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Focus Area 4 3 2 1
SPIN is consistently and
correctly formatted with
headings. All sections are
fully and accurately
completed. The day and date
is written on top of the page.
SPIN is formatted
correctly with headings
most of the time. Most
sections are completed on
a regular basis. The day
and date is written on top
of the page.
SPIN is formatted correctly
with headings some of the
time. Sections are written in
on a daily basis, but entries
are only partially completed.
The day and date is written
on top of the page some of
the time.
SPIN is formatted
correctly some of the time.
Headings are not included.
Sections are inconsistently
completed or not
completed at all. The day
and date is inconsistently
or not written on top of
the page.

Reflections are consistently

written in paragraph format.
Writing is always in complete
sentences and punctuated
correctly. Reflections are
thoughtful and focus on
what was learned at school
that day.
Reflections are written in
paragraph format most of
the time. Writing is usually
in complete sentences and
punctuated correctly.
Reflections focused on
what was learned at school
that day.
Reflections are written in
paragraph format some of
the time. Writing is
sometimes in complete
sentences and punctuated
correctly. Reflections focus
on what was done at school,
instead of on what was
Reflections are not
written in paragraph
format. Writing is not in
complete sentences, nor
does it have correct
punctuation. Reflections
are minimally completed, or
not done at all.


Reflections show
documentation, in great
detail, of learning and
growth. Reflections are
insightful and tie in
connections to the 7 Habits,
GLOs, other subject areas,
or future plans/goals.
Reflections demonstrate
documentation of learning
and growth. Reflections tie
in connections to the 7
Habits, GLOs, other
subject areas, or future
Reflections show some
documentation of learning
and growth. Reflections
sometimes tie in connections
to the 7 Habits, GLOs, other
subject areas, or future
Reflections show minimal
documentation of learning
and growth. No
connections are made.

SPIN entries are organized

sequentially. Handwriting is
very neat. All criteria is met
on a daily basis.
SPIN entries are organized
sequentially. Handwriting is
neat. Most criteria is met
on a daily basis.
SPIN entries are organized
in the same tablet.
Handwriting is legible. Some
criteria is met on a daily
SPIN entries are
disorganized. Handwriting
is hard to read. Minimal
criteria is met on a daily

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