Learning Gains Success: Welcome

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Year 6

Welcome Meeting

Welcome to the
Helping your child reach for the stars!
Learning Gains Success

Mr Clarke 6C Year Group Leader
Mrs Guest 6G
Miss Doyle 6D
Mrs Evans Teaching Assistant
Mrs Blackwell Teaching Assistant
Mrs Hopley Teaching Assistant

Mrs Sheridan Cover
Ms Milnthorpe - Cover
Tim Atkins Mentor support
Mr Crees Forest school
Mrs Phillips School Learning Mentor
The Year 6 Teaching Team...

Healthy School

Healthy School Standard/Healthy food/snacks
Children at Lyndon Green are expected to eat healthy
snacks only! Please do not send crisps for break times.
Water bottles Every child in year 6 should have a water
bottle in school from Monday Friday. Take these home
on a Friday to be cleaned. We prefer school bottles too.
Toilets Children should go to the toilets during their
break (not during lessons) and remember to wash their
Learning Enhancements

Home/School diary
To be completed daily & signed by parents weekly
- Handed in every day
- Teacher will sign once a week
- Mrs Evans to check for reading signed off

Please use the diary as a way of communication.

Homework requirements
* Reading 4 times a week signed by an adult
* English Once a week (sent home Monday to be handed in on
Thursday) to reinforce class work and spelling
* Maths Once a week (sent home Friday to be handed in on a
* 66 Minute Club Practise.

P.E, Swimming & Forest School
Correct kit should be worn please make sure
kits are in school on the correct days.

Readiness for school Wearing the correct uniform
Attendance/Punctuality It is very important to be on time
and to have the best attendance possible
Contact with school (office/teacher)
Behaviour and care policy
-Being assertive
Medicines/Inhalers The office should be informed of any
medications to be taken by children
Our Curriculum

The aim is to get children excited by the project and give them lots of
memorable and exciting learning experiences to build upon. This may
involve special days, trips, visitors, lots of practical work and exploration.
Children learn the skills that they need using ICT, Art, DT, Music. This may
be by researching, investigating, collecting information and recording
ideas in a variety of different ways.
Children work independently to create something after being set a
challenge. For example, they plan and organise events, produce
outcomes to share their learning, etc.
This is the presenting and evaluating stage. This could involve an art
gallery, website, debate, etc. (usually involving an audience, so be
prepared for lots of invitations into school).

Curriculum The Year Ahead

Autumn - 1) I.D. (Literacy/Science focus)
2) A Childs War (History Focus)

Spring - 1) Blood Heart (Science Focus)
2) Gallery Rebels (Art & Design Focus)

Summer - 1) Hola Mexico! (Music focus)
2) SATS, Transition & Y6 Production

Autumn 2 A Childs War

Professor McGinity WW2 Roadshow
Invite people in to talk about WW2 experiences
Read diary entries
Handle artefacts
Evacuate the children (Full day experience)
Learn and order key dates and events
Develop ideas about A night in the Blitz
Research using books, maps and artefacts
Listen to a range of war songs
Travel back to May 1945. Winston Churchill has announced on radio that
the war has ended. Plan a street party/celebration
Refine stories on the Blitz and create a PowerPoint to present to an
audience for a celebration

29/9/14 Y6 Residential
15/10/14 Last swimming for 6D
20/10/14 WW2 Coventry (day 1)
21/10/14 WW2 Coventry (days 2) / Parents evening (4-6pm)
23/10/14 Parents eve (5-7pm)
24/10/14 BREAK UP

3/11/14 Return to school
4/11/14 Professor McGinty (am and pm)
5/11/14 Professor McGinty (am)
5/11/14 6C swimming starts
10/12/14 Last swimming 6C
18/12/14 Christmas Service (am) / Parties (pm)
19/12/14 BREAK UP
Any questions?

There is a brief time now for general questions.
For more personal questions please make an
appointment to see the class teacher, if necessary,
prior to parents evening.
Thank you for coming to
support your child and our

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