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AFP Modernization Program has P20.

8B funding shortfall in 2014 & 2015

The Armed Forces Modernization Program would have a total funding shortfall of
P20.8 billion in 201 and 201!" which belies claims b# some sectors that the militar# is
$rovided with heft# allocation each #ear" according to a lawma%er during the hearing on
the defense de$artment&s P11.8 billion $ro$osed budget for ne't #ear.
(e$. Ashle# Acedillo )Part#*list" Magdalo+ said during the hearing of the ,ouse
A$$ro$riations -ommittee chaired b# (e$. .sidro /ngab )0
1istrict" 1avao -it#+ that the
AFP re2uested for a budget of P2 billion for 201 and P23.8 billion for 201! for its
Modernization Program. ,owever" he said both amounts were not a$$roved b# the
1e$artment of 4udget and Management )14M+.
1efense /ndersecretar# Fernando Manalo said that for 201" the AFP received onl#
P5.6 billion for its Modernization Program. For 201!" Acedillo said based on the AFP
e'$enditure $rogram" the 14P*a$$roved funding for the militar#&s Modernization
Program is P20 billion" which is P3.8 billion less than the AFP&s re2uested funding of
P23.8 billion.
7.n other words there is a shortfall of P3.8 billion in 201!. For 201 and 201!" there
is a shortfall of around P20.8 billion"8 said Acedillo" a former Phili$$ine Air Force )PAF+
$ilot and officer.
The shortfall belies claims b# some sectors that the AFP is $rovided with heft#
budget annuall# according to Acedillo. 7Sinasabi po nila binibigyan ng maraming pera
ang AFP at Philippine National Police (PNP) (pero ang totoo po nyan) kulang po"8 said
Acedillo said while the government has other $riorities to give funding su$$ort to"
the AFP Modernization Program should be ade2uatel# su$$orted for the countr#&s welfare
and national securit#.
7As $ointed out b# our colleagues" we have man# $riorities. 9e understand that the
AFP Modernization Program" s$read for several #ears" will cost the government a lot 4ut
we firml# believe that there is no $rice tag for national securit#"8 said Acedillo.
,e urged the government that should it slash the funding re2uests of the AFP" the
reduction should not be too drastic. ,e also said the 1:1 should wor% closel# with the
14M and the ,ouse -ommittee on :ational 1efense to find a solution to the budgetar#
re2uirements of the AFP Modernization Program.
NR # 3585B
SEPT. 10, 2014
4udget and Management Assistant ;ecretar# Tina (ose Marie -anda said the
original segregation or annual amount for the AFP Modernization Program is about P1!
billion a #ear. 79e did not e'$ect that there will be an acceleration in the ac2uisition of
$ro<ects for the modernization $rogram"8 said -anda.
The AFP modernization law was enacted on Februar# 20" 155! during the
administration of President Fidel =. (amos. >n 1ecember 11" 2012" President 4enigno
A2uino signed into law (e$ublic Act :o. 1005" which amends the AFP modernization
law b# e'tending the $rogram for another 1! #ears with an initial budget of P6! billion for
the first five #ears.
Armed Forces -hief of ;taff ?regorio -ata$ang urged lawma%ers during the
hearing to continue su$$orting the AFP Modernization Program. 7;o with #our hel$" we
reall# need our modernization $rogram to $roceed. 9e are ver# much than%ful for this 13
-ongress for su$$orting us because we have alread# lined u$ P8! billion for our first
horizon"8 he said.
-ata$ang said what he wants done before his term ends is to declare the entire
countr# $eaceful and read# for further develo$ment so that it can transition towards
territorial defense. 7.n as much as we %now" the wars we will be facing in the 21st centur#
will all be global ** global terrorism" global climate change" global maritime concern"
global transnational crime" and global $roliferation of wea$ons of mass destruction"8 he
,e e'$ressed ho$e that b# 2028 the AFP would alread# have achieved a @heav#
weight& status and able to $rotect Fili$inos not onl# in the countr# but also those who are
abroad. 7.f the# have $roblems" if there is war in the countr# the# are wor%ing in" then we
need to res$ond immediatel# and get them out of harm&s wa#"8 said -ata$ang. )00+ rbb

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