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Main Photo
Cover mount

Magazines use strap lines to inform the reader a little of whats going to be inside.
The main picture is of Nirvanas Kurt Cobain. The photo is in black and white.
There are two main colours on this cover. They are yellow and red. The rest of the colours are black and
The appeal to the audience of the magazine cover is layout. It is in a certain way that the audience is attracted
to it.
The barcode is located on the bottom right hand corner of the cover. This is so it is out of the way of the
The cover lines entice the reader because it is relevant to what the reader wants to read.
The main photo has been used to interest fans of the person on the cover.
The company that published the magazine is Bauer Media Group.

The mastheads on
magazine covers are
usually red (as shown
on this magazine) as it
stands out on a white
background. Magazine
covers often add the
colours white or black.
This magazine cover has
white text on a red
square background.
The picture below is of Jimi
Hendrix, it shows him doing
something with his guitar.
On this magazine,
the barcode is
located in the
centre right of the
page. It is discreet
and does not
distract the reader
from the headline
and the central
visual interest.
The headline for this
magazine illustrates the
focus of the magazine,
being about Jimi
Hendrixs undiscovered
There is a small article
on the bottom left of
the cover about less
Important articles.
This is out of the way
and un-noticeable.
The CVI is of Jimi
Hendrix. It draws
people to the magazine
because he is a
legendary musician and
people have either
heard his music or seen
famous pictures of him.
This cover features
text which
indicates the
contents of the
magazine. The pull
quotes are in bold
to stand out from
the rest of the

The general layout of
this double page
spread is of the artist,
Jake Bugg, standing
with his guitar against
a black background on
one page and the
article columns on the
other. All the space on
the right hand page is
taken up by Bugg.
This makes it obvious
to the reader that the
article is about him.
There are three
columns of text with a
quote in the bottom
left of the page to
make the page more
visually appealing to
the reader. There is
also a wider column
with a larger text size.
This is to indicate to
the reader that the text
is separate to the other
The colour scheme of
this double page
spread is of a very
basic white, black and
red. There is also a
tiny amount of yellow
used in the top left of
the second page.
The headline of the
double page spread is
conventional as it is
rather large. It
stretches across both
pages, being black on
the left page and red
on the right page. The
black writing stands
out well on the white
background. However,
the red text does not
stand out as well on
the black background.
The full layout of the double page spread has been
executed rather well. The page is good looking and
is easy to interpret. Also the photo is positioned
correctly so it doesnt interfere with or distract the
reader from the text.

Magazine Titles *Highlighted area = font used

Orator STD
Perpetua tilting mt
Bookman Old Style
Double Page Spread:
Orator STD Slated
Prestige Elite STD
Bookman Old Style

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