reglsLered voLers ln Lhe parllamenLary dlsLrlcLs. !'
(2) lotty kepteseototlves. - llfLy percenL (30) of Lhe Members of arllamenL shall !)
be represenLaLlves of pollLlcal parLles who wln seaLs Lhrough a sysLem of !*
proporLlonal represenLaLlon based on Lhe whole 8angsamoro LerrlLory. arLles #+
shall submlL Lhelr respecLlve llsL of approved candldaLes prlor Lo Lhe elecLlon. #!
(3) kesetveJ 5eots, 5ectotol kepteseototlves. - SecLoral represenLaLlves, consLlLuLlng #$
Len percenL (10) of Lhe Members of arllamenL, lncludlng Lwo (2) reserved #%
seaLs each for non-Moro lndlgenous communlLles and seLLler communlLles. #&
Women shall also have a reserved seaL. #'
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall deLermlne Lhe manner of elecLlon of secLoral and #)
oLher represenLaLlon ln Lhe arllamenL. #*

Sect|on 6. L|ect|on for keserved Seats for Non-Moro Ind|genous eop|es. - !
noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe lmmedlaLely precedlng secLlons, reserved seaLs for Lhe non-Moro #
lndlgenous peoples, such as, 1eduray, Lambanglan, uulangan Manobo, 8'laan and $
Plgaonon, shall be pursuanL Lo Lhelr cusLomary laws and lndlgenous processes based on %
Lhe followlng: &
a. rlmacy of cusLomary laws and pracLlces, (
b. rlmacy of consensus bulldlng, *
c. AccepLablllLy of Lhe communlLy, !!
d. lncluslvlLy and full parLlclpaLlon, !$
e. 8epresenLaLlon of Lhe collecLlve lnLeresLs and asplraLlons of non-Moro !&
lndlgenous peoples, !'
f. SusLalnablllLy and sLrengLhenlng of lndlgenous ollLlcal SLrucLures, !)
g. 1rack record and capablllLy, and #+
h. Cender equlLy. ##
Sect|on 7. keg|ona| art|es. - A free and open reglonal parLy sysLem shall be allowed Lo #%
evolve accordlng Lo Lhe free cholce of Lhe people. 1owards Lhls end, only reglonal #&
pollLlcal parLles duly accredlLed by Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce may parLlclpaLe ln #'
Lhe parllamenLary elecLlons ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #(

Sect|on 8. ked|str|ct|ng. - 1he arllamenL shall have Lhe power Lo reconsLlLuLe, by law, !
Lhe parllamenLary dlsLrlcLs apporLloned among Lhe provlnces, clLles, munlclpallLles, and #
geographlc areas of Lhe 8angsamoro Lo ensure equlLable represenLaLlon ln Lhe $
arllamenL. 1he redlsLrlcLlng, merglng or creaLlon, of parllamenLary dlsLrlcLs shall be %
based on Lhe number of lnhablLanLs and addlLlonal provlnces, clLles, munlclpallLles, and &
geographlc areas, whlch shall become parL of Lhe LerrlLorles of Lhe 8angsamoro '
CovernmenL. (
lor Lhe purpose of redlsLrlcLlng, parllamenLary dlsLrlcLs shall be apporLloned based on *
populaLlon and geographlcal area, rovlded LhaL each dlsLrlcL shall comprlse, as far as !+
pracLlcable, conLlguous, compacL, and ad[acenL LerrlLory and should have aL leasL a !!
populaLlon of one hundred Lhousand (100,000). !#
Sect|on 9. 8angsamoro L|ectora| Code. - 1he 8angsamoro 1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy shall !%
enacL Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Code, whlch shall be correlaLed Lo naLlonal elecLlon !&
laws, lnsofar as Lhese are conslsLenL wlLh Lhls 8aslc Law. 1he elecLoral sysLem shall allow !'
democraLlc parLlclpaLlon, ensure accounLablllLy of publlc offlcers prlmarlly Lo Lhelr !(
consLlLuenLs and encourage formaLlon of genulnely prlnclpled pollLlcal parLles. !)
1here ls hereby creaLed a 8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce whlch shall be a parL of Lhe #+
Commlsslon on LlecLlons, and whlch shall perform Lhe funcLlons of Lhe Commlsslon on #!
LlecLlons ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall submlL a llsL of Lhree (3) ##
recommendees Lo Lhe resldenL, who shall choose and appolnL from among Lhem Lhe #$
ulrecLor Ceneral, who shall head Lhe Cfflce. ln addlLlon Lo enforclng naLlonal elecLlon #%
laws ln Lhe 8angsamoro, Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce shall llkewlse lmplemenL Lhe #&
8angsamoro LlecLoral Code enacLed by arllamenL ln Lhe 8angsamoro, and shall #'
perform Lhe followlng funcLlons: #(
1. 8eglsLer and accredlL reglonal pollLlcal parLles, #*

2. ln relaLlon Lo pleblsclLe for [olnlng Lhe 8angsamoro, recelve !
peLlLlons/resoluLlons Lo [oln from geographlc areas, #
3. Schedule pleblsclLes for expanslon, and $
4. repare rules and regulaLlons for 8angsamoro elecLlons and pleblsclLes, for %
Lhe promulgaLlon of Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons. All rules and regulaLlons &
governlng 8angsamoro elecLlons and pleblsclLes shall emanaLe from Lhe '
8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce. (
Sect|on 10. 8udget for the 8angsamoro L|ectora| Cff|ce. - 1he budgeL for Lhe *
8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce shall be lncluded ln Lhe approprlaLlons for Lhe Commlsslon !+
on LlecLlons. !!
Sect|on 11. 1erm of Cff|ce. - 1he Lerm of offlce of members of arllamenL shall be Lhree !$
(3) years unless oLherwlse provlded by law passed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. no !%
member shall serve for more Lhan Lhree (3) consecuLlve Lerms. !&
Sect|on 12. ua||f|cat|ons. - no person shall be a Member of arllamenL unless he or !(
she ls clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes, aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) years of age on Lhe day of Lhe !)
elecLlon, able Lo read and wrlLe, and a reglsLered voLer ln Lhe 8angsamoro. lor dlsLrlcL !*
represenLaLlves, he or she musL be a reglsLered voLer of Lhe dlsLrlcL ln whlch he or she ls #+
a candldaLe on Lhe day he or she flles hls or her cerLlflcaLe of candldacy, and has reslded #!
ln sald dlsLrlcL for aL leasL Lhree (3) years lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe day of Lhe elecLlon. ##
lor Lhe flrsL regular elecLlons lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe enacLmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro #%
8aslc Law, Lhe abovemenLloned resldency requlremenL shall be reduced Lo one (1) year #&
lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe day of Lhe elecLlon. #'
Sect|on 13. Sa|ar|es of ar||ament Members. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall #)
deLermlne Lhe salarles and emolumenLs of lLs members. no lncrease ln sald #*

compensaLlon shall Lake effecL unLll afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe full Lerm of all Lhe !
members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL approvlng such lncrease. #
lor Lhe flrsL 8angsamoro arllamenL, salarles and emolumenLs of lLs members shall be %
deLermlned by law passed by Lhe 8angsamoro 1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy (81A). &
Members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall noL recelve durlng Lhelr Lenure oLher (
salary and emolumenLs from Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL or from Lhe CenLral )
CovernmenL excepL as provlded by law or regulaLlons from Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. *
Sect|on 14. D|sc|osure. - Members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall, upon Lhelr !!
assumpLlon Lo offlce, make full dlsclosure of Lhelr flnanclal and buslness lnLeresLs, !#
lncludlng Lhose of Lhelr spouses and chlldren. 1hey shall noLlfy Lhe 8angsamoro !$
arllamenL of any poLenLlal confllcL of lnLeresL LhaL may arlse from Lhe flllng of bllls or !%
resoluLlons of whlch Lhey are auLhors. !&
Any member found gullLy of non-dlsclosure as requlred under Lhls SecLlon may be !(
sub[ecL Lo dlsclpllnary acLlon by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL ln accordance wlLh lLs 8ules !)
and wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo hls/her oLher llablllLles under Lhe law. !*
Sect|on 1S. roh|b|t|on Aga|nst Conf||ct of Interest. - 1he Chlef MlnlsLer, uepuLy Chlef #!
MlnlsLer and all Lhe members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL, durlng Lhelr Lerm, shall ##
noL engage, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly, ln any buslness or commerclal enLerprlse where Lhere #$
may be a confllcL of lnLeresL ln Lhe exerclse of Lhe funcLlons of Lhelr respecLlve offlces. #%
Sect|on 16. Iorfe|ture of Seat! - A Member of arllamenL shall forfelL hls or her seaL lf: #'
a. Pe/she reslgns volunLarlly ln Lhe form of elLher a wrlLLen or oral declaraLlon ln Lhe #)
arllamenL, #*

b. Pe/she ls convlcLed of a grave offense as sLlpulaLed ln Lhe Pouse 8ules LhaL Lhe !
8angsamoro arllamenL wlll promulgaLe pursuanL Lo ArL vll Sec 19 of Lhls 8aslc #
Law, or Lreason, hlgh crlmes, helnous crlmes, crlmes agalnsL morallLy or oLher $
crlmes punlshable by more Lhan slx (6) years, %
c. Pe/she becomes permanenLly physlcally or menLally lncapaclLaLed and ls unable '
Lo dlscharge hls/her duLles as Member of arllamenL or dles whlle ln offlce, (
d. Pe/she, havlng been elecLed under Lhe proporLlonal represenLaLlon sysLem, ls *
replaced by Lhe parLy Lo whlch he/she belongs wlLh anoLher member of sald parLy, !+
e. Pe/she, havlng been elecLed under Lhe proporLlonal represenLaLlon sysLem, !#
Lransfers Lo anoLher parLy durlng hls/her lncumbency as Member of arllamenL, !$
and !%
f. Such oLher grounds as may be provlded ln Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Code as !'
menLloned ln ArLlcle vll, SecLlon 9 hereof. !(
Sect|on 17. I||||ng of Vacancy. - ln case of a vacancy of a proporLlonal represenLaLlon !*
seaL, Lhe parLy Lo whlch LhaL seaL belongs shall flll Lhe vacancy. #+
ln case of a vacancy of a dlsLrlcL seaL by an afflllaLed Member of arllamenL, hls/her ##
parLy shall nomlnaLe a replacemenL wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe occurrence of such #$
vacancy, and Lhe sald nomlnee shall be appolnLed by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer. #%
ln case of a vacancy ln Lhe seaL occupled by an unafflllaLed Member of arllamenL, a #'
speclal elecLlon may be called Lo flll such vacancy ln Lhe manner prescrlbed by law #(
enacLed by arllamenL. #)

1he appolnLee or elecLed Member of arllamenL, as Lhe case may be, shall serve Lhe !
unexplred Lerm of Lhe vacanL offlce. #
Sect|on 18. r|v||eges and Immun|t|es. - no member of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL %
may be arresLed whlle Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL ls ln sesslon, excepL for crlmes &
punlshable by more Lhan slx (6) years of lmprlsonmenL. 1he members of Lhe '
8angsamoro arllamenL may noL be quesLloned ln any oLher place of held llable for any (
speech or debaLe dellvered ln Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL sesslons or meeLlngs of lLs )
commlLLees. *
Sect|on 19. Sess|ons of the 8angsamoro ar||ament. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall !!
conducL lLs regular sesslon once every year sLarLlng on Lhe 13
of !une up Lo LhlrLy (30) !#
days before Lhe openlng of lLs nexL regular sesslon. A speclal or emergency sesslon may !$
be called by Lhe Speaker, upon Lhe requesL of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer or by a ma[orlLy of Lhe !%
members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. !&
Sect|on 20. Cff|cers of the 8angsamoro ar||ament. - Cn Lhe flrsL sesslon followlng !(
Lhelr elecLlon, Lhe members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall, ln open sesslon, elecL !)
by a slmple ma[orlLy voLe from all lLs members Lhe Speaker, a uepuLy Speaker, and Lhe !*
oLher offlcers of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL as Lhe Pouse 8ules of Lhe 8angsamoro #+
arllamenL may provlde. #!
ln case of deaLh, removal, reslgnaLlon, or permanenL dlsablllLy or legal lncapaclLy of Lhe #$
Speaker, Lhe uepuLy Speaker shall acL as Speaker unLll a new Speaker shall have been #%
elecLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. #&
Sect|on 21. res|d|ng Cff|cer. - 1he Speaker, uepuLy Speaker, or any oLher person #(
presldlng over Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall: #)

a. 8e lndependenL, !
b. Serve Lo secure Lhe honor and dlgnlLy of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL, $
c. 8e responslble for ensurlng - (l) Lhe rlghLs and prlvlleges of all members, and (ll) &
publlc access Lo Lhe proceedlng of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL and lLs commlLLees, '
d. Pave Lhe auLhorlLy and moral ascendancy Lo malnLaln order and decorum ln Lhe )
8angsamoro arllamenL, ln accordance wlLh lLs Pouse 8ules, and *
e. AcL lmparLlally, and wlLhouL fear, favor and pre[udlce. !!
Sect|on 22. ku|es of rocedure. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall adopL lLs Pouse !$
8ules for Lhe conducL of lLs buslness. !%
Sect|on 23. roceed|ngs. - A ma[orlLy of all Lhe members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL !'
shall consLlLuLe a quorum Lo do buslness. 1he leglslaLlve proceedlngs ln Lhe 8angsamoro !(
arllamenL shall be recorded ln lLs orlglnal form and LranslaLed ln Lhe llllplno, Arablc and !)
Lngllsh languages. unless oLherwlse provlded by law or Lhe Pouse 8ules of Lhe !*
8angsamoro arllamenL, Lhe members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL may use any of #+
Lhe commonly undersLandable naLlve languages durlng leglslaLlve dellberaLlons. #!
Sect|on 24. Genera| We|fare. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall pass laws LhaL #$
promoLe Lhe general welfare of Lhe people ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #%
Sect|on 2S. Appropr|at|ons. - no publlc money may be spenL wlLhouL an approprlaLlons #'
acL clearly deflnlng Lhe purpose for whlch lL ls lnLended. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL #(
shall pass an annual approprlaLlons law. #)

Sect|on 26. 8udget. - 1he form, conLenL, and manner of preparaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro !
budgeL shall be prescrlbed by law enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. endlng Lhe #
enacLmenL of such law, Lhe budgeLlng process shall be governed by exlsLlng laws, rules, $
and regulaLlons on budgeL. %
Sect|on 27. keenacted 8udget. - lf, by Lhe end of a flscal year, Lhe 8angsamoro '
arllamenL shall have falled Lo pass Lhe 8angsamoro approprlaLlons blll for Lhe ensulng (
flscal year, Lhe 8angsamoro ApproprlaLlons AcL for Lhe precedlng year shall be deemed )
auLomaLlcally reenacLed and shall remaln ln force and effecL unLll a new 8angsamoro *
approprlaLlons law ls enacLed by arllamenL. !+
Lxecut|ve Cff|cers !#
Sect|on 28. ua||f|cat|ons of the Ch|ef M|n|ster. - no person may be elecLed as Lhe !%
Chlef MlnlsLer unless he/she ls aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) years of age aL Lhe Llme of Lhe !&
elecLlon, a booo flJe resldenL of Lhe 8angsamoro for Lhree (3) years lmmedlaLely !'
precedlng Lhe day of Lhe elecLlons, and wlLh proven compeLence and problLy, menLally !(
flL, and known for hls/her lnLegrlLy and hlgh moral sLandards. !)
lor Lhe flrsL elecLlon of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer lmmedlaLely followlng Lhe enacLmenL of Lhe #+
8angsamoro 8aslc Law, Lhe abovemenLloned resldency requlremenL shall be reduced Lo #!
one (1) year lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe day of Lhe elecLlon. ##
Sect|on 29. L|ect|on of the Ch|ef M|n|ster. - Cn Lhe lnaugural sesslon of Lhe #%
8angsamoro arllamenL followlng Lhelr elecLlons, Lhe members of Lhe arllamenL shall, #&
ln open sesslon, elecL Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs members. #'
lf no member of 8angsamoro arllamenL obLalns Lhe ma[orlLy voLe necessary Lo be #)
elecLed Chlef MlnlsLer ln Lhe flrsL round of voLlng, a runoff elecLlon shall be conducLed. #*

ln such case, Lhe members of 8angsamoro arllamenL shall elecL Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer from !
Lhe Lwo (2) candldaLes who obLalned Lhe hlghesL number of voLes casL ln Lhe flrsL round. #
1here shall be no absLenLlons allowed ln Lhe runoff elecLlon. $
Sect|on 30. owers, Dut|es and Iunct|ons of the Ch|ef M|n|ster. - unless oLherwlse &
provlded by law, Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer shall exerclse Lhe followlng powers, duLles and '
funcLlons: (
a. Peads Lhe governmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro, *
b. AppolnLs heads of mlnlsLrles, agencles, bureaus, offlces of Lhe 8angsamoro !!
CovernmenL or oLher offlcers of 8angsamoro owned and/or conLrolled !#
corporaLlons or enLlLles wlLh orlglnal charLers, !$
c. AppolnLs oLher offlcers ln Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, as may be provlded by !&
Lhe arllamenL, !'
d. lormulaLes plaLform of governmenL sub[ecL Lo approval by Lhe arllamenL, !)
e. lssues execuLlve orders and oLher pollcles of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, #+
f. 8epresenLs Lhe governmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro ln affalrs ouLslde Lhe 8angsamoro, ##
and #$
g. Lxerclses such oLher powers and funcLlons lnherenL Lo Lhe poslLlon. #&
Sect|on 31. Adm|n|strat|on of Cath of the Ch|ef M|n|ster. 1he woll shall admlnlsLer Lhe #(
oaLh of offlce of all Lhe Members of arllamenL, lncludlng Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer upon #)
hls/her elecLlon. #*

Sect|on 32. Lx-Cff|c|o Membersh|p. - 1he Chlef MlnlsLer shall be an ex-offlclo member !
of Lhe naLlonal SecurlLy Councll (nSC) on maLLers concernlng Lhe 8angsamoro and of Lhe #
naLlonal Lconomlc and uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy 8oard (nLuA). $
Sect|on 33. 1he Deputy Ch|ef M|n|ster. - 1he uepuLy Chlef MlnlsLer shall be appolnLed &
by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer from among Lhe members of Lhe arllamenL and may hold a '
cablneL poslLlon. (
ln case of deaLh, removal, reslgnaLlon or lncapaclLy of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer, Lhe uepuLy *
Chlef MlnlsLer shall Lemporarlly acL as Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer unLll Lhe arllamenL shall have !+
elecLed a new Chlef MlnlsLer. Sald elecLlon shall be held wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe !!
occurrence of Lhe vacancy. !#
Sect|on 34. Ca|| for a New 8angsamoro ar||ament L|ect|on. - WlLhln sevenLy-Lwo (72) !%
hours upon a Lwo-Lhlrds (2/3) voLe of no confldence of all members of arllamenL !&
agalnsL Lhe governmenL of Lhe day, Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer shall advlse Lhe woll Lo dlssolve !'
Lhe arllamenL and call for a new parllamenLary elecLlon. ln no case shall Lhe woll !(
counLermand Lhe advlce of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer. !)
1he woll shall call for elecLlon of a new 8angsamoro arllamenL on a daLe noL laLer Lhan #+
one hundred LwenLy (120) days from Lhe daLe of dlssoluLlon. #!
ln case of dlssoluLlon, Lhe lncumbenL Chlef MlnlsLer and Lhe CablneL shall conLlnue Lo #$
conducL Lhe affalrs of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL unLll a new arllamenL ls convened #%
and a Chlef MlnlsLer ls elecLed and has quallfled. #&

Art|c|e VIII !
#$%& #
Sect|on 1. 1|tu|ar nead of the 8angsamoro. - 1here shall be a woll who shall be Lhe %
LlLular head of Lhe 8angsamoro. As LlLular head, Lhe woll shall Lake on only ceremonlal &
funcLlons. '
1he woll, as parL of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, shall be under Lhe general )
supervlslon of Lhe resldenL. *
Sect|on 2. Appo|ntment of #'()! - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall lssue a resoluLlon !!
reflecLlng lLs consensus on Lhe selecLlon of Lhe woll from a llsL of names of emlnenL !#
resldenLs of Lhe 8angsamoro submlLLed by Lhe Councll of Leaders. !$
Sect|on 3. 1erm of Cff|ce of #'(). - 1he flrsL woll shall be appolnLed by Lhe 8angsamoro !&
1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy (81A) and shall hold offlce for Lhree (3) years. Lach succeedlng woll !'
shall have a Lerm of slx (6) years. !(
Sect|on 4. A||owances of the #'()! * 1he flrsL woll shall recelve allowances ln such !*
amounL as may be deLermlned by Lhe 81A. 1he allowances of Lhe woll subsequenLly #+
chosen shall be deLermlned by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. #!
Such allowances shall be sourced from Lhe funds of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL and #$
shall be provlded for ln lLs annual approprlaLlons law. #%

