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Flexible AC transmission system

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A flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) is a system composed of static
equipment used for the AC transmission of electrical energy. t is meant to enhance controlla!ility
and increase po"er transfer capa!ility of the net"ork. t is generally a po"er electronics#!ased
FACTS is defined !y the $$$ as %a po"er electronic !ased system and other static equipment that
pro&ide control of one or more AC transmission system parameters to enhance controlla!ility and
increase po"er transfer capa!ility.%
According to Seimens %FACTS ncrease the relia!ility of AC grids and reduce po"er deli&ery costs.
They impro&e transmission quality and efficiency of po"er transmission !y supplying inducti&e or
reacti&e po"er to the grid.
( Technology
o (.( +istory
o (.* Series compensation
o (., Shunt compensation
* Theory
o *.( Series compensation
o *.* Shunt compensation
, $-amples of series compensation
. $-amples of shunt compensation
/ See also
0 1eferences
2 $-ternal links
Transmission on a no#loss line.
Series compensation.
Shunt compensation.
3r. 4arain +ingorani is the father of FACTS technology. The first FACTS installation "as at the C. 5.
Slatt Su!station nearArlington, 6regon. This is a /77 k8, ,#phase 07 +9 su!station, and "as
de&eloped !y $:1, the ;onne&ille :o"er Administration and <eneral $lectric Company.
Series compensation'edit)
n series compensation, the FACTS is connected in series "ith the po"er system. t "orks as a
controlla!le &oltage source. Series inductance e-ists in all AC transmission lines. 6n long lines,
"hen a large current flo"s, this causes a large &oltage drop. To compensate, series capacitors are
connected, decreasing the effect of the inductance.
Shunt compensation'edit)
n shunt compensation, po"er system is connected in shunt (parallel) "ith the FACTS. t "orks as a
controlla!le current source. Shunt compensation is of t"o types=
Shunt capacitive compensation
This method is used to impro&e the po"er factor. Whene&er an
inducti&e load is connected to the transmission line, po"er
factor lags !ecause of lagging load current. To compensate, a
shunt capacitor is connected "hich dra"s current leading the
source &oltage. The net result is impro&ement in po"er factor.
Shunt inductive compensation
This method is used either "hen charging the transmission line,
or, "hen there is &ery lo" load at the recei&ing end. 3ue to &ery
lo", or no load > &ery lo" current flo"s through the transmission
line. Shunt capacitance in the transmission line causes &oltage
amplification (Ferranti effect). The recei&ing end &oltage may
!ecome dou!le the sending end &oltage (generally in case of
&ery long transmission lines). To compensate, shunt inductors
are connected across the transmission line. The po"er transfer
capa!ility is there!y increased depending upon the po"er
po"er angle
n the case of a no#loss line, &oltage magnitude at the recei&ing
end is the same as &oltage magnitude at the sending end= 8s?
8r?8. Transmission results in a phase lag that depends on
line reactance @.
As it is a no#loss line, acti&e po"er : is the same at any point of
the line=
1eacti&e po"er at sending end is the opposite of reacti&e
po"er at recei&ing end=
As is &ery small, acti&e po"er mainly depends on "hereas
reacti&e po"er mainly depends on &oltage magnitude.
Series compensation'edit)
FACTS for series compensation modify line impedance= @ is
decreased so as to increase the transmitta!le acti&e po"er.
+o"e&er, more reacti&e po"er must !e pro&ided.
Shunt compensation'edit)
1eacti&e current is inAected into the line to maintain &oltage
magnitude. Transmitta!le acti&e po"er is increased !ut more
reacti&e po"er is to !e pro&ided.
Examples of series compensation'edit)
$-amples of FACTS for series compensation (schematic)
Static synchronous series compensator (SSSC)
Thyristor#controlled series capacitor (TCSC)= a
series capacitor !ank is shunted !y a thyristor#
controlled reactor
Thyristor#controlled series reactor (TCS1)= a series reactor
!ank is shunted !y a thyristor#controlled reactor
Thyristor#s"itched series capacitor (TSSC)= a series
capacitor !ank is shunted !y a thyristor#s"itched reactor
Thyristor#s"itched series reactor (TSS1)= a series reactor
!ank is shunted !y a thyristor#s"itched reactor
Examples of shunt compensation'edit)
$-amples of FACTS for shunt compensation (schematic)
Static synchronous compensator (STATC6B)C pre&iously
kno"n as a static condenser (STATC64)
Static 8A1 compensator (S8C). Bost common S8Cs are=
Thyristor#controlled reactor (TC1)= reactor is connected
in series "ith a !idirectional thyristor &al&e. The
thyristor &al&e is phase#controlled. $qui&alent
reactance is &aried continuously.
Thyristor#s"itched reactor (TS1)= Same as TC1 !ut
thyristor is either in 9ero# or full# conduction. $qui&alent
reactance is &aried in step"ise manner.
Thyristor#s"itched capacitor (TSC)= capacitor is
connected in series "ith a !idirectional thyristor &al&e.
Thyristor is either in 9ero# or full# conduction. $qui&alent
reactance is &aried in step"ise manner.
Bechanically#s"itched capacitor (BSC)= capacitor is
s"itched !y circuit#!reaker. t aims at compensating
steady state reacti&e po"er. t is s"itched only a fe"
times a day.
See also'edit)
In-line references
(. Jump up ^ Proposed terms and definitions for flexible AC
transmission system(FACTS), $$$ Transactions on
:o"er 3eli&ery, 8olume (*, ssue ., 6cto!er (DD2,
pp. (E.E>(E/,. doi= (7.((7DF0(.0,.*(0
*. Jump up ^ http=FF""".energy.siemens.comFhqFenFpo"er#
,. Jump up ^ Electrical Machines, Dries and Po!er
Systems, "th Edition, p. E*7
General references
4arain <. +ingorani, Gas9lo <yugyi #nderstandin$ FACTS%
Concepts and Technolo$y of Flexible AC Transmission
Systems, Wiley#$$$ :ress, 3ecem!er (DDD. S;4 D2E#7#
@iao#:ing Hhang, Christian 1ehtan9, ;ikash :al, Flexible AC
Transmission Systems% Modellin$ and Control, Springer,
Barch *770. S;4 D2E#,#/.7#,7070#
A. $dris, 1. Adapa, B.+. ;aker, G. ;ohmann, I. Clark, I.
+a!ashi, G. <yugyi, 5. Gemay, A. Behra!an, A.I. Byers, 5.
1ee&e, F. Sener, 3.1. Torgerson, 1.1. Wood, Proposed Terms
and Definitions for Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS),
$$$ Transactions on :o"er 3eli&ery, 8ol. (*, 4o. ., 6cto!er
doi= (7.((7DF0(.0,.*(0
External links'edit)
Alstom Fle-i!le AC Transmission Systems
<$ Series Compensation Systems
A;; Fle-i!le AC Transmission Systems
Siemens Fle-i!le AC Transmission Systems
$lectric po"er transmission
$lectrical engineering
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