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To my father, whose patience, coaching and support have been invaluable

in helping me to master my game.

Edited by Julian Worthington
First published 1982
Reprinted 1982
by Charles Letts Books Ltd
Diary House, Borough Road, London SE1 1DW
Consultant: John Crooke
House Editor: Liz Davies
Design: Hayward Print & Design
Illustrations: Hayward Art Group
Colour photographs: Dave Muscroft
Cover photograph: Terry Trott
Text: Steve Davis 1982
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior permission of Charles Letts & Co Ltd
ISBN 0 85097 437 2
Printed and bound by Charles Letts (Scotland) Ltd
Introduction 7
Chapter 1
Equipment 9
Chapter 2
Basic techniques 13
Chapter 3
Advanced techniques 46
Chapter 4
Planning 59
Chapter 5
Tactical play 90
Index 95
To get any real benefit out of this book, you must be
serious about playing snooker and want to improve
your game. It took years of dedication and practice to
reach the standards of accuracy and consistency that
helped make me a world champion. If you want to be
successful at snooker, you should be aiming for this
high standard. But winners aren't made overnight.
This is an instructional book, but I am not claiming
that my way is the only way to play. One thing I do
know, however, is that it works for me. I have tried,
in the book, to show you how important the basic
techniques are in building up your game; and I believe
these cannot be stressed enough. Everyone will de-
velop a certain style of his or her own. Some people are
lucky and fall naturally into a good style; others have
to work hard to perfect one. But the principles of
technique remain the same. If you cannot grasp and
execute these, you will in my opinion be making the
task of improving your play that much harder.
Casual reference to the book will, of course, give
you an insight into the game and how it should be
played. But only with total dedication will you ever
show any marked improvement or achieve any success
in competitions. The main purpose of the book is to
help you improve the accuracy and consistency of
your cue delivery. After all, the game is basically about
hitting the ball straight.
To get the right stance and cue action, you have to
go right back to the beginning. You will have a better
chance of starting again if you haven't got too far with
your game. The longer you have been playing, the
harder it will be to get rid of the bad habits and de-
velop good ones.
I am considered to have the best cue action of all
the modern day players. But if you look around you
will see that no player has exactly the same style and
it's not imperative for you to develop an action
identical to mine. To a degree it is bound to depend
on your build whether you are tall or short, have
e or small hands or a long or short reach, for
example. But I believe everyone, no matter who he is,
would be a better player if he had a perfect cue action.
I spent a lot of time working on my game, ana-
lysing every aspect of it. I don't agree with those who
say you can analyse all the natural ability out of
yourself. Take golfers, for example. Even the best
players will go back to basic techniques when things
start to go wrong. I believe snooker players should
adopt the same approach.
I was technically-minded from a very early stage
because I wanted to make sure everything about my
game was correct. And one of the secrets of being a
good player is to know when things are going wrong
and why. There is no point in wasting time in bad
form. Because I know exactly how I play, if I go off
form at all which everyone does from time to time
I can quickly work out what is wrong and correct it.
It's like knowing how your car runs. If you don't, it
can take you a long time to realise something is wrong
and trace the fault. Even worse, you may start to adapt
to the fault and make adjustments to compensate.
Just reading the book won't make you a better
player. You must practise the various points until they
become second nature to you. And even when you
think you have got on top of them and your game
starts to improve (and with the right attitude it
should), don't ignore them. From time to time it is
worth forgetting about your overall game and going
back to basics.
More important than anything else, practice must
be fun. If you can't enjoy it, you will soon get bored
with it and inevitably your game will suffer. It
always helps to have someone else interested enough
to help you and tell you where you are going wrong,
since a lot of faults you can't see yourself. I was
fortunate that my father took such a big interest in
how I played. His help was invaluable.
Enjoyment of the game is crucial, since the chances
of improving are minimal once you've stopped this:
How much your game improves will depend on how
much you fall in love with snooker. And you will only
find this out by how much you are prepared to put
into it, which brings us back to groundwork. Get this
right at an early stage and it will pay dividends in the
long run. Certainly mastering basics is the quickest
way I know of making the most of your natural ability
and becoming a better player.
Work hard at the techniques and eventually you
won't have to think about them. They will come
naturally. Make everything a habit. Any habit is
hard to get out of, so by making all your habits good
ones you'll be increasing your chances of success. This
is particularly true when you find yourself under
pressure, since you will naturally tend to revert to
your habits in that situation.
If could spend as much time with you individually
as I hope you will with my book, I would guarantee
your play would improve. As it is, this book will
show you how I play and what I have learnt about the
game; every paragraph is an important part of the
technique. Don't just read it once and leave it. Use
it constantly as a reference.
The cue The cue I play with is approximately 4 feet 9 inches
In time the cue should become an extension of your long, weighs 17 ounces and has a 10 millimetre tip
arm, so it must suit you and feel right. For this reason diameter. These are average measurements. Your cue
you should always use your own - and look after it. does not have to be exactly the same, but I would
To a great extent the choice is a personal one, advise you to buy one in the same range. Don't play
although there are general points worth bearing in with one whose tip is less than 10 millimetres ; and un-
mind. Avoid 'extremes'. Don't get a cue that is too less you are 6 feet 2 inches like me, you won't need a
heavy or too light, or one that is too thick or too thin. cue quite so long. Most cues are a standard 4 feet
Good quality cues are made from either ash or maple; 10 inches. If you feel the cue is too long, have it
I play with an ash cue, but either is a sound choice. trimmed down; ideally it should reach the armpit
Ash has a strong, visible grain; with maple, the grain is from the floor.
less obvious. Definitely avoid cheap cues. You should Having chosen your cue, stick with it. If you get
always buy the best you can afford, although that the type I have suggested and things are not going
doesn't mean getting one with pretty colours. These quite right with your play, then more than likely it's
may look nice, but they don't play any better. you and not the cue that's at fault.
You can buy either one or two-piece cues; again Remember it is you who must decide whether the
the choice is yours. I play with a one-piece cue, the cue feels right. No one can recommend 'the right cue'.
only reason being that I don't want to change a win- Different professionals play with different kinds;
ning cue. If I had to buy one tomorrow, however, I'd they can be 'as stiff as a poker or as flexible as a fishing
definitely get a two-piece because it is far more con- rod'. You will get used to the cue the more you play
venient to carry around. with it and this is why you should always play with
Make sure the cue is straight when you buy it. the same one - your own.
Most will eventually develop a slight warp, but you You'll notice that I always hold my cue with the
will find if you play regularly that you make allow- white name plate facing up; and all top players hold
ances for this. Obviously there are limits to the amount their cue in a certain way for every shot. There are
a cue can bend before it becomes unusable. good reasons for this. One is that you will get used
Try the cue for balance. When you hold it as if to to looking at the same part of the grain for each shot.
play a shot, it should feel heavy and solid in the shaft Also, if you do have a bend in the cue, you should
if it is perfectly balanced. Another guide is whether it hold it so it looks straight each time.
balances when held at the tip end of the splice. With
a badly balanced cue, the weight is more in the butt
Looking after the cue
and will feel lighter when held in the playing position. Look after your cue properly. Never lean it up against
If you don't have the correct weight distribution in a wall for any length of time; it could eventually
your cue, you won't be able to play the full range of warp. Always store it flat or upright. Never leave it
shots properly. Butt sizes tend to vary. The import- out in a hot place, such as in a car in warm weather;
ant thing is that the butt is not too large or small for the wood will dry out and become brittle. If this
your hand. happens and you drop it, it could shatter.
Make sure your cue has a ferrule fitted to the tip A cue will obviously get dirty. I wash mine down
end. The reason for this metal or plastic ring is to help every now and again with warm water and then rub it
stop the end splitting and to protect it when fitting dry. Very occasionally I also rub in a little linseed
and filing a new tip. oil to stop the wood going brittle.
1 0
Fig. 1 The cue tip. Notice how it has been dome-shaped,
although this should not be too exaggerated.
The tip
You need a certain amount of resilience at the striking
end of the cue in order to grip the ball, and this is why
you have a leather tip. There are many makes; I use
either Elk Master or Blue Diamond.
Always play with a firm tip - not too soft or rock
hard -- although you can never really tell what a tip will
be like until you've played with it. The tip must always
have some give in it. A rock hard one, which is too
compressed, will not grip the ball - and will have a
similar effect as playing with no tip at all. If the tip is
too soft, it will compress so much when you hit the ball
that you'll have less 'fed and certain shots - especially
those with side - will be virtually unplayable.
Remember it is more important to have a perfect
tip on a reasonable cue than a bad tip on a perfect cue.
After all, it's the tip that hits the ball.
The life of a tip obviously depends on how much
you play. Some players like to file their tips right down
or play with old ones. This obviously means a shorter
life, but the tip is then usually at its best for playing -
as long as it doesn't get too hard. Only with practice
will you find out what tip suits you best.
If you get into the habit of holding the cue the
same way, you will get uneven wear on the tip -
especially the part that is used for screw shots - and
it will look lopsided. But you shouldn't worry about
this because the tip will wear naturally.
Retipping the cue
Learn how to put on your own tips. If you do it your-
self, you will take pride in the job and ensure it is
done properly. File the bottom surface of the tip and
the end of the cue to make sure they are flat and clean.
I use a quick-drying adhesive which allows me to test
the tip straight away and change it if necessary.
Having stuck on the tip, you will have to trim it
down to size and dome the top (Fig. 2). Always file
down on the tip to prevent ripping it off the cue. If it
becomes shiny with use and won't hold chalk, you can
rough up the surface slightly by tapping a file on it.
This will help it hold chalk. Don't use sandpaper as
this tends to tear the leather.
The chalk
I and most top players use green Triangle chalk.
You can get blue, but green is preferable because it
doesn't show up so much on the cue ball or the table.
Whichever type you use, make sure it is not cakey
or powdery; you ought to be able to hear the chalk
going on. When you apply it, wipe it once or twice
across the surface of the tip; never grind it in.
Chalk helps improve the grip on the ball; without
it you would be restricted to playing centre-ball shots
As I have already said, the shinier the leather, the less
grip you get. If the chalk is too powdery, it won't hold
to the tip so well and again will impair the grip on the
Make a habit of applying chalk after each shot,
particularly when playing side, screw or other
advanced shots. It is not quite so vital for a plain-ball
shot, but get into the habit of chalking regularly
The table
Tables are covered in green cloth, have cushions on
each side and six pockets and the standard size is
12 feet x 6 feet. But that is where the similarity
between tables ends, since every table has its own
characteristics and plays slightly differently. There
are few tables that do not, after several years' wear and
tear, develop idiosyncracies; the most common of all
is not being level.
There are many factors affecting the way a table
will play. These include temperature, humidity,
whether the cloth is new or worn and the wear on the
cushions. A worn cloth will lose its nap, so it is best
to practise on a table with as new a cloth as possible.
The effects of the nap and the cushions will be
explained later.
Try to play on as many different tables as possible,
so you get used to playing under different conditions.
Fig. 2 When shaping the tip, always file downwards to prevent
lifting the tip off the end of the cue.
Ideally you should start on a fairly lively table with at
least standard size pockets. The bigger the pockets,
the more confidently you will pot balls and therefore
the quicker you can concentrate on positional play.
Pocket sizes vary from table to table, although
they are becoming more uniform. For matchplay the
pockets have to be a standard size and they are
measured with a template.
Avoid playing too much on a table with small
pockets. This will tend to cramp your game and
encourage you to put too much emphasis on potting
and less on positional play. And it is the latter that's
so vital for break-building once you have passed the
elementary stage.
Very few tables are absolutely level and the danger
of playing on the same table all the time is that you
will adjust your shots accordingly and you will have
problems readjusting on a different table.
If you always play on a slow table, you will get
accustomed to hitting the ball hard and once again
you will have problems readjusting to a faster table.
Equally, if you play too much on a fast table, you will
tend to tap at the ball instead of striking it. Try to play
on all types and see what the differences are.
I started playing on a quarter-size table. This is
ideal practice ground for youngsters who cannot, for
any reason, get on larger size tables. The quality of
these is getting better all the time and they are
certainly adequate for practising the basic techniques.
Looking after the table
Although the table you play on is probably not your
own, you should always treat it as such and remember
that other players will be following you and will want
to enjoy it as well. It is obvious, but I must say it, that
you should never drink or smoke over the table. As
far as other damage is concerned, beginners are often
frightened of tearing the cloth; in fact, there is little
chance of this happening with normal treatment.
Avoid sitting on the cushions, since these are only
bolted on to the side of the table.
Ideally the table should be brushed from baulk end
to black spot end every day and ironed twice a week
to keep the nap down; this makes the table play faster.
Brushing is important to bring up the nap and to
prevent dust collecting in the cloth.
Before striking the ball The grip
Everything you start to do that changes your I use the word 'grip' reluctantly because it could give
technique will seem uncomfortable at first, but as you the wrong idea of how to hold the cue correctly.
you get used to it the new method will become second I hold the cue with my thumb and first two fingers.
nature. So persevere and don't be tempted to slip back The other two fingers are just resting against the cue
into what feels comfortable but is probably the wrong at this stage. There should be no tension in the hand;
way of doing it. the cue should be held loosely but securely. Make sure
Fig. 3 This is my normal cue grip.
Fig. 4 The end view of my normal cue grip. Notice how the wrist Fig. 5 A close-up of my normal cue grip.
is locked with the arm to prevent any side wobble.
1 4
the grip is only firm enough to stop the cue sliding
about in the hand.
You will find as you strike the cue ball that your
fingers tighten up and the hold becomes more of a
`grip' better explained as a slight squeeze. If you grip
the cue too tightly to start with, you will not be able
to tighten it later and will lose a lot of the necessary
feeling of the shot that comes with this 'squeeze'.
