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ME 347 Heat Transfer

Individual Design Project, Spring 2014

Two integrated circuit devises, designated by the letters A and B, are mounted on a circuit board of
dimension L x H consisting of a copper core of thickness c laminated on each surface with an epoxy glass
sheet of thickness g as shown in Figure 1. The circuit board is inserted in a card carrier which is cooled by
flowing liquid water at temperature T
. Air at temperature T

is also forced across the board to provide

extra cooling. The circuit devices are mounted in chip sockets which make electrical contact through
their base. The thermal bond between the chip sockets and the circuit board is such that the local socket
temperature may be considered equal to the local board temperature. The power dissipation of each
device, as well as other pertinent data, are summarized in Table 1.
You are assigned to determine the optimal locations and orientations of the two chips on the circuit
board to minimize the maximum chip temperature during operation. According to your design, what is
the steady state temperature distribution in the board? The effect of losing air cooling is also to be
analyzed in terms of the time history of the maximum chip temperature and the new equilibrium
temperature distribution.
All modes of heat transfer must be considered, and any assumptions must be justified. If a computer
program is necessary, the accuracy of the program, as well as the results, need to be checked and
verified. For example, it may be possible to check the program by comparing numerical results using
different resolutions to show grid convergence, and against analytical results, obtained for some limiting
case (e.g. steady state), to show correctness of the program. Your report, using the format given below,
will be graded on the basis of the physical understanding exhibited, the clarity of writing and reasoning
presented, and the quality of the design characteristics. The written report and a computer program or
simulation, if necessary, are to be the original work of each individual student.

Figure 1. Schematic of circuit board cooling design problem.
Design Project Report Format:
1. Project Statement: Description of the problem

2. Discussion: Discussion of all modes of heat transfer that enter into the problem. What
approximations are made and how are they justified.

3. Analysis: Formation and discussion of the mathematical problem.

4. Results and Conclusions: Presentation of numerical and graphical results, discussion of results,
and conclusions.

5. Appendix: Listing of computer program if necessary, and tabulated numerical results.

Table 1: Data for Circuit Board
Device/System Property Scalar Value Units
Integrated Device A L See Sheet mm
Integrated Device A H See Sheet mm
Integrated Device A Power Dissipation See Sheet W
Integrated Device B L See Sheet mm
Integrated Device B H See Sheet mm
Integrated Device B Power Dissipation See Sheet W
Circuit Board Length, L See Sheet mm
Circuit Board Height, H See Sheet mm
Circuit Board Core Thickness, c 2 mm
Circuit Board Core Thermal conductivity, k
200 W/mK
Circuit Board Nonconductor thickness, g 0.5 mm
Circuit Board Nonconductor Thermal Conductivity, k
1 W/mK
Cooling Systems Liquid Water Temp at board edge, T
Your Decision
Cooling Systems Air coolant temp, T

Your Decision
Cooling Systems Convective Coefficients Your Decision

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