Art|c|e Ik !
8ASIC kIGn1S #
Sect|on 1. 8as|c k|ghts |n the 8angsamoro. - ln addlLlon Lo Lhe baslc rlghLs already %
en[oyed by Lhe clLlzens resldlng ln Lhe 8angsamoro, Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall &
guaranLee Lhe followlng enforceable rlghLs: '
a. 8lghL Lo llfe and Lo lnvlolablllLy of one's person and dlgnlLy, )
b. 8lghL Lo freedom and expresslon of rellglon and bellefs, !+
c. 8lghL Lo prlvacy, !#
d. 8lghL Lo freedom of speech, !%
e. 8lghL Lo express pollLlcal oplnlon and pursue democraLlcally pollLlcal asplraLlons, !'
f. 8lghL Lo seek consLlLuLlonal change by peaceful and leglLlmaLe means, !)
g. 8lghL of women Lo meanlngful pollLlcal parLlclpaLlon and proLecLlon from all #+
forms of vlolence, #!
h. 8lghL Lo freely choose one's place of resldence and Lhe lnvlolablllLy of Lhe home, #$
l. 8lghL Lo equal opporLunlLy and non-dlscrlmlnaLlon ln soclal and economlc acLlvlLy #&
and Lhe publlc servlce, regardless of class, creed, dlsablllLy, gender and eLhnlclLy, #'
[. 8lghL Lo esLabllsh culLural and rellglous assoclaLlons, #)

k. 8lghL Lo freedom from rellglous, eLhnlc and secLarlan harassmenL, !
l. 8lghL Lo redress of grlevances and due process of law, and $
m. 8lghL Lo free publlc educaLlon ln Lhe elemenLary and hlgh school levels, &
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL may pass a law for Lhe promoLlon and proLecLlon of Lhe (
above-enumeraLed rlghLs. )
Sect|on 2. numan k|ghts. - All laws and pollcles, lncludlng cusLomary laws, shall !+
conform Lo lnLernaLlonal human rlghLs and humanlLarlan sLandards. 1he rlghLs under !!
Lhe lnLernaLlonal CovenanL on Lconomlc, Soclal and CulLural 8lghLs (lCLSC8), Lhe !#
lnLernaLlonal CovenanL on Clvll and ollLlcal 8lghLs (lCC8) and oLher lnLernaLlonal !$
human rlghLs lnsLrumenLs shall be guaranLeed by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe !%
8angsamoro CovernmenL. !&
Sect|on 3. Vested roperty k|ghts. - vesLed properLy rlghLs shall be recognlzed and !(
respecLed. !)
WlLh respecL Lo leglLlmaLe grlevances of Lhe 8angsamoro people arlslng from any un[usL #+
dlspossesslon of Lhelr LerrlLorlal and proprleLary rlghLs, cusLomary land Lenure or Lhelr #!
marglnallzaLlon shall be acknowledged. Whenever resLoraLlon ls no longer posslble, Lhe ##
CenLral CovernmenL and 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall Lake effecLlve measures for #$
adequaLe reparaLlon of Lhe loss ln such quallLy, quanLlLy and sLaLus collecLlvely #%
beneflclal Lo Lhe 8angsamoro people, and Lo be deLermlned muLually by boLh #&
CovernmenLs. #'
Sect|on 4. 1rans|t|ona| Iust|ce. - 1here shall be creaLed a LranslLlonal [usLlce mechanlsm #)
Lo address Lhe leglLlmaLe grlevances of Lhe 8angsamoro people, such as hlsLorlcal #*

ln[usLlces, human rlghLs vlolaLlons, marglnallzaLlon Lhrough un[usL dlspossesslon of Lhelr !
LerrlLorlal and proprleLary rlghLs and cusLomary land Lenure. #
Sect|on S. Ind|genous eop|e's k|ghts. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL recognlzes Lhe %
rlghLs of Lhe lndlgenous peoples, and shall adopL measures for Lhe promoLlon and &
proLecLlon of Lhelr rlghLs, Lhe rlghL Lo Lhelr naLlve LlLles and/or fosoko loqeJ, lndlgenous '
cusLoms and LradlLlons, [usLlce sysLems and lndlgenous pollLlcal sLrucLures, Lhe rlghL Lo (
an equlLable share ln revenues from Lhe uLlllzaLlon of resources ln Lhelr ancesLral lands, )
Lhe rlghL Lo free and prlor lnformed consenL, rlghL Lo pollLlcal parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe *
8angsamoro CovernmenL lncludlng reserved seaLs for Lhe lndlgenous peoples ln Lhe !+
8angsamoro arllamenL, Lhe rlghL Lo baslc servlces and Lhe rlghL Lo freedom of cholce as !!
Lo Lhelr ldenLlLy. !#
Sect|on 6. Customary k|ghts and 1rad|t|ons. - 1he cusLoms, bellefs and LradlLlons of Lhe !%
people ln Lhe 8angsamoro are hereby recognlzed, proLecLed and guaranLeed. !&
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall adopL measures Lo ensure muLual respecL and !(
proLecLlon of Lhe dlsLlncL bellefs, cusLoms and LradlLlons of Lhe 8angsamoro people and !)
Lhe oLher lnhablLanLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro. !*
no person ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall be sub[ecLed Lo any form of dlscrlmlnaLlon on #!
accounL of creed, rellglon, eLhnlc orlgln, parenLage, or sex. ##
Sect|on 7. 8angsamoro numan k|ghts Comm|ss|on. - 1here ls hereby creaLed a #%
8angsamoro Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon, whlch shall be lndependenL and lmparLlal, Lo #&
ensure Lhe promoLlon and proLecLlon of human rlghLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro. ln Lhe #'
performance of lLs mandaLe, Lhe Commlsslon may exerclse, among oLhers, lnvesLlgaLory #(
powers, prosecuLorlal powers and powers Lo compel aLLendance of wlLnesses and Lhe #)
producLlon of evldence. #*

1he Commlsslon shall submlL a reporL on lLs acLlvlLles and performance aL leasL once a !
year Lo Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. CLher sLaLe lnsLrumenLallLles ln Lhe 8angsamoro #
shall asslsL Lhe Commlsslon and ensure lLs lndependence, lmparLlallLy, dlgnlLy and $
effecLlveness. 1he Commlsslon shall have a coordlnaLlve and complemenLary %
relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe naLlonal Commlsslon on Puman 8lghLs ln carrylng ouL lLs mandaLe. &
ueLalls perLalnlng Lo Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe Commlsslon, such as membershlp of Lhe (
Commlsslon, Lerms of offlce, and compeLencles and responslblllLles, shall be provlded by )
Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL conslsLenL wlLh Lhe provlslons of Lhls 8aslc Law. *
Soc|a| Iust|ce !!
Sect|on 8. De||very of 8as|c Serv|ces. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall provlde, !$
malnLaln, and ensure Lhe dellvery of, among oLher Lhlngs, baslc and responslve healLh !%
programs, quallLy educaLlon, approprlaLe servlces, llvellhood opporLunlLles, affordable !&
and progresslve houslng pro[ecLs, and waLer resource developmenL Lo Lhe 8angsamoro !'
people and oLher lnhablLanLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro. lL shall malnLaln approprlaLe dlsasLer- !(
preparedness unlLs for lmmedlaLe and effecLlve rellef servlces Lo vlcLlms of naLural and !)
man-made calamlLles. lL shall also ensure Lhe rehablllLaLlon of calamlLy areas and vlcLlms !*
of calamlLles. #+
Sect|on 9. k|ghts of Labor. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall guaranLee all ##
fundamenLal rlghLs of all workers Lo self-organlzaLlon, collecLlve bargalnlng and #$
negoLlaLlons, and peaceful concerLed acLlvlLles, lncludlng Lhe rlghL Lo sLrlke, ln #%
accordance wlLh law Lo be passed by arllamenL. ln Lhls regard, Lhe rlghL of workers, #&
wheLher publlcly or prlvaLely employed, Lo form unlons, assoclaLlons or federaLlons shall #'
noL be abrldged. #(

1he workers shall parLlclpaLe ln pollcy and declslon-maklng processes affecLlng Lhelr !
rlghLs and beneflLs, as may be provlded by law Lo be enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro #
arllamenL. $
1he rlghL of workers Lo securlLy of Lenure, humane condlLlons of work, and a llvlng wage &
shall be guaranLeed. '
no Lrafflcklng ln persons and engagemenL of mlnors ln any hazardous or deleLerlous )
forms of employmenL shall be LoleraLed. *
1hese rlghLs shall be provlded for ln a law Lo be passed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. !!
Sect|on 10. rotect|on of Women and Ch||dren. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall !$
uphold and proLecL Lhe fundamenLal rlghLs of women and chlldren lncludlng Lhe rlghL of !%
women Lo engage ln lawful employmenL. Women and chlldren especlally orphans of !&
Lender age, shall be proLecLed from explolLaLlon, abuse or dlscrlmlnaLlon. 1he !'
8angsamoro arllamenL shall enacL Lhe necessary laws for Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls !(
secLlon. !)
Sect|on 11. art|c|pat|on of Women |n the 8angsamoro Government. - Aslde from Lhe #+
reserved seaL for women ln Lhe arllamenL, Lhere shall be aL leasL one (1) quallfled #!
woman Lo be appolnLed Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CablneL. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall ##
enacL a law LhaL glves recognlLlon Lo Lhe lmporLanL role of women ln naLlon-bulldlng and #$
reglonal developmenL and ensures represenLaLlon of women ln oLher declslon-maklng #%
and pollcy-deLermlnlng bodles of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #&
Sect|on 12. k|ghts of Ch||dren. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall respecL, proLecL, #(
and promoLe Lhe rlghLs of Lhe chlldren. #)

8angsamoro pollcles and programs musL Lake lnLo uLmosL conslderaLlon Lhe besL !
lnLeresL of Lhe chlld, non-dlscrlmlnaLlon of chlldren, survlval and developmenL, #
proLecLlon and rlghLs of chlldren, youLh and adolescenLs. $
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL and consLlLuenL local governmenL unlLs shall provlde for &
adequaLe fundlng and effecLlve mechanlsms for lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls pollcy. '
k|ght to Lducat|on )
Sect|on 13. Integrated System of ua||ty Lducat|on. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL !+
shall esLabllsh, malnLaln, and supporL, as a Lop prlorlLy, a compleLe and lnLegraLed !!
sysLem of quallLy educaLlon and adopL an educaLlonal framework LhaL ls relevanL, and !#
responslve Lo Lhe needs, ldeals, and asplraLlons of Lhe 8angsamoro. !$
Sect|on 14. 1r|ba| Un|vers|ty System. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall creaLe a Lrlbal !&
unlverslLy sysLem wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro Lo address Lhe hlgher educaLlonal needs of Lhe !'
lndlgenous culLural communlLles ln Lhe 8angsamoro. !(
k|ght to nea|th !*
Sect|on 1S. Comprehens|ve and Integrated nea|th Serv|ce De||very. - 1he 8angsamoro #!
shall adopL a pollcy on healLh LhaL provldes for a comprehenslve and lnLegraLed healLh ##
servlce dellvery for lLs consLlLuenLs. 1he 8angsamoro shall, by law, esLabllsh a general #$
hosplLal sysLem Lo serve Lhe healLh requlremenLs of lLs people, Lo ensure LhaL Lhe #%
lndlvldual baslc rlghL Lo llfe shall be aLLalnable Lhrough Lhe prompL lnLervenLlon of #&
excellenL and affordable medlcal servlces. 1he 8angsamoro shall also uphold Lhe #'
people's rlghL Lo have access Lo essenLlal goods, healLh and oLher soclal servlces LhaL #(
would promoLe Lhelr well-belng. #)

Sect|on 16. Support for ersons w|th D|sab|||t|es. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall !
esLabllsh a speclal agency and supporL faclllLles for persons wlLh dlsablllLles and oLher #
dlsadvanLaged persons for Lhelr rehablllLaLlon, and llvellhood or skllls Lralnlng Lo $
encourage Lhelr producLlve lnLegraLlon lnLo malnsLream socleLy. %
Arts and Sports '
Sect|on 17. hys|ca| Lducat|on and Sports Deve|opment. - 1he 8angsamoro )
educaLlonal sysLem shall develop and malnLaln an lnLegraLed and comprehenslve *
physlcal educaLlon program. lL shall develop healLhy, dlsclpllned lnnovaLlve and !+
producLlve lndlvlduals, and promoLe good sporLsmanshlp, cooperaLlon and Leamwork. !!
Sect|on 18. Sports rograms. - 1he 8angsamoro educaLlon sysLem shall encourage and !$
supporL sporLs programs, league compeLlLlons, lndlgenous games, marLlal arLs, and !%
amaLeur sporLs lncludlng Lralnlng for reglonal, naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal compeLlLlons. !&
Cu|ture !(
Sect|on 19. reservat|on of 8angsamoro Cu|tura| ner|tage. - 1o preserve Lhe hlsLory, !*
culLure, arLs, LradlLlon and Lhe rlch culLural herlLage of Lhe SulLanaLes, such as Lhe #+
SulLanaLes of Sulu, Magulndanao, and 8uayan, and Lhe 8oyal Pouses of Lhe Maranaos #!
and Lhe lndlgenous peoples of Lhe 8angsamoro, Lhere shall be creaLed a 8angsamoro ##
commlsslon for Lhe preservaLlon of culLural herlLage. #$
Sect|on 20. r|mary kespons|b|||ty of the Comm|ss|on. - 1he 8angsamoro commlsslon #&
for Lhe preservaLlon of culLural herlLage shall have Lhe prlmary responslblllLy Lo wrlLe #'
Lhe hlsLory of Lhe 8angsamoro people and Lo esLabllsh and susLaln Lhe culLural #(
lnsLlLuLlons, programs and pro[ecLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro componenL areas. 1he #)

commlsslon shall esLabllsh lLs own llbrarles and museums, declare and resLore hlsLorlcal !
shrlnes and culLural slLes Lo preserve Lhe 8angsamoro herlLage for posLerlLy. #
Sect|on 21. Management of 8angsamoro n|stor|ca| and Cu|tura| S|tes. - 1he CenLral %
CovernmenL shall Lransfer Lhe managemenL of 8angsamoro hlsLorlcal and culLural slLes &
currenLly under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe naLlonal Museum, naLlonal PlsLorlcal Commlsslon '
or oLher agencles of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL Lo Lhe 8angsamoro commlsslon for Lhe (
preservaLlon of culLural herlLage, Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm. )
1he 8angsamoro commlsslon for Lhe preservaLlon of culLural herlLage shall coordlnaLe *
wlLh relevanL agencles of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL on Lhe regulaLlon, excavaLlon and !+
preservaLlon of culLural arLlfacLs and on Lhe recovery of losL hlsLorlcal and culLural !!
herlLage. !#

Art|c|e k !
Sect|on 1. Iust|ce System |n the 8angsamoro! -- 1he [usLlce sysLem ln Lhe 8angsamoro %
shall conslsL of 5botlob law whlch shall have supremacy and appllcaLlon over Musllms &
only, Lhe LradlLlonal or Lrlbal [usLlce sysLem, for Lhe lndlgenous peoples ln Lhe '
8angsamoro, Lhe local courLs, and alLernaLlve dlspuLe resoluLlon sysLems. (
lor Musllms, Lhe [usLlce sysLem ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall glve prlmary conslderaLlon Lo *
5botlob, and cusLomary rlghLs and LradlLlons of Lhe lndlgenous peoples ln Lhe !+
8angsamoro. !!
noLhlng hereln shall be consLrued Lo operaLe Lo Lhe pre[udlce of non-Musllms and non- !$
lndlgenous peoples. !%
+,'-).', Iust|ce System !'
Sect|on 2. +,'-).', Iust|ce System. - 1he 5botlob CourLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall have !)
[urlsdlcLlon over 5botlob law enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL perLalnlng Lo !*
persons and famlly relaLlons, and oLher clvll law maLLers, commerclal law, and crlmlnal #+
law. #!
1here shall be cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon wlLh CenLral CovernmenL regardlng Lhe #$
5botlob [usLlce sysLem, Lhrough Lhe dlfferenL mechanlsms as hereln provlded. #%
Sect|on 3. Laws on +,'-).',. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall enacL laws perLalnlng #'
Lo persons and famlly relaLlons, and oLher clvll law maLLers, commerclal law, crlmlnal #(
law, lncludlng Lhe deflnlLlon of crlmes and prescrlpLlon of penalLles Lhereof. 1hese laws #)
on 5botlob shall only be appllcable Lo Musllms. Crlmlnal laws enacLed by Lhe #*

8angsamoro arllamenL shall be effecLlve wlLhln Lhe LerrlLory of Lhe 8angsamoro and !
shall be ln accordance wlLh Lhe unlversally accepLed prlnclples and sLandards of human #
rlghLs. $
Sect|on 4. Sources of +,'-).', Law. - 1he followlng are Lhe sources of 5botlob law, &
among oLhers: '
a. Al-Ootoo (1he koran), )
b. Al-5oooob (ropheLlc LradlLlons), !+
c. Al-Olyos (Analogy), and !#
d. Al-ljlmo (Consensus). !%
Sect|on S. +,'-).', C|rcu|t Courts. - 1he 5botlob ClrculL CourL ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall !'
exerclse excluslve orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe followlng maLLers: !(
a. All cases lnvolvlng offenses deflned and punlshed under resldenLlal uecree no. !*
1083, where Lhe acL or omlsslon has been commlLLed ln Lhe 8angsamoro, #+
b. All clvll acLlons and proceedlngs beLween parLles resldlng ln Lhe 8angsamoro, and ##
who are Musllms or have been marrled ln accordance wlLh ArLlcle 13 of #$
resldenLlal uecree no. 1083 lnvolvlng dlspuLes relaLlng Lo: #%
l. Marrlage, #'
ll. ulvorce recognlzed under resldenLlal uecree no. 1083, #(
lll. 8eLroLhal or breach of conLracL Lo marry, #)
lv. CusLomary dower (mobt), #*

v. ulsposlLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon of properLy upon dlvorce, !
vl. MalnLenance and supporL, and consolaLory glfLs, (moto), #
vll. 8esLlLuLlon of marlLal rlghLs. $
c. All cases lnvolvlng dlspuLes relaLlve Lo communal properLles, &
d. All cases lnvolvlng offenses deflned and punlshable under 5botlob law enacLed by (
Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL wlLh lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng slx (6) years )
lrrespecLlve of Lhe amounL of flne, and regardless of oLher lmposable accessory or *
oLher penalLles, lncludlng Lhe clvll llablllLy arlslng from such offenses or predlcaLed !+
Lhereon, lrrespecLlve of klnd, naLure, value, or amounL Lhereof, !!
e. All clvll acLlons, under 5botlob law enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, !$
lnvolvlng real properLy ln Lhe 8angsamoro, where Lhe assessed value of Lhe !%
properLy does noL exceed lour Pundred 1housand esos (400,000.00), and !&
f. All clvll acLlons ln whlch Lhe parLles are Musllms, or where all llLlganLs have !(
volunLarlly submlLLed Lhemselves Lo Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 5botlob ClrculL CourLs, !)
lf Lhey have noL speclfled ln an agreemenL whlch law shall govern Lhelr relaLlons !*
where Lhe demand or clalm does noL exceed 1wo Pundred 1housand esos #+
(200,000.00). #!
Sect|on 6. +,'-).', D|str|ct Courts. - 1he 5botlob ulsLrlcL CourL ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall #$
exerclse excluslve orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe followlng maLLers: #%
a. All cases lnvolvlng cusLody, guardlanshlp, leglLlmacy, paLernlLy and flllaLlon arlslng #'
under resldenLlal uecree no. 1083, #(

b. All cases lnvolvlng dlsposlLlon, dlsLrlbuLlon and seLLlemenL of Lhe esLaLe of !
deceased Musllms LhaL are resldenLs of Lhe 8angsamoro, probaLe of wllls, lssuance #
of leLLers of admlnlsLraLlon or appolnLmenL of admlnlsLraLors or execuLors $
regardless of Lhe naLure or Lhe aggregaLe value of Lhe properLy, %
c. eLlLlons for Lhe declaraLlon of absence and deaLh for Lhe cancellaLlon or '
correcLlon of enLrles ln Lhe Musllm 8eglsLrles menLloned ln 1lLle vl of 8ook 1wo of (
resldenLlal uecree no. 1083, )
d. All acLlons arlslng from cusLomary and 5botlob compllanL conLracLs ln whlch Lhe !+
parLles are Musllms, lf Lhey have noL speclfled whlch law shall govern Lhelr !!
relaLlons, !#
e. All peLlLlons for mandamus, prohlblLlon, ln[uncLlon, cettlototl, bobeos cotpos, and !%
all oLher auxlllary wrlLs and processes ln ald of lLs appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon, !&
f. eLlLlons by Musllms for Lhe consLlLuLlon of a famlly home, change of name and !(
commlLmenL of an lnsane person Lo an asylum, !)
g. All oLher personal and real acLlons noL falllng under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 5botlob #+
ClrculL CourLs whereln Lhe parLles lnvolved are Musllms, excepL Lhose for forclble #!
enLry and unlawful deLalner, whlch shall fall under Lhe excluslve orlglnal ##
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Munlclpal ClrculL CourL, #$
h. All speclal clvll acLlons for lnLerpleader or declaraLory rellef whereln Lhe parLles #&
are Musllms resldlng ln Lhe 8angsamoro or Lhe properLy lnvolved belongs #'
excluslvely Lo Musllms and ls locaLed ln Lhe 8angsamoro, #(

l. All cases lnvolvlng offenses deflned and punlshable under 5botlob law enacLed by !
Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL noL falllng wlLhln Lhe excluslve [urlsdlcLlon of 5botlob #
ClrculL CourLs or any oLher courL, Lrlbunal, or body, $
[. All clvll acLlons, under 5botlob law enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL, &
lnvolvlng real properLy ln Lhe 8angsamoro, where Lhe assessed value of Lhe '
properLy exceeds lour Pundred 1housand esos (400,000.00), and (
k. All clvll acLlons ln whlch Lhe parLles are Musllms, or where all llLlganLs have *
volunLarlly submlLLed Lhemselves Lo Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 5botlob ClrculL CourL, lf !+
Lhey have noL speclfled ln an agreemenL whlch law shall govern Lhelr relaLlons !!
where Lhe demand or clalm exceeds 1wo Pundred 1housand esos (200,000.00) !#
1he 5botlob ulsLrlcL CourL ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall exerclse appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over !%
all cases declded upon by Lhe 5botlob ClrculL CourLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro wlLhln lLs !&
LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon, as provlded under ArLlcle 144 of resldenLlal uecree no. 1083. !'
Sect|on 7. 8angsamoro +,'-).', n|gh Court. - 1here ls hereby creaLed a 8angsamoro !)
5botlob Plgh CourL. 1he 8angsamoro 5botlob Plgh CourL shall exerclse excluslve !*
orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon, wheLher or noL ln ald of lLs appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon, over: #+
a. All peLlLlons for mandamus, prohlblLlon, ln[uncLlon, cettlototl, bobeos cotpos, and ##
all oLher auxlllary wrlLs and processes, ln ald of lLs appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon, and #$
b. All acLlons for annulmenL of [udgmenLs of 5botlob ulsLrlcL CourLs. #&
1he 8angsamoro 5botlob Plgh CourL shall exerclse excluslve appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over #(
cases under Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 5botlob ulsLrlcL CourLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #)
1he declslons of Lhe 5botl'ob Plgh CourL shall be flnal and execuLory. $+

