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Durga Namaskara Pooja

Sharanagatha Deenarthe Parithrana Parayane, Sarvasyarthi hare devi Narayani

Immerse yourself in love , devotion , respect and feelings for Durga and repetitively chant
the Durga Mantras as given by the priest .Imagine yourself a flower in the Garden of her
creation and offer your heart , mind and soul to her. Think yourself freed from the worldly
bondages and oin her abode as a child. !ust this one minute offering can rremove all your
sorrows and stress.
In this "aliyuga , Durga #amaskara pooa is very auspicious and powerful. There is chant
$uotes % Durga Durgathi #ashini..& which means she removes your sorrows and obstacles
which are as scary as mountain in mental and physical phase within a second. 'he also
improves the self respect and one belief on his inner strength. (e have see mention in oldest
scriptures of time unknown, she has been worshiped by )rahma , *ishnu, 'iva and others.
There are numerous stories and e+ample where people benefitted by her worship.
,ets all worship her in full devotion and will achieve all our needs worldly needs.
'he has been $uoted as %Thrigunathmika..&, which means who represent the three $ualities.
Mahakali: -epresents the thamasi 'hakti. (ho -emoves the .bstacles and initiates
the intuition and devotional energies.
Mahalakshmi: -epresents the -aasi 'hakti. 'he provides all kind of wealth and
prosperity .
Mahasaraswathi: -epresents the 'atvik 'hakti. /rovides the good thoughts,
behavior and knowledge 0worldly and higher planes of spiritual world1.
These three rupa of Durgas will be invoked in five wicks of the lamp.
2ive elements of creation 3gni0 2ire1, !ala0 water1, *ayu03ir1,3kasha0space1 and
/rithvi0earth1. These will be represented by the five color Mandala0drawing1 drawn in the
Goddess will be worshipped starting with
Durga Mathruka Nyas : 4ach and every part of goddess is invoked with special seed
mantras. /eeta /ooa5 (orship the rightful place for Durga to be seated, it involves imagining
the lotus seat in centre0reperesents the heart as the lotus0 hrudaya kamala11.
Ashta Dikpala Pooja: (orship the 6 direction related 0Indra,3gni, 7ama, #iruthi, *aaruna,
*ayu, 'oma, Ishana 1gods on their respective space.
Ashta hairava!"ogini: (orship the 6 direction related yoginis and bhairavas.
The Dashabua Durga089 :anded1 Goddess will be worshiped with flower, leaves, scents ,
vermillion . The priest will chant many vedic mantras and perform few tantric rituals. ,astly
the god is given all the woldly offerings like /ayasam,fruits. The 'hodshaupachara 0 8;
steps1 pooa will be concluded with Mangala 3rathi. Then the whole family will do
/radakshina 0 going around the lamp1 and namaskara 0 prostration1 with full devotion for
896, <6 or 6 based on their wish.
In Indian mythology there is lot reverence and respect provided for ladies. (e can worship
mother in goddess, but ladies are mother by nature. In 3paradha "shmapana 'totra 'hankara
3charya $uotes %"shuda thrushartha ananim smaranthi&, which means we reemeber mother
when we are hungry, thirsty and in pain without our knowledge. .ur connection to mother
goddess is time immemorial and continues in every second of our life.
Girls and ,adies will be worshiped as living goddess. #eed to provide Mangala Dravya gifts
and food to them.
Thus the pooa concludes. This pooa has immense strength and for time immemorial solved
peoples sorrows and provided well being.
This pooa is popular in "erala, (estern Tamilnadu and =oastal "arnataka. 4very place has
its own version and minor changes in pooa methods and rituals. .verall it represents the
well being of the person and humanity. This pooa has been choosen from a book called
Tantra 'ara.
To conclude we can imagine the worship of the shakti gives us immense power and potential
from higher planes. This will remove all our obstacles in mental, spiritual and physical life.
The lamp denotes lour movement from darkness to light in all aspects.
%Tamasoma !yothirgamaya...m 'hanthi .m 'hanthi .m 'hanthi&

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