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The production line has been delivered by company IMA for production of infusion
solutions in glass vials with volume 500 ml and 250 ml. All equipment is provided with
echange parts for these two formats. !utput of the line is determined by the output
of the vial filling machine and in the second step by the throughput of the sterili"er.
#iscrete machines in the line are connected by conveyers. The line has been in
operation from $%%& till 'uly 2005 in one shift production and is presently complete.
producer( Anticorro )ladno
year of production( $%%2
*or+ing area specification(
ma. pressure 0,$ M-a
ma. temperature %0
ma. volume 5/5 l
'ac+et area specification
ma. over0pressure 0,1 M-a
ma. volume 1& l
2oth 3ac+eted containers have installed a unit for automatic filling with A-I water into
wor+ing area and measuring its temperature before loading the material.
type( 4ydra $000 1$
year of production( $%%5
The washer is equipped with a unit for automatic sanitation of the filters and the
system of no""les that use treated water with help of pure steam for washing.
4umidity arising during the process of washing and sanitation is lead off by the
suction pipe outside the building.
The output of the machine is ad3usted to the output of the filling machine. It ranges
from 20 to /0 vials per minute for the local conditions but it can be ad3usted in far
greater range according to specific production requirements.
type( 5A6M!MA. 5 57
year of production( $%%0
The filling machine is equipped with an automatically refilled reservoir tan+, a unit for
closing of filled vials by plugs and inspection of closed vials. The very filling of
infusion solution into vials is done by & separate no""les, which are supplied from
ceramic pumps. 5urthermore it contains circular vibration hopper for plugs, plug
conveyer, and a unit for washing of the ceramic pumps after filling is completed.
The output of the machine ranges in the local conditions from 20 to /0 vials per
minute. This range can be ad3usted in greater etent according to the production
requirements and product consistency.
- used for maintenance of purity of class A over and around the filling machine,
including the surrounding curtains
type( 5 %5
year of production( $%%5
8ial crimping machine contains a circular vibration hopper for caps and an etended
output conveyer about $,2 m long. !utput of the machine is dependent on the set
rate of the filling machine. 6eserved rate is completely sufficient for the type of the
filling machine above.
type( 5!*9/
year of production( $%%5
It is a double0door hot water autoclave :spraying system;, which is intended for
sterili"ation of vials by hot water. It contains a system of automatic filter sterili"ation of
incoming air. The chamber can contain / rac+s which carry in total about $000 bottles
with volume 500 ml of vial type I<! =5/&0I >A.
.hamber dimensions( ? $$=0 mm, length / 0== mm
#oor dimensions( =00 =00 mm
1 carts
22 rac+s
20 frame supports under the rac+s for cooling after sterili"ation
type( 5!592
year of production( $%%5
It is a steam double0door autoclave, which uses pure steam for heating and
sterili"ation. The autoclave contains a unit for automatic sterili"ation of filters of
incoming air and is equipped with option to spray sterili"ed material directly in the
chamber with treated water. It is used for sterili"ation of plugs and caps.
@ength of sterili"ation is dependent on selected program and it is possible to set it
from app. 20 minutes to app. / hours.
.hamber dimensions( ? =%0 mm, length $ 000 mm
#oor dimensions( &&0 &&0 mm
2 carts
type( <- $
year of production( $%%5
It is an inspecting machine where vial quality control is achieved by optical chec+.
The machine is equipped with internal light, unit for turning vials bottom up and an
e3ector of faulty vials.
!utput of the machine is given by human factor, or the ability to optically inspect with
high quality the passing bottles. 5or the local conditions the setting was set to 20 >
/5 vials per minute according to the sort of solution.
type( <AB<ITI8A A.!
year( $%%5
It is a labeling machine, which is used for mar+ing pre0printed labels spooled on a roll
with an option of setting it for various types of labels :height, length;.
This machine contains a printing unit, where it is possible by thermal printing to print
predefined batch number and epiration on the label, at maimum in five levels. After
completed printing the machine eecutes inspection of attached labels.
The output of the machine depends on the setting of the output of the previous
inspection machine and type of used labels.
5or the local conditions there was used setting of 20 > 10 vials per minute. Maimum
output of the labeling machine alone is &0 > =0 pieces a minute.
5or the local conditions there were vials of I<! 500 and 250 ml used for filling.
5or the machines mentioned above :ecept autoclaves, where echange of format
parts does not apply; we offer format parts, as much for vials I<! 500 as well as I<!

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