Sect|on 8. Add|t|ona| Shar|'ah Courts. - upon Lhe recommendaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro !
CovernmenL, Congress may creaLe addlLlonal 5botlob CourLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro and #
apporLlon Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of each of Lhe 5botlob ClrculL and ulsLrlcL CourLs. $
Sect|on 9. ua||f|cat|ons of +,'-).', Iudges. - &
a. 5botlob cltcolt coott. - no person shall be appolnLed [udge of Lhe 5botlob ClrculL (
CourL unless he ls a Musllm, clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes, aL leasL LwenLy-flve (23) )
years of age, a graduaLe of a four-year course on 5botlob or lslamlc [urlsprudence, *
and has passed an examlnaLlon ln Lhe 5botlob Lo be glven by Lhe Supreme CourL !+
for admlsslon Lo speclal membershlp ln Lhe hlllpplne 8ar Lo pracLlce ln Lhe !!
5botlob CourLs. rovlded LhaL, for a perlod of seven (7) years followlng Lhe !#
raLlflcaLlon of Lhls Law, Lhe requlremenL on Lhe compleLlon of a four-year 5botlob !$
or lslamlc !urlsprudence course shall noL apply. !%
b. 5botlob ulsttlct coott. - no person shall be appolnLed [udge of Lhe 5botlob !'
ulsLrlcL CourL unless he ls a Musllm, clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes aL leasL LhlrLy-flve !(
(33) years of age, a graduaLe of a four-year course on 5botlob or lslamlc !)
[urlsprudence, and has passed an examlnaLlon ln Lhe 5botlob Lo be glven by Lhe !*
Supreme CourL for admlsslon Lo speclal membershlp ln Lhe hlllpplne 8ar Lo #+
pracLlce ln Lhe 5botlob CourLs. lurLhermore, such person should have been #!
engaged ln Lhe pracLlce of 5botlob law ln Lhe hlllpplnes for aL leasL flve (3) years ##
prlor Lo hls appolnLmenL, rovlded LhaL, for a perlod of seven (7) years followlng #$
Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls Law, Lhe requlremenL on Lhe compleLlon of a four-year #%
5botlob or lslamlc !urlsprudence course shall noL apply. #&
c. 8ooqsomoto 5botlob nlqb coott. -- no person shall be appolnLed !usLlce of Lhe #(
5botlob Plgh CourL unless he ls a Musllm, naLural-born clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes, #)
aL leasL forLy (40) years of age, a graduaLe of a four-year course on 5botlob or #*

lslamlc [urlsprudence, and has passed an examlnaLlon ln Lhe 5botlob Lo be glven !
by Lhe Supreme CourL for admlsslon Lo speclal membershlp ln Lhe hlllpplne 8ar Lo #
pracLlce ln Lhe 5botlob CourLs. lurLhermore, such person should have been $
engaged ln Lhe pracLlce of 5botlob law ln Lhe hlllpplnes for aL leasL Len (10) years %
prlor Lo hls appolnLmenL. rovlded LhaL, for a perlod of seven (7) years followlng &
Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls Law, Lhe requlremenL on Lhe pracLlce of 5botlob law ln Lhe '
hlllpplnes shall only be for slx (6) years. (
1he 5botlob Plgh CourL shall be composed of nlne (9) [usLlces, lncludlng Lhe *
resldlng !usLlce. lL may exerclse lLs powers, funcLlons, and duLles Lhrough Lhree !+
(3) dlvlslons, each composed of Lhree (3) members. lL may slL eo booc only for Lhe !!
purpose of exerclslng admlnlsLraLlve or ceremonlal funcLlons. 1he sLaLlons of Lhe !#
Lhree dlvlslons shall be CoLabaLo ClLy, Marawl ClLy and !olo, Sulu. !$
Sect|on 10. +,'-).', Iud|c|a| and 8ar Counc||. -1he 5botlob !udlclal and 8ar Councll !&
shall recommend Lo Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll appllcanLs for Lhe poslLlon of [udges of !'
5botlob ulsLrlcL and ClrculL CourLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro and Lhe [usLlces of Lhe 5botlob !(
Plgh CourL. 1he !udlclal and 8ar Councll shall glve uLmosL conslderaLlon Lo Lhe 5botlob !)
!udlclal and 8ar Councll nomlnees ln recommendlng appolnLees Lo Lhe resldenL. 1he !*
resldenL shall lssue Lhe appolnLmenLs wlLhln nlneLy (90) days from Lhe submlsslon by #+
Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll of Lhe llsL. #!
Sect|on 11. Consu|tant to the Iud|c|a| and 8ar Counc||. - 1he resldenL shall appolnL a #$
consulLanL Lo Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll, recommended by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer from #%
among Lhe members of Lhe 5botlob !udlclal and 8ar Councll, who shall advlse and be #&
consulLed by Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll on appolnLmenLs Lo 5botlob [udlclal poslLlons #'
ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #(

Sect|on 12. Compos|t|on of the +,'-).', Iud|c|a| and 8ar Counc||. - 1here ls hereby !
creaLed a 5botlob !udlclal and 8ar Councll Lo be composed of flve (3) members: a senlor #
member of Lhe 5botlob Plgh CourL, as ex-offlclo Chalrman, Lhe Pead of Lhe 5botlob $
Academy, and one (1) represenLaLlve from Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL, as ex-offlclo %
members. CLher regular members of Lhe Councll shall be one (1) represenLaLlve each &
from Lhe accredlLed organlzaLlon of 5botlob lawyers and oLher approprlaLe accredlLed '
organlzaLlons ln Lhe 8angsamoro. (
1he regular members of Lhe Councll shall be appolnLed by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer wlLh a *
Lerm of flve (3) years wlLhouL reappolnLmenL. !+
Sect|on 13. Iunct|ons of the +,'-).', Iud|c|a| and 8ar Counc||! 1he 5botlob !udlclal !#
and 8ar Councll shall have Lhe followlng funcLlons: !$
a. 8ecommend nomlnees Lo Lhe 5botlob CourLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro whlch shall be !&
submlLLed Lo Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll, and !'
b. ConducL lnvesLlgaLlons over errlng members of Lhe 5botlob 8ar ln Lhe !)
8angsamoro and over [udges and personnel of Lhe 5botlob CourLs ln Lhe !*
8angsamoro, and submlL Lhe resulLs of such lnvesLlgaLlon Lo Lhe Supreme CourL #+
for Lhe laLLer's acLlon. #!
Sect|on 14. +,'-).', ku|es of Court! 1he rules of courL for Lhe 5botlob courLs ln Lhe #$
8angsamoro shall be promulgaLed by Lhe Supreme CourL, glvlng uLmosL conslderaLlon #%
Lo Lhe recommendaLlons of Lhe 8angsamoro 5botlob Plgh CourL. ln Lhe meanLlme, Lhe #&
speclal rules of courL for 5botlob courLs, as promulgaLed by Lhe Supreme CourL, shall #'
conLlnue Lo be ln force. #(

Sect|on 1S. Spec|a| 8ar Lxam|nat|ons for +,'-).',. - 1he Supreme CourL shall conLlnue !
Lo admlnlsLer 5botlob 8ar examlnaLlons for admlsslon of appllcanLs Lo Lhe hlllpplne 8ar #
as speclal members Lhereof, wlLh due conslderaLlon for Lhe speclal naLure of Lhe $
5botl'ob sysLem and uLmosL regard Lo Lhe proposals of Lhe 8angsamoro 5botlob Plgh %
CourL on Lhls maLLer. &
Sect|on 16. Compensat|on. - !udges of Lhe 5botlob ClrculL CourL ln Lhe 8angsamoro (
shall recelve Lhe same compensaLlon and en[oy Lhe same prlvlleges as [udges of )
Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal CourLs. *
!udges of Lhe 5botlob ulsLrlcL CourL ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall recelve Lhe same !!
compensaLlon and en[oy Lhe same prlvlleges as Lhe [udges of 8eglonal 1rlal CourLs. !#
!usLlces of Lhe 8angsamoro 5botlob Plgh CourL shall recelve Lhe same compensaLlon !%
and en[oy Lhe same prlvlleges as Lhe [usLlces of Lhe CourL of Appeals. !&
Sect|on 17. Appo|ntment and D|sc|p||ne of +,'-).', Court ersonne|. 1he Supreme !(
CourL shall appolnL Lhe 5botlob courL personnel, and shall have Lhe power of dlsclpllne !)
over Lhem. 1he 5botlob !udlclal and 8ar Councll shall conducL lnvesLlgaLlons over errlng !*
personnel ln 5botlob courLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro, and submlL Lhe resulLs of such #+
lnvesLlgaLlon Lo Lhe Supreme CourL for Lhe laLLer's acLlon. #!
Sect|on 18. +,'-).', ub||c Ass|stance Cff|ce. 1o provlde free legal asslsLance Lo #$
lndlgenL parLy llLlganLs, Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall creaLe a 5botlob ubllc #%
AsslsLance Cfflce for Lhe dlfferenL 5botlob courLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #&
Sect|on 19. +,'-).', Spec|a| rosecut|on Serv|ce. - 1here shall be creaLed a 5botlob #(
Speclal rosecuLlon Servlce for 5botlob admlnlsLraLlon of [usLlce ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #)
1he 5botlob Speclal rosecuLlon Servlce shall be aLLached Lo Lhe naLlonal rosecuLorlal #*

Servlce of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall recommend Lhe !
quallfled appllcanLs for Lhe poslLlon of Lhe 5botlob prosecuLors and personnel of Lhe #
5botlob Speclal rosecuLlon Servlce Lo Lhe SecreLary of !usLlce. $
Sect|on 20. +,'-).', Academy. - 1here ls hereby creaLed a 5botlob Academy, Lhe &
prlmary funcLlon of whlch ls Lo conducL courses and Lralnlngs on Lhe pracLlce of 5botlob '
law ln Lhe 8angsamoro, accredlL 5botlob courses and degrees obLalned by 8angsamoro (
from schools and unlverslLles abroad, and develop Lhe currlculum of schools and )
unlverslLles ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall deflne lLs powers and *
addlLlonal funcLlons and approprlaLe funds Lherefor. 1he 5botlob Academy may !+
coordlnaLe wlLh Lhe naLlonal Commlsslon on Musllm llllplnos (nCMl) whenever !!
necessary. !#
Sect|on 21. 8angsamoro Iur|sconsu|t |n Is|am|c Law. - 1here ls hereby creaLed an offlce !%
of !urlsconsulL of lslamlc law ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he arllamenL shall deflne Lhe powers !&
and funcLlons of Lhls offlce. !'
1he Cfflce of !urlsconsulL shall be a colleglal body composed of Lhe !urlsconsulL and !)
Lhree (3) uepuLles who shall be appolnLed by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer upon recommendaLlon !*
of Lhe arllamenL, Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe varlous eLhnlc groups ln Lhe #+
8angsamoro. #!
1he !urlsconsulL and hls depuLles shall be members of Lhe hlllpplne 5botlob 8ar or Lhe #$
lnLegraLed 8ar of Lhe hlllpplnes, Musllm 8angsamoro, holders of 8achelor uegree ln #%
lslamlc Law and !urlsprudence, musL noL be commonly known as one who vlolaLes #&
lslamlc ln[uncLlons, wlLh proven compeLence and problLy, menLally flL, and known for #'
lnLegrlLy and hlgh moral sLandards. #(

Sect|on 22. Iur|sconsu|t Under Lx|st|ng Law. - noLwlLhsLandlng Lhe precedlng secLlon, !
Lhe Cfflce of Lhe !urlsconsulL under u 1083 shall be sLrengLhened by provldlng for #
salary, rank and prlvlleges of a !usLlce of Lhe CourL of Appeals . $
1rad|t|ona|]1r|ba| Iust|ce Systems &
Sect|on 23. 1rad|t|ona|]1r|ba| Iust|ce Systems. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall (
enacL laws Lo promoLe and supporL Lhe LradlLlonal/Lrlbal [usLlce sysLems LhaL are )
approprlaLe for Lhe lndlgenous peoples, as deflned by Lhem. 1he LradlLlonal [usLlce *
sysLems are Lhe mechanlsms Lo deLermlne, seLLle, and declde conLroversles and enforce !+
declslons lnvolvlng dlspuLes beLween members of Lhe lndlgenous peoples concerned ln !!
accordance wlLh Lhe Lrlbal codes of Lhese communlLles. !#
Sect|on 24. Cff|ce for 1rad|t|ona|]1r|ba| Iust|ce System. - 1here ls hereby creaLed an !%
Cfflce for 1rlbal !usLlce SysLem responslble ln overseelng Lhe sLudy, preservaLlon and !&
developmenL of Lhe Lrlbal [usLlce sysLem wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he powers and !'
funcLlons of Lhe Cfflce shall be deflned by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. !(
1he Cfflce shall ensure Lhe full parLlclpaLlon of lndlgenous peoples ln Lhe formulaLlon, !*
lmplemenLaLlon and evaluaLlon of pollcles relaLed Lo Lhe sLrengLhenlng of Lrlbal [usLlce #+
sysLem, ensurlng furLher LhaL such sysLems malnLaln Lhelr lndlgenous characLer ln #!
accordance wlLh Lhe respecLlve pracLlces of each Lrlbe. ##
Loca| Courts #%
Sect|on 2S. Loca| Courts. - Local courLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall conLlnue Lo exerclse #'
Lhelr [udlclal funcLlons, as provlded by law. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may #(
underLake measures Lo lmprove Lhelr worklngs, conslsLenL wlLh Lhe powers of Lhe #)
Supreme CourL. #*

A|ternat|ve D|spute keso|ut|on System !
Sect|on 26. A|ternat|ve D|spute keso|ut|on (ADk). - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall $
provlde for Lhe lnsLlLuLlon of alLernaLlve dlspuLe resoluLlon sysLem ln Lhe 8angsamoro. %
1he arllamenL shall enacL Lhe necessary leglslaLlon for Lhe operaLlonallzaLlon of Au8. &
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall adopL Lhe prlnclples of conclllaLlon and medlaLlon ln (
seLLllng dlspuLes. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL may provlde for prlor recourse Lo )
alLernaLlve dlspuLe resoluLlon before Lhe flllng of cases ln 5botlob courLs ln Lhe *
8angsamoro or any 8angsamoro governmenL offlces. !+
Iust|ces from the 8angsamoro !#
Sect|on 27. Iust|ces from 8angsamoro. lL shall be Lhe pollcy of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL !%
LhaL aL leasL one (1) [usLlce ln Lhe Supreme CourL and Lwo (2) [usLlces ln Lhe CourL of !&
Appeals aL any one Llme who shall be quallfled lndlvlduals of Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory. !'
lor Lhls purpose, Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer may, afLer consulLaLlons wlLh Lhe 8angsamoro !(
arllamenL and Lhe 5botlob !udlclal and 8ar Councll, submlL Lhe names of quallfled !)
persons Lo Lhe !udlclal and 8ar Councll for lLs conslderaLlon. 1he appolnLmenLs of Lhose !*
recommended by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer Lo Lhe [udlclal poslLlons menLloned above are #+
wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo appolnLmenLs LhaL may be exLended Lo oLher quallfled lnhablLanLs #!
of Lhe 8angsamoro Lo oLher poslLlons ln Lhe !udlclary. ##
Sect|on 28. Deputy Court Adm|n|strator for the 8angsamoro. 1he Cfflce of Lhe uepuLy #%
CourL AdmlnlsLraLor for Lhe 8angsamoro ls hereby creaLed. 1he uepuLy CourL #&
AdmlnlsLraLor for Lhe 8angsamoro shall be appolnLed by Lhe Chlef !usLlce of Lhe #'
Supreme CourL from among Lhree (3) recommendees submlLLed by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer #(
upon prevlous consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL and wlLh Lhe concerned #)
secLors of Lhe 8angsamoro. #*

Art|c|e kI !
Sect|on 1. ub||c Crder and Safety. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have prlmary %
responslblllLy over publlc order and safeLy wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1here shall be &
cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon beLween Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro '
CovernmenL Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm. (
Sect|on 2. 8angsamoro o||ce. - 1here ls hereby creaLed a 8angsamoro ollce whlch *
shall be organlzed, malnLalned, supervlsed, and uLlllzed for Lhe prlmary purpose of law !+
enforcemenL and malnLenance of peace and order ln Lhe 8angsamoro. lL shall be parL of !!
Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal ollce.


1he 8angsamoro ollce shall be professlonal, clvlllan ln characLer, reglonal ln scope, !%
effecLlve and efflclenL ln law enforcemenL, falr and lmparLlal, free from parLlsan pollLlcal !&
conLrol, and accounLable under Lhe law for lLs acLlons. lL shall be responslble boLh Lo Lhe !'
CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, and Lo Lhe communlLles lL !(
serves. !)
Sect|on 3. owers and Iunct|ons of the 8angsamoro o||ce. - 1he 8angsamoro ollce #+
shall exerclse wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro Lhe followlng powers and funcLlons: #!
a. Lnforce laws enacLed by Lhe Congress and by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL relaLlve #$
Lo Lhe proLecLlon of llves and properLles of Lhe people, #%
b. MalnLaln law and order and ensure publlc safeLy, #'
c. lnvesLlgaLe and prevenL crlmes, arresL crlmlnal offenders, brlng crlmlnal suspecLs #)
Lo [usLlce, and asslsL ln Lhelr prosecuLlon, #*

d. ConducL searches and selzures ln accordance wlLh perLlnenL laws, !
e. ueLaln persons for a perlod noL exceedlng whaL ls prescrlbed by law, lnform Lhe $
person so deLalned of all hls or her rlghLs under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and Lhe 8aslc %
Law, and observe Lhe human rlghLs of all people ln Lhe 8angsamoro, &
f. rocess and faclllLaLe appllcaLlons for Lhe reglsLraLlon of flrearms and Lhe lssuance (
of llcenses and permlLs for approval by Lhe proper offlclal of Lhe hlllpplne )
naLlonal ollce, *
g. lnlLlaLe drlves for Lhe reglsLraLlon or surrender of unreglsLered flrearms, conflscaLe !!
unreglsLered flrearms afLer such drlves are over, prosecuLe or recommend Lo Lhe !#
resldenL Lhe granL of amnesLy or pardon Lo possessors of unreglsLered flrearms !$
who surrender Lhem, and !%
h. erform such oLher duLles and exerclse all oLher funcLlons as may be provlded by !'
law enacLed by Congress or by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. !(
Sect|on 4. 8angsamoro o||ce Crgan|zat|on. - 1he sLrucLural organlzaLlon of Lhe !*
8angsamoro ollce shall be as follows: #+
a. lL shall be headed by a 8angsamoro ollce ulrecLor, who shall be asslsLed by aL ##
leasL Lwo (2) depuLles. 1hey shall be professlonal pollce offlcers wlLh Lhe rank of, #$
aL leasL, ollce Chlef SuperlnLendenL. lor a perlod of Len (10) years, lmmedlaLely #%
followlng Lhe enacLmenL of Lhls 8aslc Law, Lhe head of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce and #&
hls depuLles may be selecLed from a llsL of 8angsamoro ollce offlcers wlLh a rank #'
of ollce Senlor SuperlnLendenL. #(
b. lL shall have reglonal, provlnclal, and clLy or munlclpal offlces, #*

c. 1he provlnclal offlce shall be headed by a provlnclal dlrecLor, who shall be a !
professlonal pollce offlcer wlLh Lhe rank of, aL leasL, pollce superlnLendenL, and #
d. 1he clLy or munlclpal offlce or sLaLlon shall be headed by a Chlef of ollce, who %
shall be a professlonal pollce offlcer wlLh Lhe rank of, aL leasL, pollce &
superlnLendenL for Lhe clLy and pollce lnspecLor for Lhe munlclpallLy. '
Sect|on S. 8angsamoro o||ce 8oard. - 1here ls hereby creaLed a 8angsamoro ollce )
8oard, whlch shall perform Lhe funcLlons of Lhe naLlonal ollce Commlsslon ln Lhe *
8angsamoro. 1he board shall be parL of Lhe naLlonal ollce Commlsslon (nACLCCM). !+
1he nACLCCM shall ensure LhaL Lhe 8angsamoro ollce 8oard performs lLs powers and !!
funcLlons wlLhln Lhe bounds of lLs auLhorlLy. ln addlLlon, lL shall perform Lhe followlng !#
funcLlons: !$
a. 1o seL Lhe pollclng ob[ecLlves and prlorlLles ln Lhe 8angsamoro, !&
b. 1o monlLor Lhe performance of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce agalnsL pollclng ob[ecLlves !(
and prlorlLles, !)
c. 1o monlLor crlme Lrends and paLLerns as well as performance ln areas of human #+
rlghLs, crlme reducLlon, and crlme prevenLlon, recrulLlng paLLerns and #!
employmenL opporLunlLles ln Lhe 8angsamoro, ##
d. 1o provlde lnformaLlon and guldance Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe n #%
on Lhe annual budgeLary requlremenL of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce, #&
e. 1o monlLor pollce performance as agalnsL Lhe budgeL allocaLlon for Lhe #(
8angsamoro ollce, and #)

f. 1o recommend Lhe 8angsamoro ollce ulrecLor and hls uepuLles, Lhe rovlnclal !
ulrecLors, and ClLy and Munlclpal chlefs of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce. #
1he 8angsamoro ollce 8oard shall have Lhe power Lo lnvesLlgaLe complalnLs agalnsL Lhe %
8angsamoro ollce. Appeals from lLs declslon may be lodged wlLh Lhe naLlonal ollce &
Commlsslon. endlng resoluLlon of Lhe appeal, lLs declslons may be execuLed. 1he rules '
and regulaLlons governlng Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe members of Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal (
ollce shall be followed by Lhe 8angsamoro ollce 8oard ln Lhe absence of rules and )
regulaLlons enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. *
Sect|on 6. Compos|t|on of the 8oard. - 1he 8oard shall be composed of eleven (11) !!
members. Slx (6) members of Lhe 8oard shall come from Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL !#
and flve (3), from varlous secLors. All Lhe slx (6) members from Lhe arllamenL shall noL !$
hold any mlnlsLerlal posL. All Lhe members Lhereof shall be appolnLed by Lhe Chlef !%
MlnlsLer ln accordance wlLh Lhe rules promulgaLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL for !&
Lhls purpose. !'
1he Chalrman of Lhe 8oard shall be an ex-offlclo commlssloner of Lhe naLlonal ollce !)
Commlsslon on maLLers deallng wlLh Lhe 8angsamoro ollce. !*
Sect|on 7. 1erms of Cff|ce. - 1he secLoral represenLaLlves Lo Lhe board shall hold offlce #!
for a perlod of Lhree (3) years, provlded LhaL of Lhose flrsL appolnLed as secLoral ##
represenLaLlves, Lwo (2) wlll slL for Lhree (3) years, anoLher Lwo (2) wlll slL for Lwo (2) #$
years, and Lhe lasL wlll slL for one (1) year. AppolnLmenL for any vacancy shall only be for #%
Lhe unexplred Lerm of Lhe predecessor. #&
1he members of arllamenL who are llkewlse members of Lhe 8oard shall hold offlce for #(
Lhe duraLlon of Lhelr elecLlve Lerms. #)

