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mW/cm2 W/m2 dBm/cm2 dBW/m2

1.12E-02 mW/cm2 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.504E+00
1.12E-01 W/m2 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.504E+00
-1.95E+01 dBm/cm2 1.119E-02 1.119E-01 -1.951E+01 -9.510E+00
-9.51E+00 dBW/m2 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.951E+01 -9.505E+00
6.5 V/m 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.951E+01 -9.505E+00
6.50E+06 uV/m 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.951E+01 -9.505E+00
136.3 dBuV/m 1.132E-02 1.132E-01 -1.946E+01 -9.460E+00
2.17E-08 T 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.504E+00
2.17E+04 pT 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.504E+00
8.67E+01 dBpT 1.122E-02 1.122E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.500E+00
2.17E-04 G 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.504E+00
2.17E-01 mG 1.122E-02 1.122E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.500E+00
-1.33E+01 dBmG 1.122E-02 1.122E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.500E+00
1.73E-02 A/m 1.122E-02 1.122E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.501E+00
1.72E+04 uA/m 1.121E-02 1.121E-01 -1.951E+01 -9.506E+00
8.47E+01 dBuA/m 1.120E-02 1.120E-01 -1.950E+01 -9.500E+00
Correction Factor
(dB) Frequency (MHz)
Antenna Gain
15 5625 30.20
Reference: Sanders, F. H., "Derivations of Relationships Among Field Strength, Power in Transmitter-Receiver Circuits and Radiation Hazard Limits", NTIA Technical Memorandum TM-10-469, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, June 2010.
NTIA Electromagnetic Field Strength Unit Converter
In the calculators below, inputs are black and outputs are red
Antenna Gain Calculated from ACF (Eq. 14)
Antenna ACF Calculated from Gain (Eq. 13)
Power Density Data inputs in
this column
Free-space propagation at an impedance of 377 ohms is assumed.
Antenna Gain
(dBi) Frequency (MHz)
Antenna ACF
30.2 5625 15.00
Power (dBm)
Antenna Gain
EIRP (dBm)
16 8 24
Transmitter EIRP
Receiver Antenna
Gain (dBi)
Antenna to
Power in
24 12 5625 3 -21.0
Power Measured
in a Receiver
Receiver Antenna
Gain (dBi)
Antenna to
-21 12 5625 3 24.0
Power Measured
in a Receiver
Receiver Antenna
Gain (dBm)
Strength at
Calculated Transmitter EIRP from Power Measured in a Receiver (Eq. 44b)
Field Strength from Power Measured in a Circuit (Eq. 21))
Calculated Power in Receiver from a Known Transmitter EIRP (Eq. 44b)
EIRP Calculator
-21 12 5625.00 119.20
Transmitter EIRP
Distance from
Antenna to Point
in Space (meters)
Strength at
24 3 119.16
Specified Field
Strength Limit
Gain of Receiver
Antenna (dBi)
ng to Field
Limit (dBm)
119.16 12 5625 -21.04
Specified Field
Strength Limit
Distance from
Limiting EIRP
119.16 3 24.00 -6.00 251.33 0.25
Measured Power for Specified Field Strength Limit (from Eq. 21)
Limiting EIRP for a Specified Field Strength Limit (Eq. 59)
Field Strength from Transmitter EIRP (Eqs. (21) and (44b))
V/m uV/m dBuV/m T pT dBpT G
6.501E+00 6.501E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.501E+00 6.501E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.496E+00 6.496E+06 1.363E+02 2.165E-08 2.165E+04 8.671E+01 2.165E-04
6.500E+00 6.500E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.500E+00 6.500E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.500E+00 6.500E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.531E+06 6.531E+06 1.363E+02 2.177E-08 2.177E+04 8.676E+01 2.177E-04
6.501E+00 6.501E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.501E+00 6.501E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.503E+00 6.503E+06 1.362E+02 2.168E-08 2.168E+04 8.672E+01 2.168E-04
6.501E+00 6.501E+06 1.363E+02 2.167E-08 2.167E+04 8.672E+01 2.167E-04
6.504E+00 6.504E+06 1.363E+02 2.168E-08 2.168E+04 8.672E+01 2.168E-04
6.503E+00 6.503E+06 1.362E+02 2.168E-08 2.168E+04 8.672E+01 2.168E-04
6.503E+00 6.503E+06 1.363E+02 2.168E-08 2.168E+04 8.672E+01 2.168E-04
6.499E+00 6.499E+06 1.363E+02 2.166E-08 2.166E+04 8.671E+01 2.166E-04
6.499E+00 6.499E+06 1.362E+02 2.166E-08 2.166E+04 8.672E+01 2.166E-04
This spreadsheet contains formulae developed by NTIA. NTIA does not make any warranty of any kind, express,
implied or statutory, including, without limitation, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, non-infringement and data accuracy. NTIA does not warrant or make any representations
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the NTIA-developed spreasheet upon your acceptance of these terms and conditions and upon your express
agreement to provide appropriate acknowledgments of NTIA's ownership of and development of the
spreadsheet by keeping this exact text present in any copied or derivative works.