Although it is not considered textbook practice,
I tend to cock my wrist outwards slightly. I have tried
playing with my wrist vertical, but for me there seemed
to be too much wobble. To compensate I had to grip
the cue tighter, which obviously I didn't want to do.
My wrist is locked as a single unit with my arm,
although my grip on the cue is still relaxed. I would
not necessarily advise you to copy me, however. If you
can hang your wrist vertically without gripping the cue
tightly and feel you still have control of the cue, then
do so.
In the rest position, the line of the knuckles should
be roughly horizontal to the ground in line with the
cue. The position of these will alter fractionally as you
play the shot and I will explain this later when I come
to the action of the right arm. The grip alters very
slightly as the cue is moved backwards and forwards
prior to the shot. This is to compensate for the change
in angle the cue makes with the forearm.
Obviously the size of your hand could affect the
grip and it is therefore important to have the right size
butt to hold comfortably.
Where you grip the cue will depend to an extent on
the type of shot you are playing and where you have
your bridge in relation to the cue ball. It will also
depend on the length of the cue. This highlights the
importance of having a cue that is the right length for
you; otherwise you will be restricted when playing
certain shots.
Normally my grip is about 3 inches from the end of
the cue. There are times, however, when I hold the cue
right at the end and tuck my little finger around the
back of the butt. This is a very comfortable grip and
Fig. 6 Gripping the butt end of the cue. There is no basic
difference in this grip, but some people do find it more
1 5
1 6
can be used if you are playing a power shot or need a
longer distance between the bridge and the cue ball.
Never hold the butt end if you have more cue beyond
the bridge than normal, since this tends to affect your
accuracy when striking, as you will see later.
Fig. 7 A close-up of the butt-end grip. My wrist does not hang
vertically when I grip the cue, but I find with this grip I feel more
in control of the cue.
Fig. 8 Notice how the little
inger wraps round the butt when
gripping the end of the cue.
The feet
The feet are a vital part of the overall stance when you
get down to play a shot. You must have a solid base on
which to build. Although you don't have to stand in
exactly the same way as I do, you should adopt the
principles on stance which I am going to describe.
When you approach the table, the right foot
should be on line with the shot, with the toes pointing
slightly outwards. Your left foot should be at least
12 inches from the right one to give you a solid stance.
The toes should be pointing roughly in line with the
shot. The back of the foot should be on a line with the
back of the right foot that creates an angle of about
60 degrees with the direction of the shot. This is, of
course, an approximate guide and inevitably will
depend on what is a comfortable position. But never
stray too far from it.
Familiarise yourself with this position. You will
not be able to check it every time you play, but after a
while you should find yourself doing it naturally
without even thinking about it. I find this position not
only gives me a firm base, but also the best balance for
the shot. I lock the right leg straight to make sure it is
anchored firmly to the ground. The left leg is bent and
balances the rest of the body, which is to the left of the
You may well want to change this angle slightly
and, in fact, many experts suggest standing at
45 degrees to the shot and twisting into the shot to
create certain tensions in the body. I find the squarer
you stand to the shot, the greater your resistance to
sideways movement, which would otherwise cause
you to miss the shot. By the same token, you cannot
stand with the feet level since the left side of the body
must be well in front of the right.
When playing a shot, you will have three points of
contact with the ground. The two legs, as described,
take most of the weight. The third point of contact is
the bridge (via the table, of course), which takes a
small amount of weight. If you take your bridge away
suddenly, you should just be starting to fall forwards
Fig. 9One way of making sure you are adopting the correct
stance is to mark the floor where you are taking up position
for the shot; you can do this using either three cues or some
strips of white tape. Place one cue in line with the line of the
shot and put your right foot in position behind this cue. Place
another cue at right angles to the line of the shot at the back
of your right foot. Lay the third cue so it crosses the second
cue at the back of the right foot at an angle of approximately
30 degrees to the second cue. Then position your left foot so
the back of it touches this third cue at least 12 inches from the
right foot.
1 7
on to the table. You should not be leaning so far
forward that you are uncomfortable. Don't lean back
on your right leg, since your balance would be in the
opposite direction to the shot. As a guide, you won't
be far wrong if your right leg is vertical to the ground.
The bridge
The bridge is one of only two contacts you have with
the cue and must be as solid as the name suggests.
Place the left hand, which will form the bridge, on
the table and spread out the fingers as wide as they will
Fig. 10
Once you get used to this stance, you obviously will not have to go the the trouble
of marking the
1 8
floor, which incidentally will be a lot easier if you have someone to help you.
go. Compress the finger pads against the cloth and as
much of the finger below the pads as you can. The
narrower the span of your bridge, the wobblier and
rockier it will be and you certainly don't want any
sideways movement as you play the shot. Make sure
the base of your hand grips the cloth firmly as well.
This may not always be possible, but I will say more
about awkward bridges later.
Bring your thumb in as tight as you can to the
forefinger and cock it up as much as possible. I am
fortunate in that my thumb is double-jointed, so I can
cock it up high and make a really deep 'V' shape
groove through which the cue will slide.
Start to grip the cloth with the finger pads and you
will automatically lift up the knuckles. But keep the
base of the hand down on the table. The more contact
with the cloth you have, the better your bridge will be.
A point worth mentioning here is that you can
ease the pressure on the outside of the hand or lift it
slightly, for example, when you want to play a screw
shot, but the inside of the hand must always remain
firm on the table. The bridge acts as a guideline for the
cue. Within reason, the nearer it is to the cue ball, the
more accurate the shot should be, since you will be
reducing the margin for error between the bridge and
the white. To illustrate this point, move your bridge
up the cue and then move the butt end about. The tip
of the cue will move further in relation to the amount
the butt end moves.
Equally, the closer the bridge is to the white, the
more cramped you will be to the shot and the less
back swing you can play with. The back swing is
i mportant when you come to play smooth, controlled
shots and power shots. Basically make your bridge
the minimum distance from the cue ball that feels
comfortable for the shot you want to play. In normal
circumstances my bridge is no closer than 9 inches and
usually about 12 inches from the white.
Another important reason for having the bridge a
reasonable distance from the cue ball is that it seems
easier to sight the ball. Another aid to sighting is the
Fig. 11 From this head-on view of my normal bridge, you will
notice how the fingers are spread, with as much of the finger
pads gripping the cloth as possible. Make sure you have a
strong 'V' for the cue when you cock your thumb.

Fig. 12
My normal bridge seen side-on.
20 Fig. 13 Notice here how the pads of the .
fingers and the base of the hand grip the cloth.
Fig. 14 Bridging for a screw shot. The whole hand is lowered, with the thumb almost on the cloth.
Fig. 15 A side-on view of the bridge for a screw shot. The hand is twisted over to lower the bridge.
backward and forward movement of the cue while
cueing up, since you can check if your cue is running
straight. With too short a bridge you can't draw the
cue back far enough to check for any error.
As I have already mentioned, your bridge will be
longer when you play a power shot because you will
need a greater back swing. But this will tend to reduce
your accuracy, so take a lot of care when playing this
type of shot.
I said that the position of the bridge depends on
the position of the cue ball on the table. If this is less
than 12 inches from a cushion and the shot you want
to play is roughly square to the table, you will have to
shorten your bridge. The closer the ball is to a cushion,
the more difficult and restricted your cueing will be.
You will see from Figs. 16 to 20 how I have had to
alter my bridge the closer the cue ball gets to the
cushion. Playing it from the yellow position, I can use
a normal bridge. From the green position, I have had
to raise the base of the hand from the table, but other-
wise the bridge is still a normal one. From the brown
position, I have taken my thumb out of the way and
used it as additional support on the side of the table.
The forefinger is looped over the cue and acts as a
guide, together with the middle finger. In the blue
position the cue is resting on the table and my thumb
and forefinger form a channel for the cue. In the pink
position the area I can hit on the cue ball is limited and,
therefore, I have to raise the butt of my cue slightly to
avoid miscueing. This time the cue runs in the 'V' of
the thumb and forefinger and not on the cushion.
The closer to the cushion you get, the more you
will have to raise the bridge, the less of the cue ball you
will see and the higher up you must hit it. If you want
to play a power shot with the ball in this position, you
will have to move the hand right back to the edge of
the table with only the finger pads supporting the
bridge. This is a particularly tricky bridge since you
Fig. 16 The colours are positioned to indicate where you have to alter the normal bridge when playing the
cue ball near the cushion. Bridge normally from the yellow; from the green the base of the hand is raised.
Fig. 17
From the brown, the forefinger is hooked over the cue and the thumb grips the side of the table.
have so little of the hand gripping the table and you
must keep the whole hand rigid. In the black position,
as with the pink, you will have a limited back swing,
which in turn will restrict the range of shots you can
play as well as making whatever shot you play that
much harder. I have got all the pressure on the finger
pads at the back edge of the table.
There is an alternative form of bridge for some
awkward shots which a few players use. It's the loop
bridge, where the forefinger forms a loop over the cue,
Fig. 18
From the blue the cue rests on the table and the thumb and forefinger act as a guide.
Fig. 19
From the black (as with the pink), your hand rests on the back edge
of the table.
Fig. 20 If you want to play a power shot in this position only the finger pads will support the bridge.
which rests on the thumb. I personally limit the use of
this bridge to when I am playing a shot down the
cushion. The loop bridge does mean you can lower the
cue more, which helps for screw shots and in some
people's opinion guarantees less cue wobble. But I
find it tends to obstruct my line of vision down the cue.
I would suggest, therefore, that you limit its use, unless
of course you find you can play with it more
Probably the most demanding bridge is the one
when you are trying to hit the cue ball with another
ball in the way of the shot. However the same princi-
ples apply. Keep as much of the ends of the fingers on
the cloth as you can, with the fingers well spread and 25
Fig. 21 One of the many variations of
bridge when you cannot use the normal bridge toplay a shot. The
important point about bridging is tobe able toadapt the bridge wherever you are on the table.
Fig. 22
Another variation is the looped bridge, which can be used when you cannot get your hand on the
table for a normal bridgefor example, along the cushion.
Fig. 23 Bridging over a ball. This is one of the trickiest
bridges, since your hand must clear the intervening ball, which
means it is up in the air. Notice here how firmly the pads of
the fingers are gripping the cloth; these are your only means
of support. Otherwise, the bridge is similar to a normal one in
that your fingers must be well spread out and the thumb and
forefinger form a deep 'V' for the cue. The great danger here
is of miscueing, since you will be hitting down on the ball and
having to aim near the top of the ball. Take time with the
bridge and, above all, make sure you feel comfortable.
Although the position is slightly awkward, with practice you
should get used to it and not be afraid to play this type of shot.
the thumb tight to the forefinger and cocked to form a
good grove. Your hand will, of course, be up in the
The key to this type of bridge is to have it as firm
and as comfortable as possible. You will be tending
to hit down on the ball, aiming nearer the top of it (as
you do when hitting a ball tight to the cushion).
Therefore great care is needed since a miscue is more
likely here.
Fig. 24 When bridging over a ball, make sure the arm is
kept in line with the cue and the line of the shot.
Fig. 25
When bridging over a ball, make sure you gain the necessary height. You may even have to lift the
back leg off the floor. This of course weakens the stance, so greater care is needed to avoid errors.
Fig. 26 Occasionally, when you need to bridge over a ball in the middle of the table and have to get as much
height as possible, you can play the shot sitting on the edge of the table. Remember, however, that one foot
must still be touching the floor.
Fig. 27 There are times when, to play an awkward shot, you
have to take one leg off the floor. Here the left leg is on the
edge of the table; this helps keep the stance as solid as
Fig. 28 When playing a shot with one leg on the table, make
sure you still feel comfortable and check that you have not
our cuein
Left arm
The position of your left arm is important and does,
to an extent, affect your bridge. I have mine bent at
the elbow, with as much of the forearm on the table
as possible. This gives me added support and provides
a more solid base for the bridge.
The traditional theory is that your left arm should
be thrust out straight and rigid. However I find, as I
am tall, that this tends to cramp my action and cause
all sorts of problems. With the left arm bent, I find my
technique is much more compact and comfortable
and I have more of my left arm acting as a brace on
the table.
The middle fingers of your bridge should be
pointing roughly in line with the shot. With the arm
bent at the elbow, you have to twist the left hand
slightly to bring it into line with the cue. The other
great advantage about bending my left arm is that it
enables my cue to run freely, unobstructed by my
body, and allows my right arm to be perfectly in line
with the cue.
Fig. 29 A head-on view of the cueing-up position. Notice that
the line from the right shoulder through to the arm is straight
and in line with the cue and the left forearm is completely
on the table to give the bridge support.
Right arm
This is the part of the body that does the real business
controlling and directing the cue. It seems to me the
easiest way to cue straight is to have all the arm in line
with the cue - and the shot. Then it is just a matter of
pivoting it at the elbow. When in the rest position,
you should have the right forearm vertical to the floor.
I will discuss this further when I talk about the cue
If you don't have your right arm lined up with the
cue, it seems to me you are complicating the action
of moving the cue in a straight line. At this stage I must
stress that the simpler the technique, in whatever you
are doing, the less chance there is of making errors.
Part of the essence of successful snooker, as with any
other game, is keeping the chance of mistakes to a
What happens if I don't have my right arm directly
in line with the cue and the line of the shot? If my
Fig. 30 The cueing-up position seen from the back. Again
you can see how a straight line is formed from the right elbow
through to the tip of the cue.
elbow is tucked in, my cue tends to arc as it moves
forward and ends up hitting the ball on the left. If my
elbow is sticking out, my cue goes to the right. Of
course, if I played long enough like this I would learn
to compensate for it. I find it is worth my while to
keep my arm absolutely in line. Some players have the
cue parallel but directly in line. This too adds compli-
cations for which compensation has to be made. If I
am under pressure in a match and am not hitting the
ball so 'sweetly', I have a better chance of still making
the shot than a player with an inferior alignment.
