Laws On Nursing Practice

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RA 2382 defines practice of medicine in the
RA 2493 of 1915 Phil. Medical Act
RA 2808 of 1919 1
True Nsg. a!
1920 First NLE in the Phil.
1944 First NLE outside Manila
RA 8"" Phil. Nsg. Law on June 19, 19!
RA "1#4 Phil. Nursi$g Act of 1991 "# $en.
%eherson &l'are(
RA 91"3 Phil. Nsg. Act of 2002
P% 223 created PR&
RA 8981 PR& Moder$i'atio$ Act of 2002
RA "392 a(e$ded )* RA 2#44 Midwifer# Law
RA #425 %a$gerous %rugs Act
RA 91#5 of 2002 &o(+rehe$si,e %a$gerous
%rugs Act
RA 1054 Free Medical ) *ental &ttendants
RA 1080 +i'il $er'ice Eligi"ilit#
RA 1082 R-.
RA 113# T/ a!
RA 1#12 Pri'ileges ,a-. Prof ,a-
RA 1891 0PT a!
RA 35"3 &o((u$ica)le %1s Re+orti$g
RA 40"3 i)erali'atio$ of e+ros* T2
RA 422# -os+ital ice$sure
RA 5181 Permanent /esidence for ! consecuti'e
RA 5901 wor0ing hrs. ) compensation in
agencies w. 111 "ed capacit#
RA #3#5 33 P0P&0M
RA ##"5 of 1988 4e$eric Act
RA #"13 +ode of +onduct ) Ethics for Pu"lic
officials ) emplo#ees
RA #"25 Prohi"ition of 2omen *iscrimination
RA #"2" 2age /ationali(ation
RA #"58 $alar# $tandardi(ation of 3o't.
RA #9"2 %a* &are &e$ter i$ 5 /rg*.
RA "1#0 %e,olutio$ &ode1 ocal Authorit*
RA "1"0 0rga$ %o$atio$ Act
RA "192 2omen in nation 4ldg ) *e't.
RA "2"" Mag$a &arta for the %isa)led
RA "305 Mag$a &arta for the P-6
RA "432 7e$ior &iti'e$ Act 8c 209 %&:
RA "#00 of 1992 Roo(i$g3i$ ; /reastfeedi$g
RA "#10 &hildre$<s Protectio$ Act
RA "#24 *rug Education Law
RA "#41 New /etirement Law for Pri'ate Emplo#ees
RA ""19 Natl. 4lood $er'ices of 1995
RA "84# =((u$i'atio$ Agai$st -e+ /
RA "8"5 Natl. %ealth 6nsurance &ct of 199
RA "8"# $enior +iti(en +enter in 7 4rg#
RA "8"" of 1995 A$ti37e2ual -arass(e$t Act
RA "883 4%2 4enefits ) 6ncenti'es &ct of 1998
RA 8042 Migrant 2or0ers ) Filipino &ct
RA 818" Paternit# Lea'e &ct of 199 91
5 da#s pp:
RA 8232 $ocial $ecurit# Law of 199;
RA 8291 3$6$ &ct of 199;
RA 8344 -os+itals1%octors to treat >R &ases
RA 8423 Phil. =$stitute of Traditio$al ;
Alter$ati,e -ealth &are
RA 8424 Personal ,a- E-emption
RA 8504 Phil. A=%7 Pre,e$tio$ ; &o$trol
Act of 1998
RA 8"49 &lea$ Air Act
RA 89"# ?ood ?ortificatio$ Act
RA 92#2 <&2
P% 48 5 children w. paid maternit# lea'e
P% #" 5 children for personal ta- e-emption
P% 442 New La"or +ode
P% 491 Nutritio$ Progra(
P% 541 4ali0"a#an Prof. Practice
P% 5#8 /ole of P% Midwi'es e-panded
P% #03 &hild ; @outh 6elfare &ode
P% #2# Emplo#ee +ompensation ) $tate
6nsurance Fund
P% #51 /irths Registratio$ a! ff. %eli,er*
8!1i$ 30 da*s:
P% 825 A$ti3=(+ro+er 4ar)age %is+osal
P% 854 1!
Month Pa#
P% 85# &ode o$ 7a$itatio$
P% 9#5 ?P ; res+o$si)le Pare$thood
P% 99# >P=
P% "91 P0P&0M 8Re,ised Po+. Act:
P% 1083 Muslim %olida#s
>0 51 MilA &ode
>0 180 3uidelines on the /ight to =rgani(e
3o't. $tri0es
>0 203 List of /egular %olida#s. $pecial *a#s
P./=& A6 94324" +hild &"use ) Neglect
&ct of 19;!
PR0&. B# >N 3oal on >ni'ersal +hild
6mmuni(ation # 1991
PR0&. B118 Prof. /egulation 2ee0
PR0&. B 539 Nurses< 6eeA 5 last !eeA of
PR0&. B12"5 Midwifer# 2ee0 7 !
wee0 of =ct.
0= 949 P-&
0= 1000 mem"ers of accredited prof org gi'en
preference in ha'ing or attendance to seminars
=0 &0NC>NT=0N B149 impro'ement of life
and wor0 conditions of Nsg. Personnel 96L=
/ecommendation ?1;:
R.A. N0. 8344 August 25D 199" @ an act
penali(ing the refusal of hospitals and medical
clinics to administer appropriate initial medical
treatment and support in emergenc# or serious
cases, amending for the purpose "atas pam"ansa
"ilang ;18, otherwise 0nown as Aan act prohi"iting
the demand of deposits or ad'ance pa#ments for the
confinement or treatment of patients in hospitals
and medical clinics in certain casesA
Re+u)lic Act No. 9502 Eu$e #D 2008
@an act pro'iding for cheaper and 7ualit#
medicines, amending for the purpose repu"lic act
no. B89! or the intellectual propert# code, repu"lic
act no. CC; or the generics act of 19BB, and
repu"lic act no. 981 or the pharmac# law, and for
other purposes
R>P./=& A&T N0. 9439 A+ril 2"D 200"
@an act prohi"iting the detention of patients in
hospitals and medical clinics on grounds of
nonpa#ment of hospital "ills or medical
,he 6ndigenous Peoples /ights &ct of 199; /&
Num"er B!;1

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