Sect|on 8. owers of the Ch|ef M|n|ster Cver the 8angsamoro o||ce. - 1he Chlef !
MlnlsLer shall have Lhe followlng powers over Lhe 8angsamoro ollce: #
a. 1o acL as depuLy of Lhe naLlonal ollce Commlsslon ln Lhe 8angsamoro and as ex %
offlclo chalr of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce 8oard, &
b. 1o selecL Lhe head of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce and hls depuLles, (
c. 1o exerclse operaLlonal conLrol and supervlslon and dlsclpllnary powers over Lhe *
8angsamoro ollce, !+
d. 1o employ or deploy Lhe elemenLs of and asslgn or reasslgn Lhe 8angsamoro !#
ollce Lhrough Lhe 8angsamoro ollce ulrecLor. 1he 8angsamoro ollce ulrecLor !$
shall noL counLermand Lhe order of Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer unless lL ls ln vlolaLlon of !%
Lhe law, !&
e. 1o oversee Lhe preparaLlon and lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe lnLegraLed 8angsamoro !(
ubllc SafeLy lan, !)
f. 1o lmpose, afLer due noLlce and summary hearlngs of Lhe of Lhe clLlzen's #+
complalnLs, admlnlsLraLlve penalLles on personnel of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce #!
excepL Lhose appolnLed by Lhe resldenL, and ##
g. uo everyLhlng necessary Lo promoLe wldespread supporL for Lhe 8angsamoro #%
ollce by resldenLs of Lhe 8angsamoro. #&
Sect|on 9. Mann|ng Leve|. - 1he average mannlng level of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce shall #(
be approxlmaLely ln accordance wlLh Lhe pollce-Lo-populaLlon of one (1) pollce offlcer #)
for every flve hundred (300) persons. 1he acLual sLrengLh by clLles and munlclpallLles #*

shall depend on Lhe sLaLe of peace and order, populaLlon denslLy and acLual demands of !
servlce ln Lhe parLlcular area, provlded LhaL Lhe mlnlmum pollce Lo populaLlon raLlo shall #
noL be less Lhan one (1) pollce offlcer for every one Lhousand (1,000) persons, provlded $
furLher LhaL urban areas shall have a hlgher mlnlmum pollce Lo populaLlon raLlo as may %
be prescrlbed by regulaLlons. &
Sect|on 10. Appo|ntment of Cff|cers and Members of the 8angsamoro o||ce. -1he (
appolnLmenL of Lhe offlcers and members of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce shall be effecLed ln )
Lhe followlng manner: *
a. lollce Offlcet l to 5eolot lollce Offlcet lv. - AppolnLed by Lhe head of Lhe !!
8angsamoro ollce and aLLesLed by Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon. !#
ersonnel for Lhe 8angsamoro ollce shall also be appolnLed by lLs head. !%
b. lospectot to 5opetloteoJeot. - AppolnLed by Lhe Chlef of Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal !'
ollce, as recommended by Lhe head of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce and Lhe Chlef !(
MlnlsLer, and aLLesLed by Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon, and !)
c. 5eolot 5opetloteoJeot ooJ obove. - AppolnLed by Lhe resldenL upon #+
recommendaLlon of Lhe chlef of Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal ollce, wlLh proper #!
endorsemenL by Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer and Lhe Clvll Servlce Commlsslon, and sub[ecL ##
Lo conflrmaLlon by Lhe Commlsslon on AppolnLmenLs. #$
Sect|on 11. Commun|ty o||ce.- 1he 8angsamoro ollce shall adopL communlLy pollclng #&
as an essenLlal mechanlsm ln malnLalnlng peace and order. #'

Sect|on 12. Law Govern|ng the 8angsamoro o||ce. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL ls !
hereby auLhorlzed Lo enacL laws Lo govern Lhe 8angsamoro ollce conslsLenL wlLh Lhls #
8aslc Law. $
Sect|on 13. 1rans|t|ona| Arrangements. - upon Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro &
1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy and pendlng Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce, Lhe '
8angsamoro 1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy shall have subsLanLlal parLlclpaLlon ln chooslng Lhe (
head and ln Lhe employmenL and Lhe deploymenL of exlsLlng hlllpplne naLlonal ollce )
ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he head of Lhe 8angsamoro ollce wlll be selecLed from a llsL of *
Lhree (3) ellglble offlcers recommended by Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal ollce. !+
Sect|on 14. Nat|ona| Support Serv|ces. - 1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe 8angsamoro !#
ollce and Lhe naLlonal supporL servlces of Lhe hlllpplne naLlonal ollce shall be !$
deLermlned by Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons body. !%
Sect|on 1S. Defense and Secur|ty.- 1he defense and securlLy of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be !'
Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. 1he CenLral CovernmenL may creaLe a !(
8angsamoro Command of Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes for Lhe 8angsamoro, !)
whlch shall be organlzed, malnLalned, and uLlllzed ln accordance wlLh naLlonal laws. !*
Cuallfled lnhablLanLs of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be glven preference for asslgnmenLs ln #+
Lhe sald 8angsamoro Command. #!
Sect|on 16. Ca|||ng Upon the Armed Iorces. - 1he provlslons of Lhe precedlng secLlons #$
noLwlLhsLandlng, Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer may requesL Lhe resldenL Lo call upon Lhe Armed #%
lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes: #&
a. 1o prevenL or suppress lawless vlolence, lnvaslon, or rebelllon, when Lhe publlc #(
safeLy so requlres, ln Lhe 8angsamoro, #)

b. 1o suppress Lhe danger Lo or breach of peace ln Lhe 8angsamoro, when Lhe !
8angsamoro ollce ls noL able Lo do so, or #
c. 1o averL any lmmlnenL danger Lo publlc order and securlLy ln Lhe area of Lhe %
8angsamoro. &
Sect|on 17. Coord|nat|on. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL (
shall esLabllsh coordlnaLlon proLocols, whlch shall govern Lhe movemenL of Armed )
lorces of Lhe hlllpplnes ln Lhe 8angsamoro. *
Sect|on 18. Ind|genous Structure. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall recognlze !!
lndlgenous sLrucLures or sysLems whlch promoLe peace, and law and order. 1he !#
8angsamoro arllamenL shall provlde lnsLlLuLlonal supporL Lo Lhese sLrucLures and !$
sysLems Lo enhance peace and securlLy ln Lhe 8angsamoro. !%

Art|c|e kII !
Sect|on 1. I|sca| Autonomy. - 1he 8angsamoro shall en[oy flscal auLonomy wlLh Lhe end %
ln vlew of aLLalnlng Lhe hlghesL form of economlc self-sufflclency and genulne &
developmenL. lL shall be enLlLled Lo all fund sources enumeraLed hereln, and shall have '
Lhe power Lo creaLe lLs sources of revenues as provlded ln Lhls law. lL shall prepare lLs (
budgeL and shall allocaLe funds ln accordance wlLh an annual approprlaLlons law passed )
by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. 1he form, conLenL, and manner of preparaLlon of Lhe *
budgeL shall be prescrlbed by law enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. !+
Sect|on 2. Aud|t|ng. - All publlc funds of Lhe 8angsamoro are sub[ecL Lo audlLlng. lor !#
Lhls purpose, a 8angsamoro Commlsslon on AudlL (8CA) ls hereby creaLed. lL shall have !$
Lhe power, auLhorlLy, and duLy Lo examlne, audlL, and seLLle all accounLs perLalnlng Lo !%
Lhe revenue and recelpLs of, and expendlLures or uses of funds and properLy, owned or !&
held ln LrusL by, or perLalnlng Lo Lhe publlc funds uLlllzed by Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he !'
uLlllzaLlon of Lhe revenue generaLed by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL and block granLs !(
or subsldles from forelgn or domesLlc donors shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe audlLlng rules and !)
regulaLlons of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lo audlLlng by Lhe 8CA audlLors. !*
1he 8CA's power, auLhorlLy and duLy shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe power, auLhorlLy #!
and duLy of Lhe Commlsslon on AudlL (CCA) Lo examlne, audlL and seLLle all accounLs, ##
perLalnlng Lo Lhe revenues and Lhe use of funds and properLy owned and held ln LrusL by #$
any governmenL lnsLrumenLallLy, lncludlng CCCCs. #%
WlLh due regard Lo Lhe 8CA's responslblllLy Lo ensure Lhe [udlclous use of funds wlLhln #'
Lhe 8angsamoro, dlsbursemenL vouchers of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall be #(
submlLLed lmmedlaLely Lo Lhe 8CA. #)

Sect|on 3. Loca| Government I|nance. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall creaLe a !
mechanlsm for coordlnaLlng, asslsLlng, and monlLorlng Lhe flnances of Lhe consLlLuenL #
local governmenL unlLs ln pursuance of good governance and local auLonomy. $
Sect|on 4. Centra| Government Ass|stance. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall exLend &
asslsLance Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL ln Lhe maLLer of Lax admlnlsLraLlon and flscal '
managemenL. 1hls asslsLance shall lnclude capaclLy bulldlng and Lralnlng programs, ln (
accordance wlLh a needs assessmenL and capaclLy bulldlng plan developed by Lhe )
8angsamoro CovernmenL ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. *
Sect|on S. Ass|stance to Cther keg|ons. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL may also asslsL !!
Lhe developmenL efforLs of oLher reglons once Lhe 8angsamoro has aLLalned flnanclal !#
self-susLalnablllLy. !$
Sources of kevenue !&
Sect|on 6. kevenue Sources. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have Lhe power Lo !(
creaLe lLs own sources of revenues and Lo levy Laxes, fees, and charges, sub[ecL Lo Lhe !)
provlslons of Lhls law and conslsLenL wlLh Lhe prlnclples of devoluLlon of powers, !*
equallzaLlon, equlLy, accounLablllLy, admlnlsLraLlve slmpllclLy, harmonlzaLlon, and #+
economlc efflclency, and flscal auLonomy. Such Laxes, fees, and charges shall accrue #!
excluslvely Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. ##
1he sources of revenue of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall lnclude, among oLhers, Lhe #%
followlng: #&
a. 1axes, #(
b. lees and charges, #*

c. Annual block granL comlng from CenLral CovernmenL, #
d. 8evenues from Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources %
derlved from areas/LerrlLorles, land or waLer, covered by and wlLhln Lhe &
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro, '
e. 8evenues from 8angsamoro governmenL-owned and/or -conLrolled corporaLlons )
(CCCCs), flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons and oLher corporaLlons, and shares from Lhe *
revenues of naLlonal CCCCs and lLs subsldlarles operaLlng ln Lhe 8angsamoro, as !+
may be deLermlned by Lhe lnLergovernmenLal flscal pollcy board, !!
f. CranLs from economlc agreemenLs enLered lnLo by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL !$
and convenLlons Lo whlch Lhe CenLral CovernmenL ls a parLy, !%
g. CranLs and donaLlons, and !'
h. Loans and Cverseas uevelopmenL AsslsLance (CuA). !)
Sect|on 7. 1axat|on. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall exerclse Lhe power Lo levy #+
Laxes, fees or charges LhaL were already glven Lo Lhe AuLonomous 8eglon ln Musllm #!
Mlndanao and/or allowed under 8epubllc AcL 6734 and 8epubllc AcL 9034, and oLher ##
leglslaLlons, as well as Lhose LhaL are provlded hereln. #$
ln enacLlng revenue-ralslng measures, Lhe 8angsamoro shall observe Lhe prlnclples of #&
unlformlLy and equlLy ln LaxaLlon. 8evenues shall lnure solely Lo Lhe beneflL of, and be #'
sub[ecL Lo Lhe dlsposlLlon by, Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #(

1axes, fees, or charges shall noL be un[usL, excesslve, oppresslve, conflscaLory or !
conLrary Lo publlc pollcy. 1he collecLlon of 8angsamoro Laxes, fees, charges and oLher #
lmposlLlons shall noL be leL Lo any prlvaLe person. $
1he power Lo lmpose a Lax under Lhls 8aslc Law shall be exerclsed by Lhe 8angsamoro &
arllamenL, Lhrough an approprlaLe leglslaLlon, whlch shall noL be enacLed wlLhouL any '
prlor publlc hearlng conducLed for Lhe purpose. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall, as (
far as pracLlcable, evolve a progresslve sysLem of LaxaLlon. )
Sect|on 8. 1ax Incent|ves. - 1o encourage lnvesLmenLs and oLher economlc acLlvlLles, !+
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have Lhe power Lo granL Lax exempLlons, rebaLes, Lax !!
holldays and oLher lncenLlves lncludlng Lhose granLed Lo Lhe 8eglonal 8oard of !#
lnvesLmenL of Lhe A8MM. As parL of lncenLlves Lo lnvesLors, Lhe 8angsamoro may opL !$
lnsLead Lo lmpose a flaL raLe lump sum Lax on small and medlum enLerprlses. !%
Sect|on 9. 1ax|ng owers. 1he followlng Laxes ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall be levled by Lhe !'
8angsamoro CovernmenL. !(
a. copltol Colos 1ox. - 1ax lmposed on Lhe galns presumed Lo have been reallzed by !*
Lhe seller from Lhe sale, exchange, or oLher dlsposlLlon of caplLal asseLs, lncludlng #+
pocto Je tetto sales and oLher forms of condlLlonal sale, #!
b. uocomeototy 5tomp 1ox. - 1ax on documenLs, lnsLrumenLs, loan agreemenLs and #$
papers evldenclng Lhe accepLance, asslgnmenL, sale or Lransfer of an obllgaLlon #%
rlghLs or properLy lncldenL LhereLo, #&
c. uooots 1ox. - 1ax on a donaLlon or glfL, and ls lmposed on Lhe graLulLous Lransfer #(
of properLy beLween Lwo or more persons who are llvlng aL Lhe Llme of Lhe #)
Lransfer. lL shall apply wheLher Lhe Lransfer ls ln LrusL or oLherwlse, wheLher Lhe #*

glfL ls dlrecL or lndlrecL and wheLher Lhe properLy ls real or personal, Langlble or !
lnLanglble, #
d. stote 1ox. - 1ax on Lhe rlghL of Lhe deceased person Lo LransmlL hls/her esLaLe Lo %
hls/her lawful helrs and beneflclarles aL Lhe Llme of deaLh and on cerLaln Lransfers, &
whlch are made by law as equlvalenL Lo LesLamenLary dlsposlLlon, '
e. lncome Lax levled on banks and oLher flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons, )
f. 8eglsLraLlon fees of vessels whlch are reglsLered by Lhelr owners wlLh Lhe !+
8angsamoro CovernmenL and wharfage on wharves consLrucLed and malnLalned !!
by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL or Lhe local governmenL unlL concerned, !#
g. 1olls on brldges or roads consLrucLed and malnLalned by Lhe provlnces, clLles, !%
munlclpallLles, or barangays concerned or by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, !&
h. 1axes, fees, or charges on agrlculLural and aquaLlc producLs, excepL when sold by !(
marglnal farmers or flsherfolk, !)
l. Lxclse Laxes on arLlcles LhaL are noL enumeraLed under Lhe naLlonal lnLernal #+
8evenue Code, #!
[. 1axes, fees, or charges on counLryslde, barangay enLerprlses and cooperaLlves noL #$
reglsLered under 8epubllc AcL no. 6810, Lhe Magna CarLa for CounLryslde and #%
8arangay 8uslness LnLerprlses" and 8epubllc AcL no. 6938, Lhe CooperaLlves #&
Code of Lhe hlllpplnes," respecLlvely, and #'

k. Such oLher Laxes LhaL were allowed Lo be levled by Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe !
AuLonomous 8eglon ln Musllm Mlndanao under 8A 6734, 8A 9034, and oLher #
leglslaLlons and execuLlve lssuances. $
Where all Laxable elemenLs are wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory, Laxes under leLLers (a) &
Lo (d) above shall no longer be lmposed by Lhe 8ureau of lnLernal 8evenue (8l8) of Lhe '
CenLral CovernmenL. 1he lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy 8oard shall promulgaLe rules (
on Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Laxable elemenLs ln relaLlon Lo Laxes (a) Lo (d) above and on Lhe )
sharlng of revenues from Lhe collecLlon of such Laxes where Lhe Laxable elemenLs are *
found wlLhln and ouLslde of Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory. Any dlspuLe beLween Lhe !+
8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe CenLral CovernmenL arlslng from Lhe lmposlLlon of !!
Laxes under (a) Lo (d) above shall be addressed by Lhe lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy !#
8oard. !$
Sect|on 10. Share |n 1axes of the Centra| Government. - CenLral CovernmenL Laxes, !&
fees, and charges collecLed ln Lhe 8angsamoro, oLher Lhan Larlff and cusLoms duLles, !'
shall be shared as follows: !(
a. 1wenLy-flve percenL (23) Lo Lhe CenLral CovernmenL, and !*
b. SevenLy-flve percenL (73) Lo Lhe 8angsamoro, lncludlng Lhe shares of Lhe local #!
governmenL unlLs. ##
1he aforemenLloned LwenLy-flve percenL (23) share of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL shall, #%
for a perlod of Len (10) years, be reLalned by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. 1he perlod #&
for reLenLlon may be exLended upon muLual agreemenL of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and #'
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #(

Sect|on 11. Assessment and Co||ect|on of 1axes. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall, by !
law, esLabllsh Lhe 8angsamoro 1ax Cfflce wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro for Lhe purpose of #
assesslng and collecLlng 8angsamoro Laxes. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe $
CenLral CovernmenL may come Lo an agreemenL as Lo modallLles for Lhe collecLlon and %
remlLLance of naLlonal Laxes, lncludlng cosLs, ln Lhe 8angsamoro. &
unLll such Llme LhaL Lhe 8angsamoro 1ax Cfflce ls esLabllshed, Lhe collecLlon shall be (
done by Lhe 8ureau of lnLernal 8evenue (8l8). 1he share of Lhe 8angsamoro )
CovernmenL shall be dlrecLly remlLLed Lo lL. *
CorporaLlons, parLnershlps, or flrms dlrecLly engaged ln buslness ln Lhe 8angsamoro !!
shall pay Lhelr correspondlng Laxes, fees, and charges ln Lhe provlnce or clLy, where Lhe !#
corporaLlon, parLnershlp, or flrm ls dolng buslness. !$
CorporaLlons, parLnershlps, or flrms whose cenLral, maln, or head offlces are locaLed !&
ouLslde Lhe 8angsamoro buL whlch are dolng buslness wlLhln lLs LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon by !'
farmlng, developlng, or uLlllzlng Lhe land, aquaLlc, or naLural resources Lhereln, shall pay !(
Lhe lncome Laxes correspondlng Lo Lhe lncome reallzed from Lhelr buslness operaLlons ln !)
Lhe 8angsamoro Lo Lhe clLy, or munlclpallLy where Lhelr branch offlces or buslness !*
operaLlons or acLlvlLles are locaLed. 1he 8l8 and Lhe 8angsamoro 1ax Cfflce shall agree #+
on modallLles for Lhe flllng of lncome Lax reLurns Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal llscal #!
ollcy 8oard. ##
Sect|on 12. Share of the Const|tuent Loca| Government Un|ts |n 1axes w|th|n the #%
8angsamoro. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall enacL a law deLalllng Lhe shares of #&
consLlLuenL local governmenL unlLs ln Lhe 73 share of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL ln #'
Lhe Laxes, fees and charges collecLed ln Lhelr [urlsdlcLlon by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL ln #(
Lhe 8angsamoro. #)

Sect|on 13. 8angsamoro 1axes and kevenue Code. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall !
enacL a 8angsamoro 1ax Code, whlch shall cover Lhe Laxlng powers of Lhe 8angsamoro #
CovernmenL. $
Sect|on 14. Iees and Charges. - 1he 8angsamoro shall exerclse Lhe power Lo levy fees &
and charges pursuanL Lo Lhe powers and funcLlons LhaL lL shall exerclse ln accordance '
wlLh Lhls 8aslc Law, lncludlng Lhe powers already granLed under 8epubllc AcL. no. 6734, (
8A 9034 and oLher execuLlve lssuances, and memoranda of agreemenL. )
8|ock Grant !+
Sect|on 1S. Annua| 8|ock Grant. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall provlde an annual !#
block granL whlch shall be Lhe share of Lhe 8angsamoro ln Lhe naLlonal lnLernal revenue !$
of Lhe CovernmenL. 1he amounL shall be sufflclenL for Lhe exerclse of Lhe powers and !%
funcLlons of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL under Lhls 8aslc Law ln no case Lo be less Lhan !&
Lhe lasL budgeL recelved by Lhe A8MM lmmedlaLely before Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe !'
8angsamoro 1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy. !(
Sect|on 16. Iormu|a of the 8|ock Grant. - lor Lhe budgeL year lmmedlaLely followlng !*
Lhe year Lhls AcL Lakes effecL, Lhe amounL of Lhe block granL shall be equlvalenL Lo four #+
per cenL (4) of Lhe neL naLlonal lnLernal revenue collecLlon of Lhe 8ureau of lnLernal #!
8evenue less Lhe lnLernal revenue alloLmenL of local governmenL unlLs. lor purposes of ##
Lhls secLlon, Lhe neL naLlonal lnLernal revenue collecLlon of Lhe 8ureau of lnLernal #$
8evenue ls undersLood Lo be Lhe sum of all lnLernal revenue Lax collecLlons durlng Lhe #%
base year less Lhe amounL released durlng Lhe same year for Lax refunds, paymenLs for #&
lnformer's reward, and any porLlon of lnLernal revenue Lax collecLlons whlch are #'
presenLly seL aslde, or hereafLer earmarked under speclal laws for paymenL Lo Lhlrd #(
persons. #)

rovlded, LhaL Lhe compuLaLlon shall be based on collecLlons from Lhe Lhlrd flscal year !
precedlng Lhe currenL flscal year, #
rovlded, furLher, LhaL Lhe above formula shall be ad[usLed lf, afLer Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls %
AcL, Lhere occurs a change ln Lhe LoLal land area of Lhe 8angsamoro, &
rovlded, flnally, LhaL ln Lhe evenL LhaL Lhe CenLral CovernmenL lncurs an unmanageable (
publlc secLor deflclL, Lhe resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes shall call for Lhe acLlvaLlon of Lhe )
lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons body where boLh Lhe resldenL and Lhe rlme MlnlsLer of *
Lhe 8angsamoro wlll parLlclpaLe ln order Lo look aL Lhe posslblllLy of ad[usLlng Lhe annual !+
block granL of Lhe 8angsamoro, rovlded furLhermore, LhaL Lhls ad[usLmenL shall be !!
durlng Lhe duraLlon of Lhe unmanageable publlc secLor deflclL only. !#
Sect|on 17. Automat|c Appropr|at|on. - 1he annual block granL shall be auLomaLlcally !%
approprlaLed Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL and reflecLed ln Lhe Ceneral !&
ApproprlaLlons AcL. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall pass an annual approprlaLlons law !'
LhaL allocaLes Lhe block granL Lo varlous agencles and programs, accordlng Lo Lhe !(
powers and funcLlons of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. 1he 8angsamoro annual !)
approprlaLlons law may also lnclude performance sLandards and LargeLs for each secLor. !*
Any unspenL amounL ln Lhe currenL year's block granL shall reverL Lo Lhe 8angsamoro #+
general fund for re-approprlaLlon. #!
Sect|on 18. kegu|ar ke|ease. - 1he block granL shall be released, wlLhouL need of any #$
furLher acLlon, dlrecLly and comprehenslvely Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, and whlch #%
shall noL be sub[ecL Lo any llen or holdback LhaL may be lmposed by Lhe CenLral #&
CovernmenL for whaLever purpose. #'