Let's go back to why your right forearm should
hang vertically, since if it doesn't this can impose
restrictions on your range of shots.
If you grip the cue with your arm forward of
vertical when in the rest position, you will be able to
swing back further. But you will be restricting your
follow-through and you will tend to lift the cue off the
bridge as you play the shot. To counteract this, you
would have to drop your elbow to get the required
follow-through. As in all ball games, follow-through
plays a vital part, which I will discuss later.
If you grip the cue backward of vertical, you will
tend to lift the butt end as you pull it back. On your
follow-through, when the arm reaches the vertical
position, the tip of the cue would be higher than
intended. To compensate for this, you will have to
raise your elbow in conjunction with the follow-
through, once again introducing another variable
into the cue action.
One small point. Some experts believe the cue
should rub against the chest. The theory behind this is
that the chest acts as another guide point for the cue
and tends to steady it up. When I tried this, I found
myself hitting my rib cage with my knuckles. This
bruised me so much after a week that I started to arc
the cue round the chest in a right-to-left movement
to prevent any more pain. You may find it is an
advantage to have another guideline for the cue, but
you may agree I have proved it's not necessary.
When playing a shot, the right armhas three 31
Fig. 31 The rest position, the first of the three stages in the cueing action.
Fig. 32
The back-swing positionthe second stage. You can see how the line
of the knuckles alters only
slightly and, most important, the elbow through to the shoulder remains in the same position.
Fig. 33
The follow-through position the final stage. The elbow drops only fractionally.
Fig. 34
The three positions of the cueing action together. From this you can clearly see how little movement
there is in the upper part of the arm.
definite positions which I shall call the rest, back
swing and follow-through. I will be dealing with these
in detail when I talk about cueing up.
As I have said, you should have your right fore-
arm vertical to the ground in the rest position and the
knuckles of the hand parallel to the ground. From
this point you should move the right arm like a piston,
pivoting it at the elbow but keeping the elbow, as
much as possible, in the same position. When you
reach the full extent of the back swing, the knuckles
will be pointing down slightly. As you move the cue
forward to the full extent of the follow-through, the
line of the knuckles will point up a fraction and the
back of the palm will come down on to the cue.
Fig. 35 The complete stance. Notice that the back leg is
straight and slightly forward into the shot, the right forearm is
perpendicular to the floor and the cue is kept as low and
horizontal as possible.
Striking the ball
The next stage of the game, once you have mastered
all aspects of the stance and getting down to the shot,
is striking the ball successfully. This means hitting the
cue ball in the desired direction. It may surprise you to
know that there is probably as much involved in this
as in the rest of the basic techniques put together.
Certainly it is true if you want to be able to do this
accurately and consistently.
Most reasonable players can do this satisfactorily.
But the big difference between them and the top
players is greater consistency, allied with the fact that
the better players are those who can cue accurately
under pressure. If you develop a really sound cue
action, this will tend to sustain you even if your nerve
starts to weaken. And there is no better way of ex-
ploiting any natural ability than by first developing a
good action.
Fig. 36 Complete side-on views of the three positions through the cueing action rest, back-swing and follow-
through. Throughout the action, make sure you keep your head still and in the same position.
Hints on practice
Practise hitting the cue ball up and down the
Put it on the brown spot and strike it straight
up the table, over the blue, pink and black spots
on to the top cushion and back over the spots.
Vary the speed at which you strike the cue
ball and check how accurately you strike it. The
harder you hit it, the more deviation you are
likely to get.
There are no other balls in the way to look at,
so keep your eye on the blue spot as you pause
before the strike. If the cue ball doesn't come
back over the spots, check you are cueing
straight and that you are striking the cue ball
in the middle.
If you can do this successfully 10 times in
succession, you should be well on the way to
successful potting.
At this stage put the blue on its spot and line
up the white for a full-ball pot into each of the
top corner pockets in turn. The line of the shot
should be the diagonal of the table from the
bottom right-hand pocket to the top left-hand
pocket - and vice-versa - with the white and
object ball in that line. Try to pot the blue. If you
can do this 10 times out of 10 you are a better
player than me !
This exercise may sound ridiculously simple,
but it can be very helpful for a beginner who
lacks confidence and is not yet playing smoothly,
usually because he is frightened of having to pot
balls as well as strike the white correctly.
Put the white on the brown spot and try
potting it into all the pockets in turn. Con-
centrate on the basic techniques of cue action
and striking the ball that I have discussed.
Cue action
The closer your action is to the 'piston and rifle'
principle (which, incidentally, Joe Davis used as an
example in his book), the better your game will be.
I'll explain.
The piston works on the principle of consistent
backward and forward motion in a predetermined
line. If you imagine the arm as a piston rod and the
cue as the piston, you should begin to see what I mean.
In the same way, imagine the bridge - or more cor-
rectly the 'V' of the bridge - as the sight on a rifle.
In effect you are pushing the cue through the bridge
along the sight line towards the target, in this case
the object ball. Just as the piston operates in a
regular to and fro motion, so should the cue. With a
rifle you should not move your body at all when firing,
and so with the cue you should keep completely still
on the shot.
As with sighting up a rifle, so with a cue keep your
eyes as low as possible to the line of the cue and behind
the white. For normal shots, hold the cue as horizontal
as possible, with your head low down over it. One of
the most frequent causes of a mis-shot is lifting up
your head, with the result that the body is allowed to
move. By concentrating on keeping your head still
and low during and after the shot, you will almost be
able to guarantee absolute stillness throughout cue
To get your eyes as close to the line of the cue as
possible, the cue should brush your chin.
After a
period of time, I even got a scar on mine. I'm not
suggesting that you have to suffer these agonies to
become a useful player. But it was a good, if painful,
reminder that I was keeping my head down. With
perfect eyesight your head will be central over the cue.
Obviously the state of people's eyes varies a lot and
you will naturally sight with the strongest eye.
The crucial point I am making here is to keep the
head anchored down over the cue throughout the
whole shot. My father used to stand over me with his
cue held a fraction above my head when I played a
shot. If I lifted it, I touched the cue - and failed the test.
Once again I must stress the importance of keeping
the head down even after the shot has been played.
This will ensure that you follow through correctly.
Lots of players tend to lift their head as they strike the
ball - and with it the cue as well. Wait until the ball
has gone into the pocket - or at the very least until the
white has struck the object ball - before allowing
yourself to lift it. Exaggerate this until it becomes
second nature.
Fig. 37 The position of the cue through the bridge when at the rest position of the cueing action. Notice the tip
of the cue is not too close to the cue ball at this stage.
Fig. 38 The position of the cue through the bridge when at the back-swing position.
Fig. 39 The position of the cue through the bridge when at the follow-through position
Cueing up on the white
Apart from making sure you have a comfortable
bridge, the only things you should be concentrating on
are the white and the object ball.
A good tip is to stand in line with the shot for a
moment before you get down. Don't as you some-
times see players doing walk round the table and get
straight down to play the shot. You should have
worked out the angle at which you want to strike the
object ball, where you want to send it (into the pocket,
hopefully) and what type of shot you want to play
before you get down.
First and foremost, you must prepare yourself
mentally for the shot. Steady yourself up, make sure
you are in a comfortable position and give your eyes
time to look at both the white and the object ball.
When you are satisfied you are in the correct
position, start to move the cue backwards and for-
wards over the bridge. This should be a smooth
movement, since the object is to work up the right
rhythm, without which you can never hope to have
proper control over the white. You can always tell a
good player by how smoothly and confidently he goes
through this preliminary motion. And don't think this
is just for show, because it's not. It's all part of playing
the shot in exactly the right way, just as darts or golf
players do before letting go of a dart or striking a golf
ball. It's a very deliberate and planned action.
On the other hand, don't overdo it or prolong it
more than is necessary. Remember, you are in a
position that will eventually become a strain after too
long and you may well pass your peak before you have
made your shot. I knew a player who moved his cue
backwards and forwards no fewer than 24 times
before he finally hit the ball. In fact he was a good
player, but I certainly wouldn't recommend that you
copied his example.
All the time you are going through this movement,
you should be checking that your cue is travelling
through in a straight line to where you want to hit the
cue ball.
When you are ready to strike the ball, it is ex-
tremely important that you pause on the final back
swing. I find it virtually impossible to complete the
final back swing and thrust forward in the same move-
ment and keep it rhythmic. This pause lasts just a
split second, but you will find it makes a difference.
It also allows you a fraction more time to fix your
eyes on the object ball. But don't pause so long that
you hesitate over striking the ball.
The preparation and timing involved is all-
i mportant if you want to strike the ball accurately and
effectively. Whatever you do, never walk up to the
table, get down and go 'one, two, bang.' If you can't
break that habit, you might as well stop reading now.
While all this is going on, what should the eyes be
doing? And which ball should the eyes finally be on
when you strike the white? The answer to the second
question is, 'on the object ball'. This is, in fact, where
a lot of people go wrong. Some concentrate on the cue
ball to check they are striking it in the right place,
while others are already looking at the pocket to see
where the object ball is going. You mustn't do either.
Having selected the line of the shot from behind
the white and the angle at which you want to strike
the object ball, get down and cue up for the shot. At
this stage you should look at the white to make sure
where on that ball your cue will strike. Then look
along the line of the cue, from behind the bridge past
the tip to the white and follow on with your eyes to the
part of the object ball you want to hit. It is not an
easy thing to do, but try to visualise the white actually
hitting the object ball. Of course, all this should be
happening as you go through the backward and for-
ward movement with your cue.
Flick your eyes backwards and forwards to double-
check where you will be striking both the white and
the object ball. By now the pocket is irrelevant and
you should not throw your eyes off line to look at it.
When you start the final back swing, your eyes
should be on the white, but beginning to move on to
the object ball, so that by the time you pause for the
final thrust forward your eyes are firmly fixed on the
latter. More precisely, you should be concentrating on
that part of the object ball you want to hit with the
If at any stage during this you don't feel quite
right or comfortable, get up from the table and start
again. Never try making conscious adjustments (for
example, moving your cue about) at this late stage.
Imperceptibly you will probably be making very slight
adjustments all the time.
It is important to fix your eyes on the object ball
when you strike the white because you will auto-
matically send the cue in the direction you are
looking. Never be caught with your eyes looking
halfway between the white and the object ball. The
arm will naturally follow the line of the shot to the
object ball if that is where you are looking. It's rather
like a radar tracking device.
If you can synchronise the pause and where your
eyes should be looking, you will have achieved some-
thing that took me hours of frustration and practice.
And that's not the end of it. After you have struck
the cue ball, try to keep your eyes fixed on the spot
where the object ball was, even after it has moved off.
There is a natural tendency to let your eyes follow the
object ball once it has been struck. Eventually you
could start to lift your eyes before hitting the white,
which could be fatal.
I cannot stress enough the importance of having
your eyes fixed on the right ball at the right time. In a
normal ball game, you would naturally look at the
ball you are hitting or kicking. But snooker's totally
different, basically because there are two balls
involved. If I'm mistiming the ball, it's usually because
I've made my final movement forward before my eyes
were fixed on the object ball. That's how important it
is to watch the right ball.
It will take you a long time to get into the habit of
using this sequence when cueing up. When you've got
to grips with it, however, you will do it without even
thinking about it and I believe it is the whole secret
of timing the ball perfectly. Only when you have
mastered this will you have a guarantee of getting
some consistency into your game.
Cue delivery
When you strike the cue ball, it must be a deliberate,
confident and positive action. Don't be frightened of
striking the ball. If you are, you will almost certainly
not deliver the cue properly.
The way you actually hit the cue ball is, in effect,
more like a punch. The theory is similar to that of
striking a golf ball. The cue should be moving at its
fastest just after it has struck the ball. This way you
will achieve the maximum amount of power with the
least effort. The more effort you have to put into any
shot, the greater the chance of movement or error.
Some days you will find your timing is out and
this will be mainly due to the way you are striking the
ball. Sometimes it seems to take so much effort, while
at other times it is almost effortless.
If your basic technique is right, you should be
able to analyse quite easily why you are not striking
correctly. Usually it is because you are not pausing
effectively after the final back swing or your eyes are
not on the right ball at the right time. The pause be-
comes vital for consistent timing. The final movement
through after the pause is a definite thrust - not a
push, lunge or jerk.
If you can get into the habit of striking the ball as
confidently as if all you had to do was hit it straight
into a pocket, you will have achieved the right striking
action. The doubts usually come when you start to
worry about where the object ball is going.
Another fault that will impair the effectiveness of
the final thrust is if you over-lengthen the back swing.
This will tend to slow down the final forward move-
ment of the cue. Without feeling you are jerking at
the shot, keep the back swing to the minimum required
to create the power you need for the shot. In a way,
s like a bowler in cricket. The extent of the run-up
will be dictated by the intended speed of the delivery.
Most technical books on the game emphasize the
follow-through - and I agree that it plays a very im-
portant part in striking the ball accurately. This is
particularly true for advanced shots when any type of
spin is required. But don't go through the motions
just for the sake of it. At first, I tried to follow through
because I read how important it was, but without
really understanding why. This resulted in my pushing
the ball rather than striking it. When I then saw the
top players punching the ball and following through
automatically, I realised that this was a natural thing
that happened as part of a complete movement.
