Math Jam Reflection

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Aimee Brianna Nava

Arkova Scott
College 1
10 September 2014
Math Jam Reflection
Before Math Jam I didnt know what to expect going into college. I felt nervous, and
didnt know if I was ready. Math Jam refreshed my memory of math, and it also gave me the
chance to meet new people that felt the same insecurities about going to college as I did. My
coach, piers, and Math Jam in general helped influenced me to have positive expectations for
I had a great coach, George Proctor. George made sure the other students and I felt
comfortable, keeping a positive environment during the Jam. The first day really set the mood
for how the class and week would be ran: relaxed, fun and productive. My Jam mates and I were
made to introduce ourselves and get to know a little bit about each other. We learned about
where wed graduated from, what our majors are, and why we wanted to go to college. George
found ways of keeping us active participators in the activity we did. For example, turning math
into a competition, a game of Mathketball. This game required us to be split into teams where
each was given a problem to solve. Whoever solved the problem first and correctly, would move
on to shooting a ball into a trashcan for points.
My coach, along with making Math Jam fun and engaging, informed us of the different
things the PCC Campus has to offer us and the importance of taking advantage of its resources,
like library, the counselors, tutoring, going the TLC for assistance. Mentioned a lot was the
benefits of being in involved with the school through programs and clubs like Pathways, playing
a sport or working on campus.
All the information given to us has been very useful in preparing us for college, but I
have to say meeting all the incoming freshman was my favorite part. Making new friends,
connecting with people that are going through the same issues made me feel more comfortable,
knowing I wasnt alone. Jacky Uyu was the first person I met amongst my group, he plans on
becoming a RN. I then met, Stella Petkova, shes undecided but wants to do something along the
lines of international relations. Despite having different backgrounds, interests and majors we all
shared the fact of being scared for college but being ready to now face it.
I thankful for the opportunity that Math Jam gave me. Math Jam not only allowed be to
refresh my math skills and become better prepared for my first college math course, but it also
helped me make a new group of friend that I will stay in contact with during our next few years
in college. Now that classes started these friendships have continued to grow seeing that I so far
have two classes with my previous Math Jam classmates. One being Stella in my College 1 class
and another being Jackie in my math 125 class.

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