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Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
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This publication is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable
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!ou are not allowed to give or sell this "uide to anyone else# $f you received this publication
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)lease note that %uch of this publication is based on personal e.perience and anecdotal
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co%plete accuracy of the content in this "uide, they assu%e no responsibility for errors or
o%issions# Also, you should use this infor%ation as you see fit, and at your own ris-# !our
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fun and en0oy the report#
Earnings Disclaimer 3 Clic- 4ere
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
4ello, %y na%e is &ere- To%ei, and $ have been an online and an offline %ar-eter for the past
15 years# Today, in this brief report, $ want to provide to you a Three Proven, Repeat-able,
Fast Cash 'ethods for off line %ar-eting, where you can earn so%e good %oney in a very
short a%ount of ti%e and even %a-e a si. figure inco%e fro% it#
This report is laid out in a very si%ple fashion to si%ply provide to you a few solid, yet si%ple
ideas for generating cash 6uic-ly# There are %any %ar-eters constantly as-ing 6uestions on
what they should do to 6uic-ly earn cash# 1or e.a%ple, in the 7arrior 1oru%, people as-
6uestions li-e the following
hat Can ! do to ma"e money #$ic"ly in o%%line mar"eting&'
! am in desperate need o% ma"ing money, (hat (o$ld yo$ do i% yo$ needed to ma"e
a %e( h$ndred dollars #$ic"ly&'
7ell, $ a% going to provide to you 8 or 9 solid %ethods that will provide a way for you to %a-e
%ore than a few hundred dollars 6uic-ly# $n fact, 7hat $ a% providing are proven business
%odels and %ethods that you can repeat over and over# These are all based on :ffline
'ar-eting and will include %ethods fro% websites to %obile %ar-eting, and even a %ethod
on getting businesses that are desperately wanting to give you thousands of dollars to b$ild a
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
mobile application for the%#
So, with all that said, let(s get started right now#
Off Line Marketing Idea #1 Flipping Local Domain Names
This %ethod is one that is si%ple, yet effective# This involves a few si%ple steps but will
basically allow you to consistently purchase a do%ain na%e for ;< or less but sell for hundreds
and even thousands of dollars# This will wor- for anyone who applies this si%ple %ethod and
really re6uires very little e.pertise# Therefore, this will wor- for even a newbie#
This %ethod targets local businesses and professionals that are %ostly clueless about
%ar-eting their business online but are dying to -now how to do it or have so%e one do it for
the%# And, you don(t even have to do any face to face selling or cold calling#
1# )urchase a &o%ain 2a%e with a =ey word for specific %ar-ets for ;< or less#
5# Create a :ne )age 7ebsite 3 :pti%i,ed for the -eyword
8# )lace so%e >ocal Ads of >ocal ?usinesses fro% the specific 'ar-et on the 7eb )age#
9# Send a si%ple @%ail to ?usiness :wners to get the% to buy the do%ain for anywhere
fro% 1A to 1AA ti%es the a%ount for which you purchased it# Ta-e the highest bidder
fro% all the business owners you sent it to#
>et %e brea- down each step for you in %ore detail#
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
1irst, target a local %ar-et and choose 0ust one town or city# >et(s say $ choose to target
BCewelersD for the local city of 'ia%i, 1lorida# The first thing $ will do is do so%e -eyword
research to see what do%ains $ can get for this that will bring in traffic when searched# There
is not a lot of hocus pocus here# This is si%ple# $ will si%ply first try to find a two word do%ain
na%e li-e 'ia%iCewelers#co%# ?ut %ost of these two word do%ains are already gone# ?ut
that(s :=, you can still do well with a Three 7ord &o%ain such as B?est'ia%iCewelers#co%#D
4ere is a great piece of software that helps you get a list of do%ain na%es and tells you if
they(re available or not rather 6uic-lyE
2e.t, go to google and perfor% a search on with the -eywords B ?est 'ia%i Cewelers#D 4ere
is where you want to loo- at the sponsored lin-s on the right side or top of the page# !ou(re
loo-ing for businesses that are paying for google advertising with those -eywords# :nce you
find a do%ain na%e that is available that produces the %ost local businesses paying for ads
li-e in the above step, go and register that do%ain na%e#
2e.t, visit each do%ain na%e of the businesses paying for advertising and use the i7hois#co%
database to loo-up their infor%ation# This will usually give you their e%ail address#
2ow, put up a one page website with the title being the -eywords you typed into google# $
suggest using )ost *ator for a hosting provider as they have the one clic- 7ordpress $nstall
which will %a-e it super easy for you create and edit your one page website# !ou can also
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
register your do%ain with the% for si%plicity# 1or e.a%ple, B?est 'ia%i CewelersD# Then list
each of the local businesses sponsored ads on this page as a listing of businesses# At the top
of the page, add so%e te.t that say(s BThis website is for sale, please contact
youre%ailFe%ail#co%D &on(t waste your ti%e %a-ing the site loo- good Cust focus on the
content# ?elow is an e.a%ple#
After a few days, your site should be ran-ing at the very top for the -eywords you selected#
?ecause the headline and the and do%ain all %atch the -eywords, this will happen fast# 2ow,
all you have to do is send a personali+ed e%ail to each business letting the% -now you found
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
there infor%ation by doing a search and that you wanted to let the% -now that your do%ain
and site are for sale#
1inally, 0ust sit bac- and wait and see who offers the highest price# Accept the highest offer
and negotiate with the businesses# Ginse and Gepeat for any industry and town co%bination#
:nce you have a buyer, you can even sell the% additional services for S@:, Social 'ar-eting,
Offline Marketing Method #2 Create and ell Mo!ile "pps to
Unless youHve been living under a roc-, you -now that %obile %ar-eting is the absolute
4:TT@ST for% of %ar-eting that there is to date, and for good reason# 4owever, %ost
businesses -now nothing about how it all wor-s or how they can ta-e advantage of this
%ar-eting %ethod, but would be willing to pay you a huge chun- of change for a %obile app
that sends custo%ers their way#
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
'obile %ar-eting allows the businesses to connect with people that are actually interested in
their types of products or services on a whole new levelE Thin- about it# 7hen you leave the
house, what are the 8 things that you 0ust about A>7A!S ta-e with youI
1# !our =eys
5# !our 7allet+)urse
8# and ,o$r Phone
We wouldnt think of leaving the house without our phones, especially our smart phones.
7ith our s%art phones we can %a-e calls, get directions, order flowers, find a place to grab a
bite to eat, %anage our business and even find local businesses Jli-e yoursKL all while weHre
on the go#
* There are 5 times more mobile devices in the world than there are desktop
* There are more mobile devices in the world than there are cars
* There have been 10.9+ Billion App Downloads
* Mobile Marketin is e!pected to increase b" ## times in $01%