Sect|on 19. Deduct|ons from the 8|ock Grant, Lxcept|ons. - lour years from Lhe !
operaLlonallzaLlon of Lhe regular 8angsamoro CovernmenL Lhe followlng shall be #
deducLed from Lhe block granLs: $
a. 8evenues from Lhe addlLlonal Laxes beyond Lhose already devolved Lo Lhe A8MM &
collecLed Lhree (3) years before, and '
b. Share of Lhe 8angsamoro ln Lhe governmenL lncome derlved from Lhe exploraLlon, )
developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources, as provlded ln SecLlon 32 below, *
collecLed Lhree (3) years before. !+
rovlded, LhaL Lhe amounL allocaLed for Lhe operaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro SusLalnable !#
uevelopmenL 8oard, as provlded ln ArLlcle xlll, SecLlon 4,shall noL be lncluded ln Lhe !$
amounL hereln Lo be deducLed from Lhe block granL, rovlded, furLher, LhaL Lhe !%
abovemenLloned deducLlon shall noL lnclude Lhe shares of consLlLuenL local governmenL !&
unlLs and of lndlgenous communlLles ln governmenL lncome derlved from Lhe !'
exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources, under SecLlons 33 and 34, !(
respecLlvely. !)
Sect|on 20. kev|ew of the 8|ock Grant Iormu|a. - 1he formula for Lhe 8lock CranL, as #+
provlded above, shall be revlewed by Lhe lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy 8oard Len (10) #!
years afLer lLs effecLlvlLy. 1he revlew LhaL shall be underLaken shall conslder, among ##
oLhers, Lhe flscal needs of Lhe 8angsamoro and Lhe acLual revenues lL ls able Lo #$
generaLe. 1hereafLer, Lhe revlew shall be underLaken every flve (3) years as agreed upon #%
ln Lhe lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy 8oard. Should Lhe CenLral CovernmenL no longer #&
have any represenLaLlve ln Lhe sald 8oard, Lhe revlew shall be underLaken by Lhe #'
lnLergovernmenLal 8elaLlons 8ody, for enacLmenL lnLo law. #(

Sect|on 21. Deve|opment programs and pro[ects. - lmmedlaLely afLer Lhe raLlflcaLlon !
of Lhls 8aslc Law, and for anoLher flve (3) years LhereafLer, Lhe CenLral CovernmenL shall #
provlde for addlLlonal funds LhaL would subsldlze expendlLure for developmenL pro[ecLs $
and lnfrasLrucLure ln Lhe 8angsamoro, lncludlng provlnclal and munlclpal roads, ln %
accordance wlLh a developmenL plan formulaLed by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. 1he &
CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall agree on Lhe amounL '
Lhrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons body, as well as Lhe manner of release of sald (
amounL Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. )
Loans !+
Sect|on 22. Iore|gn and Domest|c Loans, 8|||s, 8onds, Notes and Cb||gat|ons. - (a) !#
looos, cteJlts, ooJ Otbet lotms of loJebteJoess. - 1he conLracLlng of loans, credlLs, and !$
oLher forms of lndebLedness by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall be for Lhe !%
developmenL and welfare of Lhe people of Lhe 8angsamoro. !&
Sub[ecL Lo accepLable credlL worLhlness, such loans may be secured from domesLlc and !(
forelgn lendlng lnsLlLuLlons, excepL forelgn and domesLlc loans requlrlng soverelgn !)
guaranLy, wheLher expllclL or lmpllclL, whlch would requlre Lhe approval of Lhe CenLral !*
CovernmenL. 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL may auLhorlze Lhe Chlef MlnlsLer Lo conLracL #+
such domesLlc or forelgn loans. 1he loans so conLracLed may Lake effecL upon approval #!
by a ma[orlLy of all Lhe members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. ##
1he CenLral CovernmenL shall asslsL Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL ln complylng wlLh Lhe #%
requlremenLs for a speedy lssuance of Lhe soverelgn guaranLy, Lo flnance local #&
lnfrasLrucLure and oLher soclo-economlc developmenL pro[ecLs ln accordance wlLh Lhe #'
8angsamoro uevelopmenL lan. #(

WlLhln 30 days from Lhe submlsslon of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL of lLs appllcaLlon !
for soverelgn guaranLy, Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall be lnformed by Lhe CenLral #
CovernmenL on Lhe acLlons Laken on Lhe appllcaLlon. 1he appllcaLlon shall be resolved $
wlLh dlspaLch. %
b) 8llls, 8ooJs, Notes, uebeototes ooJ Obllqotloos. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL ls '
also auLhorlzed Lo lssue Lreasury bllls, bonds, debenLures, securlLles, collaLerals, noLes, (
obllgaLlons, and oLher debL papers or documenLs, as well as redeem or reLlre Lhe same, )
pursuanL Lo law enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. Sald auLhorlLy may be *
exerclsed ln order Lo flnance self-llquldaLlng, lncome produclng developmenL or !+
llvellhood pro[ecLs pursuanL Lo Lhe prlorlLles esLabllshed ln Lhe aforemenLloned !!
developmenL plan. !#
(c) loymeot of looos ooJ loJebteJoess. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall !%
approprlaLe ln lLs annual budgeL such amounLs as are sufflclenL Lo pay Lhelr loans and !&
Lhelr lndebLedness lncurred. !'
Sect|on 23. Cverseas Deve|opment Ass|stance. - ln lLs efforLs Lo achleve lncluslve !)
growLh and poverLy reducLlon, Lhrough Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of prlorlLy developmenL !*
pro[ecLs, Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL may avall dlrecLly of Cverseas uevelopmenL #+
AsslsLance (CuA). 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL may enacL leglslaLlon governlng CuA. #!
Grants and Donat|ons #$
Sect|on 24. Grants and Donat|ons. - CranLs and donaLlons from forelgn and domesLlc #&
donors recelved by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL for Lhe developmenL and welfare of #'
Lhe people ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall be used solely for Lhe purpose for whlch Lhey were #(
recelved. #)

uonaLlons and granLs LhaL are used excluslvely Lo flnance pro[ecLs for educaLlon, healLh, !
youLh and culLure, and economlc developmenL, may be deducLed ln full from Lhe #
Laxable lncome of Lhe donor or granLor. $
Lconom|c Agreements and Convent|ons &
Sect|on 2S. Lconom|c Agreements. - 1he 8angsamoro governmenL may enLer lnLo (
economlc agreemenLs and recelve beneflLs and granLs derlved Lherefrom sub[ecL Lo Lhe )
reserved powers of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL over forelgn affalrs. *
Sect|on 26. Cu|tura| Lxchange, Lconom|c and 1echn|ca| Cooperat|on. - ConslsLenL wlLh !!
Lhe reserved powers of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL, Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL may !#
esLabllsh llnkages for culLural exchange, economlc and Lechnlcal cooperaLlon wlLh !$
counLrles wlLh dlplomaLlc relaLlons wlLh Lhe hlllpplnes, wlLh asslsLance of hlllpplne !%
embassles or consulaLes, or Lhrough some oLher arrangemenLs wlLh CenLral !&
CovernmenL supporLlng such underLaklngs. !'
Sect|on 27. 8enef|ts from Convent|ons. - 1he 8angsamoro shall be enLlLled Lo beneflLs !)
resulLlng from convenLlons Lo whlch Lhe CenLral CovernmenL ls a parLy. Such beneflLs !*
shall be equlLable and shall conslder Lhe avallable human and maLerlal resources and #+
comparaLlve advanLage of Lhe 8angsamoro, as well as lLs soclo-economlc condlLlons and #!
needs. ##
Government Cwned and]or Contro||ed Corporat|ons (GCCCs) #%
and I|nanc|a| Inst|tut|ons #&
Sect|on 28. GCCCs and I|nanc|a| Inst|tut|ons. - 1he 8angsamoro shall have Lhe power Lo #(
creaLe CCCCs and flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons Lhrough Lhe necessary modallLles, and ln #)
accordance wlLh a law on CCCCs Lo be passed by Lhe arllamenL. 1hese 8angsamoro #*

CovernmenL-creaLed CCCCs shall be duly reglsLered wlLh Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange !
Commlsslon or esLabllshed under leglslaLlve charLer by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL, and #
shall be recognlzed even ouLslde Lhe 8angsamoro. 8evenues derlved from Lhelr $
operaLlons shall perLaln Lo Lhe 8angsamoro. %
Sect|on 29. Lx|st|ng GCCCs Cperat|ng Lxc|us|ve|y |n the 8angsamoro. - 1he '
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have Lhe auLhorlLy and conLrol over exlsLlng CCCCs and (
flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons operaLlng excluslvely ln Lhe 8angsamoro, afLer deLermlnaLlon by )
Lhe lnLergovernmenLal flscal pollcy board of lLs feaslblllLy. Such Lransfer shall be effecLed *
Lhrough Lhe necessary changes on Lhe CCCCs' governlng boards. !+
Sect|on 30. Southern h|||pp|ne Deve|opment Author|ty and A|-Amanah Is|am|c !#
Investment 8ank. - WlLhln slx (6) monLhs from Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe 81A, Lhe !$
lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy 8oard shall deLermlne Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Lhe !%
8angsamoro ln Lhe ownershlp and managemenL of Al-Amanah lslamlc lnvesLmenL 8ank !&
of Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe SouLhern hlllpplnes uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy as provlded ln !'
.u. 690 as amended by .u. 1703 and Lhe mode of Lransfer of ownershlp Lo Lhe !(
8angsamoro CovernmenL. !)
Sect|on 31. Lx|st|ng GCCCs |n the 8angsamoro. -1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall be #+
represenLed ln Lhe board of dlrecLors or ln Lhe pollcy-maklng bodles of CCCCs LhaL #!
operaLe a subsLanLlal porLlon of Lhelr buslnesses dlrecLly or Lhrough Lhelr subsldlarles ln ##
Lhe 8angsamoro or where Lhe 8angsamoro has subsLanLlal lnLeresL. 1he #$
lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy 8oard (lCl8) shall deLermlne Lhe exLenL of #%
parLlclpaLlon. ln no case shall Lhe 8angsamoro have less Lhan one seaL ln Lhe governlng #&
board of such enLlLles. #'

1he share of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL from Lhe resulLs of operaLlons of CCCCs and !
subsldlarles operaLlng ln Lhe 8angsamoro shall be based on a formula deLermlned by Lhe #
lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy 8oard under SecLlon 36 of Lhls 8aslc Law. $
Shar|ng |n the Lxp|orat|on, Deve|opment and Ut|||zat|on of Natura| kesources &
Sect|on 32. Shar|ng |n Lxp|orat|on, Deve|opment and Ut|||zat|on of Natura| kesource. - (
CenLral CovernmenL lncome from Laxes derlved from Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL and )
uLlllzaLlon of all naLural resources wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro shall be allocaLed as follows: *
a. lor non-meLalllc mlnerals (sand, gravel, and quarry resources), such revenues shall !!
perLaln fully Lo Lhe 8angsamoro and lLs local governmenL unlLs, !#
b. lor meLalllc mlnerals, sevenLy-flve percenL (73) shall perLaln Lo Lhe 8angsamoro, !%
c. lor fossll fuels (peLroleum, naLural gas, and coal) and uranlum, Lhe same shall be !'
shared equally beLween Lhe CenLral and 8angsamoro CovernmenLs. !(
Such sharlng scheme shall be appllcable Lo Lhe naLural resources found ln Lhe land mass !*
LhaL comprlse Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory as well as Lhe waLers LhaL are wlLhln Lhe #+
LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro. #!
Sect|on 33. Share of the Const|tuent Loca| Government Un|ts. - 1he share of Lhe #$
8angsamoro CovernmenL ln Lhe revenues referred Lo ln Lhe lmmedlaLely precedlng #%
secLlon shall lnclude Lhose for lLs consLlLuenL local governmenL unlLs. 1he 8angsamoro #&
arllamenL shall enacL a law deLalllng Lhe shares of such local governmenL unlLs. #'
Sect|on 34. Share of Ind|genous Commun|t|es. - lndlgenous peoples shall have an #)
equlLable share from Lhe revenues generaLed from Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL and #*

uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources LhaL are found wlLhln Lhe LerrlLorles covered by a naLlve !
LlLle ln Lhelr favor. 1he share shall be provlded for ln a law Lo be passed by Lhe #
8angsamoro arllamenL. $
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall enacL a law LhaL shall provlde ln deLall sald sharlng &
sysLem, lncludlng Lhe percenLage of Lhe shares of Lhe lndlgenous peoples and '
communlLles, and Lhe mechanlsms Lherefor. (
Intergovernmenta| I|sca| o||cy 8oard *
Sect|on 3S. Intergovernmenta| I|sca| o||cy 8oard. - 1here ls hereby creaLed an !!
lnLergovernmenLal llscal ollcy 8oard (lCl8) LhaL shall address revenue lmbalances !#
and flucLuaLlons ln reglonal flnanclal needs and revenue-ralslng capaclLy of Lhe !$
8angsamoro. !%
Sect|on 36. Iunct|ons. - 1he lCl8 shall underLake Lhe followlng funcLlons: !'
(a) 8ecommend Lhe necessary flscal pollcy ad[usLmenLs by underLaklng a perlodlc revlew !)
of Lhe Laxlng powers, Lax base and raLes of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, wealLh sharlng !*
arrangemenLs, sources of revenues vls-a-vls Lhe developmenL needs of Lhe 8angsamoro, #+
(b) Address dlspuLes beLween Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro ##
CovernmenL lnvolvlng Lhe collecLlon of caplLal galns Lax, documenLary sLamp Lax, #$
donor's Lax and esLaLe Lax ln Lhe 8angsamoro, #%
(c) ueLermlne Lhe exLenL of parLlclpaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL ln Lhe board #'
of dlrecLors or Lhe pollcy-maklng bodles of CCCCs LhaL operaLe a subsLanLlal porLlon of #(
Lhelr buslnesses dlrecLly or Lhrough Lhelr subsldlarles ln Lhe 8angsamoro or where Lhe #)
8angsamoro has subsLanLlal lnLeresL, #*

(d) ueLermlne Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL ln Lhe resulLs of #
operaLlons of governmenL-owned and/or conLrolled corporaLlons and lLs subsldlarles $
operaLlng ln Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he 8oard shall also deLermlne a formula for Lhe share of %
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL from Lhe resulLs of sald operaLlons, &
(e) ueLermlne Lhe parLlclpaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro ln Lhe ownershlp and managemenL (
of Al-Amanah lslamlc lnvesLmenL 8ank of Lhe hlllpplnes and Lhe SouLhern hlllpplnes )
uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy (SuA) Lo Lhe 8angsamoro, and *
(f) 8ecommend Lhe exerclse by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL of addlLlonal flscal powers !!
ln order Lo aLLaln Lhe hlghesL form of flscal auLonomy. !#
Sect|on 37. Compos|t|on. - 1he 8oard shall be composed of Lhe heads and/or !%
represenLaLlves of Lhe approprlaLe mlnlsLrles and offlces ln Lhe 8angsamoro !&
CovernmenL. 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall llkewlse be represenLed ln Lhe 8oard by Lhe !'
SecreLary of llnance and such oLher offlclals as may be necessary. !(
Cnce full flscal auLonomy has been achleved by Lhe 8angsamoro, lL may no longer be !*
necessary Lo have a represenLaLlve from Lhe CenLral CovernmenL Lo slL ln Lhe 8oard. #+
Sect|on 38. Meet|ngs and Annua| keport. 1he 8oard shall meeL aL leasL once ln slx (6) ##
monLhs and shall adopL lLs own rules of procedure for Lhe conducL of lLs meeLlngs. #$
An annual reporL shall be submlLLed by Lhe 8oard Lo Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe #&
8angsamoro CovernmenL. #'
Sect|on 39. Iu|| D|sc|osure o||cy. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL hereby adopLs a #)
pollcy of full dlsclosure of lLs budgeL and flnances, and blds and publlc offerlngs and shall #*

provlde proLocols for Lhe guldance of local auLhorlLles ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of sald !
pollcy, whlch shall lnclude, among oLhers Lhe posLlng of Lhe Summary of lncome and #
LxpendlLures. 1he same pollcy shall apply Lo lLs consLlLuenL local governmenL unlLs, as $
may be provlded ln a law Lo be enacLed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. %
Sect|on 40. Add|t|ona| I|sca| owers. - 1he lCl8 may recommend Lhe exerclse by Lhe '
8angsamoro of addlLlonal flscal powers ln order Lo reach full flscal auLonomy. Such (
recommendaLlons shall be proposed Lo Congress or Lhe approprlaLe agency of Lhe )
CenLral CovernmenL LhaL has Lhe power Lo effecL such recommendaLlons. *

Art|c|e kIII !
Sect|on 1. 8angsamoro Lconomy and Soc|a| Iust|ce - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL's %
economlc pollcles and programs shall be based on Lhe prlnclple of soclal [usLlce. &
ursuanL Lo Lhls prlnclple, Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall leglslaLe laws perLalnlng Lo '
Lhe 8angsamoro economy and paLrlmony LhaL are responslve Lo Lhe needs of lLs people. (
Susta|nab|e Deve|opment *
Sect|on 2. Lqu|tab|e and Susta|nab|e Deve|opment. - ln order Lo proLecL and lmprove !!
Lhe quallLy of llfe of Lhe lnhablLanLs of Lhe 8angsamoro, developmenL ln Lhe !#
8angsamoro shall be carefully planned, Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe naLural resources !$
LhaL are avallable for lLs use and for Lhe use of fuLure generaLlons. !%
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall promoLe Lhe effecLlve use of economlc resources !'
and endeavor Lo aLLaln economlc developmenL LhaL shall faclllLaLe growLh and full !(
employmenL, human developmenL, and soclal [usLlce. !)
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall also provlde equlLable opporLunlLles for Lhe #+
developmenL of consLlLuenL local governmenL unlLs and shall sLrengLhen governance #!
sysLems Lo ensure people's parLlclpaLlon. ##
Sect|on 3. Comprehens|ve Iramework for Susta|nab|e Deve|opment. - 1he #%
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall develop a comprehenslve framework for susLalnable #&
developmenL Lhrough Lhe proper conservaLlon, uLlllzaLlon and developmenL of naLural #'
resources. Such framework shall gulde Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL ln adopLlng #(
programs and pollcles and esLabllshlng mechanlsms LhaL focus on Lhe envlronmenL #)
dlmenslons of soclal and economlc lnLervenLlons. lL shall lnclude measures for Lhe #*

reducLlon of vulnerablllLy of women and marglnallzed groups Lo cllmaLe change and !
varlablllLy. #
Sect|on 4. 8angsamoro Susta|nab|e Deve|opment 8oard. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL %
shall creaLe a 8angsamoro SusLalnable uevelopmenL 8oard (8Su8), an &
lnLergovernmenLal body composed of represenLaLlves from Lhe 8angsamoro '
CovernmenL and Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. 1he 8oard shall ensure Lhe harmonlzaLlon of (
envlronmenLal and developmenLal plans, as well as formulaLe common envlronmenLal )
ob[ecLlves. *
lundlng supporL for Lhe 8oard shall be lncluded ln Lhe annual budgeL of Lhe !!
8angsamoro CovernmenL. Powever, lf Lhere are revenues collecLed from Lhe !#
exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of all naLural resources wlLhln Lhe !$
8angsamoro, a cerLaln percenLage of such revenues shall be allocaLed for Lhe operaLlon !%
of Lhe 8oard, as may be provlded ln a law Lo be passed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. !&
Sect|on S. 8angsamoro Deve|opment |an. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall !(
formulaLe lLs developmenL plans Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe 8angsamoro people's !)
unlque needs and asplraLlons and conslsLenL wlLh naLlonal developmenL goals. 1he plan !*
shall also conslder Lhe revenue generaLlon efforLs needed for Lhe posL-confllcL #+
rehablllLaLlon, reconsLrucLlon and developmenL of lLs LerrlLory. #!
1he plan shall lnclude Lhe promoLlon of growLh and full employmenL, human #$
developmenL, and address soclal and economlc lnequlLles LhaL have resulLed from #%
decades of neglecL, hlsLorlcal ln[usLlce, poverLy and lnequallLy. #&
lor Lhls purpose, Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall creaLe an economlc plannlng offlce. #(