I cannot emphasise enough this final back swing,
pause and strike. Most players have certain idio-
syncracies in their initial cueing-up; but the good
players are sorted out from the bad by the way they
play this final sequence. If you concentrate on the way
you strike the ball, positively rather than with a half-
hearted push, you will find the follow-through
becomes a natural part of your action. Compare a
40 punch in boxing, for example. You don't aim to punch
as far as the contact with the body and then stop -
anticipating resistance. You must punch through and
beyond the point of contact.
A final reminder once you have struck the ball.
As I said earlier, you must keep the cue at its finishing
point since this ensures a good follow-through. Also
make sure you keep your head still since it is much
more difficult to go through with the shot correctly if
you move it. If you do not keep your head still you
will need more compensation in your action to keep
the cue on the correct horizontal path.
Although I will be discussing side and how to play
it later, here is one example of how follow-through
can affect a shot. If, when hitting with side, you just
jab at the cue ball and don't follow through, you will
get side. But it won't be nearly as much as you may
want nor will you push the white as far off course
as you would with the correct follow-through. The
allowances you will therefore have to make will not
be consistent.
Having covered the techniques so far we can now
move on to the object of snooker and winning at
snooker - potting the balls. So how do you pot the
balls you aim for and score points? The answer is by
sound judgement - and by remembering where on
the object ball you aimed the cue ball when you do
pot balls at different angles.
Ask someone who regularly makes a '50 break'
how he pots a ball and he will usually say: just hit
it.' `How do you know where to hit it?' The reply
comes back: just do.' What he is saying is it's com-
pletely by judgement. Potting comes down to natural
ability; either you're good at it or you're not.
Needless to say, I must stress that until you can
hit the ball consistently in the desired direction, you
will never be able to rely on your judgement to pot
What will help you improve your potting is to learn
to recognise potting angles. You must work out what
full ball ball ball 4 ball fine cut
angle you need to strike the object ball with the white
before you get down to play the shot. If you try to
work out the angle once you are down, it will not be
nearly so obvious, since you will not have a total view
of the angle of the two balls in relation to the pocket.
The one thing you mustn't do is to think in terms
of aiming at a spot on the object ball. Although it is
roughly true to say the actual contact point on the
object ball will be directly in line with the pocket and
the centre of the object ball, it is impossible to aim for
this point with any degree of accuracy. In fact, for
angled shots the point of contact on the object ball
will not be on the same line as that of the cue. If you
were to aim for this point with the cue you would hit
the object ball fractionally earlier that is, closer to
you than expected and not achieve the required
So are there any definite lines of aim for potting
shots? Well yes, there are. It is obvious that to hit a
ball dead straight requires the white to travel along a
path so that when contact is made with the object ball,
the white completely covers the ball (looking along the
level of the table). This is a full-ball shot. The other
extreme is when playing a very fine cut. The path along
which the white must travel is such that the extreme
outside edge of the white just clips the object ball.
In between you would think there were a million
different potting angles. Effectively these can be
reduced to three. First of all, the half-ball shot is
where the centre of the white is aimed at the extreme
Fig. 40
A bird's eye view shows you the contact you want with the white and the object ball for the five basic
shotsfull, quarter, half, three-quarter and fine cut. The shaded areas on the player's view of the shots
indicate the area of contact for each of the five shots.
outside edge of the object ball. This is a definite aiming
point. After a while you will get to recognise a half-
ball shot anywhere on the table.
More judgement is required for the three-
quarter-ball shot, but the objective here is to aim the
white to cover up three-quarters of the face of the
object ball. Similarly with the quarter-ball shot, you
must aim to cover a quarter of the face of the object
So this gives you five definite lines of aim (Fig. 40),
none of which needs any judgement other than
recognition of the angle the two balls make with the
pocket. The more you play, the more this will become
fixed in your mind. Of course, not every shot will be
an exact quarter-, half- or three-quarter-ball, for
example. But once you can recognise the basic angles
you can adjust to play a thicker or thinner shot as
If you do have trouble recognising the angle of the
shots, try to imagine the cue ball touching the object
ball in such a position as to send the object ball
towards the pocket. This is a good guide, although not
entirely accurate because there is resistance between
the balls and the cloth that makes all angled shots
play slightly thicker.
Try also to imagine a corridor along which the cue
ball will have to travel to meet the object ball. This
then makes potting a ball more like putting one disc
on top of another disc. Basically what you are trying
to achieve is to cover up a certain proportion (a
quarter, half, etc) of the object disc with the other disc.
Fig. 41 Potting the black from different angles: quarter-
ball (1 ) , half ball (2) , three-quarter-ball (3) , full-ball (4),
three-quarter-ball (5), half-ball (6) and quarter-ball (7).
The broken lines show the directions the cue ball will travel
after contact with the black when playing a plain-ball-shot
(i.e. without side or screw).
Practise potting the black into one of the top
pockets from its spot using different angles.
Set up a ring of reds around the black on its
spot. Position these by lining them up, judging it
so that to pot the ball you would have to cover
all the black (full-ball), three-quarters of the
black (three-quarter-ball), half the black (half-
ball) and quarter of the black (quarter-ball) from
each side. You should end up with seven reds
in an arc, all roughly the same distance from the
If you are allowed, instead of the reds mark
their positions with a cross using tailor's chalk.
This won't mark the cloth permanently, since it
brushes off easily. Make sure you get permission
to do this if the table isn't your own.
Working from right to left, try potting the
black from all the different positions until you
familiarise yourself with these angles.
This is something I used to do for hours on
end. Watch where the cue ball goes and where it
ends up each time and make a mental note (Figs.
41 to 49).
Do this same practice with blue and pink.
Hints on practice
Fig. 42
Setting up the ring of reds around the black to practise potting it at different angles.
Fig. 43 The quarter-ball angle on the black. Fig. 45 The three-quarter-ball angle on the black.
Fig. 44 The half ball angle on the black:-
Fig. 46 The full-ball angle on the black.
Fig. 47 The three-quarter-ball angle on the black. Fig. 49 The quarter-ball angle on the black.
Fig. 48 The half-ball angle on the black. 45
Screw, stun and drag
The screw, stun and drag are all the same shot; each
requires the cue ball to be hit below centre. The white
is propelled forward, but all the time it is actually
rotating backwards. Depending on the stage at which
it loses its back spin, you will either make it come
back after hitting the object ball (a screw shot), stop
dead on contact with the object ball (a stun shot), or
drastically slow down in speed before it hits the
object ball (a drag shot). With the drag shot, the ball
continues to run through after contact, but more
slowly than with a plain-ball shot. The difference
between the three shots is shown in Fig. 50.
When you screw back, the white stops for a fraction of
a second on contact with the object ball, grips the
cloth and enables the back spin to take effect. How
far it comes back depends on the distance it has to
travel before it hits the object ball and how much back
spin combined with power there is in the shot.
Of course this is much harder to play than the
plain-ball shot because you are using the edge of the
tip to hit the ball. This is the reason why the tip is
domed. Because the cue must point slightly down-
wards, you will be restricted by the height of the
cushion and the bridge, so you must try to keep the
cue as horizontal as possible.
You can lower the bridge by twisting the' hand
over slightly or just by flattening it a bit. There is no
difference in the way you grip the cue, but you must
make sure when altering the bridge that you still have
a deep 'V'. A few players prefer to adopt the loop
bridge for this shot, but I would not recommend it for
the reasons I have already stated.
To illustrate the extra problems with this shot,
with regard to playing with unintentional side, try
hitting the cue ball up and down the spots as if playing
a screw shot. Watch the effect you get. You will find
it is much more difficult to keep the white on line.
46 You can, of course, screw back the white just by
raising the butt of the cue in the air, which a lot of bad
players do. But the more you do this, the more you
will be hitting into the cloth. This not only limits
your follow-through but also invites miscueing,
unintentional swerving and also the white leaving the
bed of the cloth. This could result in the white still
bouncing slightly when hitting the object ball.
The way you strike the ball should be no different
from any other shot, although of course it requires
more power to screw back two feet than to run through
two feet because the momentum of the cue ball has to
be stopped before the back spin can take effect.
The cloth has a tendency to dissipate back spin on
the cue ball. The further away the white is from the
object ball, the more power you require in the shot
to keep the back spin on the white.
When you have played the screw shot, once again
leave the cue there and concentrate on keeping your
head down. There is a particular tendency with this
shot to pull the cue back quickly and lift your head up
in an effort to avoid the white touching the tip of the
cue on the way back. This is a common fault, but the
chances of this happening are negligible.
As this shot requires a lot more accuracy of
striking than a plain-ball shot, it is important to keep
absolutely firm during cue delivery.
The screw shot is probably the most satisfying of
all shots to play correctly. Inexperienced players tend
to be frightened of playing the shot since they think
something special is required to achieve it. I have
even been asked if there are special tips for screwing
back. The main problem among players not being
able to screw back is that they do not strike the cue
ball as low as they aim or intend to. It could be they
are scared of ripping the cloth (which is very unlikely)
or miscueing, or because they lift their head up.
The stun shot occurs when so much of the back spin
has worn off the white as it travels over the cloth that
by the time it strikes the object ball there is only
Fig. 50
shows the difference distance makes when playing a screw shot. Each of the four shots is played with
the same strength. In A it is fairly easy to screw back the cue ball beyond its original position because of the
short distance between it and the object ball. In B, over a longer distance, there is less screw back. In C
there is just enough screw back for the cue ball to stop dead on contact with the object ball. In D, over a
much longer distance, the back spin is eventually taken off the cue ball by the cloth and eventually starts
rolling forwards.
enough spin left to stop the white dead.
The great advantage of this shot is that you will
know exactly where the white is going to end up. It
is therefore useful in positional play. With a screw or
drag shot, you can never guarantee exactly where the
white will finally come to rest.
The stun with run-through is a very important shot
when you need to pot a ball and run the white through
just a few inches. Playing this normally would mean
trickling the object ball into the pocket. This would
invite problems such as the deviation through the nap
or the effect of the table not being level. To avoid
playing this hazardous shot, use the stun with run-
through. If you aim the cue tip on the white slightly
above where you would for a stun shot, you will find
you can cut out nearly all the forward momentum but
still hit the shot firmly.
When you send the white a long distance before con-
tact with the object ball, but want to play a soft shot,
you can just trickle it along. Again you will be faced
with the danger of the cue ball deviating on its way to
the object ball. This is especially apparent when play-
ing at an angle to the nap.
The drag shot eliminates this, because you are
able to hit the white a lot harder; but by the time the
white has reached the object ball, it is travelling at the
same speed as if you had played a plain ball with no
screw back on it.
This is achieved by aiming very low on the white as
if to play a screw shot, but making sure when you play
the shot that all the back spin has worn off before
striking the object ball. You will learn this by trial and
error. What it enables you to do is hit the ball much 47
harder, thus keeping on a true line. As the back spin
wears off, the white will slow down, slide over the cloth
for a short way, then grip and roll forwards more
slowly. In effect, it is like playing the shot from a much
shorter distance.
With these three shots, always remember that it is
better to screw back accurately than to screw back a
long way. So my advice here is don't run before you
can walk. Make sure you have complete control over
your screw shots before you start to lengthen them.
A further point to bear in mind is that when you
play a screw shot for an angled pot, the angle at which
the white comes off will be different from a plain-ball
shot. I'll try to illustrate this.
If you are playing a full-ball shot with screw back,
the white will tend to come back in an absolutely
straight line. But the less of the object ball you are
covering up, the more the white will tend to travel to
one side before the back spin takes effect. This will
create a slight curving effect (Fig. 51). The more power
you put into a screw shot at an angle, the further off-
line the ball will travel before the back spin takes
effect. This will create a wider arc. With a stun shot
at an angle, the white will come off at a wider angle
than for a plain-ball shot with follow-through, but
there will be no curve.
Top spin
To put top spin on the ball involves what it suggests -
striking the cue ball above centre. The effect you get
is to send the white spinning faster than it is actually
travelling. Because the ball goes through faster, this
enables you to increase the distance of your follow-
through after hitting the object ball. This is a much
disregarded shot; in fact, extreme top spin is just as
difficult to play as screw back. Once again you are
using just a small part of the cue tip.
Fig. 51 The thinner the contact with the object ball, the more
You use top spin to increase the speed at which the
the white will travel off-line before the back spin takes effect,
resulting in a curve. Point X is where the forward momentum
white travels through after contact with the object
is neutralised by the back spin. ball. Particularly if you are making a thick contact
with the object ball, the effect is that the more object
ball you hit, the more resistance there is to follow-
through; therefore more top spin is required.
If you ever want to become an above average player
to the extent that you can reach the '50 break' mile-
stone you must be able to play shots with side.
Having said that, side can be a dangerous weapon in
the wrong hands. It's amazing how many players you
see using side for no particular reason. Professionals
and of course I include here good amateurs only use
it when they have to; so don't use it unnecessarily.
The same goes for screw shots, where a plain-ball
shot would be just as effective.
Fig. 52 The various positions on the cue ball you should aim
at for those shots other than centre-ball ones. The shaded
areas indicate the amount of the tip that will be in contact
with the ball, due to the curved surface. The further to the
edge of the ball you aim, the less of the tip will be in contact
and therefore the greater the care needed to prevent miscueing.
Fig. 53 Hitting the centre of the cue balla plain-ball. Fig. 56 Hitting the cue ball with right-hand side.
Fig. 54 Hitting the cue ball with top spin. Fig. 57 Hitting the cue ball with left-hand side.
Fig. 55 Hitting the bottom of the cue ballscrew shot. Fig. 58 Hitting the cue ball with bottom and right-hand side. 50
Fig. 59 Hitting the cue ball with bottom and left-hand side.
Fig. 60 Hitting the cue ball with top and left-hand side.
Fig. 61 Hitting the cue ball with top and right-hand side.
