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In this era, the traditional games are not popular compared to the modern games. The children
like to play modern games than the traditional ones, even though the traditional games are more
beneficial than modern games, such as with playing traditional games, the children will be more
creative to create useful tools to play with.
Some kinds of traditional games are:
Hide and seek
One player who loses has to close his eyes in one place, like wall, benteng or tree. He is
called as the cat. eanwhile, the other players have to look for some places to hide.
!fter counting for a certain amount of time, the cat starts to look for the other players
who have been hiding. If the cat finds a player who is hiding, he or she has to run fast to
benteng, then calls the name of the player. "ut, the player who is caught has to run fast
too, because if he touchs the benteng faster than the cat, he will not be the cat for the ne#t
$etak "enteng
$etak "enteng is one of traditional games. The players of petak benteng are divided into
two teams. %ach team determines one place as their fort, like wall or tree. They try to
touch their opponents. The play begins with one of the teams goes out of the fort then,
members of the opposite team try to touch them. If they have touched their enemies, they
can turn back to their fort. "ut it they are touched, they will be imprisoned in the opposite
fort. Their teammate can try to save their friend by coming to opposite fort and touch
their friend, but of course can&t let their enemies touch them. If one fort isn&t guarded, the
opposite team can touch the fort. It means that the team will be the winner.
'obak Sodor
'obak Sodor is one of traditional games. The players are divided into two groups.
!fter determines teammates, the game begins. embers of one team have to keep in line
which has been determined and may move along the line to touch their enemies. The
team which is not the keeper tries to pass through the line while not getting touched by
the opponent team. !fter successfully pass through the line, they have to go back to the
place where they started. If they success, they will get one point. eanwhile, if any
member of the team is touched, the shift will change. The team that wins is the one who
has collected more points.
Traditional games have positive values, such as children become more mobile, avoiding the
problems of child obesity. "eside that, their sociali(ation with other people will get better
because the games are played by at least ) children. In addition, in a group game they also have
to determine a strategy, communicate and collaborate with team members. "ut, the traditional
games are less popular than modern games because of the limited fields in the big cities, while
many traditional games re*uire a broad area. !nother ma+or obstacle is that the prohibition of
parents. They fear that their children will be in+ured, become dirty or getting sunburn due to
playing in open fields. !s the result, many parents give their children electronic toys, even
though these games tend to make children hard to sociali(e and become shy, solitary and
individualistic. !lso more and more children become obese because of the lack of movements.
'iving freedom in a balanced way for children to play with their friends will give positive
values. $laying can be a mean to learn and develop values in children %,. "ut, of course, they
have to be in control and given a clear time limit so not all of their times used for playing. If you
have never been familiar with the traditional games, try asking your parents about various types
of games that are fun and positive. If you fre*uently played traditional games in your childhood,
teach the games that they don&t know while you reminisce on when you played the games as
children. Occasionally you can also come into play so that your relationship with your children
are getting close.

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