* The Mobile App &ndustr" is '1(.5 Billion Dollars a )ear
* Demand *or downloadable Apps is e!pected to peak in $01%
* +ne hal* o* all local searches are per*ormed on mobile devices
* 51, o* local searches are per*ormed on mobile devices-
7ith a %obile app, businesses can have clients and custo%ers 6uic-ly get access to
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
* ?usiness >ocation
* ?usiness 4ours
* &irections
* )roducts
* Services
* A Clic- to Call ?utton Jso they clic- a single button to call your businessK
* Special &eals
The best thing about this %ethod is that you don(t need to hire a progra%%er, or -now how to
build %obile apps yourself# There are several tools on the web that allow you to create your
own apps 6uic-ly# 'ost of the% are free# 4owever, The one that $ use is"er by
Gussell ?runson# $ highly suggest you visit his site and at least watch the video presentation
on the %obile apps industry, how to profit fro% it, and how you can create apps that
businesses will pay you ;1,AAA or %ore in a %atter of %inutes# $ 0oined the %e%bership for"er and created an app for one of %y clients in 1M %inutes flatE $t was that
si%pleE )retty A%a,ing stuff#

Gather, than have %e try to e.plain this %ethod to you, watch this video that will e.plain
everything better than $ ever could do it#
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
Offline Marketing Method #$ #usiness %e&ie' (ideos

This %ethod is also a very si%ple and effective %ethod of %a-ing fast cash offline# 7ith this
one, you will have to pic- up the phone, but don(t worry you(re not even trying to sell anyone
anything# This %ethod can put %oney in your poc-et on the very sa%e day or even the ne.t
This %ethod involves the following
1# Choose a particular 'ar-et in your local area# This can be any %ar-et li-e insurance
agencies, restaurants, etc## 1or our e.a%ple, we(ll choose a local Spa#

5# Create a Nuic- Oideo Geview of the business# All you need for this is a presentation
style software li-e powerpoint or any of the open source versions such as :pen :ffice,
so%e related pictures, and video software such as Ca%tasia# :r to %a-e it even
easier, you can use Ani%oto, which ta-es your photos and slides and turns the% into
Stunning videos with sound and %usic#
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
Si%ply create the first slide with the business na%e and contact infor%ation, then place
about 8 or 9 %ore slides with photos and so%e content that gives a review of the
business# The last slide should be the sa%e as the first slide# The video should be no
%ore than 8A to 6A seconds#

8# Contact the business to let the% -now you %ade a video review and want the% to see
it# This is a si%ple phone call as-ing if the %anager or owner of the business is
available and that you wish to spea- to the% about a video review that you created for
their business# 7hen you spea- to the %anager or owner, you(re going to as- the% for
their e%ail address to send the% a lin- to the video for their review# 7hen you send
the% the e%ail, e.plain to the% that this is 0ust a short de%o and that you would li-e
to recreate the video with a %uch higher 6uality J4& is preferableK, and with real
photos fro% their establish%ent#
$n addition, you(re going to e.plain to the% why and how a video will help their
business including how it can drive traffic and build trust with prospective custo%ers# $
highly suggest creating your own professional high 6uality video that e.plains how a
video helps local businesses# This way, you can 0ust send the% the lin- in the e%ail and
re*use this for every additional business for which you apply this %ethod# As- for the%
to get bac- with you regarding your offer#
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.
9# $f they do not reply bac- to you, follow, up with the business owner via e%ail and+or
phone in the ne.t day or two# The follow up for this should be brief and it should not
be difficult to convince the% to pay for your service, since you already showed the%
the capabilities, and how it helps their business#
M# they don(t reply bac-, 0ust call the% bac- the ne.t day and ta-e it fro% there# is not
going to be a hard sale since you already show the% what you can do for the%#

Clic- 4ere to see an e.a%ple of a video $ created for a local $nsurance co%pany#
That(s all there is to this %ethod# Again, this is a rinse and repeat %ethod that you can do on a
daily basis# !ou can pic- a %ar-et, %a-e the videos and contact 1A*5A local businesses and
%a-e ;1AA or %ore for each video# $n addition, you can certainly sell the% additional services
such as building or re*designing a website, Social %edia integration, S@:, and other ite%s that
are easy to outsource#
Copyright 2012 DMT Solutions, Inc.

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