Sometimes it is absolutely necessary to use side to
get into a good position for your next shot. But it
does make the pot that much harder, especially the
further away the white is from the object ball.
Before I talk about side and its uses, I must stress
certain points. You must know when you are using
side, otherwise you will tend to use it all the time with-
out thinking. And, if you don't know when you are
using it, you won't have any control over it. If you do
use side, don't make it a substitute for striking the
ball in the middle. Make sure you can hit the plain ball
accurately and consistently first; then you can practise
side shots. Every now and again I deliberately don't
use any side at all to make sure I still know what a
plain-ball shot is.
Side is used to alter the angle at which the white
would normally come off the cushion using a plain-
ball shot. This increases, therefore, the range of
positions in which you can place the white. The
greater the amount of side you are able to put on the
ball, the more you can vary the angle at which the
white can come off the cushion.
Only by understanding the effects of side and by
a process of trial and error will you be able to work
out where the white is going to end up. It's obvious,
but I must still stress it, that if you can't predict
roughly where the white is going without side, you
have very little chance of playing side constructively
and effectively.
There are really no firm guidelines I can give on
playing with side. You must find out eventually from
experimenting and observing the different effects on
the ball. Certain basic principles are worth mention-
ing, however, Few people realise what happens when
the white played with side makes contact with the
object ball or even what path it takes on its way to
the object ball.
When you strike the white with side, it will swerve
out from the line of the shot slightly before coming
back in to make contact with the object ball. This
means that both the object ball and the white will go 51
Fig. 62 shows the correct (solid line) and the incorrect
(broken line) shots to play in order to pot a ball along the
cushion using side.
off at a different angle from a plain-ball shot.
If, for example, you play the white with left-hand
side, the initial thrust with the cue will push the white
slightly to the right before it comes back on course
and, in some cases, crosses over the line of the shot.
So much, therefore, depends on how much side you
put on the white, how hard you strike it, the quality
of the cloth, etc. The tip and the type of cue can also
affect this, yet another reason for using your own cue.
You will also have to take into consideration how
far the object ball is from the white, so the use of side
becomes very much trial and error. You will just have
to practise it and see what happens. In most cases, it
seems as if you have to aim to miss the pot in order to
get it.
Another thing happens when the white, struck
with side, hits the object ball. The direction the object
ball travels after contact is different from that
travelled by a plain-ball shot striking the same
contact point on the object ball. This might sound
very complex, but the following example should help
you see what I mean.
Put the black on its spot and the white level, but
to the right, of the pink spot to create a half-ball pot
on the black into the top left-hand pocket. If you hit
the white with right-hand side, the black will tend to
be flicked to the left of the pocket. If you attempt the
same shot with left-hand side, the black will tend to
go to the right of the pocket.
Good players play with side so many times that
they don't have to stop to think about it. They will
automatically make the necessary adjustments to the
angle of the pot. You will have to learn to do the same.
Potting down the cushion with side
When the object ball is resting on a cushion with the
white slightly away from the cushion, there is little
room for error since the pocket is effectively smaller.
This is not the easiest of shots at the best of times, but
here is a hint that may increase your chances of
Aim the white, using right-hand side, to hit the
cushion fractionally earlier than the object ball.
Because the side widens the angle at which the white
comes off the cushion, the white is on the potting line
of the object ball for a little bit longer than it would
be with a plain-ball shot (Fig. 62). This means you will
marginally increase your chances of sending the
object ball along the cushion and into the pocket. This
still doesn't make the pot a certainty, but it will make
success more likely.
Transmitted side
A lot of players and that includes top ones believe,
for some reason, that the increased chances of success
for the pot along the cushion are due to the fact that
side is transmitted from the cue ball on to the object
ball and thus helps it into the pocket.
As far as I'm concerned, this is rubbish. I just
don't see how this could happen when you've got two
perfectly smooth, highly polished surfaces in contact
with each other especially when friction between
them is absolutely minimal. For any side to be trans-
mitted, there must be as much friction and contact as
there would be between the cue tip and the white.
If I were you, I would ignore the theory altogether.
I say there is no such thing as transmitted side.
Screw back with side
This is one of the most advanced shots to play. It
involves not only hitting the ball on the bottom but
also to one side. Here you must be very accurate with
your cueing because you are aiming at such a limited
area on the cue ball. As with all shots requiring any-
thing other than centre-ball striking, the better the
technique needs to be to master the shot.
After potting a ball normally and running through
with side on to the cushion, this shot also gives you
a greater range of positions. If you screw a plain-ball
shot and the white then hits a cushion, it will bounce
off at a particular angle. But if you can master
screwing back with side, this will help increase the
Fig. 63Here is a tip to remember when you play a shot with
side. With just side, the cue ball will follow through after
contact with the object ball and run off the cushion in the same
direction as the side you put on itin this case, right-hand
side. If you play the same shot with screw as well, the cue ball
will travel off the cushion in the opposite direction (i.e. to the
left). This is because the direction of the ball has been
changed, although the side remains the same.
range of table open to you for the next shot (Fig. 63).
Of course this shot can only really be played with
any effect when the white has to travel over only
shortish distances to the object ball and back as
the side wears off very quickly. And unless the shot
is played with extreme side, any effect will have worn
off by the time it reaches a cushion so that there will be
no noticeably different effect from it.
Power shots
can screw the ball back a lot better and a lot easier than
before I had mastered this type of shot.
If you do want to play a power shot, make sure
you keep your head down as much as possible. Brace
the body and keep your feet and bridge really firm.
The pause before the shot and the general timing are
also very important. The tendency otherwise is to
snatch at the cue ball, although this is usually a sign of
lack of confidence and anxiety.
Playing power shots is the one time you may have to
make a slight exception to the basic techniques of cue
action. You will find it very difficult to keep your head
and body perfectly still and not drop the elbow when
playing these shots.
Because of the power and longer back swing you
need, you won't be able to follow through so far
unless you can really thrust the cue a long way forward
to generate the extremes of top, screw, side etc. This
involves, for the really big power shot, a fair bit of
momentum in the body since it seems to be a shot that
requires putting your whole self into it. Because you
will automatically lift your head up and move the
body, there will be a much greater chance of error.
What the beginner thinks is a power shot is not
what I would call a power shot. And I'm not talking
about a shot that has to be hit hard, since this can be
done with absolutely no movement of the body or
head. Don't, however, think this is an excuse to start
lifting your head on the pretext that you are playing a
power shot. I'm talking about a shot that the top
players only play if it's absolutely necessary. If there is
another shot available, they will have no hesitation
in playing that shot in preference.
Once again, the harder you have to hit the ball,
the more chance of error. So keep this to a minimum;
never play a shot with any more force than is needed.
If you watch top players, of course they do play power
shots. But the majority of the shots they play are
straightforward ones that 'make it look so easy'.
54 I have developed my power shot gradually. Now I
This is a shot you must learn to master. It's surprising
how many people don't know how to play it. But it is
essential for getting out of snookers without the
problems of judging angles off the cushions.
To play a swerve shot, you have to hit down on the
white with either left- or right-hand side, depending
on the direction you want to bend the ball. To some
extent you can bend the ball just with side and
perhaps a little bit of screw. But the distance you can
make the ball deviate will be minimal. What you are
Fig. 64 When playing the swerve shot for example, to get
out of a snookeryou need to hit down on the cue ball with
side to create the maximum swerving effect.
doing when you play a proper swerve shot is, by hitting
down on the ball, making it bounce very slightly. And
only when the ball stops bouncing, can it grip the
cloth and start to move off-line. It is, in a way, similar
to the effect a spin bowler can get with a cricket ball.
How you play this shot accurately is, again, a
matter of judgement. You must aim to miss the ball
you want to get round. The white will then bounce
outside the line of that ball, grip the cloth and, with
the side taking effect, cut back in to hit the object ball.
Accuracy, however, will only come with lots of
practice and once again no panic in the cue action.
The severity and distance of the swerve will depend
on the amount of side you put on the white and the
speed at which the shot is played. The harder you play
the shot, the longer the distance of the swerve but the
less severely it is liable to cut back, because there is
more bounce on the ball. The greater the arc you want,
the more you should concentrate on hitting the ball
with extreme side to make the ball really bite. Going
back to the analogy with cricket, it is much more
difficult for a fast bowler to spin the ball than for a
slow bowler.
The grip you get on the cloth is very important and
this will partly depend on the quality of the cloth. The
newer it is, the more grip you will get. Make sure, also,
that you strike the white crisply.
A quick reminder here about how side works. Left-
hand side will push the white out to the right and then
back in again and vice-versa with right-hand side.
Also the steeper the cue action, usually the more
swerve you will achieve.
The rest
The rest is an extension of your bridge and should be
used when you cannot reach across the table comfort-
ably to play a shot. Never overstretch or try to play
with too long a bridge or you will lose control over
the cue.
How far you can reach before you need to use a
rest will, of course, depend on your height and how
Fig. 65 When playing with the rest, you must still get your
head as low down over the shot as you can and line up the shot
in the normal way.

4140 ,; : ,
Fig. 66 Using the rest. Notice how the feet are positioned to give you a solid stance.
56 Fig. 67 When using the rest, keep as much of the left forearm as possible on the table for extra support.
long your arms are. From the baulk end of the table I
can comfortably reach to play the white from just
before the blue spot without a rest, although admit-
tedly I am bridging a little bit longer than average.
You often find players overstretching when they
cue up because they are afraid to use the rest. Don't be.
Always make a point of using the rest when it is
needed. If you get into the bad habit of avoiding it,
you will never get into the habit of using it correctly
when you really need it.
You should have the head of the rest roughly the
same distance from the white as your bridge would be
- possibly slightly further away. The rest is, of course,
a fixed height from the cloth. You will notice the head
of the rest is made up of a high 'X' and a low 'X'. I
nearly always use the low 'X', which is a fraction
higher than my bridged hand would be, and position
it back a bit from the normal bridge length position.
There is a theory about using the high 'X' for
getting on top of the white and the low 'X' for playing
screw shots, for example, where you need to hit below
the centre of the ball. I very rarely use the high 'X'
except when I want a power follow-through, since I
find the low 'X' is in most cases suitable for all types of
shot. You must still try to keep the cue as horizontal
as possible, although the actual bridge is higher than
your hand would be. The low 'X' helps you do this
more than the high 'X'.
Hold the rest securely and keep the butt end firmly
on the table. You must make sure the head of the rest
is immovable. As you get down, make sure your head
is as low as possible in line with the shot without
being uncomfortable. Try to ensure you can still get
in a rifle-sighting position.
Probably one of the reasons people find the rest
shots harder to play is because of the altered arm
action. This is a sideways motion of the right arm. The
elbow starts off almost at right angles to the cue and
comes in as the armstraightens out when you play
the shot. It is important to keep this armhorizontal
to the ground or table. Apart fromthis, the cueing
action is the same as normal, with back swing, pause
and follow-through.
If I had the choice of playing a shot with or without
the rest, I would chose the latter. But I still made sure
I conquered it to the extent that now it never frightens
me when I have to use it.
You are, of course, limited in the range of shots
you can play with any confidence using the rest. But as
long as you are not too adventurous with it, you
should, with practice, develop a fair amount of
The long rest
The long rest and cue are big and cumbersome and
here you should definitely never attempt anything too
adventurous with them. When you have to use them,
make sure you only play plain-ball shots. Keep the
action as smooth as possible and just stroke the cue
ball on to the object ball.
The longer cue has a bigger and thicker tip on the
end. Therefore with any attempt at screw-back or side,
for example, the effect is reduced by the fact that the
thicker the tip, the nearer the centre of the ball you
will be hitting.
You should not have much need for this rest,
anyway. I rarely use it because, fortunately, with the
normal rest I can reach the white just before the pink
spot from the baulk end of the table.
The spider
Everybody hates using the spider to bridge over
intervening balls since it is hard enough bridging
normally over them.
The main disadvantage of the spider is that you
have to play the shot fromup in the air, hitting down
over the ball. This means any side you put on the white
will be exaggerated. Try as far as possible to concen-
trate hitting the white in the centre - and not hard.
There is a tendency with this type of shot to jerk or
snatch at it. I have already warned of the dangers of
doing this. Make sure you play the shot with a good,
smooth action or you are quite likely to mis-cue.
In most cases you will be using the spider around
the pack of reds, probably trying to pot a red into a
top corner pocket to keep on the black. Therefore the
fact that all you can do is roll the red into the pocket
and not play any advanced shots is no real handicap.
In this case there is usually little distance between the
white, the object ball and the pocket. When there is
any great distance between the cue ball and the object
ball, accuracy is virtually impossible.
Positional play
After the basic techniques, this is the most important
part of the game of snooker, incorporating at some
ti me or another all the advanced shots I have
mentioned. When and only when you no longer
have to concentrate on striking the ball and potting
accurately and consistently, can you devote your mind
to controlling the cue ball, which of course is the
essence of positional play.
There are no short cuts. The best way to learn
about positioning is by trial and error, which involves
watching where the cue ball goes after each type of
shot you play. When practising different shots, make a
note of where the white ends up and each time try to
change its course by adjusting the type of shot you
play. Then see if you can predict where it will go when
you play a certain shot. When you can do this every
ti me, you should be able to look forward to plenty of
high breaks. But it's much harder in practice than I
have made it sound, to the extent that even I am still
I could illustrate numerous examples of the
positional shots you can play, because there are
always so many possibilities. In the end, it's up to you
to work out the shots for yourself.
I personally found that billiards taught me a great
deal about positioning. I would certainly recommend
it as a means of initial practice, because the emphasis
is much more on cue ball control than even in snooker
in some cases.
