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Java Tutorial 1: Java Data Types

There are EIGHT primitive data types in Java

1byte = 8bits=2^8=256 place but start from0 till 255.
Type Description Size
byte stores an integer value between -128 and 127 1 byte
short uses 16 bits to store an integer 2 bytes
int uses 32 bits to store an integer 4 bytes
long uses 64 bits to store an integer 8 bytes
float stores a floating-point (decimal) value 4 bytes
double stores a floating point value with double the
precision of a float
8 bytes
char stores a unicode character value 2 bytes
boolean stores a value either true or false 1 byte

Data types are used to define the type of variable and constants stored.
The following program declares a variable number which is a byte, then assigns the value 100 in it.

/* a Program to demonstrate variable declaration and
* usage
public class TestVariables {

public static void main(String[] args) {

byte number;
number = 100;

System.out.println("number = " + number);


Task 1: Run the program above and check what is displayed.-----number=100
Task 2: What happens if you assign a value of 500 instead of 100 in line 9? Copy the error message that
appears here: cannot convert from int to byte

Task 3: In line 8, declare number as a short instead. What are the maximum and minimum values that
can be stored in a short variable? Write your answer here: -32768 to 32767
(Hint: a short uses 2 bytes)
Task 4: Practice declaring number as int or long.
Task 5: You can declare and initialize a variable in one statement. For example, replace lines 8 and 9 in a
single statement:
int number = 500;
Task 6: Is it possible to assign a value of 500.0 to number? Why/why not?
Copy any error message that appears here: cannot convert from double to int
Task 7: Can we try to declare number as a float then? Why/why not?
Copy any error message that appears here:
Task 8: The literal value 500.0 is automatically defined as a double. In order to store as a float, use the
suffix F or f
float number = 500.0F;

Task 9: Similarly, integer values are automatically stored as int (using 4 bytes of memory). In order to
store as a long, use the suffix L or l (but we usually use the capital letter for easier readability)
long number = 500L;

Task 10: We will usually store floating point numbers as double and integer values as int. Now modify
the program to declare a double variable dnum and an integer variable inum. Assign the value of 150.4
to dnum and the value of 5 to inum.
Task 11: Add these two lines to your program. Which is legal? Why?
dnum = inum;
inum = dnum;

Continue to answer the questions in Tutorial 1a and 1b. Write java statements to help you answer the

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