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As everybody knows the minimum age to drinking here in the United States is 21 years old, so

who wants to drink or buy alcohol must be at least 21 years old completed.
This determination comes of the 1984 National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which determines
for all the states of the united states prohibit persons under 21 years of age from the
purchasing or publicly possessing of alcoholic beverages but with some exclusions, like a
possession for an established religious purpose; when accompanied by parent, spouse or legal
guardian over than 21, for medical purpose when prescribed by a licensed medical, dentist or
pharmacist. So this is a federal law and the states cannot go against it.

Exists much discussion about this law and this prohibition, some people thinks that this law
must to continue this way, other people think that the minimum age have to decrease and
there still are a third part of the population who wants that this age must be increased.
Lets see which the minimum drinking age around the world is.
In the most part of the world the minimum drinking age is above 18 years old including many
Europeans countries, but in some Europeans countries the drinking age is still more less like
Austria, Germany and Italy.

John Luik discusses this point questioning: Is it better to delay the youthful debut of drinking?
Several comparative studies, including drinking patterns in southern Europe where children
learn to drink in their families, have concluded that the Mediterranean cultivation of
responsible habits is superior to American prohibitionism.

Another point of this discussion is the parents behavior. Its so difficult for the parents taking
care of their children with a world filled of temptations. Some parents allow their children to
drink at home with their supervision. They believe that this act will teach your children develop
responsibility towards alcohol.

Alcohol consumption is the third leading actual death in the United States, including the cause
of death for youth and young adults involved. It is also largely responsible for many other
problems to public health and social consequences, such as unintentional injuries, physical and
sexual assault, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, thus bringing a high
expense to the government.

Alcohol and driving is another deadly combination, the act of driving after drinking alcohol is a
very dangerous risk.

Many who are against the consumption of alcohol believe it is the gateway to the world of
drugs therefore believe that people who drink are more likely to use other drugs such as
marijuana, cocaine and amphetamines.

Alcohol consumption by college students is evident. This is a stage of life when young people
leave home, are more susceptible to the influence of other young people who drink, go to
parties with easy access to alcohol, so the consumption occurs commonly in this environment.

There is a group of students which concerned about underage drinking, so they began a
movement to revive the discussion on the age to drink. With various presidents and
chancellors, they created an open petition calling on politicians and the public to reconsider the
country's drinking laws. They do not exactly want to reduce the age, just want to reopen the
discussion on the problem; however they ended up being branded as a movement by
decreasing of the drinking age.

There are several arguments for and against concerning the drinking age, as well as various
opinions of ordinary people or experts, research that points to the reduction of or maintenance
of the drinking age, but for sure there is not a consensus on this point.

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