Most people tend to think that the top profession-
als and amateurs play to put the cue ball on a sixpence.
But this is a fallacy. They usually play what we call
`percentage positioning', which means giving them-
selves as big an area as possible in which to put the
cue ball to get them comfortably on the next shot.
This means that they can allow for the greatest margin
of error possible, should things not go quite as
There are, of course, occasionally shots where
accurate positioning of the cue ball is critical; but
these are fewer than you would probably think. Every
shot in snooker offers a new challenge since the balls
are rarely in the same position. That's what makes it
such an absorbing game.
While I am on this point, it's worth looking at
another question I am sometimes asked : 'How many
balls ahead do the professionals think? Surprisingly
enough, the answer is not very many. It's not like a
game of chess, although of course you size up the
state of the table and work out how much is 'on' and
whether, for example, you can see a big break there.
Usually the top player may be thinking at most three
or four balls ahead. To take any greater amount of
concentration off the shot in hand would be wrong.
It's more a case of reading the table and knowing
where the pitfalls are, and this comes after years of
Planning more shots ahead than that is not usually
necessary anyway. The type of shot the good player
makes should allow him several alternatives. This way
he can get out of trouble and back on course within
the space of a very few shots. From experience you
tend to know automatically how you hope to put a
break together and you gradually work your way
towards it.
This also incorporates tactics. One useful tip for
very big breaks is to reposition any awkward balls,
such as those lying up against the cushion or touching
another ball. This can be done by cannoning on to
them from a previous shot. But make sure that even if
you don't put the awkward ball into a good potting
position, you are still on to pot another ball.
You can use this tactic to good effect, particularly
when there are plenty of reds on the table. In effect
you are setting them up for when you will need to play
them. You don't want to be on a large break with the
last remaining red in an unpottable position, when you
could at an early stage have cannoned it into the
middle of the table.
Playing cannons at billiards, incidentally, is of
great help in getting to know in what direction the cue 59
ball goes after contact with the object ball.
Avoid the danger areas. For example, don't leave
yourself' near a cushion - unless, of course, you want
to pot along it. Near the cushion you are limiting the
range of positional shots you can play. Also avoid
having to play pin-point positional shots. Not only
will these demand a much higher degree of accuracy,
but they make you more prone to ending a break
The golden rule is to keep out of trouble as far as is
possible. Your opponent may well be doing his best
to get you in it, so you don't want to help him by
repeatedly messing up the chance of a good break.
The higher the level of play, the fewer chances you get
There is another tip to increase your chance of a
big break. Whenever a realistic opportunity arises
early on in the game, try to break up the pack of reds.
This is mostly done by cannoning into them after
potting the black. But make sure you pot the black,
otherwise you'll just be letting in your opponent.
Positional play revolves to a great degree around
angles, because you will need to use these to get from
the object ball into position for the next shot. So
here it is worth making some observations about
angles and how they can work.
For a start, certain potting angles are easier to get
position off than others. If you are playing a very
thick or a very thin contact, you immediately restrict
the angle at which the white can come off the object
ball. With a full-ball shot, the white is limited to
being positioned on the line of the shot whether you
screw back or follow through. With a thin cut, the
line the white takes afterwards is also predetermined.
It is generally best to aim for a position in which
you are playing either a half- or a three-quarter-ball
pot, especially the latter since there are probably
more positional permutations from this than from
any other potting angle (Figs. 68 to 73). It is interesting
Fig. 68 shows the variation in direction of the cue ball after
a half ball contact with the black. Point A is the furthest to
the left you can hit the cushion; where it goes from there
depends on whether you play a plain ball or one with side. The
lines to the left and right indicate the directions when using
maximum left-hand and right-hand side respectively. The
centre line indicates the direction of a plain ball. Point B
relates to a stun shot, point C to a screw shot and point D to
a shot with maximum screw. As you can see, the area of
cushion (shaded area) which can be hit by the cue ball is more
limited than when playing a three-quarter ball ( Fig. 69).
Fig. 69 shows how much more of the cushion you can hit with
the cue after a three-quarter-ball contact with the black.
Although you have to play certain shots with more strength
than for a half-ball, there is more scope for position.
to note that with a half-ball pot with plain-ball strik-
ing, the white comes off at the widest angle possible.
This is unless you start to hit with any force, which
tends to widen the angle even further. If you play a
plain half-ball shot, not only is the angle at which the
object ball comes off guaranteed, but so is the angle
of the white.
So after a while, as long as you practise regularly,
you should be able to recognise each shot and predict
where the cue ball will end up.
Try, whenever possible, to let the white go in the
direction it wants to, that is a plain-ball shot. This is
the simplest type of shot to play and involves the least
risk. The problems start when you try to make the
white go in a different direction. Of course you have to
play according to the state of the balls. But if there is
ever a choice, always go for the easier shot.
One point, very obvious when stated but neverthe-
less lost on some players, is to make sure you are the
right side of your next ball, so you can get position for
the shot after that. For example, it's much easier to get
on to the reds next shot if you are just below the
blue when potting it, than to be above it and have to
play the cue ball in and out of baulk.
This is the most important part of all positional
play. As long as you are in a position to send the white
towards your next object ball and not away from it,
you are making life much easier. So always try to think
that little bit ahead.
6 1
Fig. 70 Playing a three-quarter-ball blue. The shaded area Fig. 71 Playing a half ball blue, you reduce the amount of the
is that part of the table out of bounds for the cue ball, unless top of the table in which you can put the cue ball. The ball
you let it run off the cushion, which would immediately open will also travel further which can be an advantage if you
up more of the table for your cue ball. want to get it back down the table.
Fig. 72 Playing a quarter-ball blue, you are even more Fig. 73 When your angle on the blue is thicker than a three-
restricted and it is impossible to stop the cue ball before quarter ball, it becomes increasingly difficult to run the cue
striking the top cushion. Not the best shot if you want to stay ball into the top half of the table without using a cushion.
in the top half of the table. 63
Hints on practice
Potting the colours
This exercise enables you to gauge what progress
you have made with your game and how con-
sistently you can pot balls and build up a
reasonable break.
Put the colours on their spots and try potting
them in turn. You can start off with the white in
any position. When you have potted the pink,
replace all the colours before going for the black.
After potting the black, try to get back in
position for the yellow and work your way
through the colours again. See how many times
you can do this.
Since the object balls are always in a fixed
position (on their spots), try to remember which
shots that you play bring the best results in
terms of gaining position for the next colour.
Potting the black
This is a useful way of practising the different
kinds of shot on the black and learning to judge
what effects each will have in terms of getting the
object ball in the pocket.
Put the black on its spot and try potting it
with varying amounts of screw and side. Also
vary the distance between the white and the
black. Make a note of the allowance that has to
be made for the different amounts of side you
put on.
Then set yourself an area into which to play
the white and practise getting it as close as you
Introduce a third ball anywhere on the table
and practise playing a cannon off the black on
to the second object ball.
Lining up the reds
This exercise demands a reasonable standard
before it can be used with any real benefit, but
again it will help your positional play and get
you used to the pressures and problems of
building a big break
With all the colours on their respective spots,
position the 15 reds in between the brown-to-
black line of colours. Start by potting a red, then
a colour, then another red and a colour again.
The bigger the break, the harder it gets. Keep a
tally of your highest break and then see if you
can beat it.
If you feel you don't want the reds all lined
up the middle, put them in harder positions
around the table.
Combination shots
These involve any type of shot where one object ball is
hit on to another ball or balls for a pot to be made. The
main type of combination shot is the plant (or set).
or by hitting the first with the white you can use the
second to help the first in. This shot can only be
played with any consistent degree of accuracy when
the two reds are touching, although the reds don't
have to be touching for the shot to be played.
If you have two reds touching and the centre of
both balls is lined up with the pocket, you would
think that all you had to do was to hit the first and
The plant
This is when two reds are in such a position that by
64 hitting the first with the white you can pot the second
the second could not fail to go in. In practice, strange
things happen depending on your aim point on the
first red.
The reason for the effects shown in Figs. 74 to 76 is
that even though the balls are touching, if you don't
aim as if to pot the first red, the second will not go in.
This is because in the very short space of time the reds
are together, due to the small amount of friction, the
first red will push the second just enough to send it
off-line. Of course this can work to your advantage if
the plant is not exactly lined up for the pocket.
Aiming becomes slightly harder when the two reds
are not touching. A tip here that may help you work
out where to hit the first red is where on the second
red you must hit to send it into the pocket. Line up
through the first red to the cushion. The aim for the
white on to the first red is to send it on to an imaginary
place on the cushion.
Try to strike the first red on to that spot on the
cushion. That way, if your judgement is correct, it
should hit the second red in the right spot to pot it.
Again it is only with practice that you will be able to
work out the angles at which the different balls come
off after contact.
Take a plant, with the two reds touching but
parallel to the pocket. You want to pot the first red,
but possibly you are well off the line of the shot. Once
again it's not just a question of hitting the first red.
You must make sure that the centre of the two reds
makes a right angle with the angle of the pot. Secondly
you must make sure you do not hit the first red too
thick. If you do, the momentum of the white will affect,
the intended direction of the first red by interfering
with the contact between the two reds. Therefore you
must still play no more than a half-ball - or thinner -
contact to stop the white from interfering and pre-
venting the pot.
My advice is to play these shots in as many differ-
ent situations as you can and keep an eye on what
happens. You'll be surprised at what the balls actually
Fig. 74 Potting a red that forms a plant with another red in
line with the pocket. The broken line shows the exaggerated
effect of not playing the shot correctly.
Fig. 75 Potting a red that forms a plant with another red Fig. 76 Playing a full-ball shot to pot a red that forms a plant
parallel to the pocket. Again the broken line shows the with another red, when both are touching and in line with the
exaggerated effect of not playing the shot correctly. pocket. The broken lines are the wrong shots.
T h e d o u b l e
It's a common belief that top players don't play
doubles. This isn't true; in fact, I once played a treble
(using two cushions) to win a match. They certainly
don't play them that often, however. Despite that,
you should know how to play them all the same, even
if you don't use them too often.
There is an element of risk in this shot, because
you are dependent on how the cushion is playing. It
is for this reason mainly that the better players avoid,
where possible, getting themselves in a position where
they have to play a double.
A lot of people think that if you hit the ball on to
the cushion it will come off at exactly the same angle
as it went on. But it doesn't work like that at all. The
harder you hit the ball into the cushion, the more it
buries itself in and the straighter (or squarer) the
cushion releases it. For a ball to come off at the same
angle, very little pace is required.
Even so, the angle the ball comes off varies from
table to table depending on the state of the rubber in
the cushion. It takes several attempts for even a top
player to find out exactly how the cushion is playing
and how he should play the double.
There are four types of double you can play,
which will be made clearer by looking at Figs. 77 to 80.
Apart from the ordinary full-ball double, there is the
cross double, when the cue ball crosses over the face
of the object ball before the latter moves off in the
intended direction. There is also the cut-back double
the opposite of this where the cue ball strikes the far
side of the object ball. The hardest double to play is
the 'cocked hat' double, where you in fact play the
object ball off three cushions (Fig. 80). You will not
see this shot played very often, for obvious reasons.
There are no guidelines as to how to play these
doubles, except once again by trial and error, getting
to know the different reactions at certain speeds of
playing the shot. A ball tight on the cushion usually
creates more problems than a ball not touching, since
it generally becomes harder to visualise the angle
Fig. 77 The ordinary
full-ball double. Of course, doubling
into a corner pocket is slightly more difficult since you have
less of the pocket to aim at than for a shot into a middle
Fig. 78 The cross double. Fig. 79 The cut-back double.
Fig. 80 The 'cocked hat' double.
required and it is more likely that the white can inter-
fere with the shot.
A treble is just an extension of this technique. Of
course, you are increasing the margin of error,
because you have to take into account the effect off two
cushions rather than just one.
50 breaks
The first 50 break is a bit of a milestone in every
snooker player's life. To achieve it requires a high
degree of accuracy and consistency and an overall
standard of play you will only reach by dedication and
The following two breaks were played with the
colours and four reds left on the table. The point of
this section is to illustrate that for any break of this
size you will need to play a variety of different shots.
It also shows that the course of the break is in no way
predetermined. At any stage I could have played them
a different way more so with the first one. Positional
play, as I have already said, is about percentage shots
giving yourself as much choice as possible in case you
don't play exactly the shot you originally wanted.
Follow the diagrams to see how each break went (See
Figs. 81 to 111).
First break
My position on red 1 meant I had a thickish three-
quarter-ball pot into the top left-hand pocket. I hit
the white just off-centre, stunning it to leave me in
position on the black. I was intending to get a position
off the black to be able to pot red 3 and get back on the
black for the next shot. As it was, the white ran
further than I wanted and I left myself level with the
black and on the wrong side of it to get on to red 3.
This meant changing my mind about the next red to go
The black was roughly a three-quarter-ball pot
into the top left-hand pocket and it meant I could
play a plain-ball shot with normal run-through to
leave myself on red 2. I potted the black and the white 69
Fig. 81 Potting red 1. Black is the next shot.
ran off the side cushion, ending virtually in line with
red 2 and the top left-hand pocket. This was all right,
except I couldn't play position on the black again. I
was stretching slightly for this shot, but I was still
comfortable, and had then to decide how far to screw
the white down the table. I decided to make sure I
screwed back at least as far as straight on the pink,
since I didn't want an angle on the pink that meant me
going 'away' from the last two reds. I knew that if I
screwed back too far I would still be on the blue, thus
covering myself.
I potted red 2 and fortunately just avoided being
in line with the pink and red 4, which would have
meant an awkward shot over red 4 at the pink. Had
that happened, I would probably have elected to take
the blue. As it was, I was left just off straight for the
pink into the top right-hand pocket.