Sect|on 6. Gender and Deve|opment. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL recognlzes Lhe !
role of women ln governance and shall ensure Lhe fundamenLal equallLy before Lhe law #
of women and men. lL shall guaranLee full and dlrecL parLlclpaLlon of women ln $
governance and ln Lhe developmenL process and shall, furLher, ensure LhaL women %
beneflL equally ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of developmenL programs and pro[ecLs. &
ln Lhe uLlllzaLlon of publlc funds, Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall ensure LhaL Lhe (
needs of women and men are adequaLely addressed. lor Lhls purpose, aL leasL flve )
percenL (3) of Lhe LoLal budgeL approprlaLlon of each mlnlsLry, offlce, and consLlLuenL *
local governmenL unlL of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be seL aslde for gender-responslve !+
programs, ln accordance wlLh a gender and developmenL (CAu) plan. ln Lhe same !!
manner, aL leasL flve percenL (3) up Lo LhlrLy percenL (30) of Lhe offlclal developmenL !#
funds recelved by Lhe 8angsamoro shall be seL aslde Lo complemenL sald CAu budgeL !$
allocaLlon. !%
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall esLabllsh a mechanlsm for consulLaLlon wlLh women !'
and local communlLles Lo furLher ensure Lhe allocaLlon and proper uLlllzaLlon of sald !(
funds. lL shall ldenLlfy and lmplemenL speclal developmenL programs and laws for !)
women. !*
Sect|on 7. art|c|pat|on of the 8angsamoro |n Nat|ona| Deve|opment |ann|ng. - 1he #!
precedlng secLlon noLwlLhsLandlng, and ln order Lo ensure LhaL Lhe 8angsamoro ##
developmenL plans are reflecLed ln Lhe naLlonal developmenL plans, Lhe 8angsamoro #$
shall parLlclpaLe ln naLlonal developmenL plannlng. 1he Chlef MlnlsLer shall be a full- #%
fledged member of Lhe 8oard of Lhe naLlonal Lconomlc and uevelopmenL AuLhorlLy #&
(nLuA). #'

Natura| kesources !
Sect|on 8. Natura| kesources, Nature keserves and rotected Areas. - 1he 8angsamoro $
CovernmenL shall have Lhe auLhorlLy, power, and rlghL Lo explore, develop and uLlllze %
Lhe naLural resources, lncludlng surface and sub-surface rlghLs, lnland waLers, coasLal &
waLers, and renewable and non-renewable resources ln Lhe 8angsamoro. '
1he proLecLlon, conservaLlon, rehablllLaLlon, and developmenL of foresLs, coasLal, and )
marlne resources, lncludlng Lhe adopLlon of programs and pro[ecLs Lo ensure Lhe *
malnLenance of ecologlcal balance, shall be glven prlorlLy. !+
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall also have Lhe power Lo declare naLure reserves and !#
aquaLlc parks, foresLs, waLershed reservaLlons and oLher proLecLed areas ln Lhe !$
8angsamoro, amendlng for Lhls purpose Lhe followlng laws, among oLhers: !%
a. 8epubllc AcL no. 7386, oLherwlse known as Lhe naLlonal lnLegraLed roLecLed !'
Areas SysLem (nlAS) AcL of 1992, as amended by 8epubllc AcL no. 10629, !(
b. resldenLlal uecree (u) no. 703, 8evlslng u 389 or Lhe loresLry Code of Lhe !*
hlllpplnes, #+
c. u no. 1313 vesLlng !urlsdlcLlon and ConLrol over WaLershed 8eservaLlons ln Lhe ##
MlnlsLry of Lnergy and for oLher urposes, #$
d. u 87, Amendlng u no. 8, An AcL Lo romoLe Lhe ulscovery and roducLlon of #&
lndlgenous eLroleum and ApproprlaLe lunds Lherefor, and #'
e. 8epubllc AcL no. 7942, hlllpplne Mlnlng AcL of 1993. #)

1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall pass a law on proLecLed areas, regardlng Lhe !
procedure for Lhe declaraLlon, and Lhe managemenL of Lhose LhaL are so declared, and #
Lhe role of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL and oLher sLakeholders ln Lhe process. $
Sect|on 9. 1ransfer of Lx|st|ng Nature keserves and rotected Areas. - 1he &
managemenL and proLecLlon of naLure reserves and aquaLlc parks, foresLs, waLershed '
reservaLlons, and oLher proLecLed areas ln Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory LhaL have already (
been deflned by and under Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL shall be Lransferred )
Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. *
WlLhln Lhree monLhs from Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro 1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy, !!
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL and ueparLmenL of LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esources !#
(uLn8) as well as oLher relevanL governmenL agencles shall sLarL Lhe process of !$
Lransferrlng Lhese areas lncludlng Lhe conducL of surveys of all affecLed areas and Lhe !%
plannlng and LranslLlon for each and every proLecLed area. Such process shall be !&
compleLed wlLhln a perlod noL exceedlng Lwo years. !'
Sect|on 10. Lxp|orat|on, Deve|opment, and Ut|||zat|on of Ioss|| Iue|s and Uran|um. - !)
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe CenLral CovernmenL shall [olnLly exerclse Lhe !*
power Lo granL rlghLs, prlvlleges and concesslons over Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL #+
and uLlllzaLlon of fossll fuels (peLroleum, naLural gas, and coal) and uranlum ln Lhe #!
8angsamoro. ##
1he CenLral CovernmenL, Lhrough Lhe ueparLmenL of Lnergy (uCL), and Lhe #%
8angsamoro CovernmenL shall adopL a compeLlLlve and LransparenL process for Lhe #&
granL of rlghLs, prlvlleges and concesslons ln Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL and #'
uLlllzaLlon of fossll fuels and uranlum. #(

1he uCL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL wlll ldenLlfy and selecL prospecLlve conLracL !
areas Lo be offered for exploraLlon and developmenL. A quallfled llllplno clLlzen who ls #
a bona flde resldenL of Lhe 8angsamoro wlll recelve a raLlng hlgher Lhan oLher $
proponenLs durlng Lhe evaluaLlon process. 1he award of Lhe servlce conLracL shall be %
made [olnLly by Lhe uCL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. &
Sect|on 11. referent|a| k|ghts of 8ona I|de Inhab|tants of the 8angsamoro. - Cuallfled (
clLlzens who are booo flJe lnhablLanLs of Lhe 8angsamoro shall have preferenLlal rlghLs )
over Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL, and uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources, lncludlng fossll *
fuels (peLroleum, naLural gas, and coal) and uranlum, wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory. !+
LxlsLlng rlghLs over Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of naLural resources !!
shall be respecLed unLll Lhe explraLlon of Lhe correspondlng leases, permlLs, franchlses !#
or concesslons, unless legally LermlnaLed. !$
Sect|on 12. k|ghts of Ind|genous eop|es Cver Natura| kesources. - 1he 8angsamoro !&
arllamenL shall enacL a law recognlzlng Lhe rlghLs of lndlgenous peoples ln Lhe !'
8angsamoro ln relaLlon Lo naLural resources wlLhln Lhe LerrlLorles covered by a naLlve !(
LlLle, lncludlng Lhelr share ln revenues, as provlded ln Lhls 8aslc Law, and preferenLlal !)
rlghLs ln Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of such naLural resources wlLhln !*
Lhelr area. #+
1he rlghL of lndlgenous peoples Lo free and prlor lnformed consenL ln relaLlon Lo ##
developmenL lnlLlaLlves shall be respecLed. #$
Sect|on 13. M|nes and M|nera| kesources. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have #&
auLhorlLy and [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL, and uLlllzaLlon of mlnes #'
and mlnerals ln lLs LerrlLory. ermlLs and llcenses and Lhe granLlng of conLracLs for Lhls #(
purpose shall be wlLhln Lhe powers of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #)

Sect|on 14. I|nanc|a| and 1echn|ca| Ass|stance Agreements. - 1he appllcaLlons for !
flnanclal and Lechnlcal asslsLance agreemenLs (l1AAs) coverlng mlneral resources wlLhln #
Lhe 8angsamoro shall be commenced aL and recommended by Lhe 8angsamoro $
CovernmenL Lo Lhe resldenL. %
1he manner by whlch Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall make Lhe recommendaLlon '
shall be ln accordance wlLh Lhe mlnlng pollcy LhaL shall be adopLed by Lhe 8angsamoro (
arllamenL. )
Sect|on 1S. kegu|at|on of Sma||-Sca|e M|n|ng. - Small-scale mlnlng shall be regulaLed by !+
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL Lo Lhe end LhaL Lhe ecologlcal balance, safeLy and healLh, !!
and Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe affecLed communlLles, Lhe mlners, Lhe lndlgenous peoples, and !#
Lhe local governmenL unlLs of Lhe place where such operaLlons are conducLed are duly !$
proLecLed and safeguarded. !%
Sect|on 16. Leg|s|at|ng 8enef|ts, Compensat|on for V|ct|ms and Commun|t|es Adverse|y !'
Affected by M|n|ng and Cther Act|v|t|es that narness Natura| kesources. - 1he !(
8angsamoro arllamenL shall enacL laws for Lhe beneflL and welfare of Lhe lnhablLanLs !)
ln[ured, harmed or adversely affecLed by Lhe harnesslng of naLural and mlneral !*
resources ln Lhe 8angsamoro. Such laws may lnclude paymenL of [usL compensaLlon Lo #+
and relocaLlon of Lhe people and rehablllLaLlon of Lhe areas adversely affecLed by Lhe #!
harnesslng of naLural and mlneral resources menLloned above. ##
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL may, by law, requlre Lhe persons, naLural or [urldlcal, #%
responslble for causlng Lhe harm or ln[ury menLloned above Lo bear Lhe cosLs of #&
compensaLlon, relocaLlon and rehablllLaLlon menLloned above wholly or parLlally. #'
Sect|on 17. 8angsamoro M|n|ng o||cy. - ollcles on mlnlng and oLher exLracLlve #)
lndusLrles shall be drawn up by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL ln accordance wlLh lLs #*

Comprehenslve SusLalnable uevelopmenL lan, as well as lLs over-all medlum-Lerm and !
long-Lerm 8angsamoro uevelopmenL lan. #
Sect|on 18. 2ones of Io|nt Cooperat|on. - Zones of !olnL CooperaLlon ln Lhe Sulu Sea %
and Lhe Moro Culf are hereby creaLed, Lhe coordlnaLes of whlch shall be deflned by an &
ad hoc [olnL body composed of represenLaLlves from Lhe ueparLmenL of LnvlronmenL '
and naLural 8esources (uLn8) and Lhe naLlonal Mapplng and 8esource lnformaLlon (
AuLhorlLy (nAM8lA) and an equal number of represenLaLlves from approprlaLe agencles )
of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. *
1he !olnL 8ody shall be convened wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days afLer Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls !!
8aslc Law and shall cease Lo exlsL afLer lL has esLabllshed Lhe coordlnaLes of Lhe !#
8angsamoro LerrlLory, lncludlng Lhe 8angsamoro WaLers and Lhe Zones of !olnL !$
CooperaLlon. Powever, Lhe sald [olnL body shall be reconvened wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days !%
afLer Lhe conducL of a pleblsclLe for Lhe lncluslon of oLher LerrlLorles as provlded ln Lhe !&
8aslc Law. !'
Sect|on 19. Io|nt 8ody for the 2ones of Io|nt Cooperat|on. - 1here shall be creaLed a !)
!olnL 8ody for Lhe Zones of !olnL CooperaLlon composed of a 8angsamoro MlnlsLer as !*
Chalr, aL leasL one (1) represenLaLlve of a consLlLuenL local governmenL unlL of Lhe #+
8angsamoro ad[acenL Lo Lhe Sulu Sea, aL leasL one (1) represenLaLlve of a consLlLuenL #!
local governmenL unlL of Lhe 8angsamoro ad[acenL Lo Lhe Moro Culf, Lhe SecreLary of ##
LnvlronmenL and naLural 8esources, Lhe SecreLary of AgrlculLure, and Lhe SecreLary of #$
1ransporLaLlon and CommunlcaLlon of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL, or Lhelr auLhorlzed #%
represenLaLlves, and Lhelr counLerparL offlclals from Lhe approprlaLe 8angsamoro #&
offlces and/or agencles. 1here shall be aL leasL one (1) represenLaLlve from an ad[olnlng #'
local governmenL unlL LhaL ls noL parL of Lhe 8angsamoro, and ad[acenL Lo Lhe Sulu Sea, #(
and aL leasL one (1) represenLaLlve from an ad[olnlng local governmenL unlL LhaL ls noL #)
parL of Lhe 8angsamoro, and ad[acenL Lo Lhe Moro Culf. 1he !olnL 8ody shall be #*

responslble for drawlng up of pollcles menLloned ln Lhe precedlng SecLlon, as well as !
Lhose necessarlly relaLed LhereLo. #
1he [olnL body may lnvlLe prlvaLe secLor represenLaLlves from Lhe flshlng and %
LransporLaLlon lndusLrles whenever necessary. &
1he CenLral and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenLs shall work LogeLher Lo regulaLe Lhe (
waLers LhaL comprlse Lhe Zones of !olnL CooperaLlon ln Lhe Sulu Sea and Lhe Moro Culf. )
ollcles shall be [olnLly drawn up for Lhe followlng purposes: *
a. proLecLlon of Lhe LradlLlonal flshlng grounds, !!
b. beneflLLlng from Lhe resources Lhereln, !$
c. ensurlng Lhe lnLerconnecLlvlLy of Lhe lslands and malnland parLs of Lhe !&
8angsamoro so LhaL Lhey are parLs of a coheslve 8angsamoro pollLlcal enLlLy, and !'
d. ensurlng Lhe exerclse of Lhe preferenLlal rlghLs of Lhe 8angsamoro people, oLher !)
lndlgenous peoples ln Lhe ad[olnlng provlnces, and Lhe resldenL flshers ln Lhe !*
8angsamoro over flshery, aquamarlne, and oLher llvlng resources ln Lhe Zones of #+
!olnL CooperaLlon. 1he !olnL 8ody shall promulgaLe rules and regulaLlons as Lo Lhe #!
exerclse of Lhese preferenLlal rlghLs. 1he preferenLlal rlghLs granLed Lo Lhe ##
8angsamoro people under Lhls secLlon shall exLend only Lo Lhose who can #$
esLabllsh LhaL Lhey are 8angsamoro as deflned ln Lhls 8aslc Law or descendanLs of #%
a 8angsamoro as of lebruary 2, 1987. #&
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL and Lhe CenLral CovernmenLs shall ensure LhaL Lhere #(
shall be free movemenL of vessels, goods, and people ln Lhese Zones of !olnL #)
CooperaLlon. #*

Sect|on 20. Lxp|orat|on, Deve|opment and Ut|||zat|on of Non-||v|ng kesources |n the !
2ones of Io|nt Cooperat|on. 1he !olnL 8ody for Lhe Zones of !olnL CooperaLlon shall #
ensure Lhe cooperaLlon and coordlnaLlon beLween Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe $
8angsamoro CovernmenL on Lhe exploraLlon, developmenL and uLlllzaLlon of non-llvlng %
resources ln Lhe Zones of !olnL CooperaLlon and deLermlne Lhe sharlng of lncome and &
revenues derlved Lherefrom. '
Sect|on 21. 1ransportat|on |n the 2ones of Io|nt Cooperat|on. 1ransporLaLlon plylng )
dlrecL rouLes connecLlng Lhe lslands ln Sulu, 8asllan, 1awl-1awl and/or Lhe malnland *
parLs of Lhe 8angsamoro and passlng Lhrough Lhe Zones of !olnL CooperaLlon shall be !+
consldered lnLra-reglonal rouLes. !!
Sect|on 22. In|and Waters. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall have excluslve powers !$
over lnland waLers, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo lakes, marshes, rlvers and LrlbuLarles. !%
1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall enacL laws on Lhe regulaLlon, managemenL and !&
proLecLlon of Lhese resources. lL may creaLe a 8angsamoro offlce and auLhorlLles for !'
speclflc lnland bodles of waLer LhaL shall exerclse managemenL powers over Lhese !(
bodles of waLer. !)
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall ensure LhaL Lhe uLlllzaLlon of Lhese waLers shall #+
prlmarlly be for Lhe beneflL of Lhe people ln Lhe 8angsamoro and shall ensure LhaL #!
communlLles ln Lhe 8angsamoro ln whose LerrlLory Lhese waLers are found are glven an ##
equlLable share from Lhe revenues generaLed from such uLlllzaLlon. #$
Sect|on 23. Agr|cu|ture, I|sher|es, and Aquat|c kesources. - 1he 8angsamoro #&
CovernmenL's pollcles and laws on agrlculLure, flsherles, and aquaLlc resources shall #'
advance agrlculLure as a key developmenL sLraLegy, promoLe producLlvlLy measures, #(
and provlde supporL for farmers and flshers especlally small landholders and marglnal #)
flshers. #*

1rade and Industry !
Sect|on 24. 1rade and Industry |n the 8angsamoro. -1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL $
recognlzes Lhe prlvaLe secLor as a mover of Lrade, commerce, and lndusLry. lL shall %
encourage and supporL Lhe bulldlng up of enLrepreneurlal capablllLy ln Lhe 8angsamoro &
and shall recognlze, promoLe, and proLecL cooperaLlves. '
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall promoLe Lrade and lndusLry ln Lhe 8angsamoro by )
provldlng avenues Lhrough whlch oLher counLrles can learn abouL lLs unlque lndusLrles, *
economlc opporLunlLles and culLure Lhrough parLlclpaLlon ln Lrade mlsslons, Lrade falrs, !+
and oLher promoLlonal acLlvlLles. lL can also organlze Lrade mlsslons Lo oLher counLrles !!
observlng Lhe necessary coordlnaLlon wlLh Lhe relevanL governmenL agencles. !#
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall also promoLe domesLlc Lrade preference for goods !%
produced and maLerlals sourced from wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro and adopL measures Lo !&
lncrease Lhelr compeLlLlveness. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall also ensure LhaL !'
8angsamoro producLs and servlces galn conslderable access Lo Lhe markeLs of lLs Lradlng !(
parLners, and parLlcular aLLenLlon should also be glven Lo Lhe markeLs of lLs Lradlng !)
parLners who have hlsLorlc and culLural Lles Lo Lhe 8angsamoro. !*
1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall provlde Lechnlcal and skllls Lralnlng programs, #!
creaLe llvellhood and [ob opporLunlLles, and allocaLe equlLable preferenLlal rlghLs Lo lLs ##
lnhablLanLs. ln Lhls regard, Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL may adopL laws LhaL wlll #$
safeguard Lhe rlghLs of workers. #%
Sect|on 2S. 8arter 1rade and Countertrade w|th ASLAN Countr|es. - 1he 8angsamoro #'
CovernmenL shall regulaLe LradlLlonal barLer Lrade and counLer-Lrade wlLh ASLAn #(
counLrles. 1he goods or lLems LhaL are Lraded wlLh Lhe sald counLrles shall noL be sold #)
elsewhere ln Lhe counLry wlLhouL paymenL of approprlaLe cusLoms or lmporL duLles. #*

1radlLlonal barLer Lrade and counLer-Lrade refer Lo all cross-border Lrade of all goods !
noL oLherwlse consldered llllclL slnce Llme lmmemorlal beLween Lhe 8angsamoro areas #
wlLh ASLAn counLrles. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall ensure compllance wlLh $
naLlonal sLandards and safeLy producL sLandards requlremenLs. Any dlspuLe ln relaLlon %
Lo compllance or non-compllance shall be broughL Lo Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons &
mechanlsm. '
Sect|on 26. Lconom|c 2ones, Industr|a| Lstates and Iree orts. - 1he 8angsamoro )
CovernmenL may esLabllsh economlc zones, lndusLrlal esLaLes and free porLs ln Lhe *
8angsamoro. 1hrough Lhe lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons mechanlsm, Lhe 8angsamoro !+
CovernmenL and Lhe CenLral CovernmenL shall cooperaLe on cusLoms, lmmlgraLlon, !!
quaranLlne servlce lncludlng Lhe aLLendanL lnLernaLlonal commlLmenLs LhereLo, Lo !#
lmplemenL and make fully operaLlonal such economlc zones, lndusLrlal esLaLes, and free !$
porLs wlLhln one (1) year from Lhelr esLabllshmenL. 8uslness and oLher enLerprlses !%
operaLlng wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro economlc zones, lndusLrlal esLaLes and free porLs shall !&
be enLlLled Lo Lhe flscal lncenLlves and oLher beneflLs provlded by Lhe CenLral !'
CovernmenL Lo speclal economlc zones. 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall lmplemenL !(
Lhe flscal lncenLlves and oLher beneflLs Lo lnvesLors ln economlc zones, lndusLrlal esLaLes !)
and free porLs. 8angsamoro free porLs shall be conLlguous/ad[acenL Lo a seaporL or !*
alrporL. 1he area of coverage of a free porL may be so much as may be necessary of LhaL #+
porLlon of Lhe consLlLuenL local governmenL unlL/s of Lhe 8angsamoro, sub[ecL Lo such #!
crlLerla as Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL may provlde ln law for LhaL purpose. LxlsLlng free ##
porLs ln Lhe A8MM are hereby Lransferred Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #$
Sect|on 27. roh|b|t|on Aga|nst 1ox|c or nazardous Substances. - 1he 8angsamoro #&
CovernmenL shall regulaLe, resLrlcL or prohlblL Lhe use, lmporLaLlon, LranslL, LransporL, #'
deposlL, dlsposal, and dumplng of Loxlc or hazardous subsLances wlLhln Lhe #(
8angsamoro. lL shall, ln Lhe same manner, regulaLe acLlvlLles LhaL may adversely lmpacL #)
Lhe envlronmenL and may be harmful Lo healLh, safeLy and welfare of Lhe 8angsamoro. #*

Sect|on 28. na|a|-Cert|fy|ng 8od|es, na|a| Campa|gn rogram. - 1he 8angsamoro !
CovernmenL shall have Lhe power Lo accredlL halal-cerLlfylng bodles ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #
lL shall promoLe awareness Lhrough Lhe developmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of a halal $
campalgn program. %
8ank|ng and I|nance '
Sect|on 29. 8anks and I|nanc|a| Inst|tut|ons. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall )
encourage Lhe esLabllshmenL of: *
a. banks and flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons and Lhelr branches, and !!
b. off-shore banklng unlLs of forelgn banks !$
wlLhln Lhe 8angsamoro, and prlnclples of Lhe lslamlc banklng sysLem. !&
Sect|on 30. Is|am|c 8ank|ng and I|nance. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL, Lhe 8ooqko !(
5eottol oq llllploos (8S), Lhe ueparLmenL of llnance (uCl), and Lhe naLlonal !)
Commlsslon on Musllm llllplnos (nCMl) shall [olnLly promoLe Lhe developmenL of an !*
lslamlc banklng and flnance sysLem, Lo lnclude among oLhers Lhe esLabllshmenL of a #+
5botlob Supervlsory 8oard. #!
1o faclllLaLe Lhe esLabllshmenL of an lslamlc banklng and flnance sysLem, Lhe CenLral #$
and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenLs shall revlew exlsLlng markeL envlronmenL and #%
pollcles and adopL measures Lo enhance Lhe compeLlLlveness of lslamlc flnance #&
producLs and LhaL lslamlc flnanclal players are noL lnhlblLed from lnLroduclng lslamlc #'
flnance producLs. lL shall furLher promoLe lnvesLor awareness and accepLance ln order #(
Lo bulld a broader cusLomer and asseL base. #)

