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Edition 3(frst draft)

Comedy nights with Kapil is an incredible show. Its effect is the opposite of
that of a dementors kiss. For an hour all the worries seem lost in oblivion. And
as the curtains go down on the show, you are erked back to the real world.
Another day had passed by. Itd been ! days now. "eah sure, itd been a busy
weekend with the club recruitments, #ui$ tests and assignments to finish. %ut
&andana still hoped Abhinav would find a few minutes to call her back. As she
retired for the day, there was only one thing on her mind' (Is my son alright)
(Kya +honi ka time ho gya hai) said the news anchor with a sarcastic tone.
&andana switched the ,& off. -he looked at the clock hanging in the living
room. (Its ./0!1,she thought. %y now he must have finished his lunch. As she
called his cellphone, she wondered which flavor of ice cream must have been
there in the mess.
rrrrrring rrrrrring2
3,he person youre trying to reach has not responded,4 said the recorded voice.
&andana had now heard more of this voice than that of her son. 5er smart son,
who she was so very proud of. Abhinav had been the towns ace in boards and
entrance. 6henever she looked out of the window of her 7
floor apartment,
the large billboard of this years topper reminded her of Abhinav. -he felt a
slight sense of ealousy as the newbie was 1.89 better than her son, but heck,
the marking system had changed tremendously in the past year.
Adrift in her thoughts, she reali$ed a little late that her phone was ringing. It
was her husbands call.
35ows everything, &andu)4
3Im fine. 5ow is work going on)4
:r. ;aesh worked in the navy and was out of town for most part of the year.
6ith him and Abhinav gone, she was left all alone. ,hey talked for a while
about ;aeshs work and when the topic of the months e<penditures came up,
he mentioned their son.
36hat about Abhinav) 5e needs any money)4
3=o, he said that he has enough in his account. %ut Ive kept aside a few
thousand for him.4
3>ood. 5ow are his studies)4
-he had no idea, but anyway replied positively. And then it beeped.
3;aesh, Ill call you later. Abhinav is calling.4
3%ut Im using the satellite pho?4
It was too late. &andana picked up Abhinavs call.
35ey :aa@ Charna sparsh4
3Aive long, my son4 she said in a voice brimming with happiness. 35ave you
been busy)4
3"eah, with all this college stuff I havent been able to sleep properly too.4
3%eta, sleep is important. 5ow many times do I have to tell you not to chat late
in the night on that whatsapp thing@4
Abhinav sighed.
36ell, why didnt you pick up my call)4 asked &andana.
3:y phone was on vibration@ 5ey :aa, Ill you back later. Ive to leave for
lectures now.4
3Bkay son, take care.4 said &andana as she gloomily hanged up the phone.
,hree days later he called again. ,his time the call lasted 8 minutes, as Abhinav
happily shared the news of his selection into a club. ,his had been his longest
call in weeks. +uring the first year, &andana received a call everyday,
sometimes twice. At times she would get fed up as she had nothing to say to
him, but he kept blabbering about how things were different in =I,K compared
to school, vainly trying to e<plain to her the relative grading concept and telling
her about the activities that made college the hustling place its supposed to be.
%ut the third sem was a complete transformation. -he felt Abhinav slipping
through her arms. :aybe he needed more space. :aybe he actually is too busy.
:aybe the vibrating phone doesnt catch his attention. :aybe he had grown

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