Reference: Sanders, F. H., "Derivations of Relationships Among Field Strength, Power in Transmitter-Receiver Circuits and Radiation Hazard Limits", NTIA Technical Memorandum TM-10-469, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, June 2010.
NTIA Electromagnetic Field Strength Unit Converter
Magnetic Flux Density Electric Field Strength
Free-space propagation at an impedance of 377 ohms is assumed.
This spreadsheet contains formulae developed by NTIA. NTIA does not make any warranty of any kind, express,
implied or statutory, including, without limitation, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, non-infringement and data accuracy. NTIA does not warrant or make any representations
regarding the use of the spreadsheet or the results thereof, including but not limited to the correctness,
accuracy, reliability or usefulness of the spreasheet or the results. You can use, copy, modify, and redistribute
the NTIA-developed spreasheet upon your acceptance of these terms and conditions and upon your express
agreement to provide appropriate acknowledgments of NTIA's ownership of and development of the
spreadsheet by keeping this exact text present in any copied or derivative works.
mG dBmG A/m uA/m dBuA/m
2.167E-01 -1.328E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.167E-01 -1.328E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.165E-01 -1.329E+01 1.723E-02 1.723E+04 8.472E+01
2.167E-01 -1.329E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.167E-01 -1.328E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.167E-01 -1.328E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.177E-01 -1.324E+01 1.732E-02 1.732E+04 8.477E+01
2.167E-01 -1.328E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.168E-01 -1.328E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.168E-01 -1.328E+01 1.725E-02 1.725E+04 8.474E+01
2.167E-01 -1.328E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.168E-01 -1.328E+01 1.725E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.168E-01 -1.328E+01 1.725E-02 1.725E+04 8.474E+01
2.168E-01 -1.328E+01 1.725E-02 1.725E+04 8.474E+01
2.166E-01 -1.329E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
2.166E-01 -1.329E+01 1.724E-02 1.724E+04 8.473E+01
This spreadsheet contains formulae developed by NTIA. NTIA does not make any warranty of any kind, express,
implied or statutory, including, without limitation, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, non-infringement and data accuracy. NTIA does not warrant or make any representations
regarding the use of the spreadsheet or the results thereof, including but not limited to the correctness,
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agreement to provide appropriate acknowledgments of NTIA's ownership of and development of the
spreadsheet by keeping this exact text present in any copied or derivative works.
Reference: Sanders, F. H., "Derivations of Relationships Among Field Strength, Power in Transmitter-Receiver Circuits and Radiation Hazard Limits", NTIA Technical Memorandum TM-10-469, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, June 2010.
NTIA Electromagnetic Field Strength Unit Converter
Magnetic Flux Density Magnetic Field Intensity
Free-space propagation at an impedance of 377 ohms is assumed.
This spreadsheet contains formulae developed by NTIA. NTIA does not make any warranty of any kind, express,
implied or statutory, including, without limitation, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, non-infringement and data accuracy. NTIA does not warrant or make any representations
regarding the use of the spreadsheet or the results thereof, including but not limited to the correctness,
accuracy, reliability or usefulness of the spreasheet or the results. You can use, copy, modify, and redistribute
the NTIA-developed spreasheet upon your acceptance of these terms and conditions and upon your express
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