1ransportat|on and Commun|cat|ons !
Sect|on 31. 1ransportat|on and Commun|cat|ons. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL shall $
exerclse such powers, funcLlons and responslblllLles LhaL have been devolved or %
decenLrallzed Lo Lhe A8MM. &
1he lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons body shall convene Lhe ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon (
and CommunlcaLlon, Clvll AvlaLlon AuLhorlLy of Lhe hlllpplnes, Clvll AeronauLlcs 8oard, )
MarlLlme lndusLry AuLhorlLy, hlllpplne orLs AuLhorlLy, Land 1ransporLaLlon *
lranchlslng 8egulaLory 8oard, Land 1ransporLaLlon Cfflce, Lhe naLlonal !+
1elecommunlcaLlons Commlsslon, and oLher concerned agencles of Lhe CenLral !!
CovernmenL and Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. 1he body shall perform Lhe followlng !#
funcLlons: !$
(a) ueLermlne Lhe exerclse of addlLlonal powers, funcLlons and responslblllLles !&
relaLlng Lo LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlons ln Lhe 8angsamoro based on Lhe !'
prlnclples of subsldlarlLy, Lechnlcal and flnanclal vlablllLy, harmonlzaLlon !(
(unlform sysLem concepL), compllance wlLh lnLernaLlonal sLandards, LreaLles, !)
and convenLlons, and muLual respecL and recognlLlon, and ln recognlLlon of Lhe !*
8angsamoro's asplraLlon Lo assume furLher powers as may be pracLlcally #+
operaLlonallzed as lL capaclLy develops, #!
(b) lssue rules and regulaLlon Lo lmplemenL Lhe addlLlonal powers, funcLlons and #$
responslblllLles over LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlon ln Lhe 8angsamoro, #%
(c) Parmonlze pollcles, programs, regulaLlons and sLandards, and #'
(d) 8esolve problems of lmplemenLaLlon beLween Lhe CenLral CovernmenL and Lhe #)
8angsamoro CovernmenL. #*

All revenues derlved by Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL from Lhe exerclse of lLs powers, !
funcLlons and responslblllLles shall perLaln Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #

Art|c|e kIV !
Sect|on 1. kehab|||tat|on and Deve|opment. - 1he 8angsamoro CovernmenL, wlLh %
fundlng supporL from Lhe CenLral CovernmenL, shall lnLenslfy developmenL efforLs for &
Lhe rehablllLaLlon, reconsLrucLlon and developmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro as parL of Lhe '
normallzaLlon process. lL shall formulaLe and lmplemenL a program for rehablllLaLlon (
and developmenL LhaL wlll address Lhe needs of MlLl combaLanLs/8lAl members and )
decommlssloned women auxlllary forces, lnLernally dlsplaced persons, and poverLy- *
sLrlcken communlLles. !+
Sect|on 2. Spec|a| Deve|opment Iund. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall provlde for a !#
Speclal uevelopmenL lund Lo Lhe 8angsamoro for rehablllLaLlon and developmenL !$
purposes upon Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law. 1he amounL equlvalenL Lo !%
Seven 8llllon esos (h 7,000,000,000.00) shall be allocaLed for Lhe flrsL year followlng !&
Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls 8aslc Law. 8eglnnlng Lhe second year, Lhe Speclal uevelopmenL !'
lund shall be ln Lhe amounL of 1en 8llllon esos (h 10,000,000,000.00) whlch shall be !(
pald ouL Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL over flve (3) years, aL Lhe raLe of 1wo 8llllon !)
esos (h 2,000,000,000.00) per year. Such amounL shall be regularly released aL Lhe !*
beglnnlng of each flscal year Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #+

Art|c|e kV !
Sect|on 1. Lstab||shment of the 8angsamoro. - (1) 1he esLabllshmenL of Lhe %
8angsamoro and Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro LerrlLory shall Lake effecL upon &
raLlflcaLlon of Lhls 8aslc Law by ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL ln Lhe followlng provlnces, '
clLles, and geographlcal areas ln a pleblsclLe conducLed for Lhe purpose: (
a. 1he presenL geographlcal area of Lhe AuLonomous 8eglon ln Musllm Mlndanao *
(A8MM), !+
b. 1he MunlclpallLles of 8alol, Munal, nunungan, anLar, 1agoloan and 1angkal ln !#
Lhe provlnce of Lanao del norLe, !$
c. 1he followlng LhlrLy nlne (39) 8arangays ln Lhe MunlclpallLles of kabacan, !&
Carmen, Aleosan, lgkawayan, lklL, and Mldsayap ln norLh CoLabaLo LhaL voLed !'
for lncluslon ln Lhe A8MM durlng Lhe 2001 pleblsclLe under 8epubllc AcL no. !(
9034: !)
l. uunguan, Lower Mlngadlng, and 1apodoc ln Lhe munlclpallLy of Aleosan #+
(3), #!
ll. Manarapan and nasaplan ln Lhe munlclpallLy of Carmen (2), ##
lll. nanga-an, Slmbuhay and Sanggadong ln Lhe munlclpallLy of kabacan (3), #$
lv. uamaLulan, kadlgasan, kadlngllan, kaplnpllan, kudarangan, CenLral Labas, #%
Mallngao, Mudseng, nabalawag, Clandang, Sambulawan, and 1ugal ln #&
Lhe munlclpallLy of Mldsayap (12), #'
v. Lower 8aguer, 8alacayon, 8urlcaln, uaLu8lnaslng, kadlngllan, MaLllac, #(
aLoL, and Lower angangkalan ln Lhe munlclpallLy of lgkawayan (8), #)

vl. 8agolnged, 8alaLlcan, S. 8along, S. 8alongls, 8aLulawan, 8ullok, CokoLon, !
kabasalan, Lagunde, Macablal, Macasendeng, ln Lhe munlclpallLy of #
lgkawayan (11) $
d. 1he ClLles of CoLabaLo and lsabela, and &
e. 1hose quallfled for lncluslon ln Lhe pleblsclLe, by way of resoluLlon or peLlLlon. (
Sect|on 2. 1err|tor|a| Iur|sd|ct|on. - 1he pleblsclLe for purposes of deLermlnlng Lhe acLual *
LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be conducLed, as far as pracLlcable, !+
wlLhln one hundred LwenLy (120) days from Lhe effecLlvlLy of Lhls 8aslc Law. !!
lor Lhls purpose, Lhe CCMLLLC shall underLake Lhe necessary sLeps Lo enable Lhe !$
holdlng of Lhe pleblsclLe wlLhln Lhe sald perlod. !%
Sect|on 3. kesu|ts of the |eb|sc|te. - (a) lor Lhe presenL geographlc area of Lhe A8MM: !'
lf Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe reglsLered voLers ln each provlnce and clLy voLe ln favor of Lhe !(
8angsamoro 8aslc Law (88L), Lhe respecLlve provlnces and clLles shall be lncluded ln Lhe !)
8angsamoro. !*
(b) lor Lhe munlclpallLles of 8alol, Munal, nunungan, anLar, 1agaloan and 1angkal ln #!
Lhe rovlnce of Lanao del norLe: lf Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe reglsLered voLers ln each of Lhese ##
munlclpallLles voLe ln favor of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law (88L), Lhe respecLlve #$
munlclpallLles shall be lncluded ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #%
(c) lor oLher barangays ln Lhe munlclpallLles of kabacan, Carmen, Aleosan, lgcawayan, #'
lklL, and Mldsayap LhaL voLed for lncluslon ln Lhe A8MM durlng Lhe 2001 pleblsclLe: lf #(
Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe reglsLered voLers ln each of Lhese barangays voLe ln favor of Lhe #)

8angsamoro 8aslc Law (88L), Lhe respecLlve barangays shall be lncluded ln Lhe !
8angsamoro. #
(d) lor Lhe clLles of CoLabaLo and lsabela: lf Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe reglsLered voLers ln each %
of Lhese clLles voLe ln favor of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law (88L), Lhe respecLlve clLles &
shall be lncluded ln Lhe 8angsamoro. '
(e) lor all oLher conLlguous areas where Lhere ls a resoluLlon of Lhe local governmenL )
unlL or a peLlLlon of aL leasL Len percenL (10) of Lhe reglsLered voLers ln Lhe geographlc *
area asklng for Lhelr lncluslon aL leasL Lwo monLhs prlor Lo Lhe conducL of Lhe raLlflcaLlon !+
of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law (88L). lf Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe reglsLered voLers ln each of !!
Lhese local governmenL unlLs voLe ln favor of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law (88L), Lhe !#
respecLlve local governmenL unlLs shall be lncluded ln Lhe 8angsamoro. !$
Sect|on 4. |eb|sc|te for Io|n|ng the 8angsamoro. - Any local governmenL unlL or !&
geographlc area ouLslde Lhe LerrlLorlal [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro, buL whlch are !'
conLlguous Lo any of Lhe componenL unlLs of Lhe 8angsamoro, upon a verlfled peLlLlon !(
for Lhe conducL of a pleblsclLe of aL leasL Len percenL (10) of Lhe reglsLered voLers, !)
submlLLed Lo Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce. !*
rovlded LhaL, Lhe lncluslon of sald local governmenL unlL or geographlc area ln Lhe #!
8angsamoro shall be effecLlve when approved by a ma[orlLy of Lhe reglsLered voLers ##
wlLhln LhaL local governmenL unlL ln Lhe pleblsclLe called for Lhe purpose. #$
rovlded furLher LhaL Lhe schedule of Lhe pleblsclLe shall be deLermlned by Lhe #&
CCMLLLC Lhrough Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce. #'
Sect|on S. keconst|tut|on of Loca| Government Un|ts. - 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL, #)
may, by reglonal law, provlde for Lhe consLlLuLlon of geographlc areas ln Lhe #*

8angsamoro lnLo approprlaLe LerrlLorlal or pollLlcal subdlvlslons dependlng on Lhe !
resulLs of any of Lhe pleblsclLes hereln. #
noLhlng hereln shall be consLrued Lo allow Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL Lo creaLe %
congresslonal dlsLrlcLs. &
Sect|on 6. |eb|sc|te uest|on. 1he quesLlon Lo be asked of Lhe voLers ln Lhe pleblsclLe (
shall be as follows: uo you approve of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law?" )
Sect|on 7. |eb|sc|te Mon|tor|ng. - 1he CCMLLLC shall also provlde for Lhe !+
accredlLaLlon of pleblsclLe monlLors, lncludlng Lhe lnLernaLlonal-domesLlc monlLorlng !!
body creaLed by Lhe CP and Lhe MlLl negoLlaLlng panels, ln accordance wlLh !#
esLabllshed lnLernaLlonal sLandards on elecLlon monlLorlng. 1he monlLorlng body wlll !$
have access Lo all operaLlons relaLed Lo Lhe conducL of Lhe pleblsclLe and be able Lo !%
conducL regular and random checks. 1he reporLs of Lhe monlLorlng body shall be made !&
avallable Lo Lhe anels for Lhelr dlsposlLlon. !'
Sect|on 8. keg|stered Voters. - All reglsLered voLers ln Lhe provlnces, clLles and !)
geographlcal areas menLloned ln SecLlon 1 shall be quallfled Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe !*
pleblsclLe on Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe 8angsamoro. noLwlLhsLandlng exlsLlng laws, #+
rules, and regulaLlons on overseas and local absenLee voLers, Lhe CCMLLLC shall ensure #!
LhaL quallfled voLers for Lhe pleblsclLe who are locaLed ouLslde Lhe 8angsamoro on Lhe ##
daLe of Lhe pleblsclLe shall be glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo voLe, and LhaL voLers who are #$
currenLly reglsLered ouLslde Lhe areas speclfled buL are oLherwlse quallfled Lo be #%
reglsLered voLers of Lhe areas, complylng wlLh resldency requlremenLs under law, shall #&
be glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lransfer Lhelr reglsLraLlon accordlngly, ln Llme for Lhe #'
conducL of Lhe pleblsclLe. #(

1he CCMLLLC shall conducL a speclal reglsLraLlon before Lhe daLe of Lhe pleblsclLe on !
Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law. #
1he CCMLLLC shall promulgaLe rules necessary for Lhe conducL of pleblsclLe, lncludlng %
Lhose for Lhe accredlLaLlon of pleblsclLe monlLors, volunLary lncluslon ln Lhe pleblsclLe &
and Lhe speclal reglsLraLlon of voLers as provlded hereln, wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from Lhe '
effecLlvlLy of Lhls 8aslc Law, wlLh Lhe prlmary ob[ecLlve of opLlmlzlng Lhe opporLunlLy for (
parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe pleblsclLe of quallfled voLers ln Lhe areas speclfled for Lhe creaLlon )
of Lhe 8angsamoro. *
Sect|on 9. Informat|on Campa|gns. - 1he Commlsslon on LlecLlons shall supervlse Lhe !!
conducL of lnformaLlon campalgns on Lhe pleblsclLe, lncludlng secLoral campalgns for !#
lndlgenous communlLles, women, youLh, rellglous, professlonals and publlc and prlvaLe !$
secLor employees, ln every munlclpallLy, clLy, and provlnce where Lhe pleblsclLe ls held. !%
ubllc conferences, assemblles, or meeLlngs on daLes before Lhe pleblsclLe day lLself !'
shall be held Lo lnform Lhe resldenLs Lhereof regardlng Lhe slgnlflcance and meanlng of !(
Lhe pleblsclLe and Lo help Lhem Lo casL Lhelr voLes lnLelllgenLly. lree, full, and !)
consLrucLlve dlscusslon and exchange of vlews on Lhe lssues shall be encouraged. !*
lor Lhls purpose, Lhe asslsLance of persons of known problLy and knowledge may be #!
enllsLed by Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons, Lhe local governmenL unlLs or lnLeresLed ##
parLles Lo acL as speakers or resource persons. #$
Such campalgn wlll be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo oLher lnformaLlon dlssemlnaLlon and publlc #&
advocacy lnlLlaLlves by Lhe oLher governmenL or non-governmenL groups or lndlvlduals. #'

lor lnformaLlon campalgns and oLher publlc advocacy lnlLlaLlves wlLh lndlgenous !
communlLles, local leaders shall be engaged Lo lead dlscusslons ln Lhelr respecLlve #
communlLles. $
ubllc advocacy lnlLlaLlves shall be conducLed wlLhln Lhe framework of solldarlLy, &
cooperaLlon, and unlLy among Moro, lndlgenous, and seLLler communlLles. '
ConsulLaLlons shall glve due respecL Lo Lhe roles of lndlgenous and Moro women, and (
encourage Lhelr acLlve parLlclpaLlon. )
Sect|on 10. Appropr|at|on. - A sufflclenL amounL ls hereby approprlaLed for Lhe !+
requlremenLs of Lhe conducL of Lhe pleblsclLe, lncludlng Lhe monlLorlng, lnformaLlon !!
campalgn and Lhe reglsLraLlon of voLers, rovlded, LhaL Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons !#
shall deLermlne Lhe manner of campalgnlng and Lhe depuLlzaLlon of governmenL !$
agencles for Lhe purpose. !%

Art|c|e kVI !
Sect|on 1. 1rans|t|on er|od. - 1he LranslLlon or lnLerlm perlod for Lhe esLabllshmenL of %
Lhe 8angsamoro shall commence upon raLlflcaLlon of Lhls 8aslc Law. &
1he law shall be deemed raLlfled upon proclamaLlon of Lhe Commlsslon on LlecLlons, or (
lLs duly auLhorlzed offlcers, LhaL a ma[orlLy of Lhe voLes casL ln Lhe pleblsclLe ln Lhe )
consLlLuenL unlLs are ln favor of Lhe creaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro. 1he facL of raLlflcaLlon *
shall be conflrmed by Lhe CP and MlLl negoLlaLlng panels. !+
1ranslLlon perlod shall end upon Lhe dlssoluLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro 1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy, !#
as provlded ln Lhls 8aslc Law. !$
1he perlod of LranslLlon hereln deflned shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe lnlLlaLlon or !&
conLlnuaLlon of oLher measures LhaL may be requlred by posL-confllcL LranslLlon and !'
normallzaLlon even beyond Lhe Lerm of Lhe 81A. !(
Sect|on 2. 8angsamoro 1rans|t|on Author|ty. - 1here ls hereby creaLed a 8angsamoro !*
1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy (81A) whlch shall be Lhe lnLerlm governmenL or Lhe governlng body #+
ln Lhe 8angsamoro durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod. 1he Moro lslamlc LlberaLlon lronL #!
(MlLl), belng Lhe prlnclpal parLy Lo Lhe Comprehenslve AgreemenL on Lhe 8angsamoro, ##
shall lead Lhe 81A, ln lLs leadershlp and membershlp. #$
1he 81A shall be composed of flfLy (30) members, all of whom shall be appolnLed by Lhe #&
resldenL, rovlded LhaL, non-Moro lndlgenous communlLles, women, seLLler #'
communlLles and oLher secLors shall have represenLaLlves ln Lhe 81A. nomlnaLlons may #(
be submlLLed Lo Lhe offlce of Lhe resldenL for Lhls purpose. #)

1he Councll of Leaders as provlded ln SecLlon 3, ArLlcle vl shall also be organlzed durlng !
Lhe LranslLlon perlod. #
Sect|on 3. owers and Author|t|es. - LeglslaLlve and execuLlve powers ln Lhe %
8angsamoro durlng LranslLlon shall be vesLed ln Lhe 81A. uurlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod, &
execuLlve auLhorlLy shall be exerclsed by Lhe lnLerlm Chlef MlnlsLer, who shall be '
appolnLed by Lhe resldenL as such, whlle leglslaLlve auLhorlLy shall be exerclsed by Lhe (
81A. )
All devolved auLhorlLles shall be vesLed ln Lhe 81A durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod. !+
lor purposes of mechanlsms for lnLergovernmenLal relaLlons wlLh Lhe CenLral !#
CovernmenL and local governmenLs unlLs ln Lhe 8angsamoro, Lhe 81A shall be deemed !$
as Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe LranslLlon perlod. !%
Sect|on 4. Iunct|ons and r|or|t|es. - 1he 81A shall ensure Lhe accompllshmenL of Lhe !'
followlng prlorlLles durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod: !(
a. LnacLmenL of prlorlLy leglslaLlons such as Lhe 8angsamoro AdmlnlsLraLlve Code, !*
Lhe 8angsamoro 8evenue Code and Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Code, conslsLenL #+
wlLh powers and prerogaLlves vesLed ln Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL by Lhls 8aslc #!
Law, rovlded LhaL, unLll Lhe abovemenLloned laws are enacLed for Lhe ##
8angsamoro, Musllm Mlndanao AuLonomy AcL no. 23 or Lhe A8MM Local #$
CovernmenL Code, and subslsLlng laws on elecLlons and oLher elecLoral maLLers #%
shall apply ln Lhe 8angsamoro. #&
1he 81A may also enacL a 8angsamoro Clvll Servlce Code, as provlded ln Lhls 8aslc #(
Law. ln Lhe absence of Lhe laLLer, naLlonal clvll servlce laws and regulaLlons are #)
prlmarlly appllcable ln Lhe 8angsamoro, #*

b. CrganlzaLlon of Lhe bureaucracy of Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL durlng !
LranslLlon, lncludlng Lhe approval and lmplemenLaLlon of a LranslLlon plan, and Lhe #
lnsLlLuLlon of a placemenL process for hlrlng of personnel durlng LranslLlon. 1hls $
shall also lnclude Lhe seLLlng up of offlces and oLher lnsLlLuLlons necessary for Lhe %
conLlnued funcLlonlng of governmenL and dellvery of soclal servlces ln Lhe reglon, &
as well as Lhose necessary for Lhe smooLh operaLlons of Lhe flrsL elecLed '
8angsamoro CovernmenL ln 2016, (
c. 1ransfer of powers and properLles of Lhe A8MM 8eglonal CovernmenL Lo Lhe *
8angsamoro CovernmenL, and Lhe dlsposlLlon of personnel, as provlded ln Lhls !+
8aslc Law, and !!
d. CLher maLLers LhaL may be necessary for Lhe LranslLlon from Lhe A8MM 8eglonal !$
CovernmenL Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL, as provlded ln Lhls 8aslc Law. !%
Sect|on S. 1rans|t|on |an. - WlLhln Lhe flrsL slxLy (60) days of Lhe LranslLlon perlod, Lhe !'
lnLerlm Chlef MlnlsLer shall submlL Lo Lhe 81A a LranslLlon plan LhaL shall conLaln Lhe !(
proposed organlzaLlonal plan, as well as Lhe schedule Lherefor. 1he 81A shall approve or !)
oLherwlse acL on Lhe proposed LranslLlon plan wlLhln Len (10) days upon submlsslon by !*
Lhe lnLerlm Chlef MlnlsLer. lL shall be lmplemenLed wlLhln flfLeen (13) days from lLs #+
approval. #!
Sect|on 6. Inter|m Cff|cers. - 1he lnLerlm Chlef MlnlsLer shall organlze Lhe lnLerlm #$
CablneL and shall appolnL an lnLerlm uepuLy Chlef MlnlsLer, who shall also be a member #%
of Lhe 81A. 1he lnLerlm Chlef MlnlsLer shall also appolnL such oLher mlnlsLers as may be #&
necessary Lo perform Lhe funcLlons of governmenL durlng LranslLlon, a ma[orlLy of whom #'
shall be from among members of Lhe 81A. #(

Members of Lhe 81A who are appolnLed Lo cablneL poslLlons shall serve Lhelr offlces !
concurrenLly, rovlded LhaL, no member of Lhe 81A may be appolnLed, elecLed or #
oLherwlse hold more Lhan Lwo (2) poslLlons aL Lhe same Llme. $
Sect|on 7. Inter|m Cab|net. - 1he lnLerlm CablneL shall be composed of Len (10) prlmary &
offlces wlLh sub-offlces for maLLers covered and prlorlLy mlnlsLrles, namely: '
a. Covernance, ln charge of budgeL and flnance, accounLablllLy, and such slmllar or )
relaLed maLLers, *
b. Soclal Servlces, ln charge of soclal welfare, and such slmllar or relaLed maLLers, !!
c. uevelopmenL, ln charge of LransporLaLlon and communlcaLlons, reglonal !$
lnvesLmenLs, Lrade and lndusLry, agrlculLure, foresLry and envlronmenL, urban and !%
rural developmenL, and such slmllar or relaLed maLLers, !&
d. LducaLlon, !(
e. ubllc Crder and SafeLy, !*
f. lndlgenous eoples Affalrs, #!
g. PealLh, #$
h. ubllc Works, #&
l. Local CovernmenL, and #(
[. llnance. #*