At this stage I had a choice of playing the pink
with stun to leave myself in position for red 4 into
the middle left-hand pocket, or of rolling the white
through, off the side cushion, into position to pot red 3
into the top left-hand pocket. I chose to play position
on red 3 because the angle looked perfect and I had a
natural shot, without needing to use any side.
It would have been safer to stun the white for
position on red 4, because there was less chance of
positional error. But I also bore in mind the fact that
I had earlier failed to get position on red 3 and by
going for red 4 I might have had problems getting
back on to red 3 with my next shot. Using top, I potted
the pink into the top right-hand pocket and ran
through into a perfect angle for red 3, although closer
than I would have liked. If I had been any closer, I
would have had an awkward shot to play. But it was
just as important to be off the cushion.
I was left a thick three-quarter-ball pot, which
meant a soft stun to get position on the black for a pot
into the same pocket. The one place I didn't want to
leave the white was straight on the black, since this
would have meant screwing back with side off the
cushion a much more difficult shot than any other
Fig. 82 Potting black. Red 2 is the next shot.
Fig. 83 Potting red 2. Pink is the next shot.
Fig. 84 Potting pink. Red 3 is the next shot. Fig. 85 Potting red 3. Black is the next shot.
Fig. 86 Potting black. Red 4 is the next shot. Fig. 87 Potting red 4. Blue is the next shot.
Fig. 88 Potting blue. Y ellow is the next shot.
here and also with the chance of the pink interfering
with my next shot on to red 4. I potted red 3 and left
myself slightly short of straight with the black. Playing
with stun I decided to send the white past the pink
and towards red 4 to pot that into the middle left-hand
In potting the black into the top left-hand pocket,
I played the shot a little too firmly. Although I was in a
good position (thick half-ball) on the final red, it was
on the wrong side to roll up naturally for the blue. I
could still get on the blue, although the easiest shot
would have been to run the white off the side cushion
and back on to the pink. It wasn't a difficult shot,
either, to screw back for position on the black. How-
ever my next ball was yellow, so I was looking for the
easiest of the blue, pink and black to get position on
this colour for my next shot. Of the three, the blue is
the best ball, mainly because it is closest to the yellow.
So I elected to get position on the blue. I potted red
4 using left-hand side, which required a bit more
accuracy of striking than a plain-ball shot. I ran
through off the cushion in perfect position for a three-
quarter-ball shot on the blue.
Playing this with stun I decided to send the white
down towards the yellow, hoping to leave myself an
angle on the yellow to pot this, bounce off the right-
hand side cushion and into position for the green. I
potted the blue, but played the shot badly. I didn't hit
low enough on the white, which therefore came off a
lot less square from the blue than I had wanted. It
ended up to the right of the line I wanted. This shot
would have been no trouble for a left-hander; but I
had to use the rest. Obviously this shot was a lot
more difficult to play since I had to run the white off
the bottom cushion and back into the middle of the
table to get on the green. The danger here was not
striking the ball firmly enough and snookering myself
on the brown.
I potted the yellow and left myself another three-
quarter-ball pot on the green into the bottom left-
hand pocket. Perfect! I played a stun shot, sending the
Fig. 89 Potting yellow. Green is the next shot.
Fig. 90 Potting green. Brown is the next shot.
Fig. 91 Potting brown. Blue is the next shot.
Fig. 92
Potting blue. Pink is the next shot.
Fig. 93 Potting pink. Black is the next shot. Fig.94 Potting black. That's a break of 56.
white off the side cushion and back on to the brown.
Another three-quarter-ball stun saw the white bounce
off the side cushion and back up the table for position
on the blue. The brown to the blue can be the most
i mportant shot when clearing the colours, since perfect
position on the blue almost guarantees pink and black.
But a bad position on the blue can create problems.
When playing the brown, ideally you want to leave
the white just below the blue so the natural angle will
send the white towards the pink.
Fortunately I was left in perfect position for a
three-quarter-ball pot on the blue into the middle
left-hand pocket, running the white naturally through
on to the pink. This I potted into the top right-hand
pocket and ran through off the side cushion. I made
sure I was away from the cushion to leave a full-ball
pot on the black into the top left-hand pocket. This
I stunned in to make sure there was no chance of
following through into the same pocket. This com-
pleted a break of 56.
You will notice that all the shots I played in this break
were between three-quarter and full-ball contacts
with one exception. This is a fairly rare occurence ;
for various reasons, you don't always want to leave
yourself this kind of situation.
These angles are, however, much easier to judge
than the half- or quarter-ball ones. There is less
problem visualising the white superimposed on the
object ball, particularly when it" will be covering up a
large proportion of the object ball. Try where possible
to leave yourself three-quarter balls; they are easier
to play since you seem to have more control over the
You will notice I only once used side in the whole
break; this minimised the chance of error.
It should be clear from this break that you do not
need pin-point accuracy in positional play. In fact,
there was only one shot that needed any real degree
78 of accurate positioning and that was when I wanted
position on red 3. Of course the strength of my shots
was accurate. This plays just as important a part in
positioning as does direction.
Second break
This break was set up in such a way that it was going
to be much harder to clear the table and, in contrast
to the first break, did require precision shots. These I
visualised before I started. In the first break, the balls
were in easier, more comfortable positions. From the
diagrams you can see that there are two difficult reds,
the one on the bottom cushion and the one touching
the black. The green was off its spot, which meant I
would have to get a good position off the yellow to
get on the green when it came to pot the colours.
I had to use red 1 to get a good position on a colour
and then on the awkward red 2. I had a thick three-
quarter-ball pot which I played with stun to put red 1
in the middle right-hand pocket and leave myself on
the brown. I had to make sure I didn't leave myself
straight on the brown; I wanted roughly a three-
quarter ball to get down to red 2 on the left-hand side
of the table. The white ended up quite nicely and, with
my leg on the table, I could reach it comfortably.
From brown to red 2 was critical. With the red so
close to the cushion, the position I needed not only
to pot it but also to get on to a colour for the next
shot had to be within a limited angle. I was looking for
no thicker than a three-quarter and no thinner than
a half-ball shot on red 2. So I played a type of stun
run-through shot on the brown into the bottom right-
hand pocket, allowing the white to run towards the
red; it was just a touch shot. I needed to be as close
as possible to the red so there was more chance of an
accurate contact.
As it turned out I played the brown perfectly and
left myself a thickish half-ball shot on red 2. Now I
had to think about getting on a colour, since I had a
tough shot along the cushion. I wanted to play a
reasonably paced shot so the red would not run off
course. The nap would tend to take a soft shot away
Fig. 95 Potting red 1. Brown is the next shot. Fig. 96 Potting brown. Red 2 is the next shot.
from the pocket. If I had played a centre-ball shot
at the speed I wanted, the white would have ended up
on the side cushion. So I had to play with a bit of left-
hand side, which made the shot even harder.
I successfully potted the red into the bottom right-
hand pocket and left myself dead straight on the
brown. This was not the best place for getting on the
next red, but at least I had potted red 2.
Now I had to think in terms of using the next red
to get position on probably the blue, which would
enable me to cannon the last red away from the black.
But first I had to pot the brown and get position on red
3. For this I had to play a power screw shot off the side
cushion. The white was 2 1/2 feet away from the brown
to start with and I wanted to screw back about 6 feet.
Great accuracy was therefore needed. Brown went
into the bottom right-hand pocket and I left myself
a thick half-ball pot on red 3 into the top left-hand
With this shot I had to get the white back down
the table below the blue so I could then have a chance
of getting on the last red, which as I have said had to
be separated from the black. I potted red 3 using stun
and lots of left-hand side, bringing the white off the
side cushion and down below the blue. Because the
white speeds up slightly when played with side off a
cushion, the weight of the shot had to be more accurate
than usual. It would have been easier to judge this
using only screw, but the middle pocket was in the
As it was, the shot was perfect and I left myself a
half-ball pot on the blue, the ideal angle to attempt to
get red 4 out into play. This shot also demanded a high
degree of accuracy. But there was also a large element
of luck involved, since even if I did get the cannon on
the black and red, I still couldn't guarantee the two
balls would split up favourably.
I stunned the blue into the middle right-hand
pocket. Ideally I was looking to hit the red on the left-
hand side just before hitting the black, since this
would have sent the red bouncing off the cushion
Figs. 97 to 99 show the effect that the nap, which runs from
the baulk end to the top of the table, can have on the ball.
When playing against the nap, the cue ball is going 'uphill'
against the cloth and the effect is to carry the ball away from
the centre of the table. This is particularly noticeable when But when playing against the nap, the ball will tend to go in
you play at an angle against the nap ( Fig. 97). Playing the the opposite direction to the side you have put on it (Fig. 99).
cue ball with side up the table with the nap (Fig. 98), the It is most important that you master the effects of the nap.
effect is to take the ball in the direction you would expect.
Fig. 100 Potting red 2. Brown is the next shot. Fig. 101 Potting brown. Red 3 is the next shot.
Fig. 102 Potting red 3. Blue is the next shot.
Fig. 103 Potting blue. Red 4 is the next shot.
towards the top right-hand pocket. The momentum
of the white would have been stopped by the black.
This obviously required exceptional accuracy. Where-
as many people would be concerned just to split the
black and red balls, professionals would strive to
ensure both finished up in good positions.
I played the shot almost to perfection, but hit the
red thinner than planned and almost simultaneously
with the black. This left the white and red a lot closer
together than I would have liked.
Looking much further ahead, I wanted to play as
perfect a position off the yellow as possible to get on
the green. Ideally from the red I wanted to get down
for one of the colours nearer the yellow. But because
the white and red were so close and I could only tap
in the red, I had to settle for the black. The next
problem I had to face was getting down to the yellow
from the black, which was quite a distance and the
further the white has to travel, the greater the margin
for error. I delicately soft-screwed the half-ball red
into the top right-hand pocket and left myself a thick
half-ball pot on the black.
The ideal potting angle for the yellow to get on
the green would have been a half-ball, with the white
much nearer the brown than I eventually put it. This
would leave a natural pot, with the white running off
the side cushion and back on the green. As it was, I
potted the black into the top left-hand pocket, using
top and a little left-hand side to bring the white back
into the middle of the table after hitting the top and
side cushions. But I finished up in a bad position
just off straight with the yellow.
I had two choices. One was to pot the yellow and
screw back up the table in the direction of the blue
to try a long-pot green into the bottom left-hand
pocket. Or I could go for a strong run-through off the
yellow which would take the white off the side and
bottom cushions towards the green. Both shots had
their advantages and disadvantages.
With the first shot I needed to screw back past the
blue to have a reasonable chance of potting the green.
Fig. 104 Potting red 4. Black is the next shot.
Fig. 105 Potting black. Yellow is the next shot. Fig. 106 Potting yellow. Green is the next shot.
Fig. 107 Potting green. Brown is the next shot. Fig. 108
Potting brown. Blue is the next shot.
Fig. 109 Potting blue. Pink is the next shot.
If I ended up short of the blue, I would have had a very
awkward angle on the green - less than a half-ball.
As it was, I wanted nothing less than a three-quarter-
ball for this long pot. I also had to screw back far
enough so I wouldn't have to play the shot with a
rest, which meant the white would probably have to
come back as far as in line with the pink spot. But a
power screw shot of the force I needed could not be
judged to perfection - and I had to overplay rather
than underplay it. There was another basic objection:
as a rule, the longer the pot, the harder the shot. The
advantage of this shot was that no matter where I
ended up I had a chance of potting the green.
The main advantage of the second shot was that
the white would end up a lot closer to the green,
although there was a danger I could be too close.
Also, as long as I didn't leave the white too short, I
had four pockets that I could have had a realistic
chance of potting the green into - the top, middle and
bottom right-hand and the bottom left-hand. My one
worry was that the white might finish up too close to
the green.
Now I had to decide. Should I go for the easier
shot of screwing down the table and have a more
difficult second shot or should I play the difficult
positional shot first, knowing that if I played it right,
I would be close enough to the green to control the
white and play position on the brown, the next ball? I
decided to go for the second shot.
I potted a thickish three-quarter-ball yellow with
a small amount of right-hand side into the bottom
right-hand pocket and with a strong run-through sent
the white off two cushions towards the green. At one
stage it looked as though the white might cannon on
to the green and push it towards the side cushion,
which would have been fatal. But it just missed the
green on the left side to leave me a perfect, if slightly
surprising, position on the green into the same
pocket as the yellow. I had visualised having to pot
the green into the middle or top right-hand pocket,
as it had seemed more likely the white would end up
Fie. 110 Potting pink. Black is the next shot.
Fig. 111 Potting black. That's a break of 51.
in that area near the side cushion just below the
As it was, I had a thickish three-quarter-ball pot
on the green, which meant I could run through
naturally, sending the white across the table for
position on the brown into the opposite bottom
corner pocket.
The only slightly difficult ball left was the pink
and all I concentrated on here with the brown was to
play for a fair position on the blue to enable me to get
on the pink afterwards. This meant potting the brown
with a good run-through off the bottom cushion to
send the white towards the blue.
Having potted the three-quarter-ball brown, I
should ideally have ended up just short of the blue.
But I overran the shot by a foot or so, which meant
I had a slightly tougher positional shot stunning the
white and sending it off the bottom cushion and back
towards the pink. As long as I didn't then overrun the
white, I was always going to have a chance of the pink
into the top right-hand pocket.
The half-ball blue went in, but I could have left
the white a lot further fromthe pink than I did. It
meant playing with the rest, although this dis-
advantage was cancelled out by the fact that the white
and pink were quite close. With a thickish three-
quarter-ball pot into the top right-hand pocket, I had
a natural run-through off the pink on to the black.
