Blessings of Jannah

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Blessings of Jannah (Paradise)

Jannah is a place where the beloved people of Allah will go and remain there permanently. It is a
best place as described in Quran and Ahadith. This place has a lot of blessings in itself. We can
imagine about Jannah from the description of Quran and Ahadith. In Quran Allah has told about
those acts which can lead a man toward Jannah. In Ahadith beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
(PBUH) has given the furthered details.

Description of Jannah in Quran:-

Every soul shall taste death, and you shall surely be paid your wages in full on
the Day of Resurrection. Then whosoever is saved from the Fire and admitted to
Paradise, indeed he triumphed. As for the life of this world, it is nothing but a
brief deceptive enjoyment.

At another place it is said in Quran E Hakeem that:-

Upon couches studded (with precious stones). Reclining upon them, face to
face. Perpetual youths going around them. With goblets, beakers and
glass(es) (filled out of) flowing-fountains. No headache shall they undergo
thereby nor intoxication. And with fruits such as they choose. And flesh of
fowl such as they desire.

In this verse of Quran Allah has described about the blessings of Jannah. In this verse the sitting
place for the people who will enter in jannah is described. It is told by Allah that They people
will look like younger people. And the youth will remain forever. They will fee no pain in
Jannah. The fruit will be available according to their wishes. This verse of Quran makes us able
to imagine Jannah which is a best place.

At another place in Quran it is said that:-

And the Companions of the Right . What of the Companions of the Right. Amid
thornless lote trees. And layered bananas. And extended shade. And water
poured out.

In this verse of Quran the beautiful description of beautiful place is given. About the fruit, shade
and water is told by Allah Almighty.

Description of Jannah in Hadith:-

It is narrated by Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhe wasallam,

"The people of Paradise will look at the dwellers of lofty mansions (i.e. a
superior place in Paradise) in the same way as one looks at a brilliant star, far
away in the East or in the West of the horizon. This is because of their
superiority over one another (in reward)." One of the people asked, "O Allah's
Messenger, are these lofty mansions for the Prophets which no one else can
reach?" The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, replied, "No! By Allah, in
whose Hands is my life, these are for men who believe in Allah and also believe
in the Messenger." (Bukhari and Muslim)

The people who will enter in Jannah Allah will announce the three most important blessings
and rewards for them:-

1. You will stay alive for ever, death will never come.
2. You will remain in bounties which will never be finished.
3. You will stay healthy forever and disease will never come.

Foods of Jannah:-

A cup from a free-flowing spring would be passed around them. (Sparkling)
white, a delight to the drinkers, neither any headiness therein, nor will they be
intoxicated thereby.

In this verse of Quran about the drink of Jannah is told by Allah Almighty. That drink will be so
tasty that no one has tasted it in this world. The wine which will be presented to the people of
Jannah will give no harm to them. The river of wine will be there as it is said in Quran that:-

The description of the Paradise that the pious have been promised: rivers of
unpolluted water, rivers of milk of unchanging taste, rivers of wine, tasty for the
drinkers, and rivers of pure honey and for them therein all kinds of fruits - and
forgiveness from their Lord. (I s someone who is in such bliss) like him who will
abide in the Fire (among those) who will be served boiling liquid which will tear
their intestines into pieces

In this verse of Quran a wide description of Jannah is told. About the fruit, honey, wine is told.

The dresses of Jannah:-

The people who will enter in Jannah will wear the shiny, fine and different colors. These
dresses will never become old and dirty.

Three fountains:-

1. Zanjabeel.
2. Kafoor.
3. Tasneem.

This description give us an image of Jannah ( a very good imagination). Surely everyone wants
to enter in jannah after this life. The only thing which is needed for jannah is to live the Life
according to Quran and Sunnah. May Allah give us strength to live life according to Quran and
Sunnah (Ameen).

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