1he 81A may empower Lhe lnLerlm Chlef MlnlsLer Lo creaLe oLher mlnlsLrles and prlmary !
offlces, upon a deLermlnaLlon of Lhe ma[orlLy of lLs members LhaL Lhe same ls necessary #
for achlevlng Lhe Lwln goals of conLlnulLy of soclal servlces and LranslLlonlng Lo Lhe $
regular 8angsamoro CovernmenL. %
Sect|on 8. Crgan|zat|on of the 8ureaucracy. - 1he auLhorlLy of Lhe 81A Lo creaLe offlces '
and organlze Lhe bureaucracy durlng LranslLlon ls wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo Lhe auLhorlLy of (
Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL Lo reorganlze Lhe bureaucracy upon lLs consLlLuLlon, or )
any Llme LhereafLer. ln Lhe exerclse of Lhls auLhorlLy, Lhe 81A shall ensure Lhe leasL *
posslble dlsrupLlon Lo Lhe funcLlonlng of governmenL and Lhe dellvery of servlces ln Lhe !+
reglon. !!
All offlces and lnsLlLuLlons creaLed by laws enacLed by Lhe A8MM 8eglonal LeglslaLlve !$
Assembly shall be deemed parL of Lhe A8MM CovernmenL and shall be sub[ecL Lo Lhe !%
phase ouL plan LhaL wlll be adopLed by Lhe 81A. !&
Sect|on 9. 1ransfer of owers and ropert|es and D|spos|t|on of ersonne|. - All !(
powers, funcLlons, asseLs, caplLal, recelvables, equlpmenL and faclllLles of Lhe A8MM !)
8eglonal CovernmenL aL Lhe Llme of Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls 8aslc Law shall be Lransferred !*
Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL. #+
1he 81A shall schedule Lhe gradual phaslng ouL of offlces of Lhe A8MM, whlch are ##
deemed abollshed upon Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law. ln conslderaLlon #$
of publlc lnLeresL and Lhe dellvery of servlces, offlclals holdlng appolnLlve poslLlons shall #%
conLlnue Lo perform Lhelr funcLlons ln accordance wlLh Lhe schedule. #&
1he CenLral CovernmenL shall provlde Lhe necessary funds for Lhe beneflLs and #(
enLlLlemenLs of affecLed employees ln Lhe A8MM. #)

1he 81A shall lnsLlLuLe an lndependenL, sLrlcLly merlL-based and credlble placemenL and !
hlrlng process for all offlces, agencles and lnsLlLuLlons ln Lhe 8angsamoro, and shall #
conslder gender and eLhnlc balance. $
An lnvenLory wlll be conducLed Lo ensure LhaL Lhe llablllLles of Lhe A8MM under law, &
conLracLs or oLhers wlll be seLLled prlor Lo Lhe Lurnover Lo Lhe 81A. '
lor Lhls purpose, Lhe Cfflce of Lhe 8eglonal Covernor of Lhe A8MM shall Lurnover Lo Lhe )
81A upon Lhe laLLer's consLlLuLlon a summary reporL on Lhe sLaLus of Lhe 8eglonal *
CovernmenL as of Lhe daLe of Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls 8aslc Law, lncludlng lnformaLlon on !+
Lhe sLaLus of devoluLlon, personnel, properLles and asseLs of Lhe 8eglonal CovernmenL. !!
Sect|on 10. D|spos|t|on of ersonne| and Assets of Centra| Government !$
Cff|ces]Agenc|es. - 1he CenLral CovernmenL shall provlde for Lhe dlsposlLlon of !%
personnel of CenLral CovernmenL or naLlonal CCCCs whose mandaLe and funcLlons are !&
Lransferred Lo or now vesLed ln Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL by vlrLue of Lhls 8aslc Law. !'
roperLles and asseLs shall be Lransferred Lo Lhe 8angsamoro CovernmenL wlLhln slx (6) !(
weeks from Lhe organlzaLlon of Lhe 81A. 1he Lransfer of properLles and asseLs ls wlLhouL !)
pre[udlce Lo Lhe power of Lhe 81A Lo organlze Lhe bureaucracy durlng LranslLlon. !*
Sect|on 11. D|sso|ut|on of the 81A. - lmmedlaLely upon Lhe quallflcaLlon of Lhe elecLed #!
Chlef MlnlsLer under Lhe flrsL 8angsamoro arllamenL, Lhe 8angsamoro 1ranslLlon ##
AuLhorlLy shall be deemed dlssolved. #$
1he 81A shall submlL lLs flnal reporL and recommendaLlons Lo Lhe 8angsamoro #&
arllamenL, as well as Lo Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves and Lhe SenaLe, on Lhe sLaLus of #'
governmenL durlng Lhe LranslLlon perlod wlLhln slxLy (60) days from Lhe assumpLlon lnLo #(
offlce of all members of Lhe flrsL arllamenL. #)

Sect|on 12. kegu|ar L|ect|ons. - 1he flrsL regular elecLlons for Lhe 8angsamoro !
CovernmenL under Lhls 8aslc Law shall be held on Lhe flrsL Monday of May 2016. lL shall #
be governed by Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Code. 1he naLlonal Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code $
shall apply suppleLorlly, whenever approprlaLe. 1he Commlsslon on LlecLlons %
(CCMLLLC), Lhrough Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Cfflce, shall promulgaLe rules and &
regulaLlons as may be necessary for Lhe conducL of sald elecLlons, and enforce and '
admlnlsLer Lhe same, conslsLenL wlLh Lhls 8aslc Law and Lhe 8angsamoro LlecLoral Code, (
as correlaLed wlLh relevanL naLlonal laws. )
Sect|on 13. In|t|a| Iund|ng for 1rans|t|on. - 1o carry ouL Lhe requlremenLs of LranslLlon, !+
lncludlng Lhe organlzaLlonal acLlvlLles of Lhe 81A, organlzaLlon of Lhe bureaucracy, hlrlng !!
of personnel, and Lhe exerclse of funcLlons and powers of Lhe 81A, as provlded ln Lhls !#
8aslc Law, Lhe amounL of Cne 8llllon esos (1,000,000,000.00) ls hereby approprlaLed !$
for Lhe 81A, charged agalnsL Lhe Ceneral lunds of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL. ln addlLlon, !%
Lhe currenL year's approprlaLlons for Lhe A8MM shall also be Lransferred Lo Lhe 81A for !&
Lhls purpose. !'
1hls shall be wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo any supplemenLal budgeL LhaL may be approprlaLed by !)
Congress Lo supporL Lhe LranslLlon. !*
CovernmenL funcLlons falllng wlLhln Lhe reserved powers of Lhe CenLral CovernmenL ln #!
Lhe 8angsamoro shall conLlnue Lo be flnanced by Lhe CenLral CovernmenL funds. ##

Art|c|e kVII !
Sect|on 1. Amendments and kev|s|ons. - All proposals Lo amend or revlse Lhe %
provlslons of Lhls 8aslc Law shall be flrsL dlscussed and endorsed by Lhe hlllpplne &
Congress-8angsamoro arllamenL lorum Lo Congress. '
Such amendmenL or revlslon, as enacLed by Congress, shall become effecLlve upon )
approval by a ma[orlLy voLe of quallfled voLers ln Lhe 8angsamoro casL ln a pleblsclLe *
called for Lhe purpose. !+
1he pleblsclLe shall be held noL earller Lhan slxLy (60) days or laLer Lhan nlneLy days afLer !#
Lhe approval of such amendmenL or revlslon. !$

Art|c|e kVIII !
Sect|on 1. Separab|||ty C|ause. - 1he provlslons of Lhls 8aslc Law are deemed separaLe. %
lf, for any reason, any secLlon or provlslon of Lhls 8aslc Law ls declared unconsLlLuLlonal, &
oLher secLlons or provlslons, whlch are noL affecLed by such declaraLlon shall conLlnue Lo '
be ln full force and effecL. (
Sect|on 2. kepea||ng C|ause. - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulaLlons, and oLher *
lssuances or parLs Lhereof, whlch are lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhls 8aslc Law, are hereby !+
repealed or modlfled accordlngly. !!
Sect|on 3. Subs|st|ng keg|ona| Laws. - All subslsLlng laws enacLed by Lhe 8eglonal !$
LeglslaLlve Assembly of Lhe AuLonomous 8eglon Musllm Mlndanao by vlrLue of !%
auLhorlLles provlded under 8epubllc AcL no. 6734, as amended by 8epubllc AcL no. !&
9034, shall be deemed ln effecL, unless lnconslsLenL wlLh Lhe 8aslc Law or repealed by !'
laws passed by Lhe 8angsamoro 1ranslLlon AuLhorlLy or Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL. !(
Sect|on 4. Lffect|v|ty C|ause. - 1hls 8aslc Law shall Lake effecL flfLeen (13) days followlng !*
lLs compleLe publlcaLlon ln aL leasL Lwo (2) naLlonal newspapers of general clrculaLlon #+
and one (1) local newspaper of general clrculaLlon ln Lhe auLonomous reglon. #!
Sect|on S. Abo||t|on of the AkMM. - upon Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhls 8aslc Law, Lhe #$
8angsamoro shall be deemed esLabllshed, and Lhe A8MM shall be deemed abollshed. #%
!""#$%&' )* )+# ,!-&. /!0

!$ *1%&$!$.# "1*2&%&$3 4*1 )+# "!1/&!5#$)!16 %&-)1&.)- .*5"*-&$3
)+# "1*2&$.#-7 .&)&#-7 58$&.&"!/&)&#- !$% 3#*31!"+&. !1#!- *4 )+#
-:;<=>? @. LxcepL for Lhe seaLs lnLended for Lhe reserved, secLoral and parLy
represenLaLlves and unLll oLherwlse deLermlned by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL, Lhe
elecLlons of Lhe flrsL members of Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL lncludlng subsequenL
elecLlons, shall be based on Lhe parllamenLary dlsLrlcLs apporLloned among Lhe
provlnces, clLles, munlclpallLles, barangays and geographlc areas of Lhe 8angsamoro, as
"1*2&$.# *4 5!38&$%!$!*, Slx ulsLrlcLs (6) llrsL ulsLrlcL: MunlclpallLles of
8uldon, 8arlra, MaLanog, arang, SulLan MasLura, SulLan kudaraL, -- Second ulsLrlcL:
uaLu 8lah SlnsuaL, uaLu Cdln SlnsuaL, kabunLalan, norLhern kabunLalan, upl, SouLh upl,
-- 1hlrd ulsLrlcL: AmpaLuan, uaLu Abdullah Sangkl, uaLu unsay, uaLu Poffer AmpaLuan,
uaLu Saudl uy AmpaLuan, Sharlff Aguak, -- lourLh ulsLrlcL: uaLu Anggal MldLlmbang,
1allLay, uaLu langl, uaLu Sallbo, Culndulungan, -- llfLh ulsLrlcL: Mamasapano,
agalungan, uaLu MonLawal, 8a[ah 8uayan, Sharlff Saydona MusLapha, -- SlxLh ulsLrlcL:
uaLu aglas, aglaL, andag, Cen. Sk endaLun, 8uluan, and MangudadaLu.
.&)6 *4 .*)!,!)*, 1hree (3) ulsLrlcLs llrsL ulsLrlcL: 8arangays 8agua MoLher,
8agua 1, 8agua 2, 8agua 3, kalanganan MoLher, kalanganan 1, kalanganan 2, oblaclon
MoLher, oblaclon 1, oblaclon 2, oblaclon 3, oblaclon 4, -- Second ulsLrlcL:
oblaclon 3, oblaclon 6, oblaclon 7, oblaclon 8, and oblaclon 9. 8arangays 8osary
PelghLs MoLher, 8osary PelghLs 1, 8osary PelghLs 2, 8osary PelghLs 3, 8osary PelghLs
4, 8osary PelghLs 3, 8osary PelghLs 6, -- 1hlrd ulsLrlcL: 8osary PelghLs 7, 8osary PelghLs
8, 8osary PelghLs 9, 8osary PelghLs 10, 8osary PelghLs 11, 8osary PelghLs 12, 8osary
PelghLs 13, 1amonLaka MoLher, 1amonLaka 1, 1amonLaka 2, 1amonLaka 3, 1amonLaka 4,
and 1amonLaka 3.
"1*2&$.# *4 /!$!* %#/ -81, Slx (6) ulsLrlcLs llrsL ulsLrlcL: MunlclpallLles of
8unLong, 8ubong, ulLsaan-8amaln, 1ogoloan, Sagularan, kapal, MaranLao, lagapo,
8uadlposo, -- Second ulsLrlcL: Magulng, Mulondo, oona-8ayabao, 1amparan, 1araka,
Lumba-8ayabao, 8umbaran, Wao, 1hlrd ulsLrlcL: 8allndong, 1ugaya, 8acolod Crnade,
Madalum Madamba, -- lourLh ulsLrlcL: Maslu, Lumbayanague, LumbaLan, 8uLlg, 8ayang,
-- llfLh ulsLrlcL: Canassl, ualas, 8lnldayan, agayawan, 1uburan, -- SlxLh ulsLrlcL:
Calanogas, lcong, Malabang, kapaLagan, 8alabagan

.&)6 *4 5!1!0&, 1wo (2) ulsLrlcLs: llrsL ulsLrlcL: 8arangays Ambolong, 8anggolo
oblaclon, 8eyaba-uamag, 8ubonga agalamaLan, 8ubonga Lllod Madaya, 8ubong
Lumbac, Calocan LasL, Calocan WesL, uaguduban, uansalan, uaLu sa uansalan, uulay,
uulay WesL, Cadongan, Culmba (Lllod roper), kllala, Lllod Madaya (ob.), Lllod Saduc,
Lumbaca Madaya (ob.), Lumbac MarlnauL, Cadongan MapanLao, MarlnauL LasL,
MarlnauL WesL, anLaon (Langcaf), Mlpaga roper, Moncado Colony, Moncado
kadlngllan, uaLu naga, Clawa Ambolong, agalamaLan Cambal, agayawan,apandayan,
apandayan Canlogan, arldl, aLanl, lndolonan, ugaan, 8aya Madaya l, 8aya Madaya
ll, Sabala Manao, Sabala Manao roper, Sangcay uansalan, Somlorang, SouLh Madaya
roper, Sugod roper, 1lmbangalan, 1uca Ambolong, 1olall, 1uca MarlnauL,
1onganLongan-1lca 1lmbangalan, Wawalayan Calocan, Wawalayan MarlnauL, Marawl
oblaclon, norhaya vlllage, --Second ulsLrlcL: 8acolod Chlco roper, 8anga, 8angco,
8angon, 8lLo 8uadl lLowa, 8lLo 8uadl arba, 8oganga, 8oLo Ambolong, 8ubonga
Cadayonan, 8ubonga Marawl, 8ubonga unod, Cabasaran, Cablngan, Cadayonan,
Cadayonan l, kormaLan MaLampay, uayawan, ulmaluna, LasL 8asak, Lmle unud, lorL,
8uadl Sacayo (Creen), kapanLaran, Lomldong, Lumbaca 1oros, Mallmono, 8asak
MaluLluL, AmlLo MaranLao, MaLampay, MorlaLao LoksadaLo, navarro (uaLu Saber),
anggao Saduc, oona MaranLao, 8apasun MSu, 8aya Saduc, 8orogagus roper,
8orogagus LasL, Saduc roper, Sagonsongan, 1ampllong, 1oros, 1uca,
!"#$%&'( #* +,-,, Slx (6) ulsLrlcLs llrsL ulsLrlcL: MunlclpallLles of Pad[l
angllma 1ahll, anguLaran, !olo, -- Second ulsLrlcL: Malmbung, arang, lndanan, --
1hlrd ulsLrlcL: aLlkul and 1allpao, -- lourLh ulsLrlcL: Cld anamao, angllma LsLlno, Luuk,
-- llfLh ulsLrlcL: Lugus, 1apul, andaml, Slasl, -- SlxLh ulsLrlcL: Cmar, aLa, k. Caluang
!"#$%&'( #* ./+%-/&, 1wo (2) llrsL ulsLrlcL: MunlclpallLles of Akbar, Al-
8arka, Pad[l Mohammad A[ul, 1uburan, 1lpo-1lpo -- Second ulsLrlcL: Pad[l MuhLamad,
LanLawan, Maluso, Sumlslp, 1abuan Lasa, and ungkaya ukan
'%01 #* %+/.(-/, Cne (1) Lone ulsLrlcL: 8arangays Aguada, 8alaLanay, 8aluno,
8egang, 8lnuangan, 8usay, CabunbaLa, Carbon, ulkl, lsabel LasLslde (ob.), lsabela
roper (ob.), uona 8amona 1. Alano (lsabela WesLslLe), kapaLagan Crande,
kaumpurnah Zone l, kaumpurnah Zone ll, kaumpurnah Zone lll, kumalarang, La ledad
(ob.), Lamplnlgan, LanoLe, LukbuLon, Lumbong, Marlkl, Mallgue (LunoL), Marang-
marang, MarkeLslLe (ob.), Menzl, anlgayan, anunsulan, orL Area (ob.), 8lverslde,
San 8afael, SanLa 8arbara, SanLa Cruz (ob.), Seaslde (ob.), Sumagdang, Sunrlse vlllage
(ob.), 1ablawan, 1abuk (ob.), 1lmpul, kapayawan, Masula, Small kapaLagan, and
'%01 #* -/2%0/&, Cne (1): Lone ulsLrlcL: 8arangays Arco, 8a-as, 8almblng,
8alagLasan, 8alas, 8alobo, 8aLo, 8oheyakan, 8uahan ,8ohelbu, 8ohesapa, 8ullngan,
Cabobo, Campo uno, Colonla, Calugusan, kulay 8aLo, Llmo-ok, Lo-ok, LumuLon,
Luksumbang, Malo-ong Canal, Malo-ong San !ose, arangbasak, SanLa Clara, 1andong
Ahas, 1umakld, ublL, 8ohebessey, 8aungos, uanlL-unLocan, Sabong, Sengal, ulame,
8ohenange, 8oheyawas, 8ulanLlng, Lebbuh, Maganda (ob.), Malakas (ob.), Mallgaya
(ob.), Mallnls (ob.), MaLaLag (ob.), MaLlbay (ob.), Slmbangon
!"#$%&'( #* 0/3%40/3%, 1hree (3) ulsLrlcLs: llrsL ulsLrlcL: MunlclpallLles of
8ongao, Languyan, 1urLle lslands, and Mapun, -- Second ulsLrlcL: angllma Sugala,
SlbuLu, Slmunul, SlLangkal, -- 1hlrd ulsLrlcL: SouLh ublan, 1andubas, and Sapa-Sapa
./&5+/2#"# 5(#5"/!6%' /"(/ %7 Cne (1) ulsLrlcL - Lone ulsLrlcL:
MunlclpallLles of 8alol, Munal, nunungan, anLar, 1agoloan, and 1angkal, of Lhe
rovlnce of Lanao del norLe LhaL voLed for lncluslon durlng Lhe 2001 A8MM leblsclLe.
./&5+/2#"# 5(#5"/!6%' /"(/ %%7 Cne (1)ulsLrlcL - Lone ulsLrlcL: 8arangays
8agolnged (8agoalngud), 8alaLlcan, 8along, 8alungls, 8aLulawan, 8ullok, CokoLon
(CokoLan), kabasalan, Lagunde, Macabual, Macasendeg ln lklL, 8arangays nangaan,
Sanggadong, and Slmbuhay ln kabacan, 8arangays uamaLulan, kadlgasan, kadlngllan,
kaplnpllan, kudarangan, CenLral Labas, Mallngao, Mudseng, nabalawag, Clandang,
Sambulawan, 1ugal ln Mldsayap, 8arangays uugungan, Lower Mlngadlng, and apodoc
ln Aleosan, 8arangays nasaplan, Manarapan ln Carmen, 8arangays 8alacayon, 8urlcaln,
uaLu 8lnaslng, kadlngllan, Lower 8aguer, Lower angangkalan, MaLllac, aLoL ln
lgkawayan, all ln norLh CoLabaLo, LhaL voLed for lncluslon durlng Lhe 2001 A8MM
!"#$ &$ 1he consLlLuenL unlLs of Lhe 8angsamoro shall be Lhe provlnces, clLles,
munlclpallLles, barangays and geographlc areas wlLhln lLs LerrlLory.
!"#$ '$ Any provlnce, clLy or munlclpallLy LhaL may hereafLer be creaLed saLlsfylng
Lhe sLandards seL by law passed by Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL shall be enLlLled ln Lhe
lmmedlaLely followlng elecLlons Lo aL leasL one (1) member or such number of members
as lL may be enLlLled Lo on Lhe basls of Lhe number of lLs lnhablLanLs Lo Lhe 8angsamoro
arllamenL. !"#$%&'&( LhaL a provlnce or a clLy shall consLlLuLe aL leasL one (1) dlsLrlcL for
purposes of represenLaLlon ln Lhe 8angsamoro arllamenL.
!"#$ ($ 1he 8angsamoro arllamenL shall, by law, provlde for Lhe regrouplng or
merglng, as Lhe case may be, of oLher geographlc areas LhaL voLed ln favor of Lhe
8angsamoro, and Lhose oLher conLlguous areas LhaL opLed or peLlLloned for Lhelr
lncluslon, lnLo a new consLlLuenL unlL whlch shall become parL of Lhe LerrlLorles of Lhe
!"#$ )$ 1hls Crdlnance shall form parL of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law and shall
slmllarly and slmulLaneously be submlLLed Lo a pleblsclLe held for Lhe purpose, and shall
Lake effecL as provlded ln SecLlon 3, ArLlcle xv of Lhe 8angsamoro 8aslc Law.
Approved, ____________________, 2014.

*+,-. /+/012,3+* /-4 /4+53*6- 2*7 63,8 2! +9 :28 &;<; 6-*!0!
rovlnce of Magulndanao 943, 820
ClLy of CoLabaLo 271, 786
rovlnce of Lanao del Sur 933,260
ClLy of Marawl - 187,106
rovlnce of Sulu - 718,290
rovlnce of 8asllan - 293,322
ClLy of lsabela 97,837
rovlnce of 1awl-1awl - 322,317

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