This pot into the top left-hand pocket was just off
straight and I completed a break of 51.
This break was completely different from the first,
since there were crisis points that required very
accurate positional play not pin-point position, but
accurate direction. And I had to get good angles on
certain balls to be able to clear the table. If I set up this
sequence again, my chances of clearing the table,
compared with the first break, would be a lot less.
During this break there were many occasions when
it could very easily have come to an end. This is where
luck does to an extent play a part in break-building.
Also this shows that to make a maximum break of 147
requires enormous accuracy and luck as to how the
balls are situated and then split up during the break.
Why not set up these breaks for yourself and see how
far you get? You don't have to follow the way I played
themexactly. Try to work out different ways of play-
ing them. The important point is that you have got
to be adaptable and prepared to change course if a
particular shot doesn't go as planned.
If you take snooker seriously, practice isn't just about
playing well; it's also a means to an end - competing in
and winning matches. Most people are competitive
by nature and like to be successful - and so the more
you improve your standards, the better you should be
in matches. Always play to win, but practise to
i mprove.
There are plenty of players who are fine in practice
but who go to pieces when put in a match. I personally
revel in matchplay, but that's also partly because I've
got a good temperament and enjoy playing in front
of an audience. Of course there are pressures on you
in a match which wouldn't normally be there - having
people watch you, for example, and the pressures and
disappointment of losing.
One of the main things to remember is not to get
upset or annoyed - easier said than done, I agree !
There will be times in a match when your opponent
gets lucky or you start to play badly. On the whole, if
the general standard of your game is good, luck will
often level itself out over a number of frames.
If you get upset, it will not only spoil your own
game but will also give your opponent more confi-
dence. And with greater confidence often goes a
greater share of the luck, so the situation gets worse
instead of better. All in all, it will lead to bad lapses of
concentration and, to me, this is unforgivable.
Always keep your feelings inside you if you can -
and under control. Sometimes you will feel frustrated,
but the great thing is not to show it. Nerves are
another problem and there is no magic cure for these.
The best way is to force yourself to play as many
matches as you can to try to accustom yourself to big
games. Everyone, I am sure, must have gone through
this stage at some time or another. Even now, I get
butterflies in the stomach before the start of a big
match, but they go as soon as I get to the table.
Relaxation helps control nerves and it's sound
advice to do whatever you find helps you relax before
or in between matches - and here I certainly don't
include drugs or drink! These will only impair your
vision and your ability to think clearly, both of which
are vital for your game. It has become a standing joke
that my hotel bedroom is lined with 'Space Invader'
machines, but I do enjoy playing them and they help
me to relax and also concentrate.
At certain points in a match, the pressure tends to
build up as you reach a crucial stage. Certain balls
become big pressure shots, which you are always
more liable to miss. It then boils down to who is the
most consistent under pressure.
It's not a question of how good your best is, but
how good your worst is. One bad spell in a match can
finish you. So it is much better to be consistently
good than to be erratic - with flashes of brilliance.
You might well have a purple patch, but that isn't
guaranteed to win you the match as much as a bad
patch is to lose it.
When you start to lose frames and the going gets
really tough, that's when your ability to fight comes in.
I never think I'm out of a game until the ball goes
down that makes it physically impossible for me to
When the chips are down, there is a great tendency
to take risks and try to get back into the game. Don't
be tempted. It is far better to wait and hope your
opponent gets over-confident. When things are going
well, a player will feel on top of the world and may
attempt too many ambitious shots - and that's where
your chance comes to get back into the game. You
must try to take whatever chances you are given; there
may not be too many. In world class snooker, some-
ti mes you only get one chance per frame.
Obviously you must try not to give your opponent
too many chances, either. If things aren't going too
well, it's often better to play a safety shot than to
attempt any ambitious one to get out of trouble and
find you've let your opponent back in.
Having said that you shouldn't take risks, you
certainly don't want to adopt a totally defensive
attitude, either. That will never win you matches. You
will have to judge the situation as you find it and
weigh up the percentages on each shot before you
decide. Particularly when the competition standard
is not that high, a good break will win you the frame
and you must be prepared to go for it.
The hallmark of a good player is being able to
think under pressure and not panic. When you are
faced with a difficult shot and can't make up your
mind whether to go for it or not, what should you do?
The obvious first thought is whether you would have
played the shot in practice, although in that situation
you would not be under any pressure.
I suggest you ask yourself the following questions :
Can I pot this ball? What are the chances of getting it?
Will I be guaranteed a continuation of the break
afterwards? Is it worth the risk for the opening I
might give my opponent if I miss? If you can answer
in the affirmative to these questions, then by all means
go for it.
You often find the same shots cropping up at
different times in the game, but depending on the
circumstances you will have to decide whether to play
a particular shot or not, even though you have done it
successfully earlier in the game. Your decision will
depend on where the remaining balls are positioned,
how many points are left on the table, how many you
need to win, how many your opponent needs to win
and so on.
This part of the game is all down to tactics and
it's your choice that counts. You must weigh up in
your mind whether you are prepared to take a
calculated risk or not. That's what makes a good
tactician. You can never advise someone on what shot
to play. In the end, it's down to the player.
That's what for me makes matchplay so exciting.
If you make the right decision, everyone applauds.
Equally, everyone will be quick to criticise the wrong
decision. As far as I'm concerned, it's an exciting
prospect; it's just down to you.
In all this there is, I'm afraid, another imponder-
able the frame of mind you are in at the time. You
may be faced with a shot that you should get, but
something inside tells you that you just don't fancy
it and you won't get it and sure enough you don't.
Sometimes this happens when you're already down on
the shot and cueing up. If this is the case, get up and
start again.
Everyone has favourite shots. If you look _at a
shot and feel you can get it, by following your
instinct you will often make it, even though it may be
a poor percentage shot. You have to rely on your own
A few final words on matchplay. If you are serious
about your game, enter as many competitions as you
can, whether at club or regional level. You don't have
to be left out because you are a junior or because you
feel your standard isn't good enough yet. If you are
under 19, for example, you can go in for the British
Junior Championships. There is an Under-16 Boys
Championships as well.
You must always make a point of playing people
you don't know and therefore not knowing how they
play. This is the best test of how much your game is
improving and will help you develop a better tem-
perament for tournaments. Never be scared of an
opponent. It's up to you what you do and how you
play; it should never be up to your opponent. When
you get on to the table, there's only one person in the
game at that stage.
In some ways matches will improve your game
better than practice. I obviously learnt a vast amount
in my formative years of playing snooker, but I have
now reached the point where I don't learn so much
from practice. What I do learn, I learn from playing
matches and it's mainly tactical. Of course I still
make sure the standard of my technique is maintained.
If necessary I will spend time correcting a fault that
might develop over a long period.
I believe the value of matches is that your mistakes
are punished and that alone brings it home to you
more. For the same reason you tend to learn more
when you lose than when you win. When you win, you
often overlook where you went wrong or the bad shots
you played. When you lose, you are forced to analyse
where you went wrong or you would simply go on
Safety play
Safety play is an important part of matchplay. But
you shouldn't spend too much time practising it out of
context or you will be in danger of hindering your
natural game. There is obviously little point in perfect-
ing safety techniques if you still can't pot balls
consistently. You can only win matches by scoring
There are basically three types of safety play
tactics. There are those shots that will put your
opponent in an awkward position and maybe force
him to give you an opening with the next shot. This
can be labelled attacking safety play. Equally you may
have to play shots to try to stop your opponent from
getting an opening. These are not as good as attacking
tactics since your opponent still has the initiative. This
type of play involves defensive, stalling tactics.
The third type of safety play can incorporate both
the other two. It is used when the frame is already well
beyond your reach. Perhaps you are also several
frames down and your opponent is playing well. Then
you can deliberately try to upset his potting rhythm
by denying him potting opportunities. This will, of
course, upset your own potting rhythm as well. If
however, you are not putting your game together that
well anyway, the effect on you will be less serious.
This tactic doesn't always work, but when you're
losing you've got to try all possibilities.
Safety play involves a high degree of ball control.
It is similar to positional play except you are not so
concerned about the position of the object ball. The
weight of the shot you play also becomes extremely
The first shot of the game is a safety shot and can
be played in different ways, highlighting the difference
between defensive and attacking safety play (Figs. 112
Fig. 112 The first safety shot you will have to play in a frame
is on the opening break. The one shown here is a positive
safety shot.
Fig. 113 The approach you take to the opening break can
vary. As is demonstrated by this shot, you can adopt a
negative attitude.
and 113). If from the baulk you clip the pack of reds
gently with the white without disturbing them much,
the white will come back down the table. But you are
not gaining any advantage from the shot since your
opponent can do exactly the same thing if he wants to.
This is definitely a defensive safety shot.
The better shot to play here is to aim to hit the
pack thicker to spread them. This may mean taking a
risk; but if the white ends up where intended (on the
baulk cushion behind the green), you will have left
your opponent in a very difficult situation.
One elementary safety rule is to keep the white as
far away as you can from the object ball, since distance
always opens up more chances for error. In many
cases, too, you will make your opponent's shot a lot
harder if the cue ball ends up on the cushion.
At the start of most games, there is a general
pattern of safety play. Both players are trying to gain
the advantage by keeping the white down in baulk and
attempting to put the opponent in an awkward
position where he cannot do the same. This is done by
clipping the pack of reds and disturbing just one or
two at a time. Usually one side of the table becomes
quite difficult to negotiate, whereas the other is
often free of reds.
When doing this, try to put your opponent in
positions where the side of the pack from which it is
easier to get back down the table is covered up by the
baulk colours. Your opponent then has to play into a
potentially more dangerous area.
Apart from these few principles, the best sort of
safety shot is a snooker.
The snooker
There are many ways of setting up a snooker and it
would be impossible for me to give you examples of
each. So much depends on the general state of the
game and the position of all the balls left on the table.
I can, however, provide you with some useful guide-
When trying to get a snooker, for instance with
just the pink and black left on the table, it is far better
to have the white just behind the black and the pink
somewhere down the table than the other way round.
There is a much better chance of getting out of this
snooker if the balls are the other way round.
Try also to make sure your opponent has to play
off at least two cushions the more cushions the better
since there is then more chance for error.
If the pack of reds is still pretty well intact, there is
little advantage of playing a snooker, since your
opponent has a relatively easy task to hit somewhere
on the pack. If you can, however, snooker him on the
reds when they are scattered. This is an excellent shot
since it will open the table up for your next shot,
whether he gets out of the snooker successfully or not.
Shots to nothing
These shots are particularly advantageous because
they give you two chances. You can play them when
there is a difficult pot on and the cue ball is going to
come back naturally into a safe position if you miss
thereby denying your opponent a chance of the pot.
In conclusion
By now you should have a broader understanding of
this fascinating game you may even have become an
addict like me. But don't let your enthusiasm for
success make you too hasty; you need a sound founda-
tion on which to build success, so spend time perfecting
your technique, prepare yourself psychologically for
the contest and then approach the table ready to win.
accuracy 7, 16, 19, 22, 34, 38, 40, 41, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 69 miscueing 22, 27, 46
advanced techniques 46-58 mistiming 39
angles 40-43, 48, 51-3, 54, 60-69 nap 11, 12, 46, 80-81
back spin 46-8 pace 67
back swing 19, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 57 percentage positioning 59
balance 9, 17, 18 plain-ball shot 11, 42, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 61
basic techniques 7, 12, 13-45 planning 59-89
billiards 59 plant 64-6
break-building 12, 59, 60, 64, 69-89 pockets 11, 12
bridge 15, 16, 17, 18-29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38, 46, 55 positional play 12, 47, 59-61, 64, 69, 92
bridging over a ball 27-8 potting 12, 36, 40-43, 52-3, 59, 64
cannon 59-60, 64 power 39, 40, 46, 48
chalk 11 power shots 16, 19, 22, 25, 54
cocked-hat double 69 practice 7, 55
combination shots 64-5 preparation 38
competition 7, 90-94 pressure 8, 31, 34, 64, 90-91
concentration 90 quarter-ball shot 41, 42, 43, 44, 45
consistency 7, 34, 39, 40, 69 relaxation 90
control 49, 55 rest 55, 56, 57
cross double 67, 68 rest position 30, 32, 34, 37
cue 9, 10, 15, 52 run-through 47
cue action 7, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36-7, 57 safety play 90, 92-3
cue delivery 7, 36, 39 screw-back with side 53
cueing up 22, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40 screw shots 10, 11, 19, 21, 25, 46-8, 49, 50, 54, 60, 64
cushion 11, 12, 22, 29, 46, 52, 53, 60, 67 side 11, 40, 46, 49-54, 55, 64
cut-back double 67, 68 snookers 54, 93-4
double 67 spider 57-8
drag 46, 47 stance 7, 17, 18, 29, 34
equipment 9-12 striking the ball 15, 34, 38, 39-40
eyes 38-9, 40 stun 46-7, 49
feet 17-18 swerve 54-5
fifty break 40, 49, 69 table 11, 12
fine cut 41 tactics 90-94
follow-through 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 40, 46, 48, 49, 57, 60 technique 7, 8, 30, 39
full-ball shot 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 60, 67 temperament 90
grip 13-16, 31, 46 thinking ahead 59
habit 7, 8 three-quarter-ball shot 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 60
half-ball shot 41-2, 43, 44, 45, 60-61 timing 38, 39, 40, 54
head position 36-7, 40, 46, 54, 57 tip 9, 10, 11, 46, 52
hints on practice 29, 36, 38, 49 top spin 48-9, 50
loop bridge 23-5, 26, 46 treble 67, 69
match play 90-94 wrist 14, 15, 16

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