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Table 1: Literary Instructions for Code Breaker

How do I crack this code?

Reading Shakespeares Play Watching Baz Luhrmanns Adaptation

Read the first scene aloud to the class and
provide a translation on the board.
Ask students to suggest words or phrases they
do not understand to receive assistance from
their teacher and peers.
Class discussion about how stage directions
are used and their purpose.
Encourage students to use a dictionary to look
up words that require further clarification.

Show a Film Techniques PowerPoint so
students can begin to develop an
understanding of film terminology.
Whilst watching the film, pause at 20 minute
intervals and discuss how Luhrmann used
cinematic techniques to portray a specific idea
or theme.

Table 2: Literary Instructions for Text Participant
What does this text mean to me?
Reading Shakespeares Play Watching Baz Luhrmanns Adaptation

Brainstorming session at the beginning of the
unit where students can share information
they already know about Shakespeare, his
plays and poems and his life.
Ask students if they know the theme of Romeo
and Juliet.
Determine whether students have read any
other Shakespeare plays.
Show how the English language has developed
over the years. Distinguish that Shakespeares
language was considered Elizabethan English.

Engage students in a discussion about how to
define an adaptation.
Question whether students know any
Shakespeare plays which have been adapted to
Enquire whether students are aware of any
other adaptations of Romeo and Juliet.
Ask students to explain an example of an
adaptation that they know of.

Table 3: Literary Instruction for Text User
What can I do with this text?
Reading Shakespeares Play Watching Baz Luhrmanns Adaptation

Research the time period that
Shakespeare lived.
Research what the theatre looked like in
Shakespeares time.
Inform students that in Shakespeares time
only men were allowed to perform in the
theatre so young men played the female
roles. Research why this occurred and

Ask students to research why Luhrmann chose to create
a modern interpretation of Shakespeares play but still
uses his original language.
Consider how Luhrmann explores key ideas and
themes through cinematic techniques.
Choose a scene to compare from the text and film and
generate a class discussion about the differences in
regards to time period, setting, characterisation,
determine whether women were allowed
to attend the theatre at all.
Advise students that all of Shakespeares
plays were conducted during the daytime
and there was no lighting equipment
available. Ask them to research how night
time scenes were acted out.
Research what the costumes, props and
stage design looked like for a Shakespeare
costume, music eg.

Table 4: Literary Instruction for Text Analyst
What does this text do to me?
Reading Shakespeares Play Watching Baz Luhrmanns Adaptation

Discussion about the themes and key
ideas implied by Shakespeare through
his text.
Ask students to consider whether they
believe that Romeo and Juliet was
written for an intended audience and
how they came to this conclusion.
Discuss the gender and social
implications that are present in the text.

Discussion about how Luhrmann represents the
themes and key ideas explored by Shakespeare and
describe the differences or similarities.
Consider the time period of Luhrmanns adaptation
and investigate how society has progressed in terms
of gender equality and social and legal constraints.
Discuss how Luhrmann has created his film for a
different audience compared